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Eric Frayer, MA, Academic Advisor, Instructor, School of Arts, Sciences, and Education

Ivy Tech Community College

125 S. High St

Muncie, IN 47305


To whom it may concern:

In the Spring semester of 2020 I had the joy of having Amy Clark in my Introduction to Psychology course
that I teach at the Muncie Ivy Tech Community College. The particularly trying time of Spring of 2020
with its rapidly spreading COVID-19 pandemic caused our college buildings to close and college
instruction to suddenly switch from classrooms to virtual, but Amy demonstrated capability to embrace
change and thrive.

It was very satisfying for me as a teacher to be able to have Amy in the classroom who listens attentively
and eagerly participates in the learning experience. She earned a reputation in my class as the student I
could count on to give a smart answer to a question posed to the class. Even better, Amy would also
regularly ask smart questions. She was an extremely dedicated student, constantly willing to put in
effort above and beyond the requirements of the course assignments, even going so far as to do the
extra credit assignment even though not needing to improve her grade at all. This class had a lot of
assignments that require written communication skills, and I was pleased to see Amy demonstrating
highly capable writing and critical thinking skills. Amy produced the kind of high-quality work that I save
to grade last just to renew my faith in the capability of students. I also noted that Amy’s capacity for
high academic achievement was only equaled by her genuine compassion, friendliness, thoughtfulness,
and pleasant attitude.

Amy also stands out as a particularly inspirational Ivy Tech Community College student. Although she
started out in the lowest level of academic skill development English and math classes here, she proved
to be a model of what can be accomplished through dedication. As her college experience progressed
she consistently earned high grades, and, even having to adapt to the new online testing format,
managed to get an impressive TEAS test score which is needed to get into our highly competitive
Nursing School. As a college advisor I regularly reflect on Amy’s example reminding me that no matter
where someone starts they can make their dreams come true when they push themselves and learn to
believe in themselves.

If you have any questions regarding Amy’s character or achievements please feel free to contact me.

Eric Frayer

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