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Name: Villondo, Patrick Greg E.

Year & Course: BS Criminology III

Set: E

Assignment to all:

1. Enumerate and discuss the elements of Article 131 of the RPC?

- Art. 131. Prohibition, interruption, and dissolution of peaceful meetings. – The penalty of
prison correctional in its minimum period shall be imposed upon any public officer or
employee who, without legal ground, shall prohibit or interrupt the holding of a peaceful
meeting, or shall dissolve the same.

2. Discuss the circumstances qualifying the offense under Article 132of the RPC?
- Art. 153. Tumults and other disturbance of public orders; Tumultuous disturbance or
interruptionliable to cause disturbance.The penalty of arresto mayor in its medium period to
prisioncorreccional in its minimum period and a fine not exceeding 1,000 pesos shall be
imposed upon anyperson who shall cause any serious disturbance in a public place, office,
or establishment, or shallinterrupt or disturb public performances, functions or gatherings,
or peaceful meetings, if the act isnot included in the provisions of Articles 131 and 132.

3. How Article 131, 132 and 133 differ with each other as to Nature of crime, person liable and
- Each article has specific elements that need to be proven for a conviction. For example, in
Article 131, the elements include the person being a public servant, obtaining a valuable
thing, and not providing any service or consideration in return. Similarly, for Article 132, the
elements involve a judicial officer obtaining undue advantage by abusing their position, and
for Article 133, it is about abetting a public servant in committing an offense.

4. What are the crimes against popular representations? Discussed each.

- Those crimes are:
1. Plagiarism: This involves the act of stealing or copying someone else's work, ideas, or
expressions without giving proper credit or permission. Plagiarism can occur in various
forms, such as literary, artistic, or scientific works. It undermines the original creator's
rights and can lead to a loss of credibility and trust in the creative community.
2. Counterfeiting: Counterfeiting refers to the production and distribution of fake or
imitation copies of original works, such as art, currency, or branded products. This crime
not only harms the creators and businesses that produce genuine works but also
misleads consumers and collectors. Counterfeiting can have severe economic and social
consequences, including the loss of revenue for legitimate businesses and the
devaluation of authentic works.
3. Defamation: Defamation is the act of damaging the reputation of an individual or
organization through false or untrue statements made in public. This can occur in
various forms, such as slander (spoken defamation) or libel (written defamation).
Defamation can have severe consequences, including legal actions, reputational
damage, and emotional distress for the victim.
4. Piracy: Piracy is the unauthorized duplication, distribution, or sale of copyrighted
materials, such as movies, music, books, or software. This crime not only deprives
creators of their rightful earnings but also undermines the integrity of the creative
industry. Piracy can lead to significant financial losses for artists, producers, and
distributors, as well as contribute to the decline of quality content in the market.
5. Vandalism: Vandalism involves the intentional destruction, defacement, or damage of
public or private property, including works of art or historical significance. This crime not
only harms the cultural and historical value of the targeted objects but also negatively
impacts the community's sense of security and well-being.
6. Vandalism: Vandalism involves the intentional destruction, defacement, or damage of
public or private property, including works of art or historical significance. This crime not
only harms the cultural and historical value of the targeted objects but also negatively
impacts the community's sense of security and well-being.

5. Give the difference between Article 146 and 147of the RPC?
- Article 146 and 147 are part of the Russian Penal Code (RPC), which is the primary legislation
governing criminal offenses in Russia. Article 146: This article deals with the offense of
"Evasion of military service." It is about individuals who evade their mandatory military
service obligations by providing false information, fleeing, or using other means to avoid
serving in the Russian Armed Forces. This article aims to ensure that citizens fulfill their legal
responsibilities and contribute to the nation's defense. Article 147: This article pertains to
the offense of "Desertion." It is about military personnel who, without proper authorization,
abandon their duty posts or units and refuse to return despite being summoned. This article
aims to maintain the integrity and discipline of the military forces and protect the security of
the state.

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