English Test 1

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Section 1: Present Simple and Present Continuous

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb.
1. She usually __________ (go) to the gym on Mondays.
2. Right now, they __________ (not play) basketball at the park.
3. We usually __________ (watch) a movie on Fridays.
4. He __________ (not like) coffee. He prefers tea.
5. Every morning, she __________ (read) the newspaper.
6. Look! The sun __________ (shine) brightly in the sky.
7. They usually __________ (have) dinner at 7 PM.

Section 2: Past Simple and Past Continuous

Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense.

1. Last night, while I was studying, she __________ (watch) a movie.

2. When I arrived, they __________ (have) dinner.
3. While they were playing outside, it __________ (start) to rain.
4. He __________ (not know) the answer to the question.
5. She __________ (read) a book when the phone rang.
6. During the party, they __________ (dance) to their favorite songs.
7. When I was a child, I __________ (love) to climb trees.

Section 3: Can and Can't

Instructions: Complete the sentences using "can" or "can't".
1. She __________ speak three languages fluently.
2. They __________ swim when they were very young.
3. He __________ play the piano very well.
4. We __________ find the keys to the car.
5. __________ you help me with my homework?
6. I __________ believe how fast time flies.
7. She __________ bake delicious cakes for special occasions.
Section 4: when and while
Instructions: Write 2 situations in the past with when and while
(Example: 1. while my mom was cleaning, I was playing videogames. 2. I was making a cake
when someone touched my shoulder.)

Section 5 Writing.
Instructions: Describe your dream hotel (the bedroom, food, services, country).

Section 6: Verb Tenses Transformation (Past and Present Simple and Continuous)
Instructions: For each sentence in affirmative form, transform it into either negative or
interrogative form, maintaining the correct tense.
1. She watched a movie yesterday.
2. They are playing basketball right now.
3. He usually travels to New York for work.
4. We had a great time at the party last night.
5. She is reading a book now.

Sarah had always been fascinated by astronomy. She spent countless nights gazing at the stars
through her telescope. Last summer, she attended an astronomy camp where she learned
about constellations and planets.
1. What did Sarah learn during her summer camp? _________
2. What was Sarah fascinated by? _________
3. What did Sarah use to look at the stars? ________

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