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[10:49:43.255] ------- Init Cemu 2.

0-60 (experimental) -------

[10:49:43.256] Init Wii U memory space (base: 0x0000023bdaf00000)
[10:49:43.256] mlc01 path:
[10:49:43.256] CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 4500 6-Core Processor
[10:49:43.256] RAM: 12177MB
[10:49:43.256] Platform: Windows 10 Home Single Language (Build 9200)
[10:49:43.256] Used CPU extensions: SSSE3, SSE4.1, AVX, AVX2, LZCNT, MOVBE, BMI2,
[10:49:43.258] IOSU_CRYPTO: No otp.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[10:49:43.258] IOSU_CRYPTO: No Seeprom.bin found. Online mode cannot be used
[10:50:12.639] Mounting title 00050000101c9400
[10:50:12.639] Base: C:/Users/ramir/Downloads/DATA/USA/GAMES/The Legend of Zelda
Breath of the Wild [00050000101C9400]/title.tmd [NUS]
[10:50:12.649] Update: C:/Users/ramir/Downloads/DATA/USA/UPDATES/The Legend of
Zelda Breath of the Wild [0005000E101C9400] (v208)/title.tmd [NUS]
[10:50:12.669] DLC: C:/Users/ramir/Downloads/DATA/USA/DLCS/The Legend of Zelda
Breath of the Wild [0005000C101C9400]/title.tmd [NUS]
[10:50:12.782] COS: System fonts found. Generated shareddata (26609KB)
[10:50:12.790] Recompiler initialized
[10:50:13.361] ------- Init Vulkan graphics backend -------
[10:50:13.384] Vulkan instance version: 1.3
[10:50:13.867] Using GPU: Radeon RX 560 Series
[10:50:13.867] Driver version: 24.3.1 (AMD proprietary shader compiler)
[10:50:13.867] VulkanLimits: UBAlignment 16 nonCoherentAtomSize 128
[10:50:13.867] Enable robust buffer access
[10:50:13.877] Using available debug function: vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT()
[10:50:13.877] Vulkan device memory info:
[10:50:13.877] Heap 0 - Size 3840MB Flags 0x00000003
[10:50:13.877] Heap 1 - Size 5832MB Flags 0x00000000
[10:50:13.877] Heap 2 - Size 256MB Flags 0x00000003
[10:50:13.877] Memory 0 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[10:50:13.877] Memory 1 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
[10:50:13.877] Memory 2 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007
[10:50:13.877] Memory 3 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
[10:50:13.877] Memory 4 - HeapIndex 0 Flags 0x00000001
[10:50:13.877] Memory 5 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x00000006
[10:50:13.877] Memory 6 - HeapIndex 2 Flags 0x00000007
[10:50:13.877] Memory 7 - HeapIndex 1 Flags 0x0000000e
[10:50:13.877] VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT not supported
[10:50:13.923] ------- Loaded title -------
[10:50:13.923] TitleId: 00050000-101c9400
[10:50:13.923] TitleVersion: v208
[10:50:13.923] TitleRegion: US
[10:50:13.924] Save path:
[10:50:13.924] Shader cache file: shaderCache/transferable/00050000101c9400.bin
[10:50:13.924] gameprofile path: gameProfiles/00050000101c9400.ini
[10:50:13.924] RPX hash (updated): fb7911ad
[10:50:13.924] RPX hash (base): dcac9927
[10:50:13.926] HID: Input packet length not available or out of range (length = -1)
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 30fa:1701
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 04f3:152e
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 04f3:152e
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 045e:02a1
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 30fa:1701
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 0c76:161f
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 04f3:152e
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 30fa:1701
[10:50:13.926] HID: Output packet length not available or out of range (length = -
[10:50:13.926] nsyshid::BackendWindowsHID: device not on whitelist: 30fa:1701
[10:50:14.063] Loaded module 'u-king' with checksum 0x6267bfd0
[10:50:14.063] RPL link time: 141ms
[10:50:14.180] HLE scan time: 125ms
[10:50:14.180] ------- Active settings -------
[10:50:14.180] CPU-Mode: Multi-core recompiler (gameprofile)
[10:50:14.180] Load shared libraries: true (gameprofile)
[10:50:14.180] Use precompiled shaders: auto (gameprofile)
[10:50:14.180] Full sync at GX2DrawDone: true
[10:50:14.180] Strict shader mul: true
[10:50:14.180] Async compile: true
[10:50:14.180] Console language: 1
[10:50:14.592] ------- Activate graphic packs -------
[10:50:14.608] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Enhancements [Presets: Serfrost's Preset (Bright Display),Enabled,Normal
Reflections,Low (4 samples, Default),Ultra (8x, Default)]
[10:50:14.653] Applying patch group 'BotW_AspectRatio_Shared' (Codecave: 01800000-
[10:50:14.653] Applying patch group 'BotW_AspectRatio_V208'
[10:50:14.653] Applying patch group 'BotW_GUIAspectRatio_V208' (Codecave: 01800100-
[10:50:14.653] Applying patch group 'BotW_GUIScreenNames_V208' (Codecave: 01802500-
[10:50:14.660] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Graphics [Presets: 16:9 (Default),1280x720 (HD, Default),Edge HUD
(Default),Normal FXAA (Default),Medium (100%, Default),High (Default)]
[10:50:14.661] Applying patch group 'BotW_CameraSensitivity_V208' (Codecave:
[10:50:14.662] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Mods/Camera Sensitivity [Presets: 1.4x (Recommended),1.15x (Recommended),1x
[10:50:14.665] Applying patch group 'BotW_XboxImageReplacement_V208' (Codecave:
[10:50:14.665] Applying patch group 'BotW_XboxTextReplacement_V208' (Codecave:
[10:50:14.665] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Mods/Xbox Controller Button Layout
[10:50:14.667] Applying patch group 'BotW_DrawDistance_V208' (Codecave: 01803c00-
[10:50:14.667] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Mods/Draw Distance [Presets: High (1.25x),Medium (1x),Medium (Default),Medium
(Default),Normal (Default)]
[10:50:14.676] Applying patch group 'BotW_ControllerScrollSpeed_V208' (Codecave:
[10:50:14.676] Applying patch group 'BotW_Cutscene_V208' (Codecave: 01804100-
[10:50:14.676] Applying patch group 'BotW_FenceMethod_V208' (Codecave: 01804400-
[10:50:14.676] Applying patch group 'BotW_Gamespeed_V208' (Codecave: 01804500-
[10:50:14.676] Applying patch group 'BotW_KorokChasing_V208' (Codecave: 01804800-
[10:50:14.677] Applying patch group 'BotW_LoadingScreen_V208'
[10:50:14.677] Applying patch group 'BotW_MastercycleSpeed_V208' (Codecave:
[10:50:14.677] Applying patch group 'BotW_Ragdolls_V208' (Codecave: 01804a00-
[10:50:14.677] Applying patch group 'BotW_VSync_V208' (Codecave: 01804b00-01804ba4)
[10:50:14.677] Applying patch group 'BotW_WaterPhysics_V208' (Codecave: 01804c00-
[10:50:14.678] Set vsync frequency to 60 (graphic pack The Legend of Zelda: Breath
of the Wild/Mods/FPS++)
[10:50:14.678] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Mods/FPS++ [Presets: Advanced Settings,60FPS Limit (Default),60FPS (ideal for
240/120/60Hz displays),Automatically Limit In Few Cutscenes (Recommended),Disabled
(Default, dynamically adjust game speed),8 Frames Averaged (Default),Performance
Fence (Default),Disabled (Default)]
[10:50:14.679] Applying patch group 'BotW_MenuCursorSpeed_V208'
[10:50:14.679] Activate graphic pack: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the
Wild/Mods/Menu Navigation Speed [Presets: 1.5x]
[10:50:14.679] ------- Init Audio backend -------
[10:50:14.679] DirectSound: available
[10:50:14.679] XAudio 2.8: available
[10:50:14.679] Cubeb: available
[10:50:14.679] ------- Init Audio input backend -------
[10:50:14.679] Cubeb: available
[10:50:14.679] ------- Run title -------
[10:50:17.749] Shader cache loaded with 5106 shaders. Commited mem 806MB. Took
[10:50:25.404] IOSU_ACT: using account default in first slot

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