CPT150X Industrial Visitor 2022 - Assignment - Rev3

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Due date: 2 November 2022

[Mark: 40]
2022 CPT150X Industrial Visitor Assignment
This assignment relates to the industrial visitor, Mr Asisispho Mongameli, from the Bellville
Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW). Mr Mongameli is a Process Controller at Bellville
WWTW with an Advanced Diploma in Chemical Engineering.

Following the presentation by and discussion with Mr Mongameil submit a report (i.e. Cover
page, Table of Contents, Assignment points (listed below), References) in the following
format: Arial, font size 11, 1.5 line spacing and justified. The report mark contributes in part,
along with the online quizzes, to the 10% [T3] weighting of the final subject mark.

The graduate attribute (GA) being developed though this assignment underpinned by the
presentation by and discussion with Mr Mongameli a Process Controller at Bellville
Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) is Graduate Attribute 12: Workplace practices.
The report needs to demonstrate an understanding of workplace practices to solve
engineering problems consistent with academic learning achieved.

The marking rubric and Graduate Attribute evaluation rubric is included in Table 1 below.
Include Table 1 as the last page of the final report submission.

Table 1: Marking rubric and Graduate Attribute evaluation rubric
The body of the report must cover the points listed below: Mark Student
Allocation Mark
Graduate 12 Indicator: Workplace safety is described in terms of the application of relevant safety, health and environmental Needs Work
1. List the personal protective equipment (PPE) operators/process engineers etc. are required to wear while working at the 4
Bellville WWTW.
2. Does the Bellville WWTW ever close/shutdown? Elaborate on the answer with reasons. 3
3. What are the working hours at Bellville WWTW? 2
Graduate 12 Indicator: Work activities are conducted in a manner suited to the work context. Needs Work
4. Identify the type of preliminary treatment equipment installed at the Bellville WWTW that ensures wastewater outliers (i.e. 1
wooden planks, toys etc.) do not damage and clog pumps and further downstream processes.
5. What is the flow rate of the Bellville WWTW? Does the flow rate change or remain the same throughout the year? 2
6. Identify the type of grit chamber used at Bellville WWTW to make the wastewater mixture more homogenous. 1
7. Identify the type of disinfection process(es) applied at Bellville WWTW. 3
8. To where does the treated wastewater (i.e. effluent) discharged following treatment? 1
Graduate 12 Indicator: Workplace safety is described in terms of the application of relevant safety, health and environmental Needs Work
9. How do the operators/process engineers know the treated wastewater is safe for discharge? 2
10. Which legislation ensures the treated water discharged meets the required discharge standards. 2
11. Does the Bellville WWTW generate waste? What type of waste? Identify what happens to this waste. 2
12. Does the Bellville WWTW have an environmental management system (EMS) in place to reduce their environmental impacts. If 2
so, which EMS do they use?
13. Using an appropriate software draw a process flow diagram (PFD) of the Bellville WWTW from the point where the wastewater 10
enters the plant until it is discharged.
Graduate 12 Indicator: Knowledge and understanding gained from the work-integrated learning period is reported in a prescribed Needs Work
format, using appropriate language and style.
14. Report structure [i.e. layout and format] 5
Total mark 40

Graduate Attribute 12: Workplace practices
Demonstrate an understanding of workplace practices to solve engineering problems consistent with academic learning achieved.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Strong Competent Developing Needs Work
Orientation to the working environment is Each task is described as required. Most tasks are described as required. Not enough tasks are described as required. Many tasks are omitted.
described in terms of company structure and
conventions, rules, policies, working hours,
dress codes and reporting lines.
Workplace safety is described in terms of the Exemplary description of application of Awareness of the importance of Some awareness of the importance of Not enough awareness of the importance of
application of relevant safety, health and relevant safety, health and environmental application of relevant safety, health and application of relevant safety, health and application of relevant safety, health and
environmental legislation. legislation. environmental legislation in descriptions environmental legislation in descriptions environmental legislation in descriptions.
Work activities are conducted in a manner Work activities are exemplary and carried Work activities are carried out Work activities are sometimes appropriate Work activities are rarely appropriate and
suited to the work context. out in a suitable and responsible manner appropriately and recognises the manner and sometimes recognises the manner in hardly recognises the manner in which work
in which work is to be carried out. which work is to be be carried out. is to be carried out.
Knowledge and understanding gained from Always reported in a prescribed format, Recognizes and applies proper prescribed Some Recognition and application of proper Minimal or no recognition and/ or application
the work-integrated learning period is reported using appropriate language and style. format, using appropriate language and prescribed format, using appropriate of proper prescribed format, using appropriate
in a prescribed format, using appropriate style. language and style. language and style.
language and style.

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