Phần trả lời:: Kỹ Năng Tổng Hợp 6 - Bài Kt1

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Câu 1: PART 1: GRAMMAR (3p)

Choose the correct answers.

1. We mustn’t / don’t have to give in this assignment until next Friday. That’s
good news!

2. We must / have to meet up sometime for a coffee and a chat.

3. Simon needn’t / shouldn’t work so hard. He’ll make himself ill.

4. Do you think we have to / ought to check with your dad before using his

5. I really don’t have to / mustn’t eat so much salt. It’s very bad for me.

6. You oughtn’t to / needn’t worry about me. I’m getting a lift home with

7. You mustn’t / shouldn’t park there! It’s the boss’s space and he’ll be furious.

8. I need to get / get some money out of the bank later today.
Phần trả lời:
1. don’t have to
2. must
3. shouldn’t
4. ought to
5. mustn’t
6. needn’t
7. mustn’t
8. to get

Câu 2: PART 2: READING (3p)

Read the text.

Don’t reach for the bottle!
We are constantly being warned about climate change and how much we
contribute to the environmental problems our planet is facing but one thing each
and every one of us can do to help is literally at our fingertips. [1 _______]
According to recent reports our obsession with buying and drinking bottled
water significantly increases our carbon footprint. Apparently in America, the
largest market in the world for bottled water, over eight billion gallons is
consumed annually and in the UK the market is worth more than two billion
pounds. [2 _____] What is interesting is that according to most experts, bottled
water is no better for us than ordinary tap water. So, we have an alternative in
our own kitchens.
[3 _____] They insist that their water tastes better, has added minerals and
comes in handy plastic bottles that encourage us all to drink more water
wherever we are – something that many medical experts consider to be good for
our health. But does this all really compensate for the 600 fold increase in
greenhouse gas that is put into the atmosphere by producing and delivering the
product? [4 _____] And what about the damage caused by the 75% of plastic
bottles that are not recycled but disposed of in landfill sites? It has been
calculated that drinking one bottle of water has the same environmental impact
as driving for one kilometre in a car!
Many people also question the morality of buying a product that is becoming so
scarce in some parts of the world that many people (like a third of those in Fiji)
do not have easy access to it. The moral issue aside, is it really worth buying
something that costs 2,000 times more than an alternative we can already find in
our homes? [5 _____]

Complete the text with sentences A–F. There is one sentence you do not need.

A. The bottled water industry of course refutes these findings.

B. The popular Fiji water travels 10,000 miles from its source on the island of
Fiji to the upmarket UK stores that sell it.

C. And at what cost to the environment?

D. However, not all bottled water has this effect on health.

E. These figures may not be surprising if we compare them with other bottled

F. Turn on the tap when we’re thirsty!

Phần trả lời:
1. F 2. E 3. A 4. B 5. C
Câu 3: PART 3: WRITING (4P)
Write a for and against essay with the title: The growth of the air industry must
be restricted to control global warming. Use the writing guide to help you.
Paragraph 1: Describe the current situation.
Paragraph 2: Give points in favour of the statement.
Paragraph 3: Give points against.
Paragraph 4: Summarise and give your opinion.
Phần trả lời:
While a modern dynamic person cannot imagine his life without traveling by plane, the most
worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global warming. Some people believe that
the growth of the air industry must be restricted to control global warming. I think the causes
of global warming are multifactorial. This essay will examine the reasons why global
warming is occurring and discuss potential ways to solve these problems.
On the one hand, the increase amount of aircraftsin the sky leads to serious pollution and
spending of fuel resources, which are supposed to be resolved by restriction of air travel.
Being one of the fastest and safest transports they provide travelers with a possibility to reach
destinations in extremely short time with the maximum of safety and convenient. The
predominant factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of CO2 and
deforestation. CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes from several sources, but the most
problematic are those coming from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants. This
releases thousands of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Another cause of these
emissions is the burning of gasoline for transportation, which continues to grow because of
our demand for cars and also our increasing worldwide consumption, resulting in an
escalating need to transport goods.
On the other hand, deforestation done by the humans for their habitat and agriculture has
resulted in huge loss of trees who are the cleaners of combustion gases from the atmosphere.
Furthermore, ozone layer is depleted from manyparts of earth, thusallowing harmful rays of
sun to enter the earth’s surface. The measures that governmentneeds to take to solve or to
reducethe global warming is conserving the forest area by implementing strict norms and
encouraging to plant more tree in the cities.
To conclude, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that Governments and
individuals can take to reduce its effects. From my perspective, the best way to solve these
problems is to develop the industry using new sources of raw materials that do not affect the
environment and state regulations on fuel resources. If we are to save our planet, it is
important that this is treated as a priority for all concerned.

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