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Victoria Cortese

Regent University

Dr. Flannagan

January 2024

Philosophy of Education

I believe that every student is unique with different strengths and weaknesses. I also

believe that the best learning environments are engaging and full of differentiation. It is a

teacher’s responsibility to meet students where they are as best they can.

My philosophy on education is very similar to how it used to be, with a few adjustments.

I still believe that the true purpose of education is to give students enduring truths and practical

skills so that they can be successful in life. One piece in my philosophy that has shifted in that

regard is that I now believe that teachers must focus on each student holistically, rather than

zeroing in on the academics. My goal is to provide students with the tools they need to succeed. I

now know that this includes providing students with emotional and social tools as well as

academic tools. However, I am still only interested in giving students information (social and

emotional information included) that is rooted in God’s truth.

My views on the role that students' interests should play in the curriculum are another

area where my philosophy has shifted. Before, I believed that students' interests should not play

any role in the curriculum. I now have a more flexible view because I understand that in order to

foster a love of learning (which is my goal) students need to enjoy the content to some degree. I
still do believe that content can not be fully driven by student interest, but I definitely see the

value in letting students have more freedom in terms of what they have to learn.

My philosophy has evolved with time, but my goals of fostering a love of learning and

providing students with tools for success has stayed the same. In order to reach my goals, the

most important thing I must do is focus on my relationship with God. If I am going to be the best

and most effective teacher that I can be, I have to continually die to myself and give God each


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