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Usually attributed to lens maker Hans Lieppershey, the invention of the telescope
allowed the study of the stars and totally changed the notion of the Earth's place in
space. Today, the device has evolved absurdly, allowing us to get glimpses of planets
thousands of light years away.


In 1835, James Bowman Lindsay demonstrated the first electric light bulb to the world
during a demonstration in Dundee. However, apparently unaware of the importance of
his invention, he did not bother to register his patent, abandoning the project to go to
work on wireless telegraphy technologies. Fortunately, inventors like Thomas Edison
have tried to keep the invention alive, without which it is hard to imagine life today.


Although the invention of the first telephone is attributed to Antonio Meucci in 1849, it
fell to Alexander Graham Bell, in 1876, to present the foundations of what would
become the devices present in the homes of a large part of the world's population. Not
only did he set the standards in the area, he was also the first to produce the device on
a large scale - by 1886, 150,000 homes in the United States already had the invention.


Although the effect of this device is questioned to this day, since 1926 television has
been used as a means of bringing entertainment, news, and education to a large part
of the world's population. The popularity of the device is such that in some countries,
such as Brazil, its reach is greater than that of traditional media such as newspapers
and magazines.

Comunicaçao sem fio

Responsible for enabling the invention of cell phones, laptops, portable video games,
and other products, wireless technology made its debut in 1891 thanks to the
experiments of Nikola Tesla. In the years that followed, the discovery evolved to allow
the world to communicate in an integrated way.


In 1962, the Telstar satellite was launched into space, the first initiative of its kind
created to expand Europe's telecommunications network. The device was responsible
for transmitting the first television images generated over an ocean of distance,
helping in the distribution of television signals, images, telephone calls and fax
messages. Although still in orbit, the invention is no longer in use and has long since
been replaced by more modern equipment.

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