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In partial fulfillment of requirement for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering

Submitted by:
ROUNAQ CHAND (2202250100180)

SHAKIR SAIFI (2202250100204)

MD NUMAN (2202250100137)

DEVVRAT TOMAR (2202250100093)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Accurate Institute Of Management And Technology, Greater Noida





I hereby declare that this submission is our own work and that to

the best of our knowledge and beliefs. It contains no material

previously published or written by neither any person nor material

which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of

any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of

higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been

made in the text.


Roll no.: 2202250100204, 2202250100137, 2202250100093, 2202250100180

Date: 0302/2024

This is to certify that Project report entitled “NIKE ONLINE


TOMAR, ROUNAQ CHAND, for partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of degree Bachelors of

Technology in Department of Computer Science & Engineering of

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam University, Lucknow is a record of the

candidate’s own work carried out by them under my supervision.

The matter embodied in this report is original and has not been

submitted for the award of any other degree.

Date: 03/02/2024 Supervisor: Mr. Jai Narayan Sir



2.Project Scope and Objectives

3.Project Plan

4.Technologies Used

5.User Interface Design

6.Database Design

7.Payment Gateway Integration

8. Testing and Quality Assurance


10.Future Scope



In today's digital age, e-commerce platforms have taken over the

retail industry by providing customers with the convenience of
buying products and services from the comfort of their homes.
Nike, an American e-commerce company founded in 1971, has
been a game-changer in the World retail industry. With its user-
friendly interface, a vast range of products, and affordable prices, it
has become a household name. However, not everyone has the
resources or the technical expertise to create a website like Nike.
This is where the Nike Online Store comes in.

A Nike Online Store is a ready-made e-commerce platform that

replicates the features and functionalities of the original Nike
website. It is an affordable and quick way to set up an online store
without the hassle of coding and designing a website from scratch.
With a Nike Online Store, entrepreneurs can start their e-
commerce business without having to invest a lot of time and

Features of Nike Online Store :

1.A Nike Online Store typically includes all the essential features
that are found on the original Nike website. Some of the features

2.User-Friendly Interface: The interface of the Nike Online Store is

designed to be simple and easy to use. This helps in providing a
seamless shopping experience to the customers.

3.Multiple Payment Options: A Nike Online Store supports multiple

payment options, including credit cards, debit cards, net banking,
and cash on delivery.
4.Search and Filters: Customers can search for products based on
various filters such as price, brand, color, and size.

5.Product Listings: Products are listed in categories and

subcategories, making it easy for customers to find what they are
looking for.

6.Shopping Cart: The shopping cart feature enables customers to

add products to their cart and checkout.

7.Order Management: The Nike Online Store has an order

management system that enables the admin to manage and track

8.Customer Support: The Nike Online Store provides customer

support through various channels, including email, phone, and

Advantages of Nike Online Store

1.Time-Saving: With a Nike Online Store, entrepreneurs can start

their e-commerce business in a short amount of time, as the
website is pre-built and ready to use.

2.Cost-Effective: Developing a website from scratch can be

expensive. A Nike Online Store is an affordable option for those
who want to start an online store without investing a lot of money.

3.Customizable: A Nike Online Store can be customized to suit the

needs of the business. Entrepreneurs can add their logo, change
the color scheme, and modify the website's layout.
4.Scalable: A Nike Online Store can handle a large number of
products and customers. As the business grows, entrepreneurs
can upgrade to a higher plan to accommodate more traffic and

Project Scope and Objectives

The objective of the Nike Online Store project is to create an e-

commerce platform that provides a similar experience to NIKE.

The project will include the following key features:

1.User Registration and Login

2.Product Categories

3.Product Search

4.Product Listings

5.Product Details

6.Cart Management

7.Payment Gateway Integration

8.Order traking

Project Plan

The project will be executed in four phases:

1. Planning and Requirements Gathering

2. Design and Development

3. Testing and Quality Assurance

4. Deployment

During the planning phase, the project team will define the project

requirements, create a project plan, and allocate resources. The

design and development phase will involve designing the user

tested for functionality, usability, and performance.

interface, developing the backend and frontend components of the

application, and integrating the payment gateway. The testing and

quality assurance phase will involve testing the application for

functionality, usability, and performance. Finally, the deployment

phase will involve launching the application on a web server.

Technologies Used

The Nike Online Store project will use the following technologies:

1.Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery

2.Back-end: PHP and MySQL

3.Payment Gateway: Paytm Integration

User Interface Design

The user interface of the Nike Online Store website will be

designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. The interface will be

based on a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes,

allowing users to access the website on desktops, laptops,

tablets, and smartphones. The interface will feature a search bar,

product categories, product listings, and a shopping cart. The

design will be simple, with minimal distractions to ensure that

users can navigate the application easily.

Database Design
The database design of a Nike Online Store plays a vital role in the
efficient functioning of the website. A well-designed database
ensures that the website can handle large amounts of data and
that the data is organized and easily accessible to users. There
are several considerations that should be taken into account when
designing the database for Nike Online Store, including:

1.Scalability: The database should be designed to handle large

amounts of data as the website grows. This means that the
database should be designed to be scalable and flexible to
accommodate changes in the size and complexity of the website.

2.Data Security: The database should be designed to ensure the

security of user data. This means that the database should be
encrypted and protected against unauthorized access and cyber-

3.Performance: The database should be designed to provide fast

and efficient access to data. This means that the database should
be optimized for speed and should be designed to minimize the
number of queries required to access data.

4.Data Integrity: The database should be designed to ensure data

integrity. This means that the database should be designed to
prevent data corruption and to ensure that the data is accurate
and consistent.
5.Reliability: The database should be designed to ensure that data
is always available and that the website remains operational. This
means that the database should be designed with redound and
backup systems to ensure that data is not lost in the event of a

Testing and Quality Assurance

Testing and quality assurance are crucial steps in ensuring that a
Nike Online Store functions properly and delivers a seamless user
experience. There are several types of testing and quality
assurance techniques that can be used to test a Nike Online Store,

1.Functional Testing: This type of testing is used to ensure that all

the features and functionalities of the Nike Online Store are
working correctly. Testers can use various techniques like manual
testing, automation testing, and regression testing to check that
each feature is working as intended.

2. Performance Testing: Performance testing is used to test the

speed and stability of the Nike Online Store under different loads
and conditions. Testers can use tools like LoadRunner and
JMeter to simulate high traffic scenarios and ensure that the
website performs optimally.

3.Security Testing: Security testing is used to ensure that the Nike

Online Store is secure and that customer data is protected.
Testers can use techniques like penetration testing and
vulnerability scanning to identify and fix any potential security

4.Usability Testing: Usability testing is used to test the user

interface and user experience of the Nike Online Store. Testers
can use techniques like A/B testing and user surveys to gather
feedback and make improvements to the website's design and

The future scope of a Nike Online Store is promising, given the

ever-increasing popularity of e-commerce and the growth potential
of the online marketplace. Here are some potential areas of growth
and development for a Nike Online Store in the future:

1.Personalization: With advancements in machine learning and

artificial intelligence, it is possible to personalize the shopping
experience for customers. A Nike Online Store can leverage
these technologies to provide customized product
recommendations and personalized shopping experiences for

2.Multi-Channel Retailing: With the rise of mobile and social

media, multi-channel retailing is becoming increasingly
important. A Nike Online Store can expand its reach by
integrating with various social media platforms and mobile apps.

3.International Expansion: As e-commerce continues to grow

globally, there is immense potential for a Nike Online Store to
expand its business internationally. By catering to new markets, a
Nike Online Store can increase its customer base and revenue.
4 .Augmented Reality: Augmented reality is a technology that
enables customers to experience products virtually before making
a purchase. By integrating augmented reality features, Nike
Online Store can enhance the shopping experience for customers
and increase customer satisfaction.

5.Blockchain Technology: Blockchain technology can be used to

ensure the security and transparency of transactions on the Nike
Online Store platform. By incorporating blockchain technology,
Nike Online Store can build trust with customers and ensure the
security of their data.


In conclusion, a Nike Online Store is a great option for


looking to start an e-commerce business quickly and cost-

effectively. With a user-friendly interface, multiple payment options,

search and filter capabilities, product listings, shopping cart, order

management system, and customer support, a Nike Online Store

includes all the essential features needed to create an online store.

Furthermore, it is customizable and scalable, allowing

entrepreneurs to tailor the website to their specific needs as their

business grows. While there are many providers offering Nike

Online Store scripts, it is important to do research and choose a

reliable provider who offers good customer support and ensures

the website's security. Overall, a Nike Online Store is an excellent

solution for entrepreneurs looking to start an e-commerce business

without he hassle of coding and designing a website from scratch.


1Nike Online Store Script: The Perfect Solution to Start Your

Online Business (2021). Retrieved from

2.How to Build an E-commerce Website Like Nike (2020).

Retrieved from

3.Nike Online Store: Features, Cost, and Steps to Create a

Marketplace like Nike (2021). Retrieved from

4.Nike Online Store Script (2021). Retrieved from
5.Websites referred = ,, ,

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