Ancient History 02 - Daily Mains Question Booklet

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Ancient History 02
Mains Question
1. Discuss the salient features of Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) in ancient India.
(15 Marks, 250 Marks)
❖ Introduction: You can briefly introduce the background of IVC.
❖ Body: Briefly describe the salient features of IVC.
❖ Conclusion: Conclude with the significance of IVC such as it was a highly advanced and sophisticated
society that made significant contributions to the development of the Indian subcontinent.
The Indus Valley Civilization, also known as the Harappan Civilization, was one of the world's earliest urban
civilizations that majorly flourished in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent from
approximately 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE.
Salient Features of the Indus Valley Civilization:
❖ Urbanisation: The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the earliest urbanised civilizations in the world.
➢ The cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, which are the two major sites of the civilization, were both
well-planned and well-organised, with sophisticated drainage and sanitation systems.
❖ Writing System: The Indus Valley Civilization had a script that remains undeciphered, but it is believed
to have been a form of writing.
➢ The script is found on seals, pottery, and other objects, and it is made up of around 400 distinct
❖ Trade and Commerce: The Indus Valley Civilization had an extensive trading network that extended
as far as Mesopotamia, the Persian Gulf, and Central Asia.
➢ Archaeological evidence suggests that the people of the Indus Valley Civilization traded in a variety
of goods, including textiles, pottery, and precious stones.
❖ Agriculture: The people of the Indus Valley Civilization were skilled farmers who cultivated crops such
as wheat, barley, and cotton.
➢ They also domesticated animals like cattle, sheep, and goats.
❖ Art and Architecture: The Indus Valley Civilization produced a variety of art and architecture,
including pottery, sculpture, and seals.
➢ The most famous examples of Indus Valley art are the seals, which are small stone objects with
engravings of animals, human figures, and other designs.
❖ Social Organization: The Indus Valley Civilization was a highly organised society with a well-defined
social hierarchy.

➢ Archaeological evidence suggests that there were different social classes, including rulers, priests,
and artisans.
❖ Religion: The religion of the Indus Valley Civilization is not well understood, as there is very little
evidence of religious practices.
➢ However, some scholars believe that the civilization may have practised a form of animism, in which
natural objects and phenomena were seen as having spiritual significance.
The Indus Valley Civilization was a highly advanced and sophisticated society that made significant
contributions to the development of the Indian subcontinent. Its well-planned cities, advanced writing system,
extensive trading network, skilled agriculture, and rich artistic and architectural traditions continue to
fascinate scholars and the general public alike.

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