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It’s wordy, but please give everything in here a quick once over before cracking on with your programme.
If you have ANY questions, at ANY stage, do not hesitate to ask. We’re here to help!

The boring (but important) bit:

The use of any of our training programme(s), and workouts contained within are to be used and participated in solely at
your own risk, and by purchasing this product from us, you agree to exactly that; and acknowledge that you are in
agreement with all points raised in this document. You should consult your physician/GP (general practitioner) or other
healthcare professional before starting this programme, or any other of our training programmes to determine if it is right
for your needs. DO NOT start this training programme if your physician/GP or other healthcare provider advises against it. If
you experience faintness, dizziness, pain, or shortness of breath AT ANY TIME while exercising you should STOP
IMMEDIATELY. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult a healthcare
professional or your GP/Physician. Ace of Iron Apparel® DISCLAIM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY for ANY incidental or
consequential damages and assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for ANY INJURY OR DAMAGE suffered BY ANY PERSON as a result
of participating in any of our training programmes.

Other points of acknowledgement, that you also agree with by purchasing this programme, include:
• That you will take all precautions to ensure your own safety when working out.
• That you are adequately warmed up before commencing any workout.
• That you conduct a relevant cool down / stretch off routine after completion of any workout.
• That you utilise spotters if/when needed to ensure your safety in line with bullet point 1.
• That you are not training with any ongoing injuries or illness.

Lastly, WE ARE NOT PERSONAL TRAINERS, nor have we ever claimed to be, but our fitness journey over the years has taken
us from civilians to Royal Marines Commandos, and since leaving the military, to frontline roles as NHS Paramedics &
Nurses. That journey has been one of self-discovery, and we’re passing on the knowledge we’ve gained from it (which
formulated these training programmes) on to you to enjoy, and as a result, are a training ‘guide’ only. These programmes
are purely what ‘we’ conducted; we are not ‘you’. We don’t want to take the fun out of it, but we live in a world where we
do have to say this. Fitness should be an enjoyable part of your life. Enjoy the journey as we did, just be safe.


Any given weight value on any given workout is a GUIDE ONLY, this is NOT to be taken literally and without adjustment if
required. If you can’t physically lift it, use less weight, if it’s too easy, you’ll probably choose to lift more weight, you know
your own abilities (we don’t).

These programmes aren’t tailor made, obviously… but we have tried to make them as accommodating as possible; but we
appreciate there will be variations in physical ability. We’ve said it a few times already and we’ll say it again; you know you!
If you can’t lift it - DONT LIFT IT. Always scale the weights up or down however you deem necessary, there’s no shame in
going light, and ego lifting doesn’t earn you anything (except a bad back…)

If a workout for example states ‘BENCH PRESS (BODYWEIGHT)’ you are to try and put your bodyweight equivalent on the
bar and then conduct the bench press repetitions with that weight; so If you weigh 100kg, aim to put a total of 100kg on
the bar (including the weight of the bar in the total weight), so a 20kg Olympic bar would require an additional 80kg of
weight to make your body weight of 100kg – quick maths!). If you can’t physically lift that, don’t… use less weight. If a
workout states, ‘CLEAN & JERK (40-60kg)’, aim to conduct the exercise with 40-60 kilograms. If you can’t… guess what…
DON’T LIFT IT, use less weight until you can. If no weight is stated for an exercise, you can’t go far wrong if you work on the
principle that the last 2 reps should be difficult to achieve (but not impossible), if they’re not, you’ve probably gone too
light. Adjust accordingly and crack on.

All the best with your programme, and thank you for choosing to support us. It’s greatly appreciated.

The Ace of Iron Apparel® Team

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