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ESTABLISHING BUSINESS ENTERPRISES into their operations, supporting local

communities and sustainable practices.

• Establishing business enterprises is
crucial for socioeconomic development. It Economic Potential - the country offers
creates job opportunities, stimulates significant economic potential for business
economic growth, and fosters innovation growth, driven by its strategic location and diverse
and competition in the market. consumer base.

The Role of Business Enterprises Challenges Faced by Business Enterprises

Economic Growth - business enterprises drive 1. Regulatory Barriers - companies often

economic development by investing in face regulatory complexities that hinder
infrastructure, creating wealth, and contributing business expansion and operational
to the GDP. efficiency.
2. Market Competition - intense
Social Impact - they play a vital role in addressing
competition in the market requires
social issues by providing goods and services, job
businesses to continually innovate and
opportunities, and offering support to local
differentiate their offerings.
3. Economic Volatility - businesses must
Innovation - businesses introduce new products, navigate economic uncertainties, market
services, and technologies, driving progress and fluctuations, and global financial
enhancing the quality of life. challenges.

Economic Impact of Business Enterprises Entrepreneurship and Innovation

1. Job Creation - business enterprises Idea Generation - entrepreneurs engage in

generate employment opportunities extensive brainstorming and research to develop
across various industries, contributing to innovative business concepts and solutions.
reduced unemployment rates.
Risk Assessment - they analyze potential risks
2. Income Generation - they stimulate
and devise strategic plans to mitigate challenges
income generation for individuals and
associated with new ventures.
households, thereby enhancing the
standard of living. Market Entry - successful entrepreneurs execute
3. Wealth Distribution - plays a significant well-thought-out plans to enter the market and
role in distributing wealth, reducing gain a competitive edge.
poverty, and promoting inclusivity.
Adapting to Market Trends
Business Enterprises in the Philippines
1. Consumer-Centric Approach -
Entrepreneurial Spirit - the Philippines exhibits a businesses need to prioritize
strong entrepreneurial spirit, with a growing understanding consumer behavior and
number of small and medium-sized enterprises preferences to tailor their products and
contributing to the economy. services.
2. Technology Integration - adaptation to
Social Responsibility - businesses in the
technological advancements is crucial for
Philippines often integrate social responsibility
staying relevant and meeting evolving Empowering Teams - an empowering leadership
market demands. style enables teams to thrive, fostering creativity,
3. Agile Strategies - agile and responsive motivation, and collaboration.
strategies enable businesses to swiftly
navigate shifts in market dynamics and
consumer expectations.
Global Business Networks
Understanding the core principles of fairness,
Market Expansion - businesses establish global accountability, and transparency is essential for
networks to expand their market reach and sustainable socioeconomic development in the
leverage international opportunities. Philippines. These principles form the foundation
for fostering equity, responsibility, and open
Cross-Cultural Collaboration - enagging with
diverse cultures and markets fosters innovation
and enhances global business relationships. Equity and Inclusivity

Adaptation to Regulations - navigating 1. Equal Opportunities - Ensuring equal

international regulations and policies is vital for access to resources, education, and
sustainable global business operations. opportunities for all individuals,
regardless of background or socio-
Sustainability and Ethical Practices
economic status.
1. Environmental Stewardship - 2. Community Engagement - Empowering
implementing sustainable practices and communities to actively participate in
reducing environmental impact are decision-making processes and policy
integral to ethical business operations. development for inclusive development.
2. Social Responsibility - businesses are 3. Protection of Vulnerable Groups -
increasingly embracing social Implementing measures to safeguard the
responsibility, addressing societal needs rights and well-being of marginalized and
beyond profit generation. vulnerable populations.
3. Ethical Supply Chains - developing
Accountability Framework
ethical supply chains ensures fair
treatment of workers and sustainable Evaluation Mechanisms - Establishing robust
sourcing of materials. systems for monitoring and evaluating the
effectiveness of socioeconomic policies and
Entrepreneurial Leadership and Management
Visionary Leadership - entrepreneurial leaders
Transparency in Reporting - Encouraging
inspire vision, set ambitious goals, and provide
transparent and accessible reporting of financial,
strategic direction to their teams.
operational, and development activities to ensure
Innovative Management - they cultivate an accountability.
environment for innovation, continuous
Stakeholder Participation - Promoting
improvement, and adaptive decision-making.
stakeholder engagement to hold decision-
makers accountable and drive positive change.
Transparency in Governance dissemination to support informed decision-
1. Open Data Initiatives - Advocating for the
release and accessibility of government Educational Empowerment
data to enhance public awareness and
1. Lifelong Learning - Encouraging
continuous skill development and
2. Public Consultations - Conduct regular
education at all stages of life for holistic
consultations and dialogues with the
public to gather feedback and input on
2. Quality Education Access - Ensuring
policy decisions.
equitable access to quality education and
3. Anti-corruption Measures -
learning resources for all individuals
Implementing robust measures to combat
across the country.
corruption and promote ethical conduct in
3. Skill Enhancement Programs -
public service.
Developing targeted programs to enhance
Collaborative Partnerships vocational skills and entrepreneurship
capabilities, promoting economic growth.
Multisectoral Collaboration - Encouraging
partnerships between government, private Environmental Sustainability
sector, and civil society for comprehensive
Eco-friendly Initiatives - Promoting green
development initiatives.
practices and environmental conservation to
Knowledge Sharing - Promoting the exchange of sustain the natural beauty and resources of the
expertise and best practices among various Philippines.
stakeholders for collective advancement.
Renewable Energy Adoption - Encouraging the
Ethical Economic Policies widespread use of renewable energy sources to
reduce environmental impact and drive
1. Equitable Resource Allocation -
Developing policies that ensure fair
distribution of resources and Social Welfare Enhancement
opportunities to foster economic
1. Healthcare Accessibility - Improving
healthcare infrastructure and access to
2. Social Responsibility - Encouraging
essential medical services for all
businesses to embrace ethical practices
and contribute to social development and
2. Social Aid Programs - Implementing
environmental sustainability.
support programs to enhance the well-
Data-driven Development being and livelihoods of vulnerable
populations in the Philippines.
Evidence-based Decision Making - Utilizing
3. Community Development Projects -
comprehensive data analysis to inform policy and
Initiating community-driven projects to
investment decisions for maximum socio-
improve living conditions and empower
economic impact.
local residents for sustainable progress.
Technology Integration - Leveraging innovative
technologies for data collection, analysis, and
ETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICES: A GUIDE Long-term Responsibility - Planning and
decision-making with a long-term perspective,
The Foundation: Fairness
considering the impact on future generations and
Equality in Transactions - Fairness involves the environment.
ensuring equal and just treatment of all parties
Ethical Leadership
involved in business transactions. It establishes
the basis for trust and collaboration. 1. Setting the Example - Leaders should
model ethical behavior, inspiring and
Equitable Resource Allocation - This pertains to
enabling others within the organization to
the allocation of resources in a manner that is just
uphold ethical standards.
and considerate of the needs and contributions of
2. Empowering Decision-makers -
all stakeholders.
Equipping individuals at all levels with the
Impartial Decision-Making - Business decisions knowledge and tools necessary to make
should be made without bias, favoritism, or ethically sound decisions.
discrimination, ensuring equal opportunities for 3. Encouraging Ethical Discourse -
all involved parties. Promoting open discussions about ethical
dilemmas and providing guidance on
Accountability in Action
navigating complex situations.
1. Transparent Reporting - Open and honest
Building Ethical Culture
reporting of financial and operational data,
ensuring stakeholders are well-informed. Values Alignment - Ensuring that organizational
2. Responsibility & Consequences - values and goals align with ethical principles,
Embracing accountability involves permeating the culture at all levels.
acknowledging the impact of decisions
Training & Development - Investing in training
and being prepared to accept
programs that foster ethical decision-making
consequences, whether positive or
skills and promote ethical awareness among
3. Commitment to Improvement -
Accountability drives a commitment to Responsive Policies - Developing and
continuous improvement, driving the implementing policies that are responsive to
development of effective business ethical concerns, providing guidance and support
practices. to employees.

Upholding Stewardship Ethical Business Relationships

Ethical Management of Resources - Striving for 1. Collaborative Partnerships - Building

efficient resource utilization while minimizing relationships based on trust and mutual
environmental impact and promoting ethical respect, fostering collaborative and
sourcing. ethical partnerships.
2. Transparency in Contracts - Ensuring
Community Engagement - Engaging with the
that contractual agreements are clear,
local community transparently and respectfully,
transparent, and aligned with ethical
contributing to sustainable development and
business practices.
social well-being.
Regulatory Compliance Creation of a Code of Ethics

Adherence to Standards - Compliance with legal Collaborative process - Involving all

and industry standards, ensuring ethical stakeholders and reflecting the values and
business conduct, and maintaining integrity. mission of the organization.

Ethics Training - Investing in training and Clear Guidelines - Establishing specific rules
awareness programs to ensure all employees and expectations for ethical behavior and
understand and adhere to ethical guidelines. decision-making.

Continuous Ethical Review Compliance Mechanisms - Implementing

procedures for reporting violations and
1. Feedback Mechanisms - Establishing
addressing non-compliance.
systems for gathering feedback and
addressing ethical concerns raised by Implementation of the Code of Ethics
employees and stakeholders.
1. Training Programs - Equipping employees
2. Adaptation & Improvement - Regular
with knowledge and resources to uphold
assessment and adaptation of ethical
ethical standards.
practices to align with evolving business
2. Integration into Policies - Aligning the
landscapes and societal needs.
code with organizational policies and
3. Transparency & Communication -
procedures, integrating ethical
Transparent communication of ethical
considerations into decision-making
decision-making processes fosters trust
and accountability within the organization.
3. Communication - Regularly
UNDERSTANDING ETHICS IN BUSINESS communicating the code's expectations
and reinforcing its significance to the
Importance of Ethics in Business
company's culture.
Ethical Decisions - Ensure fair and responsible
Monitoring and Enforcement of the Code of
conduct in business operations and
Internal Reviews - Regular assessments to
Reputation - Builds trust and fosters long-term
ensure adherence and identify areas for
positive relationships with stakeholders.
Legal Compliance - Minimize legal risks and
Reporting Mechanisms - Establishing channels
ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.
for confidential reporting and effective resolution
Classification of Ethical Issues of ethical issues.

1. Internal - Related to business operations, Consequences for Violations - Clearly defined

employee treatment, and organizational repercussions for breaches to maintain ethical
culture. standards.
2. External - Concerning relationships with
customers, suppliers, and the broader
Benefits of Having a Code of Ethics in Business making unethical actions and should be
ready to accept consequences.
1. Enhanced Reputation - Establishes the
5. Take constructive measures. For example,
organization as a reliable and ethical
give rewards to employees who admit their
entity, fostering trust and respect.
mistakes. If the company is conscientious
2. Employee Engagement - Fosters a
and smart, it can encourage warehouse
positive work environment and a sense of
workers to take responsibility for their
shared values, boosting morale and
mistakes and even praise them for coming
forward, apologizing, and ensuring that a
3. Risk Mitigation - Reduces legal and
faulty product is not purchased by the
financial risks associated with unethical
customer. At first, it seems counter-
behavior and non-compliance.
intuitive to reward an employee for a
CODE OF ETHICS mistake, but in the end, it provides
everyone with the best result.
Code of Ethics
6. Carry out a social audit. Survey employees
1. is a set of rules about good and bad once in a while.
behavior. It is a guide of principles 7. Cover all whistleblowers. These people
designed to help professionals conduct detect illegal activities within
business honestly and with integrity. organizations and disclose their actions to
2. a code of ethics document may outline the the authorities or managers. A
mission and values of the business or whistleblower who works sincerely, and
organization, how professionals are correctly reporting an issue, should be
supposed to approach problems, the praised for his/her courage and integrity,
ethical principles based on the as opposed to being disciplined and
organization's core values, and the ostracized. If an individual blasts the
standards to which the professional is whistle, the company itself may have
held. failed internally to motivate and improve
fair and ethical conversations.
Saucer and Sims (2013) offer recommendations
8. Empower the defenders of integrity.
for developing a Code of Ethics in business
Support those who work with honesty and
1. Adopt a code of ethics (use the Code of 9. Ensure executive commitment. The
Ethics of other companies as a reference anonymity of those who report the
and modify it according to the needs of the problems should be practiced.
company). 10. Communicate the principles of conduct
2. Offer training on ethics (for management within the company and across the
and employees). industry.
3. Hire and foster individuals with ethical 11. Assign an officer who is responsible for
values. the enforcement of ethical standards.
4. Deal with immoral activities. Employees He/she can be consulted for advice.
must know the implications and effects of
12. Establish a procedure for violations of 4. Principles - moral rules or beliefs that
ethical standards, and fully review any help you know what is right and wrong and
offenses reported. that influence your actions.
13. Ensure high perseverance by the
Examples: Customers have to be respected.
company's board of trustees.
Make sure to deliver quality products.
14. Lead by example, above everything else
Simplified Sample of Code of Ethics:
This four-way test consists of asking four
questions: XYZ Company Core Values and Vision:

1. Is my decision truthful? To lead the car industry by giving our customers

2. Is my decision fair to all who are quality cars worthy of their money and
affected by it? unmatched customer service.
3. Will this build the organization's
Our Values:
4. Will the decision benefit all parties We act with the highest standards of integrity. We
with a vested interest in the outcome? respect individuals and treat them fairly.

Code of Ethics contains the following: Our Mission:

1. Vision - means something that you To work efficiently and enthusiastically to make
imagine; a picture that you see in your XYZ Company the country’s top car dealer while
mind. The vision statement helps to serving our customers punctually and
ensure the alignment of the decisions to courteously.
the company goals.
Our Principles:
Example: To make innovations that everyone
1. XYZ Company shall adopt a zero-
could access and adapt depending on their needs
tolerance policy towards bribery and
2. Values - means something thought of as corruption in whatever form.
important or useful) Values in business 2. All company officers and employees
help to ensure that all of the employees shall conduct business following
work towards the company's goals. Philippine laws and regulations; and
3. We shall act in good faith and observe
Example: We commit ourselves to serving our
a sense of professionalism at all times.
customers with quality service and utmost
Code of Ethics is a set of rules about good and
3. Mission - a specific task with which a
bad behavior. It is a guide of principles designed
person or a group is charged. The mission
to help professionals conduct business honestly
statement clearly and effectively guides
and with integrity. A code of ethics document may
the business or the organization in its
outline the mission and values of the business or
organization, how professionals are supposed to
Example: To inspire all the young athletes of the approach problems, the ethical principles based
country and tell them to dream and go for it! on the organization's core values, and the
standards to which the professional is held.
INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHIES - Plato maintains a virtue-based
INFLUENCING BUSINESS eudemonistic conception of ethics. That is
to say, happiness or well-being
The philosophy that underpins business
(eudaimonia) is the highest aim of moral
practices is diverse and complex, drawing from
thought and conduct, and the virtues
ancient wisdom to modern ideologies.
(aretê: excellence) are the requisite skills
1. Socrates (469-399 BCE) - “The Gadfly at and dispositions needed to attain it.
the Marketplace” is one of the few
individuals whom one could say have
shaped the cultural and intellectual 3. Aristotle (384-322 BCE) - “All or Nothing”
development of the world for without him, is a towering figure in ancient Greek
history would be profoundly different. This philosophy, contributing to logic,
is Socrates’s philosophical idea: metaphysics, mathematics, physics,
biology, ethics, politics, agriculture,
- “The unexamined life is not worth living.” medicine, dance, and theater.
Socrates pointed out that human choice
These are some of Aristotle’s philosophical
was motivated by the desire for happiness.

- Socrates thought of the Entrepreneurs. - “Happiness is the meaning and the

The Socratic Method is a way of thinking purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of
that allows individuals to define their human existence.”
purpose of learning and explore its - “Let people seek fulfillment.”
purpose through open-minded - The word happiness in ethics is a
questioning of what they hold to be true. translation of the Greek term
Socrates insisted on the right to think of us “eudaimonia” which connotes success
by introducing the philosophical concept, and fulfillment.
“Dare to Disagree”. - For Aristotle, this happiness is our highest
goal. In business, Aristotle concludes that
2. Plato – “The Philosopher-King” is one of the role of the leader is to create an
the world’s best-known and most widely environment in which all members of an
read and studied philosophers. organization can realize their potential.

- He was the student of Socrates and the

teacher of Aristotle.
4. Immanuel Kant (1724–1804) - “Duty
- He wrote in the middle of the 4th Century based Ethics”. He is one of the most
BCE in ancient Greece. influential philosophers in the history of
Western Philosophy.
This is Plato’s philosophical idea:
- He was not concerned with the
- “Good people do not need laws to tell consequences of one’s actions or the
them to act responsibly, while bad people harm caused to one’s interests.
will find a way around the laws.” - Instead, he is focused on motives and the
willingness of individuals to act for the
good of others, even if the action might
result in personal loss. Doing something Religion - highly affects our lives, whether
for the right reason was more important to personal or not. Some of the world’s major
Kant than any particular outcome. religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam,
- For example, business ethics is littered Buddhism, and Hinduism. Each has its organized
with cases of companies that have system of beliefs, ceremonies, and worship, and
suffered damaging crises due to their each one offers prescriptions for a positive effort
leaders’ lack of commitment to act based in both life and business.
on goodwill and about what benefits
- The Christian religion follows the Hebrew
Bible by taking a positive view of physical
5. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill - and human creation and by seeing God as
“Utilitarianism” revolves around the deeply concerned with the ethical
concept of “the end justifies the means”. It behavior of human creatures towards one
believes that outcomes, as a result of an another.
action have a greater value compared to - It also teaches that in the persona of Jesus
the latter. of Nazareth, Christ entered history to
- Utilitarianism is a philosophy or belief redeem humanity from the self-inflicted
suggesting that an action is morally right wounds of sin and to create a new age in
when the majority of people benefit from which humanity will come to live God's
it. Also, the doctrine that an action is right own life of love, peace, unity, and justice.
as it promotes happiness, and that the The Old and the New Testaments serve as
greatest happiness of the greatest number the foundation of this religion.
should be the guiding principle of conduct.
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that
advocates actions that promote overall - Jews believe there is one God, who not
happiness or pleasure and rejects actions only created the world but whom every Jew
that cause unhappiness or harm. A should have an intimate and interpersonal
utilitarian philosophy, when directed to relationship with. They believe that God
making social, economic, or political works continuously in the world and
decisions, aims for the betterment of affects all that people do.
society. - Further, there is a covenant relationship
between God and the Jews in exchange for
the many good deeds God has done for the
Jewish people and continues to do.
Belief System - an ideology or set of principles - Judaism, which for its written law relies on
that helps us to interpret our everyday reality. This the Torah, has greatly influenced
could be in the form of religion, political marketing and business ideology. Jewish
affiliation, philosophy, or spirituality, among culture, values, and ideas, including the
many other things. These beliefs are shaped and modern market, have penetrated many
influenced by several different factors. aspects of modern life. Some important
points include market honesty, fair pricing, statements, the buyer shall have the right
and business relationships. to cancel the transaction.
- Honesty on the market. It is illegal for
Additionally, according to Hayes (1998), the
traders to falsify the weight and
following principles are expected among
measurement of the goods or products.
Muslim businessmen:
- Fair pricing. There should be good value for
money. You shall not cheat each other - a. Contracts must be fair to both or all
when you sell something to your neighbor parties.
or buy something from him or her. - b. Speculation, such as gambling, is not
Likewise, if a person is ignorant of the true allowed. If the money comes from the
worth of an item and wants to sell it, the gambling industry, one will not be allowed
buyer should not take advantage of the to invest in the Islamic Mutual Fund.
confusion and underpay the seller. The - c. Interest is prohibited. That is probably
Talmud (a comprehensive written version the most common thing that is identified
of the oral laws of the Jews) cares much with Islamic finance. One moral practice is
about price control. that one is not allowed to charge or take
- Business relations. Employers are interest. d. When a business is in trouble,
obligated to pay workers on schedule. One compassion is required. In every country
of the guiding principles for business that has Islamic traditions in its legal
ethics highlighted in the Jewish tradition is system, when anyone is in bankruptcy or is
the legitimacy of business activity and suffering financial reversals, one should
profit, conducted within a framework of not put pressure on them. Because when
religious and ethical norms. someone is down, it is not the right thing to
- In Judaism, work, including manual in do. When they are down, one does not kick
nature, is held in great esteem like a sort of them.
human partnership with the divine.
- Founded on the teachings of Siddhartha
- Muslims believe in the Oneness of God— Gautama, who is called “Buddha” or “the
that all things are created by God and that enlightened one”, is Buddhism. From the
He is all-powerful and all-knowing. They beginning, the basis of Buddhist practice
further believe that God has no offspring, was meditation and the observance of
sex, class, or body, and He is not affected moral precepts. The five fundamental
by human life's characteristics. For Islam, moral precepts practiced by members of
the source of rules is the Qur'an. the monastic orders and the laity are:
- Islamic teachings place great emphasis refraining from taking property, behaving
on respect for ethical and moral codes in unchastely, speaking wrongly, stealing,
human behavior. Islamic principles and drinking intoxicants.
prevent abusing people by putting
In business, Buddhists are guided by the
restrictions on misleading
following principles:
advertisements. Under Islamic law, if a
seller sells an item by making false 1. The goals should be defined.
2. The principle of cause and effect should Three economic impacts of business
be followed. enterprises:
3. Empathy and compassion for the
1. Job creation: Businesses generate
customers have to be developed.
employment opportunities across various
4. Be flexible, innovative, and mindful of
industries, reducing unemployment rates.
2. Income generation: They stimulate
5. Your team, yourself and the consumer
income for individuals and households,
have to be respected.
enhancing the standard of living.
HINDUISM 3. Wealth distribution: Businesses play a
significant role in distributing wealth,
- Hindus believe in one true, formless,
reducing poverty, and promoting
boundless, all-inclusive, and eternal God
called Brahman. He is not an abstract
concept but a real entity that everything in
the universe (seen and unseen)
Entrepreneurial landscape in the Philippines:
- Hindus have a positive attitude towards • The Philippines exhibits a strong
business and wealth creation, yet wealth entrepreneurial spirit with a growing
is not the ultimate goal. What is more number of small and medium-sized
important are ethics (dharma), and enterprises contributing to the economy.
salvation (moksha). • Businesses often integrate social
- For business, prices and profits should be responsibility into their operations,
fair. The tax system should give reasonable supporting local communities and
rates, should be economical in its sustainable practices.
implementation, and should not harm • The country offers significant economic
economic growth. There must be high potential for business growth, driven by its
taxes on luxury goods. Workers should strategic location and diverse consumer
receive fair and just wages, depending on base.
their ability and productivity.

Major challenges faced by businesses in

Key roles played by business enterprises in today's market:
socio-economic development:
1. Regulatory barriers: Complexities
• Business enterprises drive economic hindering business expansion and
growth by investing in infrastructure, operational efficiency.
creating wealth, and contributing to GDP. 2. Market competition: Intense competition
• They address social issues by providing requiring businesses to innovate and
goods, services, job opportunities, and differentiate offerings.
supporting local communities. 3. Economic volatility: Navigating
• Businesses foster innovation, introducing uncertainties, market fluctuations, and
new products, services, and technologies, global financial challenges.
enhancing the quality of life.
Process of entrepreneurship and innovation: Core principles of fairness, accountability, and
1. Idea generation: Entrepreneurs engage in
brainstorming and research to develop 1. Equity and inclusivity: Ensuring equal
innovative concepts and solutions. opportunities, community engagement,
2. Risk assessment: Analyzing potential and protection of vulnerable groups.
risks and devising strategic plans to 2. Accountability framework: Evaluation
mitigate challenges. mechanisms, transparency in reporting,
3. Market entry: Executing well-thought-out and stakeholder participation.
plans to enter the market and gain a 3. Transparency in governance: Open data
competitive edge. initiatives, public consultations, anti-
corruption measures.

Adapting to changing market trends

Why are ethical business practices essential
1. Consumer-centric approach: Prioritizing for long-term success?
understanding consumer behavior and
• Ethical practices build trust and credibility
with stakeholders.
2. Technology integration: Adapting to
• They mitigate risks associated with legal
technological advancements to meet
and reputational issues.
evolving market demands.
• Ethical businesses attract and retain
3. Agile strategies: Swiftly navigating shifts
customers, employees, and investors.
in market dynamics and consumer

Comparison of ethical philosophies of

Importance of sustainability and ethical Immanuel Kant and Utilitarianism in business
practices in business operations: decision-making:
Environmental stewardship: Implementing • Kant focuses on motives and the
sustainable practices to reduce environmental willingness to act for the good of others,
impact. regardless of outcomes.
Social responsibility: Addressing societal needs • Utilitarianism emphasizes maximizing
beyond profit generation. overall happiness or pleasure, prioritizing
actions with the greatest benefit for the
Ethical supply chains: Ensuring fair treatment of majority.
workers and sustainable sourcing of materials.

Impact of belief systems on business


• Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism,

Hinduism influence ethical standards, fair
pricing, and business relationships.
• These belief systems emphasize honesty, Role of leadership in promoting ethical
compassion, and fair treatment in behavior within organizations:
business dealings.
• Leaders model ethical behavior and
empower employees to make ethical
Significance of having a code of ethics in decisions.
business organizations: • They establish a culture of transparency,
accountability, and integrity.
• Provides guidelines for ethical behavior
• Leadership fosters open communication
and decision-making.
and supports ethical training and
• Builds trust with stakeholders and
development initiatives.
enhances the organization's reputation.
• Helps prevent unethical practices and
legal liabilities.

How different ethical philosophies influence

organizational cultures and decision-making

• Kantian ethics promote duty-based

principles and integrity.
• Utilitarianism emphasizes outcomes and
maximizing overall happiness.
• These philosophies shape organizational
values, norms, and approaches to ethical

Effectively monitoring and enforcing a code of


• Regular assessments to ensure

adherence and identify areas for
• Establishing channels for reporting
violations and resolving ethical issues.
• Clearly defining repercussions for
breaches to maintain ethical standards.

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