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NYAM Session Full Guide


15m chart
HTF Structure
Economic Calendar
Market Profiles
London Sesssion
AM Session
True Session Open
8:30 True Open (NEWS)
8:50 Macro
9:30 True Open
9:50 Macro / 10am Delivery (Seperate PDF)
News @ 10 am
Silver Bullet Hour
Opening Range Model
10:30 to 10:45 ‘Macro’
10:50 to 11:10 Macro


🔑 In order to frame a bias, we need to look at different HTF charts and

understand the narrative surrounding the week and why price should draw to
specific levels.

NYAM Session Full Guide 1

15m chart
REQH or REQL - Any liquidity on the 15m chart that is closest before equities open
should be annotated as price is likely to run or create judas swings towards it
Previous Day Buyside Sellside or Session Ranges - Anything of interest from these that
has been left untapped. Weekly profiles play into this as well (seen further below)
Imbalances or LIQ in premium or discount of the current dealing range to use as targets
- 15m to 4h chart, when price is in a clear MMXM: Imbalances should be annotated that
can be a likely draw
Overnight Move - Large overnight moves that reach HTF objectives can create poor
market conditions during first 30mins after NY open. Best to wait till indices and DXY
are aligned and market shows displacement out of the consolidation.

HTF Structure
Daily / Weekly Liquidity or Imbalances - Identify these and the closest target typically
can be used as the draw. Argue for both sides, and see which is stronger at the open for
price to MOST likely draw towards. Large expansions on the daily/weekly can
sometimes have consolidation / range bound days that follow (good to keep this in
CORE CONTENT VIDEOS. Take extensive notes as there is only a handful of different
weekly profiles

Monday typically is the weekly accumulation

Tuesday can form the High/low of the week and can have decent trading
opportunities if conditions are right

Wednesday - Friday… By Wednesday AM Session the weekly profile should be

obvious and should be traded accordingly. Very useful when finding draws and
when to expect expansions / reversals on the HTFs.

Economic Calendar

NYAM Session Full Guide 2

8:30 News 10am News
High Impact Low probability News (NFP CPI FOMC) - Best to avoid these and before
them as they create low probability Seek and Destroy conditions

Weekly Profiles or Daily Profiles utilizing the economic calandar - Economic Calendar
also plays a large role in the weekly profile. Core Content month 7 also covers this.
Macro signatures that are expected to play out during the day resulting from true open -
Typically 90 mins after the true session open, the volatility drops off and the market
becomes a bit harder to read. Macros before this are highest in probability (most times),
and ones after can be used if DOL is not met.

Market Profiles
London Sesssion
Standard London Protraction - London creates the H/L of the day by sweeping asian
session range then continuing in the other direction.
London Consol - London consolidates, can lead to manipulation and reversal in new

Expansion during London - If a large expansion occurs, watch for a low probability
NYAM session (at least for the first 30 mins)

London + Asian Ranges being used as DOL. If both the Asian and London session
range high or lows that have not been pierced, this can be used as a DOL for the NY
session assuming there is context we reverse.

AM Session
Reversal - DOL is met or there is a weekly profile that would allow NYAM to reverse.
Typically harder to spot then the others and needs to have a decent amount of narrative
and context behind it.
Continuation- Typically starts with a retracement into the previous leg out of london, but
then continues in the direction price was already heading. Seen as expansion moves
during NY
Manipulation- When London session is range bound and does not have a lot of
movement, NY session (if it opens close enough) can see manipulation through London
H/L then reversing aggresively to HTF points of interest

NYAM Session Full Guide 3

Consolidation - Typically happens when there is a large overnight move during london
or after or when we are at 50% of a current HTF dealing range.

Trend Start typically at true open of the session (8:30 or 9:30), Trend Ends NORMALLY
around 10:30 or 11:00am, but can see continuation through lunch. (CORE CONTENT

Hourly CISD - Hourly chart order flow (which order blocks are being respected) can help
identify the HTF trend. Wednesday and days after are best to capture continuation
moves with the trend.

True Session Open

8:30 True Open (NEWS)
Macros that are high prob - 8:50 and 9:50, 10:30 London Close becomes lower in prob
unless first 30 mins does not move, then 10:50 is high if DOL is not met or reversal
expected at 11.

🔑 8:30 news will most times sweep liquidity, then continue in the other direction.
Use the macros as continuation entries towards DOL, then wait for a proper
market shift to target the News High / Low.

8:50 Macro
8:30 News High Probability

I prefer to use it when 8:30 news sweeps liquidity, and the macro is used as an entry
towards the opposing side before the 9:30 volatility. Typically this creates a nice
expansion move leading into the equities open.

Other than news, best 8:50 macro occurs when there is a clear MMXM (liquidity sweep,
breaker formation, and opposing DOL).

9:30 True Open

NYAM Session Full Guide 4

Opening Range Gap - Seen from the RTH chart. Best to mark these out, with 50%, as
they are very useful for intra-day draws and determining strength and weakness. Can
be used as a DOL

Judas Swing - 9:30 to 10:00 most times will want to see a judas swing towards the
opposing side of the range if we are expecting an expansion in the other direction. If
there is no judas swing present, there are other market conditions that can predict this,
or we may see a reversal/deep retracement in the rest of the AM session. SMT NEEDS

9:50 Macro / 10am Delivery (Seperate PDF)

Whole seperate PDF on this specific Macro, and flowchart is provided within the Private
Group. (Patreon)

News @ 10 am
8:30 & 10am News - When both are present: Watch for 8:30 news to delivery a sweep
of liquidity, and if opposing objective is not yet met, expect 10am news to be an
expansionary driver.

Silver Bullet Hour

Specific time that can end the retracement stage of price delivery following 10am
reaching a point of interest (liquidity / HTF imbalance).

- Example → 9:30 judas then expanding into 10am, 10am to 10:20 retraces back into
the range, 10:20ish to 10:50 expands again towards target

Could also start the retracement leg, giving 10:30 macro an entry towards liquidity
Can start a MMXM towards the low/high that was formed and can see a 10:30 Macro

Opening Range Model

NYAM Session Full Guide 5

🔑 Main Idea (Core Content Month 10 - Basics and Opening Range Concept ):
Opening Range - 9:30 to 10:30
Price between 10:30 and 12:00 is expected to run for the NY.AM High or Low
that was formed. If there is a large range, watch for return to equilibrium of
dealing range.

Depending on what occured in the first hour, we can predict which has the
higher probability of playing out. There are macros that can be used as entry
tools towards these specific liquidity pools.

10:30 to 10:45 ‘Macro’

Not an official macro, but occurs the last overlap with London Close and NY AM
If the DOL from HTF is not met, then look for continuation to M15 or M60 PD Array

Turtle Soup / Reversal- If there is a LARGE expansion during the AM session already,
then look for consolidation (could be small) at the end of the range before the 10:30 to
10:45 provides a turtle soup reversal back into the range.

Normally 20-30% is targeted within the rest of the AM session before lunch

50% can be targeted for the rest of the day if there is willingness.

Best to study the daily profiles (Index Trend Setups from Core Content)

10:50 to 11:10 Macro

When the 15/60/4h target has not been met or price has been stuck in a range from
9:30 to 10:45, see that the 10:50 macro creates final expansion going into lunch hour
outside of the range. Can also be high probability as continuation from 10:30 towards
HTF target for the AM session before Lunch takes stops.

Reversal stage (difficult to expect when early on) - When price has met the target and
expanded a great deal during NY session, watch to see if there will be a sharp reversal
back to 50% of the dealing range going into lunch hour. Although this can also just

NYAM Session Full Guide 6

mean there will be chop during the macro, and the move is made in between 11am and

NYAM Session Full Guide 7

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