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Unit 5: At the Clinic

1. Addressing a customer:
• Hello, Good morning, Good a<ernoon, Hello, sir…
2. RequesAng and offering assistance:
• Can I help you?
• May I help you?
• I need your help
3. CooperaAng:
• Let’s cooperate to get this project done.
• Let’s work together to solve this problem.
4. Verifying and asking for verificaAon:
• Can you verify the badge number for me, please? Yes, it is 12345
• Your badge number is 12345, right? Yes, my badge number is 12345
5. Asking about/staAng requirements:
• What do I need to do?
• What are the requirements?
• You have to ---
• You need ---
Unit 6: Driving Safety

1. Describing acAons in the past:

• I was speeding. The speed limit was 80 kph, and I was driving at 110
• I was hurrying to class. I wasn’t paying a^enAon.
2. Talking about jusAficaAon:
• Why is this dangerous?
• Because you can easily have an accident.
3. ConsolidaAng InformaAon:
• Please consolidate all this informaAon into one list.
• Can you consolidate all these suggesAons, please?
4. LisAng:
• The guide should have three parts: preparing to drive, IPDE, and
safe driving
• My friends’ names are Ghanim, Mohammad, and Atef.
5. ReiteraAng:
• Like I said, always remember to wear your seat belt.

Unit 7: Expressing your opinion

1. Asking for opinion:

• What do you think about…?
• Which one do you think I should get …?
2. Expressing for opinion:
• I think ---
3. Expressing opposiAon:
• I disagree
• I’m against
• I don’t support that opinion ---
4. Asking about approval/ Expressing approval or disapproval
• Can you please approve my request?
• Did you approve my request?
• I approve it.
• I did not approve it.
5. Asking for updates or giving updates:
• Can you give me an update on it?
• I have an update on it.
6. Recapping/asking someone to recap:
• Could you recap?
• Let me recap.
• Let me go over it.
7. Making choices/presenAng alternaAves:
• I think X is the best because ---
• I choose X because ---
• I think X is be^er than Y because ---
Unit 8: Ahmed’s Busy Day

1. Talking about scheduling:

• Do you have anything scheduled for today?
• Yes, I have a meeAng scheduled for 8 o’clock.
2. WriAng an opening/closing for emails:
• Good morning Ahmad
• I am wriAng to ---
• Regarding your email—
3. Offering someone something:
• Would you like some water?
• Here is a pencil.
4. Refusing offer:
• No, thank you. I am not hungry.

Unit 9: ApprenAce Job Track

1. Discussing availability:
• Are you available at 3 p.m. tomorrow?
• Are you free tomorrow?
• Sorry, I am not free at 3p.m. Are you available at different Ame?
• Yes, I am free/available.

2. Expressing/inquiring about intenAons:

• I am going to do my homework.
• I intend to sign the contract.
• Are you going to do your homework tonight?
• Do you plan to water your plant today?
3. Checking for understanding:
• Do you see what I mean?
• Is that clear?
4. Showing understanding or a lack of it:
• I understand.
• I don’t understand
• I see what you mean.
• I am not sure.
5. Making choices, selecAng, and presenAng alternaAves:
• I choose to go with opAon A.
• You can choose to take a math or science course.
• There are two alternaAves. You can either take the bus or you can
drive every morning.

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