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PLANNING AND REFLECTION PROFILE (Your cooperating teacher or university supervisor

may ask you to use this form for one lesson

Morgan Brown during your student teaching/internship.)

Student Teacher __________________________________ Self-Reflection

Observer ____________________________________ 03/04/2024
Date _____________


(to be completed before observation, either by the student teacher alone or by the observer (to be completed after observation, either by the student teacher alone or by the observer
during the course of a pre-observation interview) during the course of a post-observation interview)


What are your goals / objectives for student learning for this lesson? What To what extent did your students learn what you intended? How do you
do you want your students to learn? know?

This lesson provided foundational information for the

•Students will have a better understanding of remainder of the unit, so today's lesson was written
what sound is and how sound travels. with the intention to lay the foundation for meeting
the objectives and goals for this unit.
•Students will gain experience in differentiating The students demonstrated that they were beginning
how sound is produced in each of the to meet the first objective since they were confident
Instrument Classification Families. in recalling/describing the information that we
discussed about sound.

Why have you chosen these goals / objectives? What goals / objectives would you plan for similar instruction in the future?
I will be able to assess the growth in the We will continue working with these same goals and
students' understanding about these objectives throughout this unit, since it will allow me
goals throughout the sound science unit. to assess what the students have learned
throughout the unit.

How will you group your students for instruction? In what ways was your plan for student grouping effective? How do you

Full group The students were actively engaged in the lesson

and were discussing the content with each other as
appropriate throughout the lesson.

Why have you chosen this grouping? What grouping would you plan for similar instruction in the future? Why?

It is the most effective for the Kahoot! pre- I would plan for smaller group work to allow more
assessment activity that is incorporated in this students to feel involved in the learning discussions.
lesson. Full group instruction will also be helpful
with our introduction to the Sound Science unit.


What teaching methods will you use for this lesson? In what ways were your teaching methods effective? How do you know?
The gamification method was effective as seen through high levels
of student engagement throughout the Kahoot activity. The
Facilitator and Gamification
facilitator method was also effective by providing the students with
the opportunity to ask questions and make connections to the
What teaching methods would you plan for similar instruction in the future?
Why have you chosen these methods? Why?
The gamification teaching method is effective by I world plan to utilize both methods in the future since
allowing me to collect pre-assessment data for my they are engaging ways to influence student learning in
impact learning project in a fun and engaging way. I am different academic scenarios.
serving as a facilitator by introducing an overview of our
sound science unit content.

What activities have you planned? In what ways were your activities effective? How do you know?
Activity Time Allocated
The students demonstrated engagement throughout the
Warm-up / featured musician 10 min. lesson by asking questions about the content and
Kahoot pre-assessment 15 min. making connections to their prior knowledge.

Intro to sound science 10 min.

Our Old Sow review/game 5 min.
Why have you chosen these activities? What activities would you plan for similar instruction in the future? Why?
The warm-up/featured musician activity is a part of the I plan to incorporate kahoot assessment games into future
class routine. The kahoot pre-assessment activity is lessons since it is a fun and engaging assessment tool. I
collecting data for my impact learning project. also plan to incorporate kinesthetic music-making games
Introducing a conceptual foundation for the unit and like “Our Old Sow" to reinforce the musical concepts we are
reviewing Our Old Sow will help the students apply what learning about in a kinesthetically engaging manner.
they learn throughout this unit. 5. MATERIALS

What instructional materials will you use for this lesson? In what ways were your teaching materials effective? How do you know?

*Kahoot/Chromebooks The kahoot was effective since it allowed me to collect

*Slideshow initial data for the unit. The students also seemed to
have fun with the gamification associated with this

What teaching materials would you use for similar instruction in the future?
Why have you chosen these materials? Why?
The Kahoot / Chromebooks will make it easier to I would use kahoot again in the future since it is a fun and
collect the pre-assessment data for my impact learning engaging learning assessment tool.
project. The slideshow and the instructional videos will
allow the students to review what they've learned
about sound in their Science class while also beginning
to introduce new concepts in a visual/aural manner.

How and when do you plan to evaluate student learning on the content of Did anything happen during this lesson that influenced your evaluation plan?
this lesson? If so, how has it changed, and why?
This lesson evaluates the students' prior knowledge Yes! The students remembered quite a lot of information
about the Science of Sound. Assessment will occur about vibrations and frequencies. I plan to spend less time
by evaluating the kahoot data. A post-assessment discussing those two topics, so we can spend more time
activity will be used at the end of the unit to assess connecting our new information to their prior knowledge.
what students have learned.
Why have you chosen this approach to evaluation? How will you use the information from the evaluation to plan future
I will have data from the start of the unit to I will spend less time reinforcing the SOL Sound Science
compare to the end of the unit to evaluate information since the students were quick to recall that
student learning. information. As a result, I will spend more time
reinforcing the specific sound production characteristics
of the classification groups.


Did you depart from anything you planned for today? If so, why?

No, I followed my plan quite consistently. If anything, the Kahoot activity took longer than I had planned due to
technical difficulties when joining the game.

If you were going to teach this class again to the same students, what would you do differently? What would you do the same? Why?

Differently - I would have the students repeat the kahoot web address (specifically the ‘.it’) to ensure that they
heard what web address to use to avoid taking quite as long to log into the kahoot.
Same - I would utilize the same lesson structure/sequencing since the activities flowed smoothly between each
other. Additionally, I would continue referencing key words in the kahoot questions and answering student
questions throughout the activity.
Based on what happened today, what do you plan to do next with this class?

Next class, we will begin learning about Chordophones and Aerophones. We will apply what we have learned
about Chordophone sound production on the ukulele by playing/strumming along to "Our Old Sow." If we have
time, we will also apply our Aerophone knowledge on the recorder and play "Our Old Sow."

Identify an individual or group of students who did well in today’s lesson. How do you account for this individual’s or group’s performance? How will you
help this individual or group extend their learning?

This group was very vocal about their success and what they recalled about the Science of Sound from their
SOL prep. I will help this group extend their learning throughout this unit by incorporating higher level thinking
by asking questions that tap into the higher levels of the Bloom's taxonomy pyramid.

Identify an individual or group of students who had difficulty in today’s lesson. How do you account for this individual’s or group’s performance? How will
you help this individual or group achieve the learning goals or objectives?
A specific student struggled with the responsibility of using his Chromebook to complete the Kahoot activity. Throughout
the Kahoot, I placed myself close to his spot on the rug to ensure that he stayed on task. From my observation of this
student, he learns best with "hands-on" learning experiences since he is the most engaged when his hands have
something to do. As a result, I will plan to incorporate as many "hands-on" learning experiences as I can throughout the
unit. One of our new ELL students struggled with the activity since she struggled reading the questions/answers. I plan to
incorporate as many pictures and gestures as I can throughout the unit to best communicate the lesson content to her.
Please add any other comments, reactions, or questions about the lesson. For example, is there anything that you felt particularly good, frustrated, or
confused about?

I'm very happy with how the lesson was received by the students. They left class excited to learn more about the unit
content in the following class. In watching the video, it is evident that I seemed a bit nervous going into this lesson -
going forward, I plan to consciously think about ensuring that my nerves don't impact the consistency of my
classroom management and the effectiveness of my transitions between activities.

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