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Escribir un ensayo puede ser una tarea desafiante para muchas personas.

La elección del tema

adecuado es crucial para el éxito de un ensayo. Si estás buscando un tema para tu ensayo sobre la
novela Of Mice and Men de John Steinbeck, has venido al lugar correcto. En este artículo, te
presentaremos algunas ideas de temas interesantes que puedes explorar en tu ensayo.

Uno de los temas más importantes de la novela es la amistad. Puedes escribir sobre la amistad entre
George y Lennie, cómo se desarrolla a lo largo de la historia y cómo afecta a los personajes. También
puedes explorar la amistad entre otros personajes, como Candy y su perro, o Slim y George.

Otro tema relevante en la novela es la soledad. Puedes analizar cómo la soledad afecta a los
personajes y cómo se relaciona con el sueño americano que persiguen. También puedes comparar y
contrastar la soledad de diferentes personajes, como Curley's wife y Crooks.

La discriminación y el prejuicio son temas importantes en Of Mice and Men. Puedes escribir sobre
cómo se muestran estos temas a través de los diferentes personajes y cómo afectan a la trama de la
historia. También puedes explorar cómo estos temas siguen siendo relevantes en la sociedad actual.

Otro tema interesante es el sueño americano y cómo se presenta en la novela. Puedes analizar cómo
los personajes persiguen el sueño americano y cómo este sueño se ve afectado por la realidad de la
vida en la Gran Depresión. También puedes discutir si el sueño americano es posible para todos los
personajes en la novela.

Si estás interesado en temas más literarios, puedes escribir sobre el simbolismo en la novela. Puedes
analizar el significado de los personajes, como Lennie y su relación con los ratones, o la importancia
del lugar donde se desarrolla la historia. También puedes explorar cómo el título de la novela refleja
los temas y la trama.

En conclusión, elegir un tema adecuado para tu ensayo sobre Of Mice and Men puede ser difícil,
pero esperamos que estas ideas te hayan ayudado a encontrar la inspiración. Recuerda que siempre
puedes buscar más información y ejemplos para enriquecer tu ensayo. ¡Buena
suerte en tu escritura!
They are trying to persuade Candy that he should shoot his dog; Candy doesn’t really have a choice.
Crooks’ want to suppress Lennie also furthers the idea that human existence is a predatory one, a
frequent theme throughout the book. Her dream was to leave the ranch and go to the “pictures.” She
was quite confident about her dream as before marrying Curley she did get a positive contact from a
Hollywood star. Because of these problems intinerant American workers were exploited by farm
owners on low pay and appalling conditions. Although Lennie could not behave or think like adult
but he did have sexual feelings as when he touched and straight away got attracted to Curley’s wife,
“let me go!” as Curley’s wife got. The dream was as George described it many times, “Well, it’s ten
acres ” a chicken run, got a kitchen, orchard, cherries, apples, peaches, “cots, nuts, got a few berries.
He always rude oil in to his back because he thinks it helps the pain. The fight between Curley and
Lennie fulfils the foreshadowed confrontation between the two characters, but it does not resolve the
situation. They all have dreams about what could be or what might have been in Curley’s wife’s
case. George and lennie then run to hide in the river and hide to the lynch mob goes passed. This is
because he has the money that they need to buy the land. Lennie on the other hand is completely
different he believes so deeply in the dream that at one point George actually threatens to not let
Lennie tend the rabbits when they achieve their dream. He makes use of some similar techniques to
reveal them clearly to the reader. Instead of looking for Curley, she is looking for attention. Curley's
wife has often been caught by other members of the ranch giving Slim and Carlson the eye.
However, this is excluding Lennie and George who are the two main characters that Steinbeck
focuses on. Crooks is separated from the rest of the workers in this room. This is possibly because
George knows that if Lennie gets into trouble in town. At the end of the book, when George shot
Lennie, he felt awful, because he was killing his best, and probably only friend. This shows us how
radical sexism was like in the 1930s and how woman were treated in that society. Her fingernails
were red.’ She likes to dress up and wear a lot of make up, to attract the men. He is a gossip and tells
the newcomers of the ranch workers and owners. He is willing to attack people he sees as weak, like
meek-mannered Lennie, but when he meets resistance from somebody he thinks is dangerous like
Slim, he backs down immediately and looks for someone else to vent his anger on. Steinbeck
establishes that George and Lennie move from job to job because Lennie behaves foolishly, a pattern
that the novel will certainly continue. This landscape is the appropriate backdrop to the introduction
of the two characters George and Lennie because it shows a typical background for migrant workers.
He even offers them money, but as it’s well known money doesn’t buy friendship. There can be
number of reasons for Candy to only have a friend which is a dog first one can be that there is no
one else of candy’s age whom he can interact and the guys younger than him are not interested. In
my opnion one cannot help but to feel sorry for Lennie. George and Lennie have obviously thought
of these problems, and so stored their money wisely. There were eight bunks in the bunkhouse,
which showed that there was a lack of privacy for the men.
TurnItIn ? the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle
University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel. There
was no system of state relief, so many were forced to beg for the means to live because of mass
unemployment. TurnItIn ? the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London,
Newcastle University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and
Edexcel. Crooks is a literate black cripple who tends horses. For example, at the beginning of the
novel the place in which George and Lennie spend the night is described in rich detail. Curley’s wife
is shown a lot of sexism over the course of the novel. The snake being killed by the heron symbolises
and foreshadows the imminent death of Lennie, as he is as unaware and unsuspecting of his death as
the snake was of its death. He grabbed the woman's dress at their previous job not to harm her, but
rather because he wanted to feel her soft dress. Gorge arrives first and while he is telling him their
dream he kills him. Another reason is that every man in the ranch is sexist; they only interact with
women when they go to the whorehouse. George also knows that he cannot go on with Lennie,
always running away from some kind of trouble that Lennie has caused, and the incident at the ranch
was probably the last straw. ????????Out of the two men described, I think that the person with the
most problems is George. Throughout the book the world of the men is filled with unneccesary
violence. He is in some ways comparable to Candy, whose care for a decrepit old dog marks him as a
weak and sentimental oddity. The American dream is an expression for everything great in life.
Because of his hand he is unable to do a lot of the jobs that the other ranch hands do making him
instantly an outsider. He is unable to control his massive strength, frequently killing mice when he
tries to play with them. They all have dreams about what could be or what might have been in
Curley’s wife’s case. All of the men of the ranch play horseshoes, Lennie accidentally kills his puppy
in the barn and he kept tending him, but he I sort of a way knew he did something wrong and he
was trying to hide the puppy because he thought that if george found out he wouldn’t let him tend
the rabbits. In Weed Lennie’s refusal to let go of a woman’s dress was caused by the woman
panicking, which in turn caused him to panic. For Candy it is his dog, for George and Lennie it’s
each other, for Crooks it’s his pride and his skill at pitching horseshoes. An essay about the
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Email Cover Letter Is a D a fail in High School. They have no time for meaningful friendships or
long relationships. The men like and respect Slim, deferring to him in all matters. Suddenly Lennie
becomes angry at the dead puppy, raging at the puppy for being so fragile and worrying that he won't
be allowed to tend rabbits. Candy will not have being a misfit if he goes to old people’s home. Also
because he thinks that he is old he puts himself in a state of mind which handicaps him far more than
his missing hand ever will. Why’n’t you shoot him Candy?’ Carlson is unsentimental about Candy’s
dog as he can see no further practical use for it. She finds her dream in the glittery world of show
business, the cinema and glossy magazines. She also tells them that she knows Curley didn't get his
hand caught in a machine. George warns him that he should never drink water that isn't running.
She had rouged lips and red fingernails and wore a red cotton house dress. Candy only relents to
their request to put the dog out of its misery when they frame the argument in terms of the dog's
suffering, and even this request is not granted easily. George defends Lennie, saying that he's not
bright but certainly not crazy. George warns him that he's going to end up killing the pup. TurnItIn ?
the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle University,
University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel. When they land
jobs on a ranch in the Salinas Valley, the fulfillment of their dream seems to be within their grasp.
George consistently scolds and reprimands Lennie for his actions, while Lennie strives to please and
placate George. George realizes that his own prospects are now no better than those other ranch
workers, with their limited ambitions of cheap sex and gambling. But Crooks quickly apologises at
the thought of being left all alone again. George comes across as the leader of the two; his job is to
keep Lennie out of trouble. Curley tells Whit to go to Soledad and find Al Wilts, the deputy sheriff.
Although he has a terror of violence he is a man of great physical strength, something he is quite
unaware of causing him to be clumsy. When all of the men of the ranch find out they tell Curley and
Curley goes get his gun in order to kill Lennie because of what he had done, but for that time Lennie
was far away, on the place George told him to hide. Although George and Lennie are similar in age,
George serves as a parental figure. This could be because he doesn’t want the other men to think he
is a wimp. One thing that becomes evident during the story is that most of the characters suffer from
loneliness. He always rude oil in to his back because he thinks it helps the pain. Although the two
characters who I feel have the most problems are Crooks and George.????????Crooks, the black
stable buck is forever being pick on by the other men at the ranch, mostly because of his colour. The
disappearance of Carlson's gun is a significant plot point. Curley’s wife remains nameless throughout
the novel which may be Steinbeck protesting against the treatment and degradation of women in
society of the time. The name “Of Mice and Men” comes from famous Scottish poet’s poem. George
and Lennie’s situation is unique because it was rare to see two guys travelling around together during
such a lonely and depressing time. He becomes angry at Crooks when he muses about what would
happen if George got hurt, thinking that Crooks is actually telling him that George was hurt. The
incident in Weed as with the killing of Curley’s wife was caused by Lennie’s child-like love of soft
materials. With the money that Candy got in compensation for his arm, it begins to look as though
the dream may become a reality more quickly than George or Lennie imagined. In this quote George
is telling Lennie what to do around the boss, Stienbeck makes it clear in this quote how much
discrimination there is in the 1930’s. Lennie on the other hand is completely different he believes so
deeply in the dream that at one point George actually threatens to not let Lennie tend the rabbits
when they achieve their dream. Each character in the novel appears to exist alone and without a
purpose. I will be writing about what and how life was affected in America after the Wall Street
Crash and especially two guys how they face the world and have to travel around U.S to find jobs
for themselves In order to live. I feel very sorry for George, as he and Lennie have been through so
much together, at some times, he wished that he never had to stay with Lennie, but now everything it
over for him and he wants Lennie back.
They were run out of their previous job when Lennie wanted to feel a girl's dress, and she screamed,
accusing Lennie of attempting rape. Many characters are lonely and this motivates them to look for
an alternative way of life. The rabbit is a symbol of a time of peace in quite and natural surroundings.
It is for this reason I feel it deserves its title as a classic and I would recommend it to any reader.
Her complaints of loneliness are likely sincere, yet she presents them in a manipulative manner that
reduces any sympathy that the reader may have for the character. TurnItIn ? the anti-plagiarism
experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle University, University of Bristol,
University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel. Slim finds it odd that the two of them
travel together, and even when George explains the particular reasons why he travels with Lennie he
cites habit and loneliness Slim does not register anything more than recognition. A big guy like you.”
George claims he only keeps Lennie around because he made a promise to his Aunt Clara that he
would. For example, the climatic changes in the West of America resulting in destruction of fertile
land, this had supported the homesteaders represented in the novel by the 'promised joy' dreamt of
by the workers in the story. The men like and respect Slim, deferring to him in all matters. The
American dream is an expression for everything great in life. One night in a bar she met a man who
claimed he could make her a great star actress. The previous chapter introduced Curley's Wife, whom
the others deride as a tramp, as a likely source of contention between Curley and the other
characters, while this chapter continues to show how she causes her husband to panic over possible
infidelity and cannot keep away from other men. All of these themes give the impression that this
book is about sadness and loneliness. They are continually searching, often without knowing what
they are looking for. George says woodenly that if he were alone he could live so easily. The
American Dream has its roots from when American first became populated. Lennie acts as a child
and so George feels he has to act as a parent to look after him, teach him and control him. Although
she is married to Curley, she still feels alone. Her body, ’flopped like a fish’, Lennie had broken her
neck. Whit suggests that they go to Old Susy's whorehouse tomorrow night. As a result of this
Lennie and George are chased out of Weed. Slim finds it funny how Lennie and George travel
together. TurnItIn ? the anti-plagiarism experts are also used by: King's College London, Newcastle
University, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, WJEC, AQA, OCR and Edexcel. George
says that he lived near Lennie's Aunt Clara and the two grew up together. These days such mentally
challenged people would have being put in care centre but as it is great depression period there is no
such place so he has to work. All of the dreams have an unlikelihood of coming true, which makes
them all. Lennie drinks long gulps from the pool, and George admonishes him, telling him that he
will get sick again, for the water may be dirty. Although he has a terror of violence he is a man of
great physical strength, something he is quite unaware of causing him to be clumsy. Candy laments
that he let another man shoot his dog.

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