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Unending Faith-beta III

For every Kell Hounds or Wolf’s Dragoons, there are a hundred similar outfits that are just as Credits
talented—and just as deadly—that you have never heard of. Or worse, you have not heard enough.
Sure, the glory hounds who make the evening tri-vid news are movers and shakers, and can change
national borders whenever they want, but they’re not the only ones. For every Eridani Light Horse

Joshua C. Perian • Ray Arrastia
brigade, there is a mercenary crew with a storied battlefield history just as spectacular. These are the
unit commands that have gone largely unnoticed in the long, bloody history of the Inner Sphere, Writing
their stories untold or nearly forgotten. Take a closer look at the battles and events that have shaped Joshua C. Perian
the human sphere, and you’ll find even two-bit troops like Wilson’s Hussars have made a difference.
—Professor Harry Alexander, Spotlight On: The Almost Famous, Free Republic Press Editing

Philip A. Lee
How to Use This Book BattleTech Line Developer
Welcome to Spotlight On, a campaign supplement designed to offer players the opportunity Brent Evans
to learn about the universe’s unique and battle-tested forces from the Inner Sphere, Periphery,
and beyond. Assistant Line Developer,
The background information contained in the Unit History and Description section gives players Graphic Design & Layout
the unit’s history, notable events, tactics, traditions, organization, unique goals, and traits to Ray Arrastia
create an unlimited number of BattleTech games for play, while the Personalities section details
some of the unit’s more famous, interesting, or notorious members. Each character entry includes
Joshua Franklin • Chris Marti

additional gameplay and scenario-building material, as well as special abilities that set these
warriors apart from the rank and file. The Personnel Roster offers a complete vehicle listing for
the outfit at particular points in BattleTech history. The Personnel Roster can be used to create
stand-alone games, to weave into an existing game, or as part of a larger ongoing campaign.
The Mission Tracks section presents key battles that occurred in the unit’s history, though they
Stephan Frabartolo •
Andreas Rudolph • Chris Wheeler
Special Thanks: The author would
are not the only ones. Players wishing to incorporate these tracks into their Chaos Campaign like to thank the blessed Jerome Blake.
campaigns should use the Warchest Points (WP) listed in brackets. Each track contains gameplay Without his inspiration, leadership
and plan, our true believers would
information, such as terrain suggestions, weather, and special conditions rules. Each track also not exist. The author would also like
contains a list of optional features that can be used to enhance your game experience. For the to thank the sainted Conrad Toyama,
best results, all players should agree whether to use these bonus features before play. whose loyalty gave him the strength
Rules may reference the following books: Total Warfare (TW), Tactical Operations (TO), to commit to the greatest lie ever told.
Alpha Strike Companion (ASC), Campaign Operations (CO), and A Time of War (AToW).
Lastly, Special Command Abilities (Campaign Operations p. 83 or Alpha Strike Companion p. 44)

and Formation Abilities (CO p. 60 or Alpha Strike Companion p. 147) for the unit is listed, along with
corresponding Alpha Strike cards and unique record sheets (if applicable). Special Command Abilities,
Special Pilot Abilities, and Formations can be used both in Total Warfare and Alpha Strike play.

Under License From E-CAT35SN107
® ©2018 The Topps Company Inc. All rights Reserved. Spotlight On: Unending Faith,
Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, BattleMech and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks
of The Topps Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC.

Unending Faith-beta III

Unit History their actions during the Jihad had earned the Com Guard the right
to serve what was quickly becoming the new ComStar, and they

and Description were not alone. Many of ComStar’s rank and file were sympathetic
to the Com Guard. Unfortunately for the Com Guard, there was no
going back to their pre-Jihad existence.
When Task Forces SICKLE and Almost immediately after disbanding

MALLET freed Terra from the Word the Com Guard, the disillusioned
of Blake and terminated their Jihad, yet still-loyal members and former
it also signaled the beginning of the members of ComStar began the
end for the Com Guard. Operation arduous task of preserving the Com
SCOUR ended by giving birth to Guard for what they believed was an

Devlin Stone’s Republic of the uncertain future. These Com Guard
Sphere. With the creation of the new loyalists hated being bound to Stone
interstellar nation and ComStar’s and feared what might happen if one
ejection from the Free Rasalhague day his Republic turned on ComStar. In
Republic, ComStar was left with a secret, they cached old Com Guard and
battered army bereft of a home. Word of Blake Militia materiel and other
While many within the new Republic abandoned military equipment. Other
respected the Com Guard for their supplies were salvaged from Republic
contributions during the war, many MMRP reclamation teams and saved
more continued to hold ComStar— from the smelter through the age-old
and by extension, the Com Guard—
responsible for the Jihad. Necessity,
however, creates strange bedfellows,
and the pressures of nation building
coupled with the devastation of the
e ComStar tactic of record manipulation.
Over the course of several years the
Guard loyalists accumulated thousands
of tons of war materiel from all over the
Republic of the Sphere and beyond. At
Word’s Jihad compelled the Republic the same time, small groups of retired
and ComStar to make a deal that Guardsmen created informal Com
ensured both would endure. Guard clubs and veteran associations.
A core stipulation of this These loosely affiliated veteran groups
agreement dictated that ComStar were the genesis of the future Unending
must dissolve its military, the Com Faith III-beta and First Division. However,
Guard. Future security for ComStar the effort to keep the Com Guard alive
would be provided by private
in spirit was uncoordinated, and by
security or the state militaries the turn of the century it was headed
hosting the reformed organization. toward nothing as ComStar and
Never again would ComStar deploy former Com Guard veterans moved on
an army capable of making war. with their new lives while the painful
Stone applied pressure to force memories of the Jihad faded.
ComStar’s acceptance by pointing At roughly the same time, a small
to the still-smoldering fires of the yet growing social movement within

Jihad as a stark reminder that the ComStar took root. Eventually known
Word of Blake militarized from Com as the Blessed Order, the movement
Guard defectors during the Schism. was characterized by the desire to
For Devlin Stone, the disbandment of reintroduce ComStar to its pre–Focht
the Com Guard was a nonnegotiable Reformation roots. The Blessed Order
point and was accompanied by the believed ComStar had lost something
barest hint of a threat: permanently precious when it abandoned its Blakist
disband the Com Guard or else. doctrines and wanted a “return to the pure faith” for all of ComStar.
The veteran soldiers of the surviving Com Guard received the The new Blakist faith provided a natural fit that very quickly aligned
news of their dissolution with mixed feelings. All were proud of the loose goals of both the Blessed Order and the Com Guard loyalists
their achievements against the Word during the war, and many into a mutual pursuit. With the Blessed Order, the Com Guard cause
went on to serve with the growing RAF, but others were angered by found real leadership and a religious devotion that swiftly invigorated
the forced disposal of the Com Guard. Many Guardsmen believed and merged loyalist preservation efforts into a unified cause.

Unending Faith-beta III

The early 3100s saw the Blessed Order convert the Com Guard Slowly, the mercenaries began to push through the Com Guard.
veteran associations into training houses where the children Using their own concentrated fire, the Jesters were on the verge
and grandchildren of former Guardsmen and other prospective of breaking free until Grozda positioned his Excalibur between
recruits could hone their skills. Monies were directed from the remaining mercs and their freedom. Facing nearly a company
company pensions and charitable funds to provide training of ’Mechs alone, Grozda began firing wildly, but the combined
equipment and software for “educational” and “historical firepower of almost an entire company was overwhelming. Seeing

preservation” purposes, which served as fronts for sophisticated their commander’s selfless action, the remaining Guardsmen
holo-training materials pilfered from Republic universities or went into a frenzy, throwing themselves from their positions into
purchased on the black market. By 3112 the Blessed Order began a bloody close-quarters melee. Dust, falling rocks, and explosions
funneling future Com Guard soldiers through private security reduced visibility to mere meters as both sides fought for survival.
contractors so they could gain greater experience. In later years Fifteen minutes later, the dust settled, and the Faith took stock. No

the Blessed Order would use siphoned funds, shell companies, mercenary was spared, but the Faith’s heavy losses included their
and other corporate fronts to influence security-contractor valiant commander. After clearing the area, the shattered Level III
staffing decisions and purchase military hardware from the limped back to base.
legitimate mercenary market. Buhl made the best of the situation. First Division was already
Eventually leadership of the Blessed Order fell to Malcolm Buhl. growing at an exponential rate thanks to the materiel recovered
Buhl was a true believer who knew that a re-formed Com Guard from Alpha Base, but the veterans of Unending Faith were the
was key to fulfilling the Order’s future destiny, and his first directive most experienced soldiers in the Guard. Buhl decided that
reflected this belief: the full re-formation of First Division, and with diffusing Unending Faith’s knowledge would best serve the
it Unending Faith III. The division’s first Level III was named in honor division. He partially dissolved what remained of the Level III
of the faithful who survived the Republic’s purge and kept the spirit and dispersed the survivors to a number of Blessed Order–
of the Com Guard alive.

Woefully understrength, the newly re-formed Level III,
composed of HPG technicians, transport pilots, bankers, and
technicians of every variety, could not operate in the open. For
controlled private or mercenary companies to train the influx
of new recruits. Seeing action as far away as the Fronc Reaches,
Faith’s soldiers drove the division’s expansion, and grew the
division from two understrength Level IIIs to six reinforced Level
two years Buhl used his rank to reassign most of the Level III to IIIs by 3136.
Odessa, where he was station chief, and then again to Caph when
he was reassigned, and finally to the search effort that located
Alpha Base on Epsilon Eridani. Unit Description
As the Blessed Order refurbished Alpha Base, Unending Faith The adepts and acolytes of Unending Faith III-beta are remarkable
III acted as security, a job they performed admirably. While defenders. Whenever Unending Faith III-beta is the Defender in any
masquerading as private security for the mining company fronts battle, the player may create Improved Positions (see pp. 198–199,
the Order used to work on the Alpha facility, the Level III, quietly TO) and position themselves as Dug-In (see p. 108, TO) in half the

terminated attempted penetrations around the Shamus base time and without the need for experienced engineers. The unit may
location on three different occasions over a three-year period. Led also hide up to half (round up) of their units in terrain forbidden by
by the Faith’s first commander, Demi-Precentor Lachie Grozda, a the Hidden Units rules (see p. 259, TW) even when the scenario does
fourth attempt in 3129 turned into a bloody fight when a group of not normally allow Hidden Units.
would-be raiders managed to secretly infiltrate Epsilon Eridani and Unlike the original Com Guard, the soldiers of the reconstituted
get within 300km of the base. First Division, including Unending Faith III, spent a great deal
Oblivious to the presence of Alpha Base, the Pebble Court of time masquerading as corporate security or noncombatant
Jesters, a mercenary unit hired by a local mining corporation with corporate personnel. Individually, acolytes and adepts will benefit

the express purpose of disrupting the region’s growing economy, from a wide range of unique combat and noncombat skill sets.
marched into a well-laid trap. Using stealth technologies and All members of the Level III have the Alternate ID trait (see p. 108,
superior knowledge of the terrain to conceal his troops as the Jesters AToW), In for Life trait (see p. 120, AToW) and a –5 TP Dark Secret
moved deeper into the mountain range, Grozda placed the Level trait (see p. 112, AToW), but each is allowed one Special Pilot
III in front of the raiders’ advance and at potential escape routes. Ability (see p. 219, AToW). The Blessed Order also made a point
When the mercenaries came within range, the Faith opened fire of offering cross-training when possible to make the most of its
with coordinated C3i. In minutes, most of the merc commanders members. More than half of the Level III is technically proficient
were knocked out by the concentrated fire. To their credit, the at repairing complex equipment and software in field conditions.
mercenaries quickly regrouped and fought back. When repairing their equipment, Unending Faith III receives an
Several Guardsmen, including the Faith’s senior adept, fell to extra –1 Skill Modifier to all repair, partial repair, salvage rolls,
the enemy. Despite numerical and tactical superiority, the more- and Time (in minutes) to repair equipment is halved (see. pp.
experienced Jesters were motivated by being virtually trapped. 166-193, SO).

Unending Faith-beta III

First Division and Unending Faith III-beta has a unique rank Unending Faith III use a Word of Blake-derived Choir formation
structure that combines elements drawn from both the original that combines a Level II of BattleMechs and battle armor into a
Com Guard and the Word of Blake Militia. First Division uses Com single attack formation. The formation was originally developed
Guard field ranks, but its members place considerable weight by the Blakists on Galatea during the Jihad, and Unending Faith
behind the years of service a member has devoted to their given III co-opted the arrangement to create a dedicated headhunter
rank or position. Thus, someone of sufficient experience will often unit. Unending Faith III is the only First Division unit to use the

be treated with the respect of a rank higher than they hold. In Choir. Because Com Guard formations mix unit types, Level
practice this means that an adept XVII will be treated with similar IIs include battlesuit infantry and combat vehicles along
respect as a veteran demi-precentor. Because of the division’s covert with BattleMechs.
nature, until 3137 all members of Unending Faith III were assigned The command’s artillery, transport, and aerospace assets are
a military position and an administrative rank. After First Division assigned when needed by division command. A notable break in

publicly revealed itself on Wyatt, the administrative cover ranks Com Guard tradition is the consolidation of the division’s aerospace
were dropped. As the rank structure and traditions of First Division fighters to their own division-level command. For most of its
formed, the unofficial title of senior adept was adopted to designate history, Unending Faith III used common civilian-model DropShips,
Level II commanders. such as Mules and converted Union-class ships, for covert transport
Unending Faith III’s insignia shows a stylized monk garbed in duty. During the battle for Wyatt and after, the Level III operated a
traditional ComStar robes kneeling in prayer before a stained- number of Duat-class DropShips.
glass window. The insignia is placed on the upper right torso of
’Mechs and battlesuits, on the right wing and left tail of fighters,
and on the front right side of vehicles. Unending Faith III-beta
paint their units in the traditional all-white color scheme of the

original Com Guard. When on duty, the soldiers of First Division
wear the typical field dress determined by their branch and need.
The traditional military garb of the original Com Guard, with
its simple robes was retained by First Division with only minor
alteration. The colors of the robes indicate the service branch:
dark blue with white trim for MechWarriors, black with white
trim for aerospace pilots and naval crews, light blue with white
trim for vehicle crews, dark gray with white for infantry. Off-
duty members often wore plain utilitarian jumpsuits with First
Division’s insignia or plain white robes.
Prior to the fighting on Luyten 68-28 in 3140, Unending Faith III
had little experience fighting as a full Level III. Individual Level
IIs suffer no penalty, but when the entire Level III is fighting

together, a –1 Initiative penalty applies. After the events of

Luyten 68-28, the Level III has had sufficient experience
operating as a team, so the penalty is removed.
Before 3130 the Level III operated less than six Level
IIs, and rarely together. For practical reasons, individual
Level II cohesion was deemed more important than the
total number. However, each Level II was reinforced

to some degree, giving the unit greater strength than

presented on paper. As First Division and the Blessed
Order expanded their facilities and operations, new Level
IIs were added, but the practice of reinforcing the Level
II remained. After revealing the re-formed Com Guard
on Wyatt, Buhl’s consolidation of the Order ballooned
First Division to its full size, bringing Unending Faith
III and First Division to full strength for the first
time. This was a major surprise to the
attacking RAF, who believed the division
to be much smaller than it actually was.

Unending Faith-beta III

Personalities to join the Blessed Order in 3127 after working security at the
Bone-Norman HPG station. A natural talent despite her physical
disabilities, Finlay is often seen with a rescue inhaler in-hand. Slow to
JACOB KENYON act—thanks in part to her slow breathing—Finlay’s sharp analytical
Title/Rank: Demi-Precentor, Executive Officer of First Division mind made her the perfect candidate to command First Division’s
Born: 3095 (45 in 3140) administrative needs.

Jacob Kenyon hails from a family whose members have worked in Special Rules: Senior Adept Finlay has a –3 TP Handicap (Lungs)
one of two professions: dairy farming or ComStar. Originally from the (see p. 118–119, AToW), but a +3 TP for Patient (see p. 121, AToW)
former Iowa district in the North American Administrative Region on due to lung injuries sustained as a child on Benet III.
Terra, Kenyon is the nineteenth member of his family to enter the
ranks of ComStar. Weaned on stories of his grandfather’s and great-

grandfather’s service in the Com Guard, Kenyon was a natural
recruit for the Blessed Order. Fresh from trade school,
Kenyon took contract offers with Chayim Protective
Services, a private security front, to gain military
experience and see the Inner Sphere. He bounced
from assignment to assignment for a number of years
where he acquired a reputation for quick action. His
use of a Peacemaker SecurityMech to destroy a small
retention dam during the Appian-Curtis Raid in 3129
saved the lives of twenty homesteader families. Upon

returning from the Periphery, Kenyon’s dedication,
leadership qualities, and practical experience earned
him a senior adept position under Demi-Precentor Juan
Fredarico, whom he succeeded in 3135. By 3136 Kenyon
was effectively running First Division, with administrative
control of Unending Faith III falling to his second, Senior Adept
Ina Finlay.
Special Abilities: Jacob Kenyon is a veteran MechWarrior. He
possesses the Multi-Tasker, Oblique Attacker, and Tactical Genius
special pilot abilities (see pp. 220, 221, and 225, AToW, respectively).
If Kenyon is on the battlefield with Unending Faith III, the command
automatically wins Initiative for Turn 1. Kenyon has the uncanny
ability to coordinate and command the Level III’s artillery even in

the presence of heavy ECM. He has a +5 TP Natural Aptitude for

Artillery (see pp. 121 and 144, AToW), and when spotting for
artillery, treat his Gunnery Skill as 0 (see pp. 180–181, TO).

Title/Rank: Senior Adept
Born: 3095 (45 in 3140)

Ina Finlay is a veteran MechWarrior born on Benet III just

prior to the planet’s death and abandonment. The poisonous
death clouds of her homeworld scarred Finlay’s infant lungs
before she and her family were evacuated. She was destined to
die a painful death, but a ComStar-affiliated charity provided
Finlay with lifesaving medical attention. Finlay was recruited

Unending Faith-beta III

LACHIE GROZDA Special Rules: Adept Grover possesses the Fist Fire and Melee
Title/Rank: Demi-Precentor, Commander of Unending Faith III-beta Specialist special pilot abilities (see pp. 220 and 224, AToW). She
Born: 3077 (52 in 3129) excels at fighting infantry and conventional vehicles. She may
Lachie Grozda was born to veterans of ComStar’s Seventy-ninth target infantry directly when they are inside buildings or vehicles.
Division who were among the handful of former Com Guardsmen She ignores To-hit modifiers for infantry dispersal (e.g., the +1 for a
disenfranchised with the precentor martial’s decision to dissolve the battlesuit squad) and doubles autocannon and pulse laser damage

Com Guard. His parents helped form what would eventually become against unarmored infantry in open terrain.
the Blessed Order and instilled in Lachie a strong sense of duty to
ComStar. A founding officer in the re-formed First Division, the PETR BOYD
fanatical Lachie was one of Buhl’s strongest supporters. Much of the Title/Rank: Acolyte
Level III’s tactics and organization was formed and implemented by Born: 3114 (26 in 3140)

Lachie during the unit’s formative years. The controversial decision Petr Boyd is a regular MechWarrior and one of the youngest
to use the Word’s despised Choir formation was one of Grozda’s members of the Level III. The son of a Confederation Reserve
lasting decisions. Despite resistance from the Order’s inner circle, Cavalry MechWarrior and a Republic merchant, Petr could not fit
the Choir provided a lasting place for itself in the Level III during the in either of his parents’ native realms. Despite being a naturally
3129 raid on Epsilon Eridani. skilled MechWarrior, the Confederation refused academy admission.
Instead, his father instructed him whenever time allowed. When
PATRICIA HARWELL Petr’s father was killed on Corodiz, he abandoned the Confederation
Title/Rank: Adept for the Republic. There, his estranged but true-believer mother
Born: 3109 (31 in 3140) hooked Petr up with a ComStar trade mission headed for the Taurian
Born into a family with seven generations of ComStar service, Concordat. The trade mission was a front used by the Blessed Order

Patricia unsurprisingly became a member of the Blessed Order and
First Division. While Patricia’s brother, Tucker, became a genius in
the field of theoretical hyperspatial studies, Patricia took a more
covert and martial direction in her studies. Fanatical in her belief
in The Word of Blake, Patricia naturally drifted toward individuals
for supply acquisition, and Petr was soon recruited into the Order
and assigned to the Level III.

Title/Rank: Adept
with similar beliefs. Recruited by the Order right out of college, Born: 3111 (29 in 3140)
Patricia was secretly trained by First Division for a number of years Another new addition to the Level III, Issel is one of the many
before reassignment to Buhl’s protective duty. In Patricia, Buhl saw next-generation soldiers raised with Order tenets since birth. A
a capable true believer and a direct connection to one of the most fifth-generation member of ComStar, Issel is the first member of
brilliant minds in ComStar: her brother. As the HPG Blackout swept his family to join the Com Guard. He is immensely proud of First
the Inner Sphere, Patricia helped engineer the kidnapping of Tucker Division and his fellow Guardsmen, and his infectious enthusiasm
from Wyatt and was instrumental in the Order’s first attempts to for the words of Blake have made him a fiery preacher of sorts. Off
inspire his cooperation. duty, the young soldier holds impromptu sermons at the foot of
his Eisenfaust, “Righteous Word.” Clothed in either his cooling suit
TAMA GROVER or simple robes and clutching the Word of Blake, Issel will speak to
Title/Rank: Adept the faithful for hours. In recent days his sermons have focused on
Born: 3102 (38 in 3140) the impending doom Jerome Blake foresaw, which only the Blessed
Former mercenary Tama Grover is a veteran MechWarrior whose Order will weather. Many older members of the Level III respect his
grandfather was the notorious Daniel Grover of Broadstreet Bullies conviction but worry his faith has taken a darker turn since the fall
fame. Orphaned at an early age on Acamar, Tama was drummed out of the HPG network.

of the planetary militia in 3124 and hopped on a transport bound for Special Rules: When Adept Issel is a part of a unit, that unit
the Filtvelt Coalition. There she joined the Rapier Frontier Security receives a +2 modifier to any Morale rolls (see pp. 295–297, SO).
Corporation, a Blessed Order–affiliated private security contractor. Despite his young age and lack of experience, Adept Issel’s intense
A cold-hearted professional, Tama showed a predisposition for the faith inspires leadership in his Level II. He as +3 Leadership Skill (see
surgical application of bloodshed to de-escalate conflict. During p. 148–149, AToW), which affects his Level II.
a water dispute on Mararn, Tama prevented a major shootout
between her trade employer and local merchants by making an
example of one irate merchant’s entire caravan. As a result, the
remainder of the trade went smoothly. While working at Rapier,
Tama was recruited into the Com Guard where she quickly found
the faith missing in her life.

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