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2, FEBRUARY 2002 261

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The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their careful
reading of this paper and their helpful suggestions.

Fast Terminal Sliding-Mode Control Design for Nonlinear
[1] S. Arik, “Stability analysis of delayed neural networks,” IEEE Trans.
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[2] S. Arik and V. Tavsanoglu, “On the global asymptotic stability of de-
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[3] , “A comment on necessary and sufficient condition for absolute
stability of neural networks,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 45, pp. Abstract—In this brief, a fast terminal dynamics is proposed and used
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[4] , “A sufficient conditions for absolute stability of a large class of linear dynamical systems. The inherent dynamic properties of the fast ter-
dynamical neural networks,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 47, pp. minal sliding modes are explored and conditions to ensure its applicability
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[5] P. Baldi and A. F. Atiya, “How delays affect neural dynamics and
learning,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, vol. 5, pp. 612–621, July
[6] A. Berman and R. J. Plemmons, Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathemat-
ical Science. New York: Academic, 1994. Sliding-mode control systems have been studied extensively and
[7] Y. H. Chen and S. C. Fang, “Neurocomputing with time delay anal- used in many applications [1] due to their robustness and simplicity.
ysis for solving convex quadratic programming problems,” IEEE Trans. The sliding mode is attained by designing the control laws which
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[11] K. Gopalsamy and X. Z. He, “Delay independent stability in bidirec- Manuscript received January 31, 2000; revised January 9, 2001, and July 23,
tional associative memory networks,” IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 2001. This work was supported by the Australian Research Council through a
vol. 5, pp. 998–1002, Nov. 1994. grant. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor M. Gilli.
[12] , “Stability in asymmetric Hopfield nets with transmission delays,” X. Yu is with the Faculty of Informatics and Communication, Cen-
Physica D, vol. 76, pp. 344–358, 1994. tral Queensland University, Rockhampton, Qld. 4702, Australia (e-mail:
[13] M. Joy, “Results concerning the absolute stability of delayed neural net-
works,” Neural Networks, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 613–616, 1999. M. Zhihong is with the School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Techno-
[14] E. Kaszkurewicz and A. Bhaya, “On a class of globally stable neural logical University, Singapore, 639798.
circuits,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I, vol. 41, pp. 171–174, Feb. 1994. Publisher Item Identifier S 1057-7122(02)01183-2.

1057–7122/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE

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improve the transient performance substantially. TSM control has The fast convergence performance of FTSM in comparison with
been used successfully in control designs [2], [4], [5]. However, in the conventional linear hyperplane based sliding mode can be demon-
comparison with the sliding-mode control based on linear switching strated by the following example. Consider = 1 and = 1 and
hyperplanes, the existing TSM control may not deliver the same initial condition x1 (0) = 1. First let us assume p = 3 amd q =
1. From (3), one can easily find that the time to reach zero is t =
convergence performance when the system state is far away from the s
equilibrium, albeit its finite time convergence lies in its exponentially 1:039 720 770 839 92. We now compare the above with the situation
growing convergence rate when the state is near the equilibrium. where p and q are set to 1. The simulation suggests that at approxi-
In this brief, we propose a new fast terminal sliding mode (FTSM) mate ts = 1:039 699 999 999 90, for the case of p = 3 and q = 1,
model that is able to combine the advantages of the TSM control and the x1 (ts ) = 0:000 000 091 785 40 and for the case of p = 1 and q = 1,
conventional sliding-mode control (linear hyperplane based) together x1 (ts ) = 0:125 005 192 817 75. It is evident that the convergence rate
so that fast (finite time) transient convergence both at a distance from of the FTSM is far better than its linear counterpart. The obvious reason
and at a close range of the equilibrium can be obtained. This model can is when close to the equilibrium, the convergence rate of the linear hy-
deliver a control performance that cannot be realized by using either perplane based sliding mode remains a constant while the convergence
approach alone. We will fully explore the dynamic properties of the rate of the FTSM grows exponentially.
FTSMs and develop the control design based on FTSMs. Based on the the FTSM in (2), we now propose the following new
recursive procedure for FTSM control of higher order systems:
s1 =s_ 0 + s + 0 sq0
0 0
The TSM concept first introduced in [2] can be described as q =p
s2 =s_ 1 + 1 s1 + 1 s1 (5)
.. ..
s = x_ 1 + xq=p
1 =0 (1) . .
q =p
sn01 =s_ n02 + n02 sn02 + n02 sn02 (6)
where x1 2 R1 is a scalar variable, and > 0 and p; q (p > q)
are positive integers. Note that the parameters p and q must be odd where s0 = x1 , i > 0, i > 0 and qi , pi (i = 0; . . . ; n 0 2) are
integers and only the real solution is considered so that, for any real
positive odd numbers. The same analog applies that once sn01 = 0 is
number x1 , x1 is always a real number. It can be easily verified that, reached, sn02 will reach zero in finite time, and so will sn03 ; . . . ; s0 .
given any initial state x1 (0) 6= 0, the dynamics (1) will reach x1 = 0 It is easy to establish that the time to reach the equilibrium is
in a finite time determined by ts = (p= (p 0 q ))jx1 (0)j(p0q)=p : The
equilibrium 0 is a terminal attractor [3], i.e., the state x1 = 0 can be
reached in a finite time and it is stable. The term “terminal” is referred T = ti = tn
to the equilibrium which can be reached in finite time and is stable. The
reaching time ts can be tuned by setting parameters p; q; . pi01
The introduction of the nonlinearity term x1 improves the conver-
i=1 i01 (pi01 0 qi0 ) 1
gence toward equilibrium. The closer to equilibrium, the faster the con-
2 ln( i01 si01 (ti )
(p 0q )=p +p
) 0 ln i0 1 (7)
vergence rate, resulting in finite time convergence. Note that although
the terminal dynamics is not Liptchitz, for any nonzero initial condi-
tion, the solution in the forward time direction is unique [11]. where tn is the time to reach the terminal sliding mode sn01 while
It is should be noted that there is a close relationship between the
ti = pi01
TSM (1) and the time optimal control. In fact, the time optimal control (p
i01 i01 0 qi0 )
for the double integrator system [7] can be approximated by a TSM
2 ln( i01 si01 (ti )
(p 0q )=p p
) 0 ln i0 1

for i = n 0 1; . . . ; 1 is the time from si (ti ) 6= 0 to si (ti + ti01 ) = 0.

When the system state is far away from the equilibrium, the TSM
model (1) does not prevail over the linear counterpart (setting p = q )
since the term x1 tends to reduce the magnitude of the convergence Note that the procedure (4)–(6) actually defines a path for the state
x to converge to equilibrium. Indeed, if sn01 = 0 is considered as
n 0 1-dimensional flow in the state space, sn02 can be considered as
rate at a distance from equilibrium. One immediate solution is to intro-
duce the following so-called fast terminal sliding-mode model:
a subspace with dimension shrunk by unity. Therefore, s0 = 0 will be
the result of the n 0 1-dimensional dynamic space shrunk by n 0 1
s = x_ 1 + x1 + xq=p
1 =0 (2)

where ; > 0. By doing so, we have x_ 1 = 0 x1 0 x1 . For q=p

properly chosen q; p, given an initial state x1 (0) 6= 0, the dynamics
(2) will reach x1 = 0 in finite time. The physical interpretation is: We consider the general nonlinear smooth single-input single-output
when x1 is far away from zero, the approximate dynamics becomes (SISO) system
x_ 1 = 0 x1 whose fast convergence when far away from zero is well
understood. When close to x1 = 0, the approximate dynamics becomes x_ =f (x) + g(x)u
x_ 1 = 0 xq=p
1 which is a terminal attractor [3]. More precisely, we can y =h(x) (8)
solve the differential (2) analytically. The exact time to reach zero, ts ,
is determined by where f and g are the smooth vector fields on Rn , h is the scalar
smooth field on Rn , and u 2 R1 .
ts = p x1 (0)(p0q)=p + 0 ln Before we proceed, we introduce several notations. The Lie deriva-
0 q) tive of h with respect to f is defined as the directional derivative Lf h =
ln( ) (3)
5h where 5h = (@h=@x) representing the gradient of h. Higher
and the equilibrium 0 is a terminal attractor. order Lie derivatives can be defined recursively as Lif h = 5(Lif01 h)f
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for i = 1; 2; . . . with L0f h = h (see [8]). Without loss of generality, Substituting the control (11) into (13) yields sn01 s_ n01 = 0K jsn01 j
we assume that the SISO system (8) has relative degree n in a region which means that the sliding mode sn01 = 0 will then be reached in
2 Rn . finite time. In fact, following Section II, from any initial state at t0 = 0,
With the assumption, in , the nonlinear system (8) can be trans- the time to reach zero is tn = jSn01 (0)j=k . Hence, the proof of the
formed to the following normal form: theorem is completed. Q.E.D.
The control (11) involves calculation of the terms
z_i =zi+1 i = 1; . . . ; n 0 1 LnA0+kBu01skq =p , k = 0; . . . ; n 0 2 that is lengthy and trivial.
z_n =a(z) + b(z )u (9) Here we present a qualitative result for the calculation of these terms
and also show that these terms are independent of the control u.
where zi = Lif0 h(x) for i = 1; . . . ; n, a(z ) = Ln
f h(x), and b(z ) = Theorem 2: For any k 2 f0; 1; . . . ; n 0 2g,
Lg Lnf 0 h(x) 6= 0. The transformation matrix is easily seen as z =

8(x) = [h(x); Lf h(x); . . . ; Lnf 0 h(x)]T : The dynamics (9) can also
1 LnA0kBu0 skq =p = fk (z)
be written as where fk is a continuous nonlinear function.
z_ = A(z ) + B (z )u Proof: We prove this proposition using the mathe-
matical induction approach. Let k = 0, then apparently
where A(z ) = [z2 ; . . . ; zn01 ; a(z )]T and B (z ) = [0; . . . ; 0; b(z )]T . LnA0+1Bu sq0 =p = LnA0+1Bu z1q =p = f0 (z). Let k = 1, then
The sliding-mode control u should be designed so that sn01 s_ n01 < LnA0+2Bu sq1 =p = LnA0+2Bu (z2 + 0 z1 + 0 z1q =p )q =p which
0K jsn01j; K > 0 therefore sn01 = 0 can be reached in finite can be apparently expressed as f1 (z ). Assume for k = k0 ,
time. Hence, according to (4)–(6), x1 = 0 is reached in finite time. LnA0+kBu01skq =p = fk (z). Let us examine the case of k = k0 + 1.
Following are some results on the FTSM control of the SISO nonlinear Since
sk =fk (_sk 01 ; sk 01 )
Theorem 1: For the system (8), if the control u is designed as
=fk (sk 02 ; s_ k 02 ; sk 02 ) = 1 1 1
u = ueq + ud (11) =fk (s(0k ) ; s0(k 01) ; . . . ; s0 )
where and s0 = z1 , then sk(l) is a function of zk +l+1 ; zk +l ; . . . ; z1 . There-
n0k 02 q
ueq = 0 b01 (z ) fore, L
A+Bu sk +1 is a function of z . Q.E.D.
n02 The parameters qk , pk must be chosen carefully in order to avoid the
1 a(z) + L n0k01
+ k LnA0+kBu01skq =p singularity because there are terms in dn0k01 =dtn0k01 sk
q =p
k A+Bu sk ; which
k=0 may contain nagative powers so that, when sk01 ! 0, u ! 1. This
ud = 0 b01 (z )K sign sn01 problem can be remedied by the following theorem.
K >0 Theorem 3: If
qk > n 0 k 0 1
with K > 0 being a constant, then the system will reach the sliding pk n0k
mode sn01 = 0 in finite time.
Proof: To ensure the finite time reachability of the sliding mode then, when sk ! 0 sequentially from k = n 0 2 to k = 0, u is
sn01 = 0, the condition sn01 s_ n01 < 0K jsn01 j should be satisfied. bounded.
Taking the first-order derivative of sn01 , one has Proof: From the rule for the nth derivative of a composite func-
tion [10], we have that for function F (s)
s_ n01 = sn02 + _
n02 sn02 + n02 LA+Bu sqn02 =p (12)
dn F (s) = n! dm F s_ i s i
since si = s_ i01 + i01 si01 + i01 si01
q =p
, for i = n 0 1; n 0 dt
n i1 !i2 ! . . . il ! dsm 1! 2!
2; . . . ; 1 and the lth-order derivative of si is (3) i (l) i
2 s3! 1 1 1 sl! (15)
LlA+Bu si = LlA+1+Bu s_ i01 + i01 LAl +Bu si01
over all solutions in nonnegative integers of the equation i1 + 2i2 +
+ i01 LAl +Bu (sqi01 =p ) 3i3 + 1 1 1 lil = n and m = i1 + i2 + i3 + 1 1 1 + il . For simplicity, let
then it can be easily calculated that r = qk =pk and drop the index k . Since in the sliding mode sk+1 = 0,
n02 n02 sk+1 = s_ k + k sk + k sqk =p = s_ + s + sr = 0
n0k01 n0k01
s_ n01 =LnA+Bu s0 + k LA+Bu sk + k LA+Bu sk
q =p
then s_ = O(sr ) when s ! 0, where O is a complexity function.
We therefore have dm F =dsm = O(sr0m ) and s(d) = (_s)(d01) =
k=0 k=0
n02 n02
=z_n + n0k01
k LA+Bu sk +
n0k01 q =p
k LA+Bu sk : O (sdr0(d01) ). So, we then have (16), shown at the bottom of the page.
Hence when s ! 0, i.e., sk ! 0, (n+1)r 0n = (n+1)qk =pk 0n > 0
k=0 k=0

dn F (s) = O(sr0m )O(si r )O si r0 1 1 1 O si lr0 l0

(2 1) ( ( 1))
= O(sr0m )O sr i i i 111 li i i i 111 i 0 i
( +2 +3 + + )+( + + + + ) ( 111+li )
+2i +3i +

= O(sr0m )O(snr m0n) = O y n r0n

+ ( +1)

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will ensure that (16) is bounded. Also from the above analysis, we have IV. CONCLUSION
(n01) r (n01) = O (snr0n+1 ). Hence when
= O (s )
n n
d =dt s = (s _)
s ! 0, nr 0 n + 1 = nqk =pk 0 n + 1 > 0 will ensure that d =dt s
n n We have proposed a fast terminal dynamics is for the design of
sliding-mode control for SISO nonlinear dynamical systems. The
is bounded. With the above expressions in mind, the control (11) can
inherent dynamic properties of the FTSMs have been explored and
be rewritten as
conditions to ensure its applicability for control design have been
u = 0 0()
z derived. Simulation results of a chaos synchronization problem and
n0 2 control of a flexible joint robot arm have shown the effectiveness of
1 ( )+
a z O (n
0k01)q =p 0(n0k01)+1 the control strategy developed. The FTSM control has demonstrated
k=0 its superior performance. It should be noted the control strategy
+ O sk
(n 0k)q =p 0(n0k01) developed in this paper can be applied to a wide range of applications
in circuits and systems, for example, in chaos communication and
synchronization, filter designs, etc. Future work will be conducted
+K sgn sn01 : (17) in applying this mechanism to more general problems in control,
optimization, and identification.
For the second term of (17) to be bounded while sk ! 0, it is sufficient
that (n 0 k)qk =pk 0 (n 0 k 0 1) > 0 for sk ! 0 sequentially from
k = n 0 2 to k = 0 so that the control u is bounded.
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