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 Maya (MOTHER):
 Ishaan:
 Nandkishore (Father)
 Ram (special teacher):
 Irene English Teacher:
 Victoria Math Teacher:
 Principal:
 Rajan(Ishaan’s friend):



Irene English Teacher: Class, turn to page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3. We

are going to mark adjectives today. That goes for you as well Ishaan Awasthi.
Page 38, chapter 4, paragraph 3.
Can I have your attention Ishaan? Ishaan? Said, page 38, chapter the first
sentence and point out the adjectives.
Page 38 Ishaan. Adji just help the boy. Come on, the rest of you look into
your books. Read the first sentence and tell me where the adjectives are.
Okay, come on, let’s all mark the adjectives together. Just read the sentence
for me. Just read the sentence Ishaan.

Ishaan: They are dancing.

Irene Teacher: Silence, speak in English.

Ishaan: The letters are dancing.

Irene Teacher: They are dancing, are they?

Okay, and then read the dancing letters.

Trying to be funny?

Read the sentence loud and proper.

I said, loud and proper Ishaan.

(Ishaan starts to read it mockingly)

Loud and proper. Stop it, stop it.

Loud and proper. Enough is enough. Get out.

Get out of my class. Out. I don’t want your nonsense in my class, look at your
You want to leave as well?
Shameless boy.
Who is laughing here?
Open your books now.
Who wants to follow him?

Victoria Math Teacher: Children, surprise math's test.

Marks of this test will count in finals so be careful.

Take one and pass the rest.


Ishaan: Great Captain Ishaan is leaving for mission impossible.

His mission is to enter "The Earth" 3rd planet from sun into the 9th planet

"Pluto" of the solar system. Three into nine.

Oh God, the heat of the sun will destroy the starship of the Captain Ishaan.

Save it. Now 3 is entering into 9.

Pluto is destroyed. The planet is no more. The great Captain

Ishaan find the answer. The answer of 3 into 9 is 3.

Victoria Math Teacher: Times up.

Classmate: Ishaan, how was the test?

Ishaan: Great.

(Scene 2) Teachers and Principal meeting with parents

Victoria Math Teacher: Class work and homework, there is just no improvement,

exactly like last year. Book is still his enemies, reading and writing is like

a punishment. Sometimes his English handwriting looks like Russian.

Deliberately making the same mistakes. Doesn’t pay attention at all

Irene English Teacher: All the time asking for permission to go to the toilet.

I'm thirsty. I want to do pee. Thirsty, pee... thirsty, pee.

Disturbs the whole class with his silly pranks.

Victoria Math Teacher: As suppose you have seen his test papers with big fat

zeros in all subjects.

Maya: You have sent his exams papers?

Victoria Math Teacher: Last Wednesday for parents Signature.

Haven't returned till today.

Irene English Teacher: There were a site, I tell you Mrs. Awasthi.

In fact I sent a letter especially to meet you.

Victoria Math Teacher: Math's test. 3x9=3, that’s all. He hasn’t even

attempted the rest of the test Who would believe that he's

younger brother of Yohaan Awasthi?

Principal: Mr. Awasthi

Nandshikore: yes?

Principal: Anyway, this is your son’s second year in grade 3 if this continue at this rate then I’m sorry, I won’t be
able to help you anymore. Maybe he has some problem

Nandshikore: What do you mean?

Principal: Perhaps he . . .

Some children are less fortunate than others, for such traits there are special schools

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