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Political science-ll Legitimate Series Constitution of China


Procedure of Amendment In constitution of China .............................................................................. 2
1.Introduction:.................................................................................................................................... 2
2.Amendment:.................................................................................................................................... 2
3.Meaning of Amendment: ................................................................................................................ 2
4.Historical Background. .................................................................................................................... 2
6.Relevant Article: .............................................................................................................................. 2
7.Process: ............................................................................................................................................ 2
I. Step 1 (Proposal) .................................................................................................................... 2
II. Step 2 (Drafting) ..................................................................................................................... 2
III. Step 3 (Voting) ........................................................................................................................ 2
IV. Step 4 (Announcement) ......................................................................................................... 2

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Political science-ll Legitimate Series Constitution of China

Procedure of Amendment In constitution of China

In theory, the Constitution of People’s Republic of China is rigid, it provides for a
special method of amendment by 2/3 votes of members of National People’s Congress. But,
in practical the one-party rule of China has made it flexible.

An Amendment is a formal or official change made to a law, contract, constitution, or
other legal documents.

3.Meaning of Amendment:
It means to change for better.

4.Historical Background.
The Constitution of 1982 of China has been amended five time. First amendment was
adopted in 1988, second in 1993, third in 1999, fourth in 2004, and fifth in2018.

6.Relevant Article:
Article 64 of the Constitution of people’s Republic of China delas with the
amendments in the Constitution

I. Step 1 (Proposal)
The Part, through its central committee, adopts and submits proposal to National
People’s congress’s standing committee for amending the constitution.

II. Step 2 (Drafting)

At a single session, the standing committee of National People Congress study the
proposal and then approve or submit draft of constitutional amendment to the National
People’s Congress.

III. Step 3 (Voting)

The National People’s Congress deliberate and adopt the constitutional amendment
with the 2/3 majority of votes its members.

IV. Step 4 (Announcement)

The National People’s Congress, then issue a public notice announcing that a
constitutional amendment has been adopted.

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