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Marketing căn bản

• Lecturer: Phuong Anh Nguyen (Ms.) | MSc.

• School of Economics and International Business
• Head of Marketing and Communication
• Email:
1. Kotler & Armstrong, 2010, Principles of Marketing,
13th edition, Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall.

2. Hoffman, 2006, Marketing Principles & Best

Practices, 3rd edition, NXB Thomson South-
Score ladder: 10
Type of assessment
• Attendance: 10% (Random attendance)

• Midterm exam: 30% (Multiple choice, time 40

minutes, content of chapters 1-5, notified in advance)

• Final exam: 60% (Multiple choice and essay, 60

minutes time, all chapters)

Extra credit (or bonus points for study encouragement):

• Given when students actively participate during

• Students give their answers to the lecturer’s questions

straight to the point

• 5 times: 1 bonus point for the mid-term exam, 10

times: 1 bonus point for the final exam, the total
bonus points not exceeding 2 points for mid-term
exam or 1 point for final exam scores.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Marketing

Chapter 2: Marketing environment
Chapter 3: Marketing research
Chapter 4: Consumer market and consumer behavior
Chapter 5: Business market and business behavior
Chapter 6: Market segmentation, targeting and
Chapter 7: Product strategies
Chapter 8: Pricing strategies
Chapter 9: Place (distribution) strategies
Chapter 10: Promotion strategies

1. Key concepts and Definitions

• Definition of marketing
• Nature of marketing
• Basic concepts in marketing

2. Evolution of Marketing and Marketing management orientations

3. Objectives and functions of marketing

4. Marketing strategy, marketing mix decisions and marketing plan

Q.1: How do you understand about “Marketing” term?
1. Key concepts and Definitions
1.1. Definitions of Marketing

“Marketing is the activity, set of

institutions, and processes for
“Marketing is the performance creating, communicating, delivering,
of business activities that direct and exchanging offerings that have
the flow of goods and services value for customers, clients, partners,
from producers to consumers” and society at large.”
1960 2007 (2013)

“Marketing is the process of planning and
executing the conception, pricing, promotion,
and distribution of goods, ideas, and services
to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational goals.”
1. Khái niệm Marketing
Definition 1:

“Marketing is the performance of business activities that

direct the flow of goods and services from producers to
- AMA 1960 -

 Objects for performing marketing activities?

 Any weakness in Definition 1? direct the flow of goods and services -> direct: too
narrow, not enough -> only abt sell and buy activities
 Tasks of Marketers? - product: available and try to sell them to make profits
- focus on customers and no other stakeholders
1. Key concepts and Definitions
Definition 2:

“Marketing is the process of planning and executing the

conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods,
ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual
and organizational goals.”
- AMA 1985 –

 Marketing is no longer a single activity but a unified whole of

activities. besides making profits, they build relationships
 Objects: ideas, goods, services, non commercial sector.
 Focus on creating exchange.
 Accomplish the goals of individuals and organizations
1. Key concepts and Definitions
Definition 3:

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for

creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings
that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at
- AMA 2007 –
make the relationships clearer
 A single activity or an institutional system(institution), process.
 Objects to perform marketing activities: anything of value to
customers, to partners, and to society in general.
why big corporations do the charity -> raise brand awareness; gain credibility and trust/back up from govt;
attract new investors
1. Key concepts and Definitions
It acknowledges that the field of marketing includes:

(1) The activities of individuals (marketers and consumers) and organizations (e.g., manufacturers,
wholesalers, retailers, advertising agencies, distributors, marketing research firms)
(2) The institutions that both individually and collectively help facilitate and govern these activities (e.g.,
governmental agencies, legislators, courts, professional associations, social norms, ethics and individual
(3) The various processes that result from these activities (e.g., networks, systems, markets, channels of
distribution, communication flows, consumer processes).

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for

creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that
have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
- AMA 2007 –
1. Key concepts and Definitions

“The process by which companies create value for

customers and build strong customer relationships
in order to capture value from customers in return”
(Philip Kotler, 2017)

“Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for

creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that
have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”
- AMA 2007 –
1. Key concepts and Definitions

1.2 Nature of Marketing

Marketing is the interaction between two aspects of a unified process:

Market research: to come up with products that are suitable for the needs of consumers,
suitable for each market segment.

Impact on the market: anticipating future consumption trends, promoting potential needs
in consumers so that businesses can operate most effectively and promote their strengths.
1. Key concepts and Definitions
1.2 Basic concept in Marketing

Market offerings (Products,

Services, Experiences)
Value and Satisfaction

Exchange and

1. Key concepts and Definitions

1.3 Basic concept in Marketing

“States of self-deprivation” (Philip Kotler, 2017)

 How do you understand about self-deprivation?

 Example?
 Tasks of enterprise/company?
1. Key concepts and Definitions

• Need (natural need) is a state of feeling of lack of something that

people perceive and need to be satisfied. eg: the feeling of thirsty and hungry
-> need to drink and eat

• Needs can arise due to physiological requirements, due to the

requirements of the social communication environment, due to the
intellectual capital of each individual or the way they want to express

• In order to create products that meet market needs in competitive

conditions, enterprises should not just stop at discovering a natural
human need and producing goods that satisfy that requirement.
trigger new needs and then create a product to meet the need
(?) why vaccine trigger the new needs of people?
vertical: low level to high
basic needs are
satisfied -> higher
needs are required

e.g: water needs level are
into smaller levels (people
have different
level of needs)
1. Key concepts and Definitions

Conclusion about Maslow’s hierarchy

of needs:

 Human needs evolve from low to

high, from simple to complex

 When basic needs are satisfied,

higher level needs arise

 The allocation of needs into ranks

depends on the social context
1. Key concepts and Definitions

1.3 Basic concept in Marketing

“The form human needs take as they are shaped by culture
and individual personality ” (Philip Kotler, 2017)

 Example?
 Differences between NEEDS and WANTS?
1. Key concepts and Definitions

 Based on natural needs, enterprises

produce a type of product to meet a
type of need.

 Based on the desire, the enterprise

determines the parameters and
characteristics of the product, thereby
deciding to produce specific products
that the people - the market need.
1. Key concepts and Definitions

1.3 Basic concept in Marketing

“Human wants that are backed by buying power” (Philip Kotler, 2017)

 Example?
 Tasks of Marketers?
What kind of goods do customers need?

What characteristics should the goods

What are the most important features?

To produce those goods, which level of

costs is the business only allowed to
Corresponding to it is what price will
customers buy?
2. Evolution of Marketing and Marketing management orientations

1990s Marketing
1902 Marketing 1970s Marketing
The end of 1937 The AMA practices imported
was first taught is popular in
19th century was founded to Vietnam through
at The AU. socialist countries

Traditional Marketing (From the beginning of the 20th century to 1945)

Corporations Products Advertising and Sale Consume

Modern Marketing (After 1945)

Customers Demands Marketing Mix Satisfy
customer needs
2.2 Marketing Management Orientations

Production Product Selling Societal

Concept concept Marketing
Concept Concept
2.2 Marketing Management Orientations


The idea that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable
and that the organization should therefore focus on improving production and
distribution efficiency (Philip Kotler, 2017)


The idea that consumers will favor products that offer the most quality, performance,
and features and that the organization should therefore devote its energy to making
continuous product improvements (Philip Kotler, 2017)
2.2 Marketing Management Orientations


The idea that consumers will not buy enough of the firm’s products unless it
undertakes a large-scale selling and promotion effort (Philip Kotler, 2017)


A philosophy that holds that achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the
needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better than
competitors do (Philip Kotler, 2017)
Q&A: Compare between Selling Concept and Marketing Concept

Criteria Selling concept Marketing concept

Starting point



2.2 Marketing Management Orientations


The idea that a company’s marketing decisions should consider consumers’ wants, the
company’s requirements, consumers’ long-run interests, and society’s long-run
interests (Philip Kotler, 2017)
2.2 Marketing Management Orientations

Production Product Selling Societal

Concept concept Marketing
Concept Concept

Traditional Marketing Modern Marketing

3. Objectives and functions of marketing

Marketing activities in the business aim at the following basic objectives:

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