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d passive Voice "'

Active an ~,

(!J Let's Get St~rted 1

. in each sentence.
Unde rline the s ubj ect 'd a bicycle.
I /,ow ton e
My sisrcr t,:wg i t me 'd a bicycle.
. cer how co r, e
I was taughr by my sis

. · d chis picture.
Leonardo da Vinci pa,nre d da Vinci.
· d by Leonar 0
This picture was pa,nte .. d the verb in each sentence?
. . berween rhe subject an
Wh at is che relationship

have the same meaning .

but their Structures are diffj
. h
both the sentences .
Didyounoticethatmeac set, b. . performingtheact,on . ererit?
the su 1ect ,s
In rhe first and third sentences, h sub ·ect is receiving the action .
In rhe second and fourth sentences, t e 1

Active and Passive Voice

Read these sentences.
Philip is sitting on a chair in his room. .
Rumi was ca/king co her beS t friend , Prach1. .
In both the sentences, the su b.~ects Philip and Rumi are the doers of the actions, sitting and ta/king.

In a sentence, ,·r t he su b'~ect o fthe sentence is the doer of the action, it is said to be in the active Voice.

Examples: Ranveer helped Anwar with his homework.

Tushar's uncle took him to dinner on his birthday.
Now read these sentences.
The students were scolded by the teacher.
The vase in the living room was broken by the child. ~
In both these sentences, the subjects students and vase are the receivers of the actions scolded and b k
' ro en

In a sentence, ifthe subject ofthe sentence is the recipient ofthe action, it is said to be in the pass· .
1ve voice.

• Tho mb bit was chased b,y thc I
111f1P Ie S. . .
~ 7111s porlrmt ofm y grandfcuh CO/Jard.
. or Was Pointed by a r_
. of for rm ng cn tcn ces in
le~ Pa ss· V . ,umous arti st
flll -.-1 subJec r of a senten . ·
, ,1c . . b ce 1n the act" .
1. . 1e .icc,ve ,.
voice ecornes the sub · voi ivc ce b
rr1 t , .
. Sac hin scored a cen tur y JCct in the eco me s its b
pa . .
. o Ject in the a~siv .
:ample. · h ss,v e voi ce. .
~ mt e match. (active vo·
A cen tur y was scored by Sachin
P c voi ce. The ob3ect
. h ice)
. e doer of rhe action mt e match ( . .
is no t importa . . · pas 5
2. .If rIlie
sen . h . ,ve voi ce)
,n c ten
d bce in t e pas sive voice If mnt, it. is usua IIy no
by che wo r ~- . enc,oned . . . t mentioned ~
• it is introduced :
fes: Water supply was restored . :
~arf1P after two da s ,
(Here the do er of the actio \
' · ~· On ly ~en ten ces with a :
n IS no t mentioned .) . trans1t1ve verb can be
The tunnelwasdugbythreemen. :, changed to passive voice . ,;
-rhe verb in active voice tak es ' ·· ··· ··· · ··· ··· ··· ··· · ···
J , its pa st partici le f, .
. . .
~amp le·. The postman dehvers our letters (ac t·v P •orm )
in the passive voice.
· 1 e voice
Our letters are delivered by the
postman ( . .
Wh en · passive voice )
4· cen we ch an ge a sen ten ce
se of the verb mu st rem ainfi-om the active voice to th . .
un ch an ge d . e passive voice, the
c.,.ample: Mv mother gives us
i:;.J' piano lessons every dav (prese
n t ense, active
·. r . . )
We are given piano lessons by my voice
mo the r every da,v (p voice. )
·.r resent tense,
S. The subject !n the act i~e
vo ic_e mu st ag ree wit~ the ver
The su bje ct rn the pa ssi ve vo b in the active voice .
ice mu st ag ree wi th the ver
passive voice . b in the

ExamPie: The minister is distributing blankets among the poo

sin gu lar su b. . .
Jec t: mi nis .
ter, sin gu Iar verb: .
r. (active voice ·
1s dis tri bu tin g)
Blankets are being distributed amon
g the poor by the minister.
(passive voice; plural subject: bla
nkets, plural verb: are being
dis tri bu ted )

6 If a sentence in the active _voice has~ mod_al verb, the word ' \

· added to the modal verb in the be is ', Th e verbs be an d have, ''

passive voice . '
\ wh en use d wi th ma in
Examples: / can complete this work 'II
on Friday. (active voice) : verbs, do no t ha ve
:\ passive for ms .
This work can be completed by me on ~----- --------------- ---
Friday. (passive voice)
You should clean the room by evening.
(active vo ice)
The room should be deaned by you by
evening. (passive vo ice)

. cc ,c ne eds co be changed• to its. co rte~
r h epcrfccr he act ive voi , d es not have a passive vo,c, · P(),,.
r .
verb inconc,nuou 5 ccnse O "I ,.
Dcpcndin.:, on rhe rcnsc on~c
• ,vt• vo,ce.
form "' the p,1ss
Loo .., 3 r rhis r.1b/c. Continuous

I a m clicking photos. I have die ~

I click phoros. • .J

Photos are being Photos ha

clicked by me. clicked by
Passive voice Photos are clicked
b me.
I was clicking photos. I had clicked Ph
Acr,ve voice 1 clicked photos.
Photos were being Photos had bee
Photos were clicked clicked by me. clicked by rne. n
Passive voice
Active voice J will click photos. I will be clicking
I will have clicked
photos. p hotos.

Passive voice Photos will be clicked No passive voice

Photos will have b
byme. clicked by rne. een

d s the subject of a sentence in

8. When personal pronounshar~ ~se a hen they become the object
active voice, they change t e,r orm w
in the passive vo,ce.
Example: / solved this puzzle. Verb~ in the perfect '
conr~nuous and future ''
This puzzle was solved by me. continuous tenses
: can~ot be_changed to
9. If a verb is followed by a prepositi?n in ~he active voice, the 1
1 passive voice.
preposition is retained in the passive voice. -------------------- - ..... _ '',

Example: The lioness looks after its cubs.

The cubs are looked after by the lioness.

. _.,-~ ead the sentences. Circle the correct verb form to complete each sentence.

1/ Dipak posted/was posted the letter yesterday.

2. The workers did a lot of work yesterday but they didn 't pay/ weren't paid.
,VA new school wt!/ bwld/ wtll be built on the land.
4. My friend speaks/ is spoken three languages .

.V My parents have invited/ hove been invited to rhe Annual Day function of our school.
6. A cricket march is ployed/ ploys by two reams of eleven players each.
i I chink rhis ice cream makes/ is mode wirh milk.
, I onth
,..,. I Ii~ ~~H1>!!1 "'")'CJ/ ,,,-e ,,h/t1;,.,
,. c r:idi
lJ vVh,H k in d o 0 11 usm; ,l t .
' 1
i s1•c; ir1 Pun b
° cv1:ry d ny.
10. Pel t•r>'s mothl!r is mndc:/ makos h . J.t , COokinv,?
"'f~ •~ sweater:.
.~/ vrit~ those sentence s in t h • . ·
A RC' c Pnss,vc " 0 .
✓~ ) W..: lea rn our lesso ns every d •ce.
\ • . ay.
') r hl' h ;1re does not Win the
~· race.
J'. The rea cher is not taking ateen d ance
4 1 h:we spent all my
pocket rn ·
. · oney.
'tos. ~< 50 ,neone has stolen rny pen.

6_ We have solved all the sums.

-.1 The mother has not cooked fo d fi
/. . . or the children
B. Every child earned a bag. ·
9I The farmer killed a poisonous sna~
J O. The hen laid five golden eggs.
~ .
<i!_ Rewrite these sentences m the active vo ice.
·.r'(I )- A party is being held tonight at his house by his friends .
2_ The clothes are not being stitched by the tailor.
y A meeting is being held in the hall.

4 _ Tennis is being played by him regularly.

1/. A nest has been built by the bird.

6_ Their homework has not been completed by them.

7 Her sad tale has not been heard by us .
B. A brave fight was put up by the Raj puts.
g., The son was being looked after by his mother.

1o. An ice cream is being eaten by the child.

•r tj/ in the blanks with the passive form of the verbs given in the brackets.
y. S h e - - - - - - - by the advertisements on the television. (distract)
2. What t i m e - - - - - - - the pharmacy_-:------ in the morning?
-;. The cake _ _ _ _ _ _ by my mother. (bake)
4. All types of clothes in this shop. (iron)
5( The cards by the children. (write)
fJ ' w/rom w,u this p
,crurc - - - - ; - )
. ( seea
7 (paint) V
(i . > - - - - - . d (encourage
1/ Zcc11,1 r ·s wa llet by her fr,e n s. 'd nrs of the two
s. C/1r1srina -----
----- Y b the Pres, e
9 The agreem~ncs I)
' counrne.s.· (5,gn) . . (cance
I 0. All era ins co Chenna,
, _~ on't Forget/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' ' \
' . d passive. 1
o voices: acc1ve an
, • A sentence can have tw . . h d er of che action.
1, . h ubjeCC ,s r e o
• In the accive voice, t es • · nr of the action.
1 . . h b ·ecr is che rec1p1e
1 • In the passive voice, r e su ~ . . . d in the passive voice.
f he acc,on ,s om1tte
I,_________ ____
• Sometimes, the
agent t __ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--------- ~~~
~ ,~

... ,

~ t UsWrite
Identify the voice of these sentences and rewrite them in the other voice.
The parents are advised by che school to check the results online.
2. This cafeteria serves non-vegetarian food .
3. The army has announced a curfew.
4. The new airport will be inaugurated by the Civil Aviation Minister.
5. How many pieces ofclothing do you need?
6. Social media is used by people around the world.
7 They are renovating the municipality building.
B. Were any goals scored by Tarun?

9. Who teaches mathematics in your school?

10. A road safety
awareness programme is being organized by the school.

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