Basic Glossary For Chemical Engineer

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1. Alternative energy: (energía alternativa) is energy that does not come from fossil fuels.
Example: - Alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are
becoming more popular.
Las energías alternativas, como la solar y la eólica, están ganando

2. Connecting: (conectar, conectarse) to join or be joined with something else.

Example: - Can I connect my printer to your computer?
Puedo conectar mi impresora con tu computadora?

3. Computer chip: (chip de computadora) a set of electronic circuits on a small flat piece of
Example: - The computer chip is a vital component of modern electronic
El chip de computadora es un componente vital de los dispositivos
electrónicos modernos.

4. Chemical engineering: (Ingeniería Química) involves the production and manufacturing

of products through chemical processes.
Example: - Chemical engineering involves the design and development of
chemical processes.
La ingeniería química involucra el diseño y desarrollo de procesos

5. Desalination: (Desalinización) the process of removing salt from sea water.

Example: - Desalination is the process of removing salt from seawater.
La desalinización es el proceso de eliminar la sal del agua de mar.

6. Pharmaceuticals: (productos farmacéuticos) relating to the production of medicines.

Example: - The pharmaceuticals industry produces medications for various
La industria farmacéutica produce medicamentos para diversas

7. Research: (Investigación)
to study a subject in detail, especially in order to discover new information or reach a
new understanding.
Example: - Our team is conducting research on the effects of climate change.
Nuestro equipo está realizando investigaciones sobre los efectos del
cambio climático.

8. Synthesize: (sintetizar) the production of a substance from simpler materials after

a chemical reaction.
Example: - Scientists are working to synthesize new compounds for medical
Los científicos están trabajando en la síntesis de nuevos compuestos
con fines médicos.

9. Transform: (transformer, transformarse) to change completely the character or

appearance of something in order to improve it.
Example: - I need to transform this document into a PDF file.
Yo necesito transformar este documento en un archivo PDF.

1. Burets: (buretas) used to dispense and measure variable amounts of liquid or
sometimes gas within chemical and industrial testing specially for the titration
process in volumetric analysis.
Example: - Burets are used for precise liquid measurements in the lab.
Las buretas se utilizan para mediciones precisas de líquidos en el

2. Beakers: (vaso de precipitado) is a container made of glass (Generally

borosilicate glass). It is used for holding, pouring, mixing or measuring
Example: - Beakers are common glass containers used for mixing and heating
Los vasos de precipitados son recipientes de vidrio comunes utilizados
para mezclar y calentar líquidos.

3. Funnels: (embudos) To channel liquids or fine-grained substances into

containers with a small opening. Used in transferring liquids in small containers.
Example: - Funnels are used to channel liquids into smaller containers.
Los embudos se utilizan para canalizar líquidos en recipientes más

4. Graduated cylinder: (probeta) It is one of the most widely used volumetric

instruments in laboratories. It is a cylinder made of glass with a scale that.
Example: - Graduated cylinders are used to measure the volume of liquids
Los cilindros graduados se utilizan para medir con precisión el volumen
de líquidos.

5. Lab: (laboratorio) a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for

testing and analysis.
Example: - The lab is equipped with all the necessary equipment for scientific
El laboratorio está equipado con todo el equipo necesario para
experimentos científicos.

6. Mortar: (mortero) It is a tool used to grind and mix substances.

Example: - A mortar and pestle are used to crush and grind substances in the
Un mortero y una mano son utilizados para triturar y moler sustancias
en el laboratorio.

7. Pipets: (pipetas) used to measure out or transfer small quantities of liquid.

Example: - Pipets are used for transferring small amounts of liquids.
Las pipetas se utilizan para transferir pequeñas cantidades de

8. Pestle: (pilón) It is used together with mortar to crush and

mix substances, usually solidified.
Example: - The chemist used a pestle to grind the solid compound into a fine
powder for the experiment.
El químico utilizó un pilón para moler el compuesto sólido hasta
obtener un polvo fino para el experimento.

9. Test tube: (Tubo de ensayo) hold, mix, or heat small quantities of solid or liquid
chemicals, especially for qualitative experiments and assays.
Example: - I need a test tube to conduct this experiment.
Yo necesito un tubo de ensayo para realizar este experimento.

10. Volumetric flask: (matraz aforado) Is a piece of laboratory apparatus, a type of

laboratory flask, calibrated to contain a precise volume at a certain
Example: - The volumetric flask is used to accurately measure and mix liquids.
El matraz volumétrico se utiliza para medir y mezclar líquidos con

11. Wash bottle: (pizeta) are mainly used to wash or rinse various pieces of
glassware or plasticware in the laboratory.
Example: - Please use the wash bottle to rinse the glassware before starting the
next procedure.
Por favor, utiliza la botella de lavado para enjuagar el material de
vidrio antes de comenzar el siguiente procedimiento.

1. Balance:(balanza) The balance on
a piece of electronic equipment for playing music is the particular mixture of
different sounds, or the device that controls this.
Example: - We use the balance to measure the amount of chemical compound.
Nosotros usamos la balanza para medir la cantidad de compuesto

2. Desiccator: (desecador) It is used both for the cooling of heated objects and for
the storage of dry objects that must not be exposed to the moisture normally
present in the atmosphere.
Example: - In the desiccator leave the products for two days.
En el desecador dejamos los productos durante dos días.

3. Dropper: (cuentagotas) a small tube with a rubber container at one end that
is filled with air and allows liquid to be given out in separate drops.
Example: - I buy a dropper for the laboratory
Yo compro un cuentagotas para el laboratorio.

4. Erlenmeyer flasks: (matraces erlenmeyer) are used to contain liquids and for
mixing, heating, cooling, incubation, filtration, storage, and other liquid-
handling processes.
Example: - We catch the Erlenmeyer flasks with the tongs, when the flasks are
Nosotros cogemos los matraces Erlenmeyer con las tenazas, cuando
los matraces están calientes.

5. Forceps: (fórceps) a metal instrument with two handles used

in medical operations for picking up, pulling, and holding things.
Example: - The doctor used forceps to safely remove the object.
El medico utilizó fórceps para quitar el objeto de forma segura.

6. Hot plate: (placa calefactora) used for food preparation, generally in locations
where a full kitchen stove would not be convenient or practical.
Example: - In the hot place heat the solution.
En la placa calefactora calentamos la solución.

7. Spatula: (espátula) utensils that help with mixing, scraping, and other tasks
related to transferring materials and samples from one place to another.
Example: - You clean the spatula on the table of laboratory.
Tú limpias la espátula sobre la mesa de laboratorio.

8. Stirring rods: (varillas de agitación) an essential piece of laboratory equipment

used to mix chemicals and liquids for reaction purposes.
Example: - We use the stirring rods to dissolve the solute in the solvent.
Nosotros usamos las varillas de agitación para disolver el soluto en el

9. Thermometer: (Termómetro) a device used

for measuring temperature, especially of the air or in a person's body.
Example: - The thermometer is used while we heat the sample.
El termómetro es usado mientras calentamos la muestra.

10. Tongs: (Tenazas) typically shaped to accommodate specific objects, with long
handles to keep the user at a safe distance from an object that is heated or may
be otherwise hazardous to hold.
Example: - I used the tongs to pick up the hot metal piece from the furnace.
Yo Usé las tenazas para levantar la pieza de metal caliente del horno.
1. Fume hood: (campana de humos) an enclosure that safely contains and
ventilates hazardous fumes, vapors, gases and dust generated by chemical
Example: - The chemist worked in the fume hood to protect against harmful
El químico trabajó en la campana de humos para protegerse de los
vapores dañinos.

2. Hazardous: (peligroso) a situation that poses a level of potential threat or risk,

to life, health, property, or environment.
Example: - The safety can is used to store and transport hazardous chemicals.
El recipiente de seguridad se utiliza para almacenar y transportar
sustancias químicas peligrosas.

3. Coveralls: (overoles) a piece of clothing that covers both

the upper and lower parts of the body and is worn especially over
other clothes to protect them.
Example: The workers wore coveralls to protect their clothing from spills and
Los trabajadores usaron monos de protección para proteger su ropa de
derrames y contaminación.

4. Goggles: (gafas) special glasses that fit close to the face to protect the eyes.
Example: - The lab technician wore goggles to protect their eyes from chemical
El técnico de laboratorio usó gafas de seguridad para proteger sus ojos
de salpicaduras químicas.

5. Respirator: (Respirador) a device that forces air into a person’s lungs when
the person cannot breathe independently and needs help to breathe.
Example: - The worker wore a respirator to protect against toxict fumes.
El trabajador usó un respirador para protegerse de los vapores

6. Gloves: (Guantes) a covering for the hand and wrist, with separate parts for
the thumb and each finger, that provides warmth or protection.
Example: - It is important to wear gloves when handling hazardous materials.
Es importante usar guantes al manipular materiales peligrosos.

7. Eye wash station: (estación de lavado de ojo) designed to flush the eye and face
area only.
Example: - The lab had an eye wash station in case of accidental exposure to
El laboratorio tenía una estación de lavado de ojos en caso de
exposición accidenta a productos químicos.

8. Chemical:(química) any basic substance that is used in or produced by

a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules.
Example: - The scientists conducted a series of chemical experiments to analyze
the reaction rate.
Los científicos llevaron a cabo una serie de experimentos químicos
para analizar la velocidad de reacción.

9. Substance: (sustancia) a matter which has a specific composition and specific

Example: - The substance is highly toxic and should be kept away from humans.
La sustancia es altamente tóxica y debe mantenerse alejada de los

10. Liquid: (líquido) a substance that flows easily and is neither a gas nor a solid.
Example: - The liquid is flammable and should be stored in a proper container.
El líquido es inflamable y debe almacenarse en un recipiente

1. Conclusion: (conclusión) a decision made after an experiment.
Example: - I reached a logical conclusion after analyzing all the data.
Yo llegué a una conclusión lógica después de analizar todos los datos.

2. Control group: (Grupo de control) part of a test that needs to be answered.

Example: - We are currently conducting an experiment with a control group and
an experimental group.
Nosotros estamos llevando a cabo un experimento con un grupo de
control y un grupo experimental.

3. Experiment: (experimento) a process designed to reveal the effect of

Example: - It is essential to set up a controlled experiment to obtain reliable
Es esencial establecer un experimento controlado para obtener
resultados confiables.
4. Experimental group: (Grupo experimental) part of a test for which a variable is
Example: - They will be part of the experimental group in the upcoming study.
Ellos formarán parte del grupo experimental en el próximo estudio.

5. Hypothesis: (hipótesis) an idea or explanation for something that

is based on known facts but has not yet been proved.
Example: - I formulated a hypothesis to test in the experiment.
Yo formulé una hipótesis para probar en el experimento.

6. Independent variable: (variable independiente) a number or amount in

a mathematical statement that can change and which decides the value of
the dependent variable.
Example: - We manipulated the independent variable to study its effect on the
Nosotros manipulamos la variable independiente para estudiar su
efecto en el resultado.

7. Problem: (problema) a question that needs to be answered.

Example: - Have you considered the problem carefully before proposing a
¿Has considerado el problema cuidadosamente antes de proponer
una solución?

8. Observations: (observaciones) the act of observing something or someone.

Example: - You recorded detailed observations during the data collection
Tú registraste observaciones detalladas durante el proceso de
recolección de datos.

9. Results: (resultados) the amount of profit or loss that a company makes during
a particular period of time, or a report showing this.
Example: - They analyzed the results to draw meaningful conclusions.
Ellos analizaron los resultados para sacar conclusiones significativas.

10. Testable: (comprobable)}able to be proven or disproven

Example: - She designed a testable hypothesis for her science project.
Ella diseñó una hipótesis comprobable para su proyecto de ciencias.
1. Integer: (entero) used in mathematics to solve numeric expressions or to
express a value.
Example: - I have to enter an integer value for the calculation.
Tengo que ingresar un valor entero para el cálculo.

2. Leading zero: (cero inicial) any 0 digit that comes before the first nonzero digit in
a number string in positional notation.
Example: - We need to remove the leading zero from the data to improve
Necesitamos eliminar el cero inicial de los datos para mejorar la

3. Significant figure: (cifra significativa) the numbers used to write a number to be

as exact as is needed.
Example: - You should report the measurement with the correct number of
significant figures.
Debes reportar la medición con la cantidad correcta de cifras

4. Rounding error: (error de redondeo) Rounding multiple times can cause error to
Example: - They encountered a rounding error in the final calculation.
Ellos encontraron un error de redondeo en el cálculo final.

5. Trailing zero: (cero final) a sequence of 0 in the decimal representation (or more
generally, in any positional representation) of a number, after which no other
digits follow.
Example: - She noticed that there was a trailing zero in the result.
Ella notó que había un cero final en el resultado.

6. Cubed: (cubos) To cube a number all you do is multiply it by itself and then itself
Example: - He explained that the volume of the cube is calculated by cubing the
length of one of its sides.
Él explicó que el volumen del cubo se calcula elevando al cubo la
longitud de uno de sus lados.
7. Squared: (al cuadrado) the result when a number has been multiplied by itself.
Example: - It's important to remember that the area of a square is obtained by
squaring the length of one of its sides.
Es importante recordar que el área de un cuadrado se obtiene
elevando al cuadrado la longitud de uno de sus lados.

8. Exponent: (exponente) a number or sign that shows how

many times another number is to be multiplied by itself.
Example: - The exponent in the equation determines the magnitude of the
El exponente en la ecuación determina la magnitud del efecto.

9. Scientific notation: (notación científica) a way of writing very large or

very small numbers by multiplying power of 10 and a number between 1 and 10.
Example: - It's easier to work with large numbers using scientific notation.
Es más fácil trabajar con números grandes usando notación

1. Expand: (ampliar) to increase in size, number, or importance, or to make
something increase in this way.
Example: - I need to expand my knowledge in algebraic expressions.
Necesito expandir mi conocimiento en expresiones algebraicas.

2. Fluctuate: (fluctuar) to change, especially continuously and between

one level or thing and another.
Example: - The temperature can fluctuate throughout the day.
La temperatura puede fluctuar a lo largo del día.

3. Plummet (caída en picado) to go down

in amount or value very quickly and suddenly.
Example: - The stock prices plummeted due to the economic crisis
Los precios de las acciones se desplomaron debido a la crisis
4. Stabilize: (estalilizar) to cause something
to become fixed and stop changing, esp. in order to keep it
from becoming worse, or to become fixed and stop changing.
Example: - They implemented measures to stabilize the production process.
Implementaron medidas para estabilizar el proceso de producción.

1. Calibrate: (calibrar) to mark units of measurement on an instrument such so
that it can measure accurately.
Example: - They need to calibrate the equipment to ensure accurate readings.
Necesitan calibrar el equipo para garantizar lecturas precisas.
2. Gram: (gramo) a unit of measurement of weight equal to 0.001 kilogram.
Example: - The mass of the diamond is measured in grams.
La masa del diamante se mide en gramos.
3. Kilogram: (kilogramo) a unit of mass equal to 1,000 grams.
Example: - The weight of the package is one kilogram.
El peso del paquete es de un kilogramo.
4. Mass: (masa) having an effect on
or involving a large number of people or forming a large amount.
Example: - I measured the mass of the object using a digital scale.
Yo medí la masa del objeto usando una balanza digital.
5. Metric: (métrico) using or relating to a system of measurement that
uses metres, centimetres, litres, etc.
Example: - The laboratory uses the metric system for all measurements.
El laboratorio utiliza el sistema métrico para todas las medidas.
6. Miligram: (miligramo) a unit of mass that is equal to 0.001 grams.
Example: - The medication is administered in milligrams.
La medicación se administra en miligramos.
7. Ounce: (onza) a unit of weight equal to approximately 28 grams.
Example: - She added two ounces of sugar to the recipe.
Ella añadió dos onzas de azúcar a la receta.
8. Pounds: (libras) the standard unit of money used in the UK and some
other countries.
Example: - I bought five pounds of apples at the grocery store.
Yo compré cinco libras de manzanas en la tienda de comestibles.
9. Scales: (báscula) a set of numbers, amounts, etc., used
to measure or compare the level of something.
Example: - The chef used kitchen scales to measure the ingredients precisely.
El chef utilizó una báscula de cocina para medir los ingredientes con

10. Weight: (peso) a piece of metal of known heaviness that can be used
to measure the heaviness of other objects.
Example: - The weight of the suitcase exceeded the airline's limit.
El peso de la maleta superó el límite de la aerolínea.

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