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Acosta Ramirez Arturo
Briseño Alvarez Abigail
Cruz Martinez Arely
Escobar Alavez Andrea Lizeth
Gonzalez Silva Juan Manuel
Martinez Lopez Arlette
01 Apple
02 Credit Suisse
03 Microsoft
04 Facebook
05 Tesla

Apple is known for maintaining a relatively clean public

image when it comes to financial scandals. However,
there have been some controversies over the years

One of the most prominent incidents was the tax evasion

scandal in 2013, where it was discovered that Apple was
using aggressive tax strategies to minimize its tax
Another scandal was related to the working conditions in
the factories of its suppliers in China, although this is not
strictly financial, it had an impact on the company's
perception and corporate responsibility.
Credit Suisse

In June 2022, Credit Suisse received a fine equivalent to 1.98

million dollars, after being found guilty in a trial for money
laundering of proceeds from Bulgarian drug traffickers.
the financial fine was not so significant, the scandal had an
impact on something more valuable: its prestige.

The investigation revealed that for years Credit Suisse had

kept fortunes of people linked to corruption from all over the
world, among them sanctioned businessmen or human rights
violators, with a combined value of some 100 billion dollars.

Microsoft accused of spending millions on

bribes to close deals
In 2023, Microsoft agreed to pay the SEC $24 Acusan a Microsoft de gastar millones en
million as a deal to drop charges that it violated the sobornos para cerrar acuerdos
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), which
prohibits paying bribes to government officials to En 2023 Microsoft acordó pagar a la SEC 24 millones
help close deals, through subsidiaries in Hungary, de dólares en virtud como pacto para que se retiraran
Thailand, Saudi Arabia or Turkey, as well as criminal los cargos de que había violado la Ley de prácticas
corruptas en el extranjero (FCPA), que prohibe el pago
charges for their conduct in Hungary.
de sobornos a funcionarios oficiales para que les
ayuden a cerrar acuerdos, a través de filiales en
Hungría, Tailandia, Arabia Saudí u Turquía, así como
cargos criminales por su conducta en Hungría.

Facebook tendrá que pagar 725 millones de dólares a los usuarios

que cumplan estos requisitos
Cuatro años después del inicio del caso, Facebook finalmente tendrá que
pagar un total de 725 millones de dólares a un grupo de usuarios de la red
social por haber compartido información privada con empresas de
terceros, incluyendo la famosa empresa de consultoría Cambridge
Analytica. Los usuarios afectados tienen hasta el día 25 de agosto para
solicitar su parte del dinero.

Facebook will have to pay 725 million dollars to users who meet
these requirements
Four after the start of the case, Facebook will finally have to pay a total of
$725 million to a group of users of the social network for having shared
private information with third-party companies, including the famous
consulting company Cambridge Analytica. Affected users have until
August 25 to request their share of the money.
Juicio contra Musk por posible
defraudación a inversores de Tesla
Trial against Musk for possible defrauding Tesla investors
According to United States media, a jury decided in early De acuerdo con medios de Estados Unidos, un jurado
February that Elon Musk did not defraud investors with decidió a inicios de febrero que Elon Musk no defraudó a
the tweets he published in 2018 about the electric car los inversores con los tuits que publicó en 2018 sobre la
manufacturer Tesla in an operation that he had proposed, empresa fabricante de automóviles eléctricos Tesla en
and that quickly collapsed. and raised doubts as to una operación que había propuesto, y que se derrumbó
whether he had deceived them. rápidamente y sucitó las dudas de si los había engañado.

In the case that began five years ago, Tesla investors filed En el caso que inició hace cinco años, los inversores de
a class-action lawsuit against Musk and his company that Tesla impusieron una demanda colectiva contra Musk y
he bought for $44 billion. su compañía que compró por 44 mil millones de dólares

In 2018, Musk tweeted that he had the necessary En 2018, Musk tuiteó que tenía el financiamiento
financing to buy Tesla shares and take it to the private necesario para comprar las acciones de Tesla y llevarla al
market, although it ultimately turned out that he had not mercado privado, aunque finalmente resultó que no había
secured a strong commitment to carry out the deal, which conseguido un compromiso férreo para llevar a cabo el
would have cost between $20 billion and $70 billion. acuerdo, que habría costado entre 20 mil y 70 mil
Dollars. millones de dólares.

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