Measure of Relationships

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Presented by: Shadee Lysha Bano
Rian Mae Roferos
1. Determine relationships of two sets of scores
2. Calculate two common correlation coefficients:
a) Pearson Product-Moment (Pearson r)
b) Spearman Rank ( r ranks or Spearman rho)
Measure of Relationship
are used to indicate the degree to
which two sets of scores covary of are
relationships can be either positive or
negative and either strong or weak.
Correlation Coefficient
used to measure the degree of relationship between two variables
the correlation coefficient ranges from -1.0 to + 1.0. Values close to -1.0 or +1.0
indicate a strong linear relationship.
the closer the correlation is to zero, the weaker the relationship.
Types of Correlation:
A. Pearson Product-Moment (Pearson r)
B. Spearman Rank (r ranks or Spearman rho)
Pearson Product-Moment
(Pearson r)
The Pearson r is calculated to show the linear relationship between
two variables.
N = number of data pairs ∑Y = sum of second data set
∑X = sum of first data ∑Y² = sum of squared Y data
∑X² = sum of squared X data
∑XY = sum of the product of paired data

A researcher wants to investigate the relationship between study
hours and exam scores among a group of students. They collected
data from 5 students, recording both the number of hours each
student studied per week and their corresponding exam scores out
of 60.
Spearman Rank (r ranks or
Spearman rho)
The Spearman rho is used when ranks are available on each of two variables for
all subjects.
Ranks are simply listings of scores from highest to lowest.
N = number of observations
D = represents the difference between the ranks of corresponding variables

The following
are the grades
of 7 students
in English and

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