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dized into carboxyl group

50 We can obtain an explosive sub- a ethyl hydrogen sulphate / di- reduction of ketone produces
18 c
stance from benzene through the methyl ether / ethene secondary alcohol.
following steps ……… ethylene glycol is dihydric
b ethyl hydrogen sulphate / dieth- 19 c reacts with two moles of
a Alkaline hydrolysis / chlorina- yl ether / ethene
tion / nitration methanol
c ethyl hydrogen sulphate / 20 a ketone, acid & tertiary alcohol
b Nitration / alkaline hydrolysis / ethene / dimethyl ether can’t be oxidized

21 c largest [H+] most acidic
d dimethyl ether /ethyl hydrogen
..‫لن يخرج عنه االمتحان‬ c Chlorination / alkaline hydroly- sulphate / ethene
(aromatic acid)
alcohol & ether are isomers
sis / nitration
41 ‫لمتعة‬
The ‫تحولت‬hydrocarbon
aliphatic ‫ معنا المذاكرة‬deriv- d Chlorination / alkaline hydroly-
22 a (have same general formula
ative which contains the group 60 Ammonolysis of methyl propa-
‫الخصوصى‬ ‫الدرس‬ ‫تغنيك عن‬
(> CH – OH),
trated strong
with concen-
acid to pre-
pare asymmetric alkene, so the
‫روشتة تفوق‬ sis / alkylation

51 A and B are from the hydroxyl or-

noate ester gives …..
a ٢٠٢٣
+ CH٢٧
23 d
(a) violet, (b) forming ester , (c)
effervesce & (d) no reaction
C2H5ONa +H 2O C2H5OH
24 b
alkene is ………. ganic compounds. b CH3CONH2 + CH3CH2OH CH 3COOH
- Which of the following sentenc-

13‫ بقية ص‬..‫ لثالثة ثانوى‬..»‫الكيمياء «لغات‬

a 2-ethyl-1-butene c CH3CH2COOH + CH3OH 25 d CH3-CBr(CH3)-CH3 alkaline hydrolysis
es is correct? ………. CH3-C(CH3)(OH)-CH3
b ethene d CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH
OH OH methyl & ethyl alcohol form
26 b primary
c propene
61 Both of phenol and methanol are 27 d
first member of alkene is
d 2 – methyl propene similar in reacting with ……….. C2H4 ,alkyne is C2H2 – ester
42 What is the number and the type
a zinc 70 Phenol is considered as ………. hydrolysis of methyl benzoate
More Easy with red
of the isomers for the molecular Choice acidity oxidation bromine FeCl3 into 28 c in acidic medium forms benzoic
violet b sodium hydroxide a strong acid and more acidic acid & methanol
formula C4H10O? in UV
c than ethyl alcohol thermometric substance which
a 2 alcohols / 2 ethers
a A A A A potassium 29 c
used in cold areas is ethanol
b strong acid and less acidic than
b B B B B no. of basicity = no. of COOH
b 3 alcohols / 2 ethers d hydrogen chloride ethyl alcohol 30 c
c A B A A c weak acid and more acidic than 2-hydroxyl benzaldehyde is
c 3 alcohols / 4 ethers 31 d
62 Oxidation of formaldehyde gives ethyl alcohol oxidized into salicylic acid
d 4 alcohols / 3 ethers d B A A A ……… while reduction of it gives d weak acid and less acidic than alcohol (contains -OH) and
32 a
acid (contains -COOH)
ethyl alcohol
Marookh oil only contains
43 Which of the following prepara- a acetic acid / methanol 33 d
phenolic group removes violet
tion reactions of methanol is eas- 52 What is the correct arrangement b ethanol / methyl formate 71 Sorbitol can be obtained from color with FeCl3
ier to take place?... of the following processes to ob- each of glucose and fructose by
34 d the ester is HCOOC2H5
tain picric acid from sodium ben- c formic acid / methanol ………
a CH3Cl(g) + NaOH(aq)
CH3OH(aq) + NaCl(aq) zoate? ……… a oxidation of carbonyl group in
d methanol / formic acid fructose and oxidation of formyl No. Answer Hint
(1) Nitration (2) Halogenation (3)
b CH3Br(g) + NaOH(aq) group in glucose CH3COOH Neutralization CH3COONa
Alkaline hydrolysis (4) Dry distil- 35 d dry distillation
CH4 halogenation CH3Cl
CH3OH(aq)+ NaBr(aq) b oxidation of carbonyl group
lation 63 What is the chemical name and alkaline hydrolysis
CH3OH oxidation HCOOH
c CH I + NaOH in fructose and reduction of
3 (g) (aq)
a (2) / (3) / (4) / (1) the type of that alcohol general formula of alcohol is
CH3OH(aq) + NaI(aq) formyl group in glucose CnH2n+2O ,12n+2n+2+16=60 , n=3
OH c 36 a ,the primary alcohol is 1-pro-
d all of them have same rate b (1) / (4) / (2) / (3) reduction of carbonyl group in
CH3 – CH – CH – CH3?….. fructose and oxidation of formyl panol & secondary alcohol is
c (4) / (3) / (2) / (1) C2H5 group in glucose 2-propanol
44 What is the correct IUPAC name fermentation will form ethanol ,
of the compound (3 – ethyl – 2 – d reduction of carbonyl group 37 b
d (4) / (2) / (3) / (1)
a 3 – ethyl – 2 – butanol / sec- its dehydration forms ethene.
butanol)? ……. ondary alcohol in fructose and reduction of the product is 2-propanol
formyl group in glucose 38 c which is formed by catalytic
a 2 – ethyl – 3- butanol 53 What is the chemical name of b 3 – ethyl – 3 – butanol / tertiary hydration of propene
the produced ester from a reac- alcohol 72 All the following are esters pro- 39 b the compound (2-bromo propane).
b 2 – ethyl – 2 – butanol
tion of dibasic acid with dihydric c 3 – methyl 4 – pentanol / pri- duced from aromatic acid except COOH (acid), -OH (phenol) , -O-
c ……. 40 d
2 – methyl – 3 – pentanol alcohol? ……………… mary alcohol (ether)
a CH3COOC6H5 b C6H5COOCH3 (a) & (d) is prepared from tertia-
d 3 – methyl – 2 – pentanol a Oil b Fat
d 3 – methyl – 2 – pentanol / sec-
41 c ry alcohol, (b) is prepareprima-
ondary alcohol c C H COOCH CH d C3H7OOCC6H5
6 5 2 3 ry alcohol
45 What is the alcohol which is diffi-
c Dacron d Aspirin alcohols(1-butanol / 2-butanol
cult to be oxidized by normal ox- 42 d
64 Acidic hydrolysis of ethyl propa- / 2-methyl-1-propanol /2-meth-
idizing agents from the following
? ……….. 54 What is the organic compound
which is produced from the dry
noate ester gives………… Model Answers yl-2-propanol)
ethers (CH3 -O-CH2-CH2-CH3 /
distillation for the product of al- No. Answer Hint CH3 -O-CH(CH3)-CH3 )
kaline hydrolysis of ethyl benzo- b CH3COOH + CH3CH2CH2OH (B) is alcohol which its formula
b CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3 halides can be arranged ac-
ate? ……… is ROH 43 c
c (CH3)2 CHCH2OH ((CnH2n+2O),n+2n+2+1=12 , n=3 so the longest chain consists of
a Methane d CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH B is iso propanol) 44 d five carbons (ethyl group is
d (CH3)3 COH
first member of ketones is included)
b Ethane 2 c
acetone (CH3COCH3) & first tertiary alcohol can’t be oxi-
65 On dehydration of 1 – propanol 45 d
46 On catalytic hydration of ethene c Benzoic acid member of cycloalkanes is
then adding water to the product, catalytic hydration of ethene
then eliminate water molecule cyclopropane (C3H6) 46 c
……… is formed produces ethanol
from two molecules of the product d Aromatic benzene A+C ester (food flavor) , A is
3 b alcohol doesn’t react with sodium during alkaline hydrolysis
under certain conditions. a propyl alcohol 47 b chloride is substituted by
so C is acid & B is phenol
- What are these conditions? And hydroxyl.
what is the reaction product? ……. 55 All the following are considered b isopropyl alcohol example:
as isomers for secondary butyl CH3 – CH(OH) – CH3 dehydration 48 a C6H5CONH2 + CH3OH
c propanol
The suitable con- Reaction alcohol except …….. CH2= CH – CH3 hydrogenation
Choice 4 d as no. of hydrogen bond in-
ditions product d propanoic CH3 – CH2 – CH3 halogenation
a 2 – butanol CH2Cl – CH2 –CH3 alkaline hydrolysis 49 a creases the boiling point in-
a Sulphuric acid at
Ethene creases
180oC b isopropyl alcohol CH2(OH) – CH2 – CH3
the explosive substance is
b Sulphuric acid at
Dimethyl ether c 2 – methyl – 2 – propanol 66 Potassium phenoxide is produced with C forms Fe(OH)3 , with D 50 c
picric acid
140oC 5 d
from reacting of phenol with ……. forms Fe(SCN)3 benzene ring increases acidity,
c Sulphuric acid at d tertiary butyl alcohol the ester may be CH3COOCH3
Normal ether (-COH of phenol has no hydro-
140oC a potassium or potassium hydroxide 51 c
(will produce methanol & sodi- gen atoms so can’t be oxidized
d Sulphuric acid at
hydrogen 56 All the following pairs are isomers b potassium or potassium carbonate 6 d um ethanoate) while -COH of cyclohexanol is
80oC except ………… or HCOOC2H5 (will produce bonded to hydrogen atom)
c potassium bicarbonate or ethanol & sodium formate) C6H5COONa Dry distillation C6H6
a propanol and isopropanol potassium hydroxide C2H5ONa Hydrolysis C2H5OH Halogenation
C6H5Cl Alkaline hydrolysis
47 Alkaline hydrolysis of 1,2-dichlo- 7 d 52 d
b Hexene and cyclohexane d potassium bicarbonate or dehydration
C2H4 +HBr CH3 – CH2Br C6H5OH Nitration trinitrophenol
robenzene gives ………..
a phenol b catechol c Pentane and cyclopentane potassium carbonate CH3COOC2H5 alkaline hydrolysis
8 a
d Ethanol and dimethyl ether CH3COONa dry distillation CH4 No. Answer Hint
c pyrogallol d toluene X is alcohol as it obeys Dacron formed from terpheth-
67 Which of the following com- 53 c
9 a formula (CnH2n+2O) but it alic acid (dibasic) & ethylene
57 Phenyl ethanoate is derived from pounds reacts easily with the glycol (dihydric alcohol).
48 The ester which gives benzamide forms acid (CnH2nO2) so it’s
a reaction of ………. indicator of acidified Cr6+ ion? alkaline hydrolysis produces
on its ammonolysis is …….. primary alcohol.
……….. C2H5OH Oxidation CH3COOH 54 d sodium benzoate its dry distil-
a acetic acid with ethyl alcohol
a C6H5COOCH3 CH3 10 d neutralization
CH3COONa dry distillation lation forms benzene
b benzoic acid with ethanol CH4halogenation CH3Cl all of them have molecular
b C2H5COOCH3 a H3C – C – CH2 – CH2OH
c ethanoic acid with phenyl group alkaline hydrolysis
CH3OH 55 b formula C4H10O except (b) has
CH3 molecular formula C3H8O
d acetic acid with phenol CH3CH2 OSO3H + H OCH2CH3
CH3 O 11 c o molecular formula of Pentane
140 C
b H3C – C – C – CH3 56 c is C5H12 and cyclopentane
chromic acid (acidified potas- C5H10
58 The following ester CH3OOCC6H5 CH3 sium dichromate) is oxidizing
can be obtained by a reaction of CH3COOH + C6H5OH
49 The correct arrangement of the agent and its color changes 57 d
….. CH3 O 12 b dry HCl (esterification)
written compounds according to from orange into green by oxi- +
c H3C – C – C – OH dation of methanol into formic CH3O/OCC6H5 +H2O/H
their boiling points is ………… a phenol with methanol
acid (methanoic) (CH3OH&C6H5COOH) (hydroly-
CH3 58 c
b phenol with acetic acid if benzene is branch, it’s
sis in acidic medium will form
a propanoic acid > propanol > 13 d the acid and alcohol which
methyl acetate c benzoic acid with methanol CH3 called phenyl form ester)
b propanol > methyl acetate > d benzoic acid with ethanol d H3C – C – CH2 – CH3 ethyl hydrogen sulphate is
propanoic acid OH 59 b formed at 80oC , diethyl ether
No. Answer Hint
is formed at 140oC &
c methyl acetate > propanol > On heating a mixture of ethyl al- ester is RCOOR\ , RCOO = ethene is formed at 180oC
14 d
propanoic acid 59 cohol with sulphuric acid from
68 Carboxyl group can be converted
15+12+16+16=59 g/mol so the CH3CH2COOCH3 +NH 3
60 a
d methyl acetate > propanoic acid into hydroxyl group by ……. reac- molar mass of remained R\ = CH3CH2CONH2 + CH3OH
the room temperature to 200oC,
> propanol tion. 74-59=15 g/mol methanol will not react with
that will form a number of organic
hydrolysis of sucrose forms 61 c sodium hydroxide or zinc while
compounds which are …..………… a reduction b oxidation
15 c glucose & fructose but fer- phenol can.
50 We can obtain an explosive sub- respectively.
stance from benzene through the c mentation of glucose will form 62 c CH3OH reduction HCHO oxidation HCOOH
halogenation d hydration
following steps ……… a ethyl hydrogen sulphate / di- ethanol. ethyl group is included in
63 d
methyl ether / ethene 16 c the gas is CO2 longest chain.
a Alkaline hydrolysis / chlorina- +

tion / nitration b ethyl hydrogen sulphate / dieth- 69 The molecular mass of each of both carbinol are primary oxi- 64 a
yl ether / ethene methanol and oxygen gas equals dized into carboxyl group
b Nitration / alkaline hydrolysis / 32 g/mole Although that, metha- reduction of ketone produces 65 b
propene is asymmetric alkene
c ethyl hydrogen sulphate / 18 c obeys markwnikoff’s rule
chlorination nol is a liquid while oxygen is a secondary alcohol.
ethene / dimethyl ether phenol has acidic character
c Chlorination / alkaline hydroly- gas because…….. ethylene glycol is dihydric 66 a
d dimethyl ether /ethyl hydrogen (can react with KOH)
19 c reacts with two moles of
sis / nitration reacts easily with the indicator
sulphate / ethene a All bonds in methanol are methanol of acidified Cr6+ (can be oxi-
d Chlorination / alkaline hydroly- single while oxygen contains 67 a
20 a ketone, acid & tertiary alcohol dized), primary alcohol can be
sis / alkylation double bond oxidized while others not.
60 Ammonolysis of methyl propa- can’t be oxidized
noate ester gives ….. largest [H+] most acidic 68 a Carboxyl group (acid) is re-
b Methanol contains pi bonds 21 c duced into alcohol (-OH)
51 A and B are from the hydroxyl or- (aromatic acid)
a CH3CH2CONH2 + CH3OH while all bonds in oxygen are alcohol & ether are isomers 69 d methanol can form hydrogen
ganic compounds. 22 a bond while oxygen can’t.
sigma bonds (have same general formula
- Which of the following sentenc- b CH3CONH2 + CH3CH2OH CnH2n+2O) presence of benzene ring in-
c Methanol contains methyl 70 c
es is correct? ………. creases acidic character.
c CH3CH2COOH + CH3OH group which able to form hy- (a) violet, (b) forming ester , (c)
23 d reduction of carbonyl group (C=O)
OH OH d CH3COOH + CH3CH2OH drogen bonds effervesce & (d) no reaction of fructose & reduction of formyl
71 d
C2H5ONa +H 2O C2H5OH group (-CHO) of glucose.
d Methanol contains hydroxyl 24 b CH 3COOH
CH3COOC2H5 All of them benzoate ester ex-
61 Both of phenol and methanol are group which able to form hy- 72 a
CH3-CBr(CH3)-CH3 alkaline hydrolysis cept (a) phenyl ethanoate.
A B similar in reacting with ……….. drogen bonds 25 d
More Easy with red
Change a zinc methyl & ethyl alcohol form
Choice acidity oxidation bromine FeCl3 into 26 b primary
in UV b sodium hydroxide first member of alkene is
a 27 d
A A A A c potassium C2H4 ,alkyne is C2H2 – ester
b B B B B
d hydrogen chloride hydrolysis of methyl benzoate
28 c in acidic medium forms benzoic
22 The general formula for a com-
pound RCH2OH is similar to the
general formula for a compound
a R–O–R b R – O – Ar

..‫لن يخرج عنه االمتحان‬ c Ar – O – Ar :‫إشراف‬ d Ar – OH

‫معنا المذاكرة تحولت لمتعة‬

‫محمد بهاء الدين‬
23 Detection of salicylic acid
‫تغنيك عن الدرس الخصوصى‬
‫والكتاب الخارجى‬ ‫روشتة تفوق‬ ٢٠٢٣ ‫ أبريل‬٢٧ ‫الخميس‬
OH can be done by all the
following except ………

a Iron III chloride solution

b Ethyl alcohol

‫ للصف الثالث الثانوى‬.. »‫كيمياء «لغات‬

7 Which of the following choices 14 Ester with molar mass 74 g/mol.
c Sodium bicarbonate
represents obtaining of bromo and the mass of one alkyl group
ethane from sodium ethoxide? d Acidified potassium permanga-
in it equals 15 g/mol. so, the mo- nate
…….. lar mass of the other alkyl group
a Hydrolysis / catalytic hydration / equals …. [C = 12 , O = 16 , H = 1]
halogenation with bromine water 24 On adding water to sodium ethox-
a 59 g/mol b 43 g/mol ide then adding acetic acid to the

‫روشتة تفوق لن تجدها بأى وسيلة تعليمية أخرى‬

b Hydrolysis / complete oxidation
/ neutralization / dry distillation c 29 g/mol d 15 g/mol produced organic compound,
/ halogenation ………… is formed.
33 Which of the following uses is
Hydrolysis / catalytic hydration 15 Ethyl alcohol can be obtained by a organic polymer b organic ester correct? …………
/ hydrogenation / halogenation all the following methods except

‫ أعدها خبيران ومتخصصان فى وضع االمتحانات وصناعة األوائل‬..‫وصفة سحرية للتفوق‬

d …… c primary alcohol d aldehyde a Sulphuric acid is used to re-
Hydrolysis / dehydration / addi-
move water on esterification of
tion of HBr a Hydrolysis of sodium ethoxide
25 One of the following isomers of benzoic acid with ethanol
b Alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl iodide
the molecular formula C4H9Br b Chloroform is used in surgical
8 What is the organic compound c Acidic hydrolysis of sucrose operations nowadays
which is produced from dry distil- from which 2 – methyl – 2 – pro-
lation of the product from alkaline d Alkaline hydrolysis
:‫ إعداد‬of chloro panol is produced by hydrolysis c bromine water is used to differ-
1 By using the following diagram :
hydrolysis of ethyl acetate? ……… ethane in alkaline medium is ……….. entiate between propene and
(A) alkaline hydrolysis (B) oxidation
(C) propyne gases
a Methane b Ethane a C2H5CHBrCH3
(Where each one mole of the
c Acetic acid d Aromatic benzene 16 Putting yeast on glucose sugar CH3CH(CH3)CH2Br
d Iron III chloride is used to differ-
compound (B) contains 12 moles forms a liquid and a gas, and by b
entiate between Marookh oil
of atoms) passing this gas in calcium hy- c CH3(CH2)2CH2Br and aspirin
So, these compounds (A), (B) and droxide solution for long time,
(C) are ………………….. 9 A compound (X) with molecular d (CH3)3CBr
formula C3H8O can be oxidized ……... is formed. 34 We can prepare the ester which is
a (A) is 2 – Bromopropane, (B) iso-
into a compound (Y) its molecu- the isomer of the compound
lar formula C3H6O2 so, the com-
a calcium carbonate
propyl alcohol, (C) is propanoic 26 The only primary alcohol which CH3COOCH3 from ……
acid pound (X) may be ……… b carbon dioxide is produced from catalytic hy-
a acetic acid with methyl alcohol
c calcium bicarbonate dration of alkenes is ………. alco-
b (A) is Ethyl chloride, (B) is ethyl
alcohol, (C) is acetaldehyde

primary alcohol

secondary alcohol
‫أشرف الشناوى سامى‬
carbonic acid
hol. b
formic acid with methyl alcohol
c (A) is 2 – Bromopropane, (B) Iso- acetic acid with ethyl alcohol
a methyl b ethyl
propyl alcohol, (C) is Acetone c aldehyde d formic acid with ethyl alcohol
d (A) is Ethyl chloride, (B) is ethyl 17 Complete oxidation of ethylene c propyl d butyl
alcohol, (C) is Acetic acid d ketone glycol gives ……… 35 Formic acid can be obtained from
27 Which group of the following com- acetic acid by ………
a 2-hydroxyacetic acid
2 The pair of the following from 10 Methanol can be obtained from pounds its first member starts by a Neutralization / dry distillation /
which its first member starts by ethanol by …………
b ethanal two carbon atoms? ……… rapid quenching / hydration
three carbon atoms is ………….. a Dehydration / hydrogenation /
b Neutralization / dry distillation /
halogenation / alkaline hydrolysis c ethanoic acid a Alkenes – Alkynes – Cycloalkanes
a aldehydes / ketones halogenation /alkaline hydroly-
b Dehydration / addition of HBr /
d oxalic acid b Alkenes – Ketones – Esters c Neutralization / dry distillation /
b esters / ketones alkaline hydrolysis
rapid quenching / alkaline hy-
c ketones / cycloalkanes c Oxidation / neutralization / dry
18 What happens on adding one c Alkynes – Esters – Aldehydes drolysis / oxidation
d cycloalkanes / esters distillation / rapid quenching mole of hydrogen to one mole of
d Oxidation / neutralization / dry
d Neutralization / dry distillation /
ketone?… d Alkenes – Alkynes – Esters
halogenation / alkaline hydroly-
3 A, B and C are 3 compounds: on distillation / halogenation / alka-
a No reaction happens
sis / oxidation
adding (A) to the compound (C) line hydrolysis
28 Sodium benzoate can be obtained
a food flavor is produced, and on
b Reacts forming primary alcohol by all the following methods ex- 36 Primary alcohol its molar mass is
adding sodium hydroxide to (B) 11 What is the structural formula of cept……….. 60 g/mole is oxidized into ………..
or (C) a reaction occurs while on the organic compound (X) which c Reacts forming secondary alcohol while its isomer is oxidized into
adding it to (A) no reaction oc- is produced from the following a Acidity test for benzoic acid by
curs, then the three compounds reaction : d Reacts forming tertiary alcohol sodium bicarbonate
o a propanoic acid – acetone
are ………… 140 C b Neutralization of benzoic acid
by caustic soda b propanal – acetaldehyde
a A: acid, B: alcohol, C: phenol 19 The opposite structure is pro-
c c ethanoic acid – propanone
a CH3CH2OH duced at 140oC from a reaction of hydrolysis of methyl benzoate
b A: alcohol, B: phenol, C: acid in acidic medium d acetic acid - acetamide
b CH2CH2 ………..
c A: phenol, B: alcohol, C : acid H d Alkaline hydrolysis of methyl
c CH3CH2OCH2CH3 H C O CH3 benzoate in presence of sodi-
d A: acid, B: phenol, C: alcohol 37 Which of the following is pro-
um hydroxide duced on performing the follow-
ing processes on sucrose with
H 29 What is the product of reacting
4 Primary alcohol can be obtained hydrogen chloride with the ther- the following arrangement :
12 What happens on heating chro- ( acidic hydrolysis – fermenta-
from secondary alcohol by …….. mic acid with methanol in water a 4 molecules of methanol mometric substance which used
in cold areas? …….. tion – dehydration – hydrogena-
a Dehydration / catalytic hydration bath?...... b 2 molecules of ethanol
tion)? ……
b Dehydration / addition of HBr / a The color of the solution con- c 1 molecule of ethylene glycol a Chlorine gas a Ethene b Ethane
alkaline hydrolysis verted into orange and metha- with 2 molecules of methanol
c Dehydration / halogenation / al- noic acid is formed b Ethanol c d Methane
d 2 molecules of ethylene glycol Ethyne
kaline hydrolysis b The color of the solution con-
c Ethyl chloride
d Dehydration / hydrogenation / ha- verted into green and metha-
logenation / alkaline hydrolysis noic acid is formed 20 Acidified potassium perman- 38 On adding hydrogen bromide
ganate is used to differentiate d Methyl chloride HBr to propene then hydrolyze
c The color of the solution con- between all the following ex- the product in alkaline medium
5 Iron III chloride solution with faint verted into orange and metha- cept…………. …… gives the same product of …….. of
yellow color is added to each of : nal is formed a 1 – propanol / 2 – propanol 30 If B is benzoic acid so, A will be propene.
OH OH d The color of the solution con- …………… acid.
verted into green and metha-
b 1 – butanol / 2 – methyl – 2 – a oxidation b halogenation
Acid basicity

KOH NH4SCN none is formed propanol

C D c hydration d hydrogenation
c 1 – butanol / butanoic acid
13 What is the IUPAC name of that d 2 – pentanol / propanone
- Which of the following rep- CH3CHOH 39 On alkaline hydrolysis of the
resents the changes which hap- compound ? …….. compound C3H7Br which doesn’t
21 The solution which has the larg- a phthalic b terphthalic
pened? …… est concentration of [H+] from the contain methylene group, the pro-
a Ethanol benzene following solutions which have c citric d acetic duced compound is …........
Choice A B C D
the same concentration is ……… a primary alcohol only
b Hydroxyl ethyl benzene
a Violet Violet brown
red 31 Aspirin can be obtained from 2 – b secondary alcohol only
ppt. a C6H5OH b CH3COOH hydroxyl benzaldehyde
c 2 – phenyl ethanol c primary or secondary alcohol
Blood c C6H5COOH d CH3CH2OH CHO d primary alcohol or tertiary alcohol
b Faint Violet brown by ……
d 1 – phenyl ethanol
Blood 22 The general formula for a com- a reduction then reaction with
c Violet Colorless brown
red pound RCH2OH is similar to the 40 Vanilla is an organic compound
ppt. acetic acid
general formula for a compound has the shown structural formula.
14 Ester with molar mass 74 g/mol. b reduction then reaction with
Violet brown and the mass of one alkyl group ………. - Which classes does vanilla be-
d yellow red methanol
ppt. in it equals 15 g/mol. so, the mo- long to ? …………
a R–O–R b R – O – Ar c oxidation then reaction with
lar mass of the other alkyl group COOH
equals …. [C = 12 , O = 16 , H = 1] c Ar – O – Ar d Ar – OH
6 Alkaline hydrolysis of an ester its d oxidation then reaction with O-CH3
molecular formula C3H6O2 may a 59 g/mol b 43 g/mol acetic acid OH
give all the following except ……… 23 Detection of salicylic acid
c 29 g/mol d 15 g/mol a Acid, ester and ether
OH can be done by all the
a Ethanol 32 Which pair from the following is b Acid ester and phenol
COOH considered as alcohol and acid in
b Methanol 15 Ethyl alcohol can be obtained by following except ……… c Acid, ether and alcohol
the same time? …….
c Sodium formate all the following methods except d Acid, ether and phenol
…… a Iron III chloride solution
d Sodium propanoate a Lactic acid / citric acid
a Hydrolysis of sodium ethoxide b Ethyl alcohol
b Aspirin / salicylic acid 41 The aliphatic hydrocarbon deriv-
b Alkaline hydrolysis of ethyl iodide
7 Which of the following choices c Sodium bicarbonate ative which contains the group
represents obtaining of bromo c Acidic hydrolysis of sucrose c (> CH – OH), reacts with concen-
Marookh oil / citric acid
ethane from sodium ethoxide? d Alkaline hydrolysis of chloro
d Acidified potassium permanga- trated strong mineral acid to pre-
…….. nate
ethane d Aspirin / Marookh oil pare asymmetric alkene, so the
a Hydrolysis / catalytic hydration / alkene is ……….
halogenation with bromine water
16 Putting yeast on glucose sugar 24 On adding water to sodium ethox-
33 Which of the following uses is a 2-ethyl-1-butene
b Hydrolysis / complete oxidation forms a liquid and a gas, and by ide then adding acetic acid to the
correct? …………
/ neutralization / dry distillation passing this gas in calcium hy- produced organic compound, b ethene
/ halogenation droxide solution for long time, ………… is formed. a Sulphuric acid is used to re-
c ……... is formed. move water on esterification of c propene
Hydrolysis / catalytic hydration a organic polymer b organic ester benzoic acid with ethanol
/ hydrogenation / halogenation a calcium carbonate b Chloroform is used in surgical d 2 – methyl propene
d Hydrolysis / dehydration / addi- c primary alcohol d aldehyde
b carbon dioxide operations nowadays
tion of HBr

١٢‫ ص‬..‫ لثالثة ثانوى‬..‫الكيمياء لغات‬ ‫بقية‬

calcium bicarbonate c
25 One of the following isomers of
bromine water is used to differ- 42 What is the number and the type
carbonic acid entiate between propene and of the isomers for the molecular
8 What is the organic compound
d the molecular formula C4H9Br
propyne gases formula C4H10O?
which is produced from dry distil- from which 2 – methyl – 2 – pro-
lation of the product from alkaline panol is produced by hydrolysis d Iron III chloride is used to differ- a 2 alcohols / 2 ethers
hydrolysis of ethyl acetate? ……… 17 Complete oxidation of ethylene in alkaline medium is ……….. entiate between Marookh oil
C M Y Ka glycol gives ……… and aspirin b 3 alcohols / 2 ethers
Methane b Ethane a C2H5CHBrCH3
c Acetic acid d Aromatic benzene a 2-hydroxyacetic acid c 3 alcohols / 4 ethers
b CH3CH(CH3)CH2Br 34 We can prepare the ester which is
b ethanal c CH3(CH2)2CH2Br the isomer of the compound
CH3COOCH3 from ……
d 4 alcohols / 3 ethers
9 A compound (X) with molecular

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