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M.K. Psikologi Ulayat

Pertemuan 2

Fakultas Psikologi
Universitas Airlangga
Acara Tatap Muka Terjadwal

No Kegiatan
1 Pengantar Pokok Bahasan 20
2 Diskusi Kelompok 40
3 Presentasi 30
4 Diskusi Kelas 40
5 Review dan Umpan Balik 20
Total 150
What is Culture?

◼ The shared way of life of a group of people,

including their artifacts (such as social
institutions and technology) and their
symbols (such as communications and myths)

(Berry et al., 2002).

Culture and Psychology

◼ Questions (Hogg & Vaughan, 2005)

▪ Are Western psychological theories valid in other
▪ Are there psychological constructs that are culture
▪ How can we evolve a psychology with universal
Universal vs. Culture-Specific
◼ Etic-emic distinction
▪ Etic Approach (Universal Constructs)
▪ Emic Approach (Culture Specific)
Approaches to the Psychological
Study of Culture
◼ Cross-Cultural Psychology
▪ Is concerned with the systematic study of
behaviour and experience as it occurs in different
cultures, is influenced by culture or results in
changes in existing cultures

(Triandis, 1980:1)
Approaches to the Psychological
Study of Culture
◼ Cultural Psychology
▪ Is the study of all the things members of different
communities think (know, want, feel, value) and
do by virtue of being the kinds of beings who are
the beneficiaries, guardians and active
perpetuators of a particular culture
▪ Study of meaning, intentions

(Shweder, dkk., 1998:867)

Approaches to the Psychological
Study of Culture
◼ Indigenous Psychologies
▪ A psychology of a cultural group based on the
day-to-day behaviour of its members, for which
local points of view provide the paradigms that
guide the collection and interpretation of
psychological information.

(Berry, dkk., 2002:459-460)

(Eksplorasi dan Diskusi)

berdasarkan kelompok anda!
KEGIATAN 1 40 Menit
(Eksplorasi dan Diskusi)

◼ Masing-masing kelompok mengeksplorasi

Perspektif Budaya dalam Kajian Psikologi Sosial dan
diarahkan untuk membahas:
▪ Pengertian tentang Budaya
▪ Implikasi Budaya terhadap Pemikiran
▪ Implikasi Budaya terhadap Perilaku
(sumber bacaan: Hogg & Vaughan (2011). Social psychology,
Chapter 16)

◼ Mencatat hasil diskusinya pada Lembar Catatan

Hasil Diskusi
KEGIATAN 2 40 Menit
(Presentasi dan Diskusi)

◼ Masing-masing kelompok diberikan waktu untuk

mempresentasikan hasil diskusi yang menjadi
◼ Masing-masing kelompok diberikan waktu
presentasi 5 menit
◼ Kelompok lain diberikan waktu untuk memberikan
tanggapan setelah presentasi masing-masing
kelompok selesai
Berry, J.W., Portinga, Y.H., Segall, M.H.& Dasen, P.R., (2002).
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Research and Application (2nd ed.).
NY: Cambridge University Press.
Hogg, M., & Vaughan, G. (2011). Social psychology (6th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Matsumoto, D., & Juang, L. (2013). Culture and psychology (5th ed)..
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.
Tugas untuk Minggu Depan
Membaca tentang:
Titik Persinggungan Psikologi Barat dan Timur

Sumber Bacaan:
Hogg, M., & Vaughan, G. (2011). Social psychology (6th
ed.). Chapter 16. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. 🡪
Two Psyches: East meets West
Terima Kasih

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