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Câu 1: PART 1: VOCABULARY (3p)

Complete the sentences with the words given below.

surge - quit - pledged - back - looming - axed - ban -bid - plea - boost
1. The government is going to _________ the police’s move to install more
speed cameras.

2. The _________ on cigarette smoking in public places has been in place for
over a year.

3. People are worried that a lot of jobs at the factory will be _________ next

4. The police have made a _________ to commuters not to travel in these


5. The _________ to take over the failing bank has been unsuccessful.

6. The new line in designer clothing should definitely _________ sales at the

7. There are rumours that Gary Giles is to _________ the boy band brigade this

8. Financial experts fear that a recession in world economies is _________ .

9. A _________ in prices means that fewer first-time buyers can afford to buy a
Phần trả lời:
8. looming
Câu 2: PART 2: READING (3P)

Read the text.

Have your say!

Today’s complaint is from Mr P. K. Lipton in Somerset and concerns news
News bulletins
How often should we be given news updates on TV? Traditionally the viewing
public has had fairly regular news updates on most major channels in
comprehensive hour or half hour long programmes that bring us a range of
different information and opinions about important newsworthy events from our
own country and around the world. We all know the times of these programmes
so we can choose what and when we want to watch. In addition to these news
programmes there are, of course, the channels dedicated to 24-hour news
coverage. What is putting my back up at the moment is a new supplement to the
regular programmes – 60 second news bulletins, hourly during the evening.
I imagine this has come about because the news bosses think we shall all be
thrilled to get a news update every hour but I have to say that not everyone is
enamoured of the new system – myself included!
There are several reasons why I feel this way. Firstly, 60 seconds is a very short
length of time and there are usually several major points they wish to tell us
about. However talented the news presenters are, they cannot avoid sounding
rushed as they try to read everything within the time limit. Because of this speed
of delivery, you usually find that there is no time for any space between items.
The result of this is that one item follows on immediately from another and there
is no pause to indicate that one item has finished and another has begun. This
can be both confusing and slightly amusing!
Secondly, most evenings the news doesn’t change radically within an hour so the
bulletins end up repeating the same items again and again. Sometimes there is a
change in presenter in order to give the illusion of new news but in effect it is
the same bulletin as an hour ago. Why bother?
Thirdly, I consider this an intrusion into my evening’s viewing. Yes, news is
important and I choose when I wish to watch it. When I sit down to watch a film
or a soap opera, I want to relax. I do not want to be interrupted in this way. Even
now, when I should be expecting it, the bulletins still come as a surprise and I
half expect some terrible breaking news.
Maybe I am a grumpy old man but in my opinion news has a time and a place
and it’s not every hour while I’m trying to relax!

Are the sentences true or false?

The writer says that …

1. there should be more good news programmes on TV. T / F

2. the presenters do not do a good job. T / F

3. you can’t report news properly in a limited time. T / F

4. the bulletins often don’t tell him anything new. T / F

5. he sometimes thinks they’re going to announce bad news. T / F

Phần trả lời:
1. F
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

Câu 3: PART 3: WRITING (4p)

Write an opinion essay with the title: It is never possible for an individual to
influence change in society. Do you agree? Why / Why not? Use the writing
guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Introduce the topic.

Paragraph 2: Outline your first argument.

Paragraph 3: Outline another argument.

Paragraph 4: Give some of the arguments against your point of view.

Paragraph 5: Summarise your opinions.

Phần trả lời:
Society is one of the most important aspect of a healthy and peaceful life which is getting
degraded with this growing world. Some people believe that new developments can only be
incorporated in the society by the governments and that individuals cannot give any contribution
towards the change. In my opinion, individuals play a vital role in the change of society and this
essay will discuss what can an individual do for the change.
There are many government organizations and institutes who contributes a lot of new innovations
and developments which help to bring positive change in the society. For instance, Green Peace
organization is one of the best NGO in India who supports underprivileged children to complete
their education and get a well paying job.
This initiative is one the best change that can be brought to our society as this will help lower the
poverty rate of our nation. Even though these institutions support the individuals, it is the sole
responsibility of the person to use this opportunity for the betterment of his own and of his
society. Change in society can be brought through various method. Even a small gesture towards
a positive and peaceful life is considered as a change. Individuals can incorporate small changes
in their daily routines, which will then sum up to be a big change.
For instance, they are many parts of the world suffering through natural calamities. In such cases,
individuals can contribute food or money to these people and help them to cope up with their
damages. People can also volunteer to teach children in schools and to teach various activities
through which illiterate people can earn money.
In conclusion, I believe individuals play a very important role in bringing change to the society.

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