Cloze Test For Listening

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Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Marketing is typically responsible for selecting and managing the agencies and vendors
who produce marketing materials and or/provide marketing support. These may include ad
agencies, print vendors, PR agencies or specialists, Web providers, etc.
Marketing was one of the big ideas of the twentieth century. Peter Drucker described it
simply as “creating and (1) _______ customers”. Customer focus distinguishes successful
organisations (2) _______ their less successful competitors.
Marketing as a formal management discipline first emerged in post-war America, when
the (3) _______ of goods began to grow more rapidly than consumer demand for them.
Manufacturers found that in the face of increased (4) _______ they had to rethink their attitudes
to business. The old ways of operating were no longer working. These included “production-led”
approaches that assume if a product is of sufficiently high (5) _______, people will buy it
without any further sales effort and approaches that put all their energy into selling the goods to
customers. Where the high-pressure sales approach fails is in establishing long-term business (6)
_______with customers which leads to true success.
It its early days, marketing was used to sell tangible (7) _______ such as cars, freezers,
and washing machines for the home and FMCG (‘fast moving consumer goods’) such as
groceries and detergent. Later, the (8) _______ principles of marketing were adapted to provide a
clear structure for making significant management decisions in public (9) _______ such as
education and financial services. Even more recently, interesting work is being done to (10)
_______ marketing principles in charitable organisations and the arts.
(Dubicka & O’Keefle,
1. A. keeping B. purchasing C. bargaining D. empowering
2. A. with B. from C. at D. on
3. A. supply B. initiative C. demonstration D. focus
4. A. reduction B. monopoly C. competition D. recruitment
5. A. qualification B. condition C. requirement D. quality
6. A. controls B. relationships C. priorities D. rivalries
7. A. costs B. entrants C. products D. stores
8. A. normal B. basic C. existing D. changing
9. A. models B. types C. regions D. sectors
10. A. apply B. refer C. offer D. cause

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Customer-centric marketing
Most retailers cling to product-focused and promotion-centric models. However,
there is increased consumer resistance to (1)_______ marketing, such as unsolicited
email and (2)_______ mail. In response, some retailers are beginning to pay more
attention to the customer (3)_______ and have adjusted their marketing practices so that
they are delivering fewer, more relevant messages that reflect the multichannel
(4)______. They have with the customer, for example, retail stores website, and catalogs,
or;’ brick, click, and flip”. Switching to a customer-centric marketing approach helps to
increase customer (5)_______ and as a result, customers will buy more from you over a
longer period of time. Research by Bain and Harvard Business School shows that the
longer a customer stays with you, the greater the (6)_______ profit generated from that
customer. These increased profits come from a combination of increased purchases, cost
(7)_______ in marketing, and word-of-mouth (8)_______.
The majority of multichannel retailer do not design their marketing programs around
acquiring new customers that have the best potential to become (9) _______ customers and
rewarding existing high-value use loyal customers with special treatment in order to retain them.
Instead, they wrongly focus on market (10)_______ as the key measure of success.
(Allison & Emmerson, 2013)
1. A. defensive B. intrusive C. protective D. alternative
2. A. sincere B. junk C. direct D. express
3. A. experience B. dissatisfaction C. expectation D. distraction
4. A. friendship B. cooperation C. partnership D. relationship
5. A. hobby B. demand C. loyalty D. service
6. A. annual B. average C. contemporary D. temporary
7. A. living B. saving C. overhead D. offering
8. A. referrals B. approvals C. defections D. disposals
9. A. temporary B. permanent C. long-term D. lengthy
10. A. part B. key C. share D. place

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Best Buy, the electronics retailer, has become the first leading US retailer to start sending
special (1)_______ and deals to its customers’ smartphones when they walk into one of its
stores. Best Buy store in San Francisco has deployed a location-based marketing (2)_______
developed by Shopkick.
Customers who (3)_______ the Shopkick application on their phones will automatically
receive “kickbucks” credits just for entering the store that can be traded for benefits including
gift cards, computer gaming credits or music downloads. Best Buy will also use the system to
send participants in its (4)_______ promotional offers that can be customized to reflect their
shopping (5)_______ and interests.
Richard Rommel of Best Buy said that “the convergence of location technology and
rewards to (6)_______.” shopping was at the heart of their business strategy. Price (7)_______
are then automatically deducted from the bill at the store’s checkouts. The Shopkick application
responds to an audio signal transmitted in the store. It is far more accurate than GPS-based
(8)_______ which can be off by a few hundred yards, and which raise potential privacy concerns
because they are automatically activated.
Recent years have seen the emergence of a number of location-based systems with
marketing (9)_______ for social networks. They allow (10)_______ to offer credits or local
promotions to phone users who actively “check in” to locations such as coffee shops Instore
mobile shopping applications are likely to become increasingly important to retailers as they
seek to close deals with shoppers equipped with smartphones that can search and compare prices
at rival stores and online.
(Dubicka & O’Keefle, 2011)
1. A. discounts B. offers C. promotions D. sales
2. A. blogging B. commercial C. tool D. system
3. A. activate B. open C. deploy D. apply
4. A. consumer group B. membership fee C. customer service D. loyalty scheme
5. A. ambitions B. hobbies C. expectations D. likes
6. A. personalize B. characterize C. identify D. idealize
7. A. conductions B. expansions C. reductions D. increases
8. A. changes B. alternatives C. platforms D. options
9. A. applications B. reviews C. tactics D. hardwares
10. A. retailers B. suppliers C. creditors D. marketers

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
The effectiveness of advertising
People still enjoy the ads that are creative and entertaining. But it raises an awkward
question: does it actually sell any more chocolates or cars? Although TV viewers tend to be able
to (1)_______ a particularly good commercial, many cannot remember the product it featured.
And for the most (2)_______, they try to avoid the rising barrage of ads. Getting their attention is
becoming increasingly difficult, because audiences are splintering as people use different kinds
of media, such as cable television and the Internet. The choice of products and services available
is multiplying, but at the same time, consumers have become more skeptical about (3)_______
made for products. In today’s marketplace, consumers have the power (4)_______ and choose as
never before.
This new consumer power is changing the way the world shops. The ability to get
information about whatever you want, whenever you want, has given shoppers (5)_______
strength. In markets with highly transparent prices, they are kings. The (6)_______ for business
are enormous. For instance, the huge increase in choice makes certain brands more (7)_______,
not less. And as old business divisions crumble, a strong brand in one sector can provide the
(8)_______ to enter another. Hence Apple has used its iPod to take away business for portable
music players from Sony; Starbucks is (9)_______ to become a big noise in the music business
by installing CD-burners in its cafes; and Dell is moving from computers into consumer
electronics. “I am constantly amazed at the (10)_______ level and sophistication of the average
consumer,” says Mike George, Dell’s chief marketing officer. If Dell changes prices on its
website, its customers’ buying patterns change literally within a minute.
(Allison & Emmerson, 2013)
1. A. remind B. memorize C. recall D. bypass
2. A. part B. time C. way D. place
3. A. messages B. suggestions C. proposals D. claims
4. A. catch B. pick C. hold D. take
5. A. just B. unique C. unprecedented D. inbound
6. A. meanings B. suggestions C. reviews D. implications
7. A. valuable B. worthwhile C. worthy D. essential
8. A. trust B. credibility C. belief D. penetration
9. A. targeting B. designing C. aiming D. directing
10. A. belief B. confidence C. assurance D. esteem

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. B 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. C

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
The PESTEL framework allows a company to take a well-planned look at various
(1)______ of its external environment. By (2)______ data about political shifts and economic
trends, businesses gain a greater understanding of how to (3)______ their strategic management
and decision-making processes to the world around them.
With the PESTEL framework, companies can also gain a competitive (4)______ as they
more deeply commit to corporate social responsibility. This type of analysis can power a
company’s individual economic growth and (5)______ a business as to how it can better adapt to
and follow external legal standards and social moves.
Together with other tools such as Porter's 5 Forces analysis, The PESTEL framework
encourages firms to consider the external environment in which they (6)______. This is
particularly important for more established, mature firms, which have a tendency toward
bureaucracy and become inward-looking.
PESTEL analysis can also provide a more forward-looking (7)______. This can provide
advance warning of potential (8)______ and opportunities, giving the firm more time to react.
The different possible outcomes from these trends can then also be combined and (9)______ into
In summary, PESTEL analysis is particularly powerful when used:
+ to identify the threats and opportunities a firm faces as part of a SWOT analysis,
+ in (10)______ with a Porter's 5 Forces analysis, and
+ as input to Scenario Planning.
(Masterclass, 2022)
1. A. factors B. combinations C. variables D. generations
2. A. determining B. shaping C. substituting D. gathering
3. A. supervise B. adapt C. bargain D. define
4. A. advantage B. market C. relation D. drive
5. A. recap B. analyze C. inform D. uncover
6. A. heighten B. release C. maintain D. operate
7. A. channel B. perspective C. incentive D. medium
8. A. opportunities B. strengths C. threats D. weaknesses
9. A. depicted B. desired C. rooted D. developed
10. A. representative B. attention C. approach D. conjunction

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
SWOT analysis is a strategic planning (1)______ that helps to breakdown the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a certain idea, project, or experiment. It is also used as a
tool during the decision-making process of many businesses or organisations to (2)______
project ideas and ascertain whether the project in question is (3)______ pursuing. It looks at both
internal and external factors that could positively and negatively impacts whatever is being
(4)______. It helps stakeholders identify what the idea or project could help or hinder both in its
development and in its (5)______ as a final product. Whilst SWOT analysis presents many
benefits to users, it's important to note that it does not (6)______ for every person or business.
The principles and purpose of a SWOT analysis are simple to understand, making it a
great tool for helping organisers comprehensively and (7)______ assess a project/idea/business
as honestly as possible. The results of a SWOT analysis also give stakeholders clear actions to
(8)______, showing that it's a constructive process that can highlight the most important aspects
of a business/project/idea.
Some argue that speaking about 'strengths' and 'weaknesses' is rather subjective, meaning
that there's the possibility of (9)______ about what may be considered a strength or a weakness.
There's also the possibility that some areas of the SWOT analysis may be (10)______ as the
focus may shift more towards bolstering the strengths. This could lead to an organisation not
being as prepared as they could have been.
(Kotler, 2019)
1. A. representative B. attention C. technique D. channel
2. A. validate B. operate C. heighten D. release
3. A. available B. consistent C. ready D. worth
4. A. desired B. analysed C. grabbed D. interrupted
5. A. opportunities B. strengths C. outcomes D. threats
6. A. work B. analyse C. cover D. inform
7. A. measurably B. appropriately C. relevantly D. thoroughly
8. A. give B. bring C. take D. make
9. A. campaign B. disagreement C. optimisation D. listing
10. A. tracked B. refined C. neglected D. released

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
In this competitive environment, organisations need to have a clear understanding of the
dynamics of the market(s) in which they currently (1)______ such as current customers, current
competitors, potential customers, potential competitors, and the impact of macro-environmental
forces. It is only through understanding such (2)______ groups that an organisation can be both
proactive and reactive to changing (3)______.
Marketing research provides a systematic (4)______ to the creation of information
that will improve forecasting potential. For instance, there is little value in a company producing
millions of a particular toy if the market research (5)______ it will only sell a few thousand. Of
course, the situation may change, especially if word of (6)______ builds the profile and it
becomes a major success within the marketplace. However, if the initial marketing research
indicates a (7)______ market penetration, it would be unwise for the company to produce large
volumes. The product will simply be stockpiled in a warehouse, depreciating in value while
incurring warehousing costs.
Companies should continually seek to improve their bottom-line (8)______. In
other words, they need to use their resources both efficiently and effectively. Of course, that does
not mean operating ‘on the edge’, with the absolute minimum of (for instance) human capital.
That is a potentially (9)______ scenario. However, companies should evaluate ways of
improving (10)______ on investment. This is particularly the case where substantial funds have
been invested in research and development to create the product (or service) in the first instance.
(Cambridge English. Business Benchmark Progress Tests, 2016)
1. A. represent B. operate C. mark D. generate
2. A. diverse B. measurable C. appropriate D. relevant
3. A. opportunities B. strengths C. threats D. circumstances
4. A. technique B. attention C. approach D. channel
5. A. analyzes B. informs C. covers D. suggests
6. A. mouth B. network C. platform D. matrix
7. A. higher B. slower C. lower D. quicker
8. A. campaign B. disagreement C. entertainment D. performance
9. A. persuasive B. informative C. positive D. high-risk
10. A. feed B. response C. return D. proposition

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
With a (1)_______ client base and copies rapidly available from clothes chains with
quick production (2)_______, it has become almost impossible to make money out of
(3)_______ custom-made garments. The Givenchy and Yves Saint Laurent brands are all making
losses, as are Versace and Valentino. Only Chanel is thought to make money. After (4)______ to
make a profit for years, Ungaro is on the market. On January 25th, Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton
(LVMH), a luxury-goods firm, sold Christian Lacroix, another (5)_______ brand, to American
duty-free retailers for a "symbolic" price. Prada has parted company with Helmut Lang after
(6)_______ losses. Ten years ago, more than 20 houses held Paris shows. Today only a handful
can afford to carry on.
Europe's rag trade has been in (7)_______ now for more than five years. Luxury-goods
groups (8)_______ on glamorous name keep high fashion alive. Valentino, for example, is
owned by Marzotto, Italy's biggest clothing and textile group; Yves Saint Laurent belongs to
Pinault-Printemps-Redoute, a French rival to LVMH.
Further down the fashion chain things are equally dire. (9)_______ producers cannot
afford sustained losses. Medium-sized and small companies in France, Italy and Spain are
cutting production or moving it abroad. Some have merged or tried to cut costs by lowering the
quality of their products. Dozens have already gone under. Many more are streamlining
operations and fighting for survival.
The main cause of the mass market’s troubles is competition from overseas. Producers
cannot match the low (10)_______ costs. The effect can be devastating, says Didier Grumbach at
the Federation Francaise de la Couture, France’s main fashion association. And it can only get
(Gore, 2010)
1. A. dwindling B. growing C. increasing D. downturning
2. A. interactions B. strategies C. cycles D. treatments
3. A. unlimited B. open C. inferior D. exclusive
4. A. dropping B. failing C. falling D. losing
5. A. loss-consuming B. loss-making C. loss-effective D. loss-saving
6. A. unsteady B. temporary C. instant D. persistent
7. A. trouble B. progress C. production D. competition
8. A. dependent B. belonging C. reliant D. relative
9. A. Huge-market B. Large-market C. Mass-market D. Minimize-market
10. A. labour B. overheads C. operating D. administrative

1. A 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. C
6. D 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. D
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. C
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. C

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. D 10. C
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. C 10. A

Unit 3
Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
The Marketing Mix has been the golden rule used by marketing managers
everywhere to engage customer attention and (1) _______ this interest to sales. The four
Ps of Product, Price, Place and Promotion date back nearly 50 years. But this approach to
marketing does have its critics, who argue that the true success of sales is completely
down to the customer, and what he or she wants is an important decision factor. The
Product, for example, is not just the (2) ______ product or service itself, but a whole host
of associated warranties that one attaches to it. Price is usually associated with cost (3)
_______, and therefore ‘how low can you go’ is the dilemma. But cheapest is not
necessarily best, as the price should reflect the value for benefits it offers. Something that
increases social status or sexual magnetism can be considered by some worth more than
the literal financial value placed on it.
The concept of Place in the Marketing Mix, often referred to as the distribution (4)
_______, usually represents the locations where the product can be purchased, physical
or virtual. With e-business this includes visibility in search (5) _______, visibility in
consumer keywords and knowledge of the search behaviour of your (6) _______ market.
Promotion is essential and is typically associated with advertising, but also includes PR,
word of mouth and (7) _______ of sale. Others have suggested that within the knowledge
of the benefits of the product and brand awareness comes customer (8) _______, which is
invaluable as part of the business base.
A further concept which some people argue is missing is P for People. The people
who represent a product become that product. While average to good (9) _______ service
is little remarked upon, what image is left when you have to deal with very poor service?
Many people will say nothing if their sales (10) _______ was positive – this is what they
expect – but how many people will you tell if you have a negative encounter? Customer
staff, in both appearance and attitude, have the power to create an image of your
company. How important is that? Priceless.
(Dubicka & O’Keefle, 2011)
1. A. change B. convert C. heighten D. release
2. A. empathetic B. foundational C. authentic D. tangible
3. A. competitiveness B. exhibition C. drive D. reduction
4. A. framework B. channel C. outlet D. infrastructure
5. A. tactics B. entrant C. engines D. strategies
6. A. measurable B. realistic C. target D. comprehensive
7. A. place B. point C. factor D. position
8. A. reliability B. adoption C. tactic D. loyalty
9. A. rival B. matrix C. customer D. analyst
10. A. knowledge B. understanding C. experience D. awareness

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Companies spend large amounts of money researching (1)_______ markets and
developing their brand image but once the product has entered the marketplace, the (2)_______
can happen. The company’s advertising may target one type of user, but this might not
(3)_______ the people actually seen with the brand. A recent example of this occurred with
Burberry, the clothing label. It was marketed as a luxury brand but became (4)_______ with
working class Britons. ‘
Clashes of this kind are not easy to (5)_______ Occasionally the company may try to
welcome the unexpected customers by changing the brand’s image. However, this can have far
reaching (6)_______ on everything the company sells. Most companies are not willing to risk
their whole product range like this. Another strategy is to raise the price in order to (7)_______
unwanted users. Or they may even decide to discontinue product lines where there is this clash.
This last solution was (8)_______ by Burberry when they stopped selling their baseball caps.
Globalization is likely to both help and exacerbate the problem. On the one hand, a local
clash might not matter much if you are selling in many different markets. But at the same time,
(9)_______ like these are likely to become more common when a product is marketed across
different societies.
It is probably best for companies to anticipate the problems before it occurs. One way to
do this is to (10)_______ the brand so that different groups are targeted. Armani, for example,
offers both premium and more commercial products under the same brand name. In addition, a
brand needs to manage its retail outlets carefully and check that the point of sale is in harmony
with the product image. Any stockist who does not fit this should probably be dropped.
(Cambridge English. Business Benchmark Progress Tests, 2016)

1. A. purpose B. target C. marked D. destination

2. A. unknown B. underestimated C. unexpected D. undesired
3. A. match B. suit C. connect D. link
4. A. generated B. converted C. separated D. associated
5. A. deal B. work C. manage D. achieve
6. A. effects B. promotions C. attentions D. channels
7. A. reject B. discourage C. protect D. refuse
8. A. adapted B. ensured C. assured D. adopted
9. A. relations B. balance C. mismatches D. connections
10. A. split B. outline C. disconnect D. divide
Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Our key marketing (1)_______ for the coming year are as follows:
- To increase sales of the Frezna Model G Roadster in the UK by 15% before the end of
the next financial quarter.
- To increase our market share by 10% over the next 12 months by (2)_______ customers
of competing products (specifically drivers of Porsches and Ferraris).
- To expand into new markets in Europe (Spain, Italy and Germany) and the US,
generating a return on (3)_______ of 15% by the end of 2012.
As a first step, we should be aiming to increase the (4)_______ of electric cars in general
(measured through market research); this will increase the size of the market as a whole and
allow us to increase both sales and market share. Secondly, we should aim to raise brand
awareness of Frezna specifically (and, again, measure the increase through research). Again, this
will allow us to increase sales and market share, whilst also putting us in a stronger (5)_______
when we attempt to enter new overseas markets - our third objective. The key to the success of
that objective will be the creation of new international (6)_______ channels; these will allow us
to reach customers in those new markets.
Careful (7)_______ will also be extremely important. We need to position Frezna as the
innovators in electric car technology and our flagship Model G Roadster as a real, viable
alternative to petrol- driven cars. By doing this, we will be able to (8)_______ Frezna from our
key competitors, namely Porsche and Ferrari, and start to take market (9)_______ away from
them. Another way of achieving this will be to improve the quality of what we currently offer -
our value proposition. For instance, what else can we offer our customers? Better customer
service? A more personalised sales process? Improved after-sales technical support? All of these
suggestions will help differentiate us even more from the (10)_______.
(Day & Robinson, 2010)
1. A. objectives B. budget C. manifesto D. development
2. A. following B. convincing C. converting D. caring for
3. A. business B. investment C. capital D. revenue
4. A. situation B. education C. knowledge D. awareness
5. A. position B. evidence C. strategy D. launch
6. A. innovation B. campaign C. goods D. distribution
7. A. analyzing B. positioning C. branding D. advertising
8. A. take B. succeed C. differentiate D. develop
9. A. share B. leader C. price D. trends
10. A. barrier B. competition C. advantage D. customers

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.

Microsoft says 'We're human too’

Microsoft's Windows operating system, one of the world's most successful (1)_______
products, is also one of the world's most neglected brands.
An estimated 1bn people use PCs that run on Windows. Most of the company's revenues
come from sales to business customers, and it has no direct relationship with consumers - they
have to deal with electronics retailers and PC manufacturers, not the company that makes the
software. That wasn't important when Windows was an unchallenged (2)_______, even if an
unloved one. Competition from Apple's machines and laptops mat run on the Linux operating
system changed things. Caught in this unfamiliar competitive situation, the Windows brand has
been found wanting.
That brand weakness was uncovered after the launch of Windows Vista in 2007. Many
computer users found that the new software was not (3)_______ with some of their old
peripherals, such as printers or scanners, and that it ran slowly. Nor did the software have
obvious new consumer benefits.
Satisfaction was not good, and Apple saw the chance and launched a devastating anti-
Vista advertising (4)_______, describing Microsoft's soft- ware as unstable, exposed to security
threats and very dull. This helped strengthen anti-Microsoft perceptions.
Microsoft was pushed into action. The first and most important task was to improve the
Vista (5)_______ experience. Without that, any new marketing initiatives to improve the brand's
image could be counter- productive, and could tarnish the brand image even more. Microsoft
claims that since the release of an up- dated version in July 2008, customer (6)_______ levels
have improved, with 89 per cent of consumers now saying they are 'satisfied' or 'very satisfied'
with the software. The next task was a major marketing push to change how consumers feel
about Windows, which is not a simple thing to do.
Their first (7)_______ was an advertising campaign on US television, featuring Bill
Gates and American comedian Jerry Seinfeld. By putting Mr. Gates with Mr. Seinfeld, Microsoft
hoped to humanise its founder and, by extension, the company too. Microsoft wants consumers
to understand that 'we have a (8)_______ of humour, we're human too', says Brad Brooks.
Customer satisfaction has to have a far more central (9)_______ in Microsoft's thinking.
Mr. Brooks says, 'It's not good enough just to sell a lot of licences or have good business results.'
As part of the marketing push, he promises a deeper 'conversation' with consumers. This means a
stronger emphasis on retail, with a direct Microsoft presence planned (a store within a store) at a
number of electronics retail chains, including Best Buy in the US and Dixons in the UK. The
company also has plans to have 150 (10)_______ in retail stores. Referred to as 'gurus', their job
will be to help customers get more out of their PCs.
(Business English Review, 2010)
1. A. consumer B. good C. local D. customer
2. A. division B. monopoly C. segment D. sector
3. A. reasonable B. suitable C. compatible D. popular
4. A. channel B. marketing C. strategy D. campaign
5. A. seller B. customer C. designer D. advertiser
6. A. satisfaction B. relations C. service D. support
7. A. appearance B. skill C. strategy D. action
8. A. brand B. taste C. sense D. touch
9. A. level B. value C. belief D. position
10. A. customers B. shelves C. representatives D. interviewers

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. C
6. C 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. C
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. C
6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A
6. D 7.B 8. C 9. A 10. B
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. B
6. A 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. C

Unit 4
Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
A marketing message is a concise, targeted statement that communicates the value
(1)_______ of a product or service to potential customers. It should be clear, memorable,
and persuasive, and it should differentiate the product or service from competitors in the
(2)_______. Crafting an effective marketing message requires understanding the needs,
preferences, and pain points of the target audience, as well as the competitive landscape.
A marketing message should answer the question "why should I care?" from the
customer's (3)_______. It should explain how the product or service solves a problem,
meets a need, or fulfills a desire that the customer has. The message should be simple and
easy to understand, without relying on industry jargon or technical language that might
confuse or (4)_______ potential customers.
One key to creating an effective marketing message is to focus on the benefits of
the product or service, rather than its (5)_______. Benefits are the positive outcomes that
customers can expect from using the product or service, while features are the specific
attributes or capabilities of the product or service. For example, a feature of a new
smartphone might be its 5G connectivity, but the benefit is that users can download and
stream content faster than ever before.
Another important aspect of a marketing message is the tone of voice. The tone
should be appropriate for the target audience and should reflect the brand (6)_______. A
luxury brand might use a more formal, sophisticated tone, while a fun, playful tone might
be more appropriate for a brand targeting (7)_______ consumers.
It's also important to consider the (8)_______ through which the marketing
message will be delivered. Different media require different approaches, and the message
should be tailored accordingly. For example, a marketing message delivered through
social media might need to be more concise and attention-grabbing than a message
delivered through a print ad or a website.
Ultimately, an effective marketing (9)_______ should make potential customers
feel that the product or service is uniquely suited to meet their needs and that they would
be making a smart choice by choosing to buy it. It should be (10)_______ and easy to
recall, so that customers are more likely to remember the brand and consider it in the
(Kotler, 2019)
1. A. proposition B. system C. evaluation D. budget
2. A. venue B. supermarket C. marketplace D. globe
3. A. advantage B. barrier C. idea D. perspective
4. A. attract B. convert C. alienate D. remove
5. A. goals B. features C. strategy D. plan
6. A. personality B. competition C. customer D. distribution
7. A. potential B. elder C. younger D. similar
8. A. scheme B. vehicle C. transport D. medium
9. A. message B. plan C. strategy D. mix
10. A. knowledgeable B. memorable C. ambiguous D.

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
The promotional mix is a crucial component of a company's marketing strategy. It is the
(1)_______ of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, and direct
marketing that a company uses to reach and persuade its target audience. The aim of the
promotional mix is to create awareness, (2)_______ interest, build desire, and prompt action
among potential customers.
Advertising is a paid form of communication that uses (3)_______ media, such as
television, radio, print, and online, to promote a product or service. Advertising aims to create
brand awareness, establish the benefits of the product or service, and (4)_______ it from
competitors. Effective advertising is based on a well-defined target audience, a clear message,
and a creative execution that captures attention and generates interest.
Personal selling involves face-to-face interaction between a salesperson and a potential
customer. Personal selling is most effective when the product or service is complex or requires a
significant (5)_______, and the salesperson can provide personalized information and answer
questions. Personal selling is often used in business-to-business (B2B) sales and high-end
consumer goods.
Sales promotion involves short-term (6)_______ that encourage customers to buy a
product or service. Examples of sales promotion include discounts, coupons, free samples,
contests, and loyalty programs. Sales promotion is often used to boost sales during a specific
period, such as a holiday season, or to introduce a new product or service.
Public relations (PR) involves building and maintaining positive relationships between a
company and its (7)_______, such as customers, employees, investors, and the media. PR aims
to enhance the company's reputation and credibility, and to address any negative publicity or
issues. PR activities include press releases, media events, sponsorships, and community outreach.
Direct marketing involves communicating directly with potential customers through
various channels, such as email, direct mail, telemarketing, and text messaging. Direct marketing
allows companies to target specific (8)_______ of the market with personalized messages and
offers. Direct marketing can be highly effective when done well, but it can also be intrusive and
generate (9)_______ reactions from customers.
The key to a successful promotional mix is to understand the target audience and the
competitive environment, and to use a combination of communication channels and tactics that
are appropriate for the product or service and the marketing objectives. The promotional mix
should also be evaluated regularly to measure its effectiveness and to make (10)_______ as
(Kotler, 2019)
1. A. element B. combination C. relation D. sponsorship
2. A. generate B. express C. lose D. maintain
3. A. electronic B. visual C. various D. mainstream
4. A. remove B. take C. differ D. differentiate
5. A. advertising B. investment C. promotion D. relations
6. A. objectives B. billboards C. functions D. incentives
7. A. stakeholders B. optimizations C. agencies D. manifestos
8. A. price B. conditions C. segments D. positions
9. A. negative B. favourable C. immediate D. instinctive
10. A. complaints B. adjustments C. profits D. assumptions
Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Internal marketing is a concept that refers to the various strategies and practices that
companies use to ensure that their employees are (1)_______ and committed to the company's
goals and objectives. The idea behind internal marketing is that happy and motivated employees
are more likely to provide excellent customer service, which in turn can lead to increased
customer satisfaction and (2)_______.
One of the key components of internal marketing is communication. Companies that
practice effective internal marketing use a variety of communication channels to keep employees
(3)_______ about company news, updates, and changes. This can include regular meetings,
newsletters, bulletin boards, and even social media. By keeping employees in the loop,
companies can help them feel more connected to the company's (4)_______ and values.
Another important aspect of internal marketing is training and development. Companies
that invest in their employees through training and development programs are more likely to
have (5)_______ and engaged employees. This can include both technical training to improve
job skills and soft skills training to help employees better communicate and work effectively
with others.
Recognition and rewards are also key components of internal marketing. Companies that
have effective recognition and rewards programs are more likely to have employees who feel
valued and (6)_______. This can include everything from verbal recognition to (7)_______ and
incentives. When employees feel that their hard work is being recognized and rewarded, they are
more likely to be engaged and committed to the company's success.
Finally, leadership plays a critical role in internal marketing. Companies that have strong
and effective leaders are more likely to have engaged and committed employees. Leaders who
communicate effectively, set clear goals and expectations, and lead by example are more likely
to (8)_______ their employees to do their best work.
In summary, internal marketing is a critical component of overall marketing strategy. By
(9)_______ in their employees through communication, training and development, recognition
and rewards, and effective leadership, companies can create a culture of engagement and
commitment that can help (10)_______ customer satisfaction and loyalty.
(Hanna, 2022)
1. A. prospective B. salaried C. engaged D. permanent
2. A. care B. loyalty C. records D. support
3. A. informed B. safe C. quiet D. informative
4. A. policy B. profits C. mission D. revenue
5. A. temporary B. senior C. skilled D. motivated
6. A. awkward B. baffled C. appreciated D. grumpy
7. A. training B. bonuses C. relocation D. childcare
8. A. inspire B. dismiss C. sack D. make
9. A. confiding B. specializing C. investing D. implicate
10. A. derive B. find C. express D. drive

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Sponsors with a taste for Mickey Mouse marketing
At first (1)_______, Walt Disney would appear to have little in common with Siemens,
the German industrial group that makes everything from light bulbs to hearing aids. Yet, as its
(2)_______, a Siemens logo can be seen on the newly relaunched Spaceship Earth attraction at
Disney's Epcot theme park in Florida. It also appears on the Disney website, where visitors to the
Spaceship Earth section can take part in “The Siemens Science Minute” or “Be a Siemens
Siemens is one of Disney's 'corporate alliance' partners, alongside companies that include
Coca-Cola, Hewlett- Packard, General Motors and Kodak. Corporate partners pay fees to
Disney, running into hundreds of millions of dollars, in return for promotion, sponsorship and
(3)_______ to its millions of customers.
Although it has a vast number of businesses in the US, Siemens is not well known by
American consumers. As a former shirt sponsor of Real Madrid in Spain, it first considered
sponsoring a US sports event to raise brand awareness. "There were many (4)_______ to get
involved with sport, whether in motor racing or by sponsoring a stadium,' says Mr. Nolen, Chief
Executive of Siemens's US division. However, the group finally chose Disney because it gave
Siemens the ability to showcase its technological (5)_______ and reach a broader, more diverse
The Disney deal represents a change from the German company's former focus on sports
sponsorship and offered it a way to (6)_______ from a mix of distinct marketing opportunities.
For example, Siemens's medical products have appeared in Gray's Anatomy, the Disney-ABC
medical drama.
The range of businesses owned by Disney gives the company an advantage over a sports
event in the competition for sponsors. It can (7)_______ brands in its theme parks or in the TV
programs and films it makes via product placements. Crucially, the Disney brand also has broad
Disney has a long history of corporate partners. The relationship with General Motor
(GM) dates back to 1982, when the company sponsored the Test Track ride at Epcot in Florida.
Since then, the agreement has expanded considerably. Disney's fleet of company cars is
(8)_______ by GM, and GM cars regularly feature in Disney studio movies.
Disney hopes to win more business from companies that would normally sponsor a sports
event or (9)_______ their names to a stadium. 'A lot of people are going to be missing if you
sponsor a sports event, whereas the Disney brand appeals to families,' says Lawrence Aldridge,
Disney's Senior Vice-President of Corporate Alliances.
Contracts with corporate alliance partners that last for years can be worth hundreds of
millions of dollars and often include (10)_______ agreements. Disney spends $12bn a year on
goods and services, and the company's alliance partners are often at the front of the queue when
the group comes to place orders. This increases its appeal to sponsors.
(Matthew Garrahan,2008)
1. A. place B. instance C. glance D. time
2. A. purchase B. sponsor C. acceptance D. sponsorship
3. A. approach B. response C. reaction D. access
4. A. events B. opportunities C. agreements D. campaigns
5. A. expertise B. device C. training D. education
6. A. recover B. suffer C. benefit D. separate
7. A. set B. pick up C. get D. showcase
8. A. overtaken B. supplied C. abandoned D. driven
9. A. acquire B. offer C. assume D. attach
10. A. draft B. term C. purchasing D. multilateral
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. B
6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. D
1. C 2. B 3. D 4. B 5. A
6. C 7. D 8. B 9. D 10. C

Unit 5
Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a
product or service. Although the terms e-marketing and digital marketing are still dominant in
academia, social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and
Social media marketing (SMM) will (1) _______ you a blog or website to enable you to
reach clients from your particular (2) _______ as well as access the relevant communities of
practice through existing social networking sites. SMM can also help raise more (3) _______ of
your website by giving potential customers updated information on your product line, allowing
existing clients to (4) _______ their experiences and comments onto the wall of the website, and
participating in online questionnaires. Therefore, such an informal no-sales approach allows you
to interact (5) _______ with your customers and gain valuable insight into their needs and wants.
If technology is an issue, then SMM has many other kinds of solutions. For example,
SMM can get potential customers excited about your latest service by (6) _______ them podcasts
of interviews with those who have already tried and (7) _______ it. Or, if it’s digital downloads
you offer, then send them a downloadable sample.
SMM will also give you important (8) _______ on how to exploit the potential of your
website: how to attract content-related advertisers; how to ensure stickiness so that visitors to
your website could hang around a little (9) _______; and how to decide which services to (10)
_______ a premium for.
(Cambridge BEC 5 Higher Students’ Books, 2016)
1. A. design B. launch C. advertise D. found
2. A. mall B. market C. society D. background
3. A. reactions B. reality C. awareness D. population
4. A. cancel B. enter C. download D. post
5. A. directly B. passively C. surprisingly D. ineffectively
6. A. tagging B. sending C. achieving D. blogging
7. A. created B. formed C. tested D. measured
8. A. material B. advice C. framework D. firm
9. A. later B. earlier C. longer D. faster
10. A. charge B. respect C. appreciate D. offer

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
Making digital marketing mobile
Today’s mobile phone users are not using their devices just to talk. Now, the mobile
phone is a (1)______ for news, views and entertainment, a window into the world. Alongside the
Internet, mobile phones have become the great communication (2)_______ of modern times and,
as such, are threatening to revolutionize the world of marketing. Industry experts believe that the
most successful players in the (3)_______ marketing era will be those that best connect the
power of the Internet with the flexibility of mobile phone communication. The fact is that mobile
phones have a number of (4)_______ advantages over traditional media in advertising, and other
marketing activities, which have the potential to make mobile marketing the most (5)_______
tool in the modern marketers’ arsenal.
The extensive and increasingly data-rich subscriber profiles that mobile operators
have at their disposal are the sort of resource that marketers would be willing to pay good money
to (6)_______. One of these is the broad subscriber base that mobile operators often have at their
disposal. Such a resource is both a valuable (7)______ for the mobile operator and a powerful
and exciting tool in itself. One of the reasons is that phone operators have a much better
understanding of their customers’ (8)_______ patterns than traditional media owners. They can
even identify the personal hobbies and character traits of subscribers through their use of
content-rich data (9)_______. This kind of resource makes possible the kind of precise customer
segmentation and niche market identification that most marketers can only dream of. Teamed
with this customer (10)______ precision is the ability of mobile phone operators to use location-
based advertising to hit their target audience right at the spot of the first sales opportunity.
(Dubicka & O’Keefle, 2011)
1. A. material B. tactic C. force D. source
2. A. tactic B. material C. medium D. framework
3. A. socio-cultural B. achievable C. digital D. measurable
4. A. unique B. comprehensive C. timebound D. realistic
5. A. generating B. promising C. converting D. regarding
6. A. access B. predict C. obtain D. demonstrate
7. A. framework B. tactic C. asset D. matrix
8. A. rivalry B. consumption C. combination D. adoption
9. A. assumptions B. consumptions C. conclusions D. services
10. A. profile B. viewpoint C. material D. measurement

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
In the last ten years, increasing use of social media, online shopping and (1)______ like
YouTube and Netflix have allowed companies to connect with customers in new ways. Here are
some essential marketing (2)______ that companies must take note of in order to move with the
1. Shopping on social media
Forbes reports that 72 per cent of Instagram (3)______ have bought something when
using the app. Companies can now (4)______ posts that allow users to shop directly on social
media instead of companies' own websites. This allows retailers to (5)______ their customers
more quickly and easily.
2. Focus on customer experience
When a customer comes to your company, you want to make it as easy as possible for
them to find what they need and buy your products. When marketers say 'customer experience',
they most (6)______ efficiency, friendly, and knowledgeable customer service and easy payment
(7)______. Companies that can provide a good customer experience keep their customers and
attract new ones.
3. Personalisation
In order to (8)______ the right kind of customer and connect with them, companies are
personalising their marketing content. This is made possible by the data that people (9)______
through their internet searches, online shopping habits and social media use. Online product
recommendations, adverts, and even the design of the marketing (10)______ itself is adapted to
the interests and preferences of individual consumers.
(British Council, 2016)
1. A. platforms B. environments C. campaigns D. analytics
2. A. techniques B. approaches C. trends D. channels
3. A. viewers B. users C. customers D. stakeholders
4. A. create B. analyze C. cover D. inform
5. A. prepare B. focus C. appeal D. reach
6. A. combine B. value C. formulate D. determine
7. A. opportunities B. strengths C. threats D. options
8. A. target B. rank C. list D. optimise
9. A. trigger B. generate C. refine D. issue
10. A. matrix B. approach C. attention D. message

Read the passage and choose the correct words to fill in the blanks.
In the last ten years, increasing use of social media, online shopping, and (1)______ like
YouTube and Netflix have allowed companies to connect with customers in new ways. Here are
five essential marketing (2)______ that companies must take note of in order to move with the
1. Personalisation
In order to (3)______ the right kind of customer and connect with them, companies are
personalising their marketing content. This is made possible by the data that people (4)______
through their internet searches, online shopping habits, and social media use. Online product
recommendations, adverts and even the design of the marketing (5)______ itself is adapted to the
interests and preferences of individual consumers.
2. Video content
If an advertisement is interesting, amusing, or (6)______, people will search for it online
and share it with their friends. Live videos on social media platforms are also known to attract
large audiences and get people (7)______ interacting with companies in the comments, where
they can give (8)______ and ask questions about the products.
3. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
As the internet plays an increasingly central role in marketing and selling, it is vital for
your company to appear in the search (9)______ when someone does a related search.
Companies hoping to gain a larger market share should constantly (10)______ their marketing
strategies to get ahead of the game.
(British Council, 2016)
1. A. platforms B. environments C. campaigns D. analytics
2. A. techniques B. approaches C. trends D. channels
3. A. target B. rank C. list D. optimise
4. A. determine B. insist C. generate D. refer
5.A. matrix B. approach C. attention D. message
6. A. unique B. persuasive C. engaged D. informative
7.A. assets B. commitments C. affairs D. terms
8.A. blog B. commercial C. tool D. feedback
9. A. discounts B. offers C. promotions D. results
10. A. update B. activate C. open D. charge

1. A 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A
6. B 7. C 8. B 9.C 10. A
1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B
6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D
1. A 2.B 3. A 4. C 5. D
6. A 7. D 8. D 9. D 10. A

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