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Name of Activity – spring break memory book

Originating Idea
At breakfast Leo said he went to see his grandparents and went to a concert and played in
the park and he had a lot of fun during spring break.

Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies

KDIs –
D. Language, Literacy, and Communication
22. Speaking: Children express themselves using language.
24. Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds
in spoken language.
25. Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and
their sounds.
29. Writing: Children write for many different purposes

2-3 pages stapled books, color pencils, crayons, pencil, markers.

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
Today Leo was sharing all the fun activities he did during his spring break I can't wait to hear
how you all spend time during your break even better is you can draw pictures of what you did
during your break in this book so it can be like your own memory book.

Middle of Activity – Children will be trying to make representations of what they did during the
break ask open-ended question so it can help them remember and reflect their experiences.
Early Extension:
The children may not be able to draw a lot they may just make simple representations the teacher
can encourage them to name or label their picture with the beginning letter for example P for
park and so on.

The teacher will go around to each child looking at their representation children will be able to
make pictures of what they did for example draw a slide if they went to a park or make a cake for
a birthday party etcetera teacher will encourage the children to write the beginning letters off the
pictures they drew the representations at this level will be having more details.

Later Extension:
The teacher will encourage the children to write words for the pictures they drew. Teacher will
help them sound letters to make words. For example park, slide, house. The book will have more
detailed representations of the spring break memories. Each page of the book will have pictures
and the children will be able to read out the book and share what they did during the spring break
to their teachers by the end of the activity.

End of Activity
At the end of the activity each student can do a read aloud at the table and read their book
to their friends and then transition to clean up and move to the next activity.

Follow-up Ideas -
1.Children can also be encouraged to make a cover page of the book and what title they
want to give to their book.
29. Writing: Children write for many different purposes
2. Children can also paint their spring break experiences on a paper in the art area during
work time.
F. Creative Arts 40. Art: Children express and represent what they observe,
think, imagine, and feel through two- and three-
dimensional art.

2. Name of Activity – chica chica boom boom tree

Originating Idea
Bella always chooses the chica chica boom boom tree, she likes reading the book and she
always plays with the letters.

Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies

KDIs –
D. Language, Literacy, and Communication
22. Speaking: Children express themselves using language.
24. Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds
in spoken language.
25. Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and
their sounds.
29. Writing: Children write for many different purposes

chica chica boom boom book , glue, cut out squares of green brown paper, foam letters
stickers and white big paper.

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
Chicka chicka boom boom is a book that Bella asked me to read to her add breakfast
time, this is such a cool book so I am going to read this book and do a fun activity for small
group. We will read the book and try to make something that we see in the book.

Middle of Activity – the children will want to make the tree that is bending down with all the
letters falling. During this the teacher can scaffold letter recognition letter sounds and help the
children complete the activity
(Also - Your ideas for scaffolding children at different developmental levels)
Early Extension:
The children will take the cut out paper and try to glue them on the white paper and try to make a
tree. Some children may only glue a couple of papers and a letter sticker. Teacher can help the
child identify the letter sound the letter.

The children will make a tree according to their plan using the colored paper and gluing them on
the white paper. Children will use many letters and we'll be able to identify some on their own.
And they will be able to sound out some letters as well.
Later Extension:
The children will make a tree using the squares as a pattern or may resemble the tree in the book.
The children will identify almost all the letters and will sound out the letters on their own. The
children may also name objects that begin with those letters.

End of Activity
At the end of the activity the children will show their chica chica boom boom tree and we
will sing the ABC song and pointing to the letters we have on our tree and then transition to the
next activity

Follow-up Ideas
1. Children can use the cut up squares and learn to make patterns.
E Mathematics 38. Patterns: Children identify, describe, copy, complete, and
create patterns
Children would practice counting the number of squares they have on the paper.
2. E Mathematics 32. Counting: Children count things.

3. Name of Activity – letter hunt

Originating Idea
During work time Leah said she like doing the I spy book at home with her mommy..

Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
KDIs –
D. Language, Literacy, and Communication
24. Phonological awareness: Children identify distinct sounds
in spoken language.
25. Alphabetic knowledge: Children identify letter names and
their sounds.
C. Physical Development and Health
17. Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand-
eye coordination in using their small muscles

Scholastic magazine papers, scissors, glue, white sheet of paper.

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
So Leah gave me an idea of what we can explore during our small group today Leah said she
likes doing the eye spy book with her mommy at home and she enjoys it today we can make our
own I spy book by doing some letter hunting in these scholastic papers. You can look at the
papers and cut out any letters that you see and paste it on your white paper.

Middle of Activity – Children will try cutting out letters or books that have letters on them from
the scholastic newsletter papers and they will glue them on the white sheet of paper. They will
try to identify the letters and sound out the letter they find.
Early Extension:
Some children may only cut one letter. Some children may need adaptive scissors and help with
trying to cut around the words or letters.
The children will be able to cut out lots of letters and they will be able to identify the letters
while gluing them on the paper. They will be able to even sound out letters.
Later Extension:
Children will be able to cut out all letters that they identify. They would be able to sound out
letters name objects that begin with those letters and also look to find letters of their name.

End of Activity
At the end of the activity the teacher can play the I spy game and have the children find a
letter in there project. the children can take turn, asking their peers to find a certain letter.

Follow-up Ideas
1. Children can cut out books that they like from the magazine and paste it on the paper and
express why they chose that book and what they like about that book.
D. Language, Literacy, and Communication 28. Book knowledge: Children demonstrate
knowledge about books
2. Children will be able to cut out a letter from the magazine and practice writing that letter
next to it with pencil. D. Language, Literacy, and Communication 29. Writing: Children
write for many different purposes

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