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Read the following article. Are sentences 1-7 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' (B)? If there is not enough
information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'Wrong' {B), choose 'Doesn't say' (C).
Jann Mardenborough has loved cars since he was given a toy one as a baby. He loved them so much that
when he was eight his father took him to a place where children race small cars called karts. Staff at the kart
centre told Jann he drove so welt he might one day become a racing driver. Unfortunately, the kart centre
closed soon afterwards, and there wasn't another one near enough to his home that he could get to.
As he couldn't race karts any more, ]ann decided to try computer racing games. After lots of practice, he
became very good. However, he never told his parents what he was doing. Then, one day, when he was 18,
he told them that he was one of the top ten winners of a computer racing competition. They were very
surprised. His prize was to drive a real car in a race against the other nine top players.
It was ]ann's first time in a racing car, but, amazingly, he won the race! The prize this time was a free course
to learn to be a racing driver. He did really well, and has found a job driving in a racing team.
1. When he was a child, workers at the kart centre said Jann was a good driver.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
2. Jann stopped racing karts because he became bored with it.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
3. Jann was good at computer racing games immediately.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
4. Jann played computer racing games with school friends.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
5. Jann told his parents about the computer competition after it ended.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
6. The people Jann raced against were from different countries.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
7. Jann's parents had to pay for his driving course.
A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say
II/ When the spring semester began, students at Eastern High School were met by a new science teacher. Her
name is Elaine Burgess, and she has replaced Donald Young, who retired to spend time with his

Since Ms. Burgess has just started here, many students are curious about her background. She was kind
enough to sit down for an interview with The Quill and Paper. According to Ms. Burgess, she received her
master’s degree from nearby Sanderson University only six months ago. Her M.A. is in chemistry, but she
double majored in chemistry and biology as an undergraduate while simultaneously getting a minor in

‘I love all aspects of science’, she said. ‘And I’m looking forward to teaching students the things I know’.
Ms. Burgess further declared that she prefers a hands-on approach to teaching science. So she expects to
conduct numerous experiments in the hope of sparking students’ interest in science.

Finally, Ms. Burgess added that she welcomes student participation in her classes. ‘Not only can students
learn from their teachers, but I believe that teachers can also learn from their students. I hope that, by
working together, we can all increase our knowledge of science.’
1. Which deadline best summarizes the article?
A. Science Classes to Features Hands-on Learning
B. A Chat with the New Science Teacher
C. The Education of Elaine Burgess
D. Science Class: Does Anyone Enjoy it?
2. Based on the article, what is probably true about The Quill and Paper?
A. It is read by every student.
B. It is a new textbook.
C. It was written by Ms. Burgess.
D. It is the name of a newspaper.
3. Which of the following statements does paragraph 2 support?
A. This is the second teaching job for Ms. Burgess.
B. Ms. Burgess has been a teacher for six months.
C. Ms.Burgess was a professor at Sanderson University.
D. Ms. Burgess focused on science as an undergraduate.
4. What does the author point out by writing about Ms. Burgess’s hope of sparking students’ interest in
A. Too many students have little scientific knowledge.
B. She wants students to be curious about science.
C. Science is one of the hardest subjects to learn.
D. Some experiments can be dangerous for students to do.
5. What can be inferred from the article about Ms.Burgess?
A. Some of her students know more about science than her.
B. Her grades in graduate school were high.
C. She expects her students to speak in class.
D. The subject she knows the least is biology.

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