Relacione Las Siguientes Columnas Se Evaluacion Actividada 1

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Relacione las siguientes columnas

Para este tipo de preguntas Relacionar columnas, el número de preguntas obedece al número
de opciones (filas).
Columna 1 Columna 2
1 Who is the new roommate of Robert is the new roommate of Billy.
Billy? Respuesta correcta: Robert is the new roommate of Billy.
Yes, he likes to have a new roommate.
2 Does Billy like to have a new
roommate? Respuesta correcta: Yes, he likes to have a new
3 Where is Robert from? He is from Canada.

He is from Colombia.
4 Where is Billy from?
Respuesta correcta: He is from Colombia.
5 What's the nationality of Robert? He is Canadian

He is Colombian.
6 What's the nationality of Billy?
Respuesta correcta: He is Colombian.
7 Which is the Capital of Colombia? It is Bogota.

8 What does Billy do? He is a Chemistry student.

9 What is going to study Robert? Robert is going to study Chemistry.

10 What is Billy's last name? His last name is Vance.

as palabras que corresponden son: phone, five, teacher, morning, school, Friends

Las palabras que corresponden son: job, british, father, school, writer, lawyer, friends,
onions, house, breakfast

Para este tipo de preguntas Relacionar columnas, el número de preguntas obedece al número
de opciones (filas).
Columna 1 Columna 2 seven o'clock in the evening.
1 We have dinner...
Respuesta correcta: seven o'clock in the evening. goes to w ork.
2 At eight o'clock...
Respuesta correcta: goes to work.
3 Rose's family lives... a beautiful house.

4 The name of Rose's father is... ...Anthony.

Columna 1 Columna 2
5 The pet's name is... ...Sanson.

...eight years old.

6 Rose is a girl. She is...
Respuesta correcta: ...eight years old.


My name is Yeison Trejos Ramirez, I am 46 years old, I am from the city of Garzon Huila, I
live in Espinal Tolima, I am in good retirement from the National Police of Colombia, I work
as an independent in the Public Administration, I am an Advisor in Document Management
and Archive.


My daily routine:

In the morning:

1. I wake up and get up.

2. I make myself a coffee before going to the bathroom.

3. I prepare breakfast for my wife and me.

4. I organize and do general cleaning of the house.

5. I clean the kitchen and leave everything ready to prepare lunch.

In the afternoon:

1. I get ready to go out to carry out the errands we have pending for that day.

2. We went out with my wife to visit some family and friends.

At night:
1. We return to the house.

2. Sometimes we prepare or buy our food.

3. I have to take my dog for a walk and take care of her needs.

4. We bathe and get ready for bed.

5. I watch a movie before going to sleep.

This is my routine for a normal day, thank you


This is my wife's presentation video:

She is Karoll Brillith Mendez Sanchez, she is my wife, she is 22 years old, she is from Espinal
Tolima and lives here in Espinal Tolima, she is a nurse, but she no longer has a job, she
wants to be a police officer, I support her , she likes to go out for walks to see tourist
places, they like to go out to eat, dance and have fun.

La ergonomía es el estudio del trabajo en relación con lugar de trabajo y los trabajadores, su
importancia es promover la salud y el bienestar, reducir los accidentes y mejorar la vida
laboral en las empresas. Esta disciplina tiene mucho que aportar, ya que se pueden reducir
riesgos de problemas musculares y de los huesos, mejora la fatiga y los accidentes laborales,
cuando se mejora la organización del trabajo.

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