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Running head: UASIN GISHU 1




REGISTRATION NO: J26-9655-2016








DATE: 5TH JAN 2023- 9TH APRIL 2023




I, HUMPHREY K MASHETI, do hereby declare that this report is my original work and to the

best of my knowledge, it has not been submitted for any degree award in any University or



Date _____________________________________



I would wish to render my gratitude to my university supervisor, DR. MWANIKI for the great

support and direction that he extended, not to mention all the contribution he made towards

facilitating the success of my attachment.

I also extend a lot of appreciation to field supervisor, MR. DAN CHEMNWO who ensured that

all facilities necessary for the industrial attachment exercise were at my disposal. Thanks to the

team I was patched with. All their directions, explanations, technical and intellectual support

amounted to the quality experience I gained

I thank my parents for the emotional and financial support they have given me. Finally, I

acknowledge the support of all my friends, relations and classmates.


Executive Summary
The industrial attachment program at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County provided
a comprehensive learning experience in the field of electrical engineering. This executive
summary encapsulates the key highlights and insights garnered throughout the attachment

The attachment program aimed to achieve several objectives, including understanding the
organizational structure and functions of the Electrical Department, learning about the operation
and maintenance of electrical systems, observing safety protocols and regulations in electrical
works, and contributing to enhancing operational efficiency within the department.

Activities undertaken during the attachment period encompassed shadowing experienced

technicians and engineers, participating in installations and maintenance tasks, engaging in
safety training sessions, and learning about energy management practices. These activities
provided valuable hands-on experience and enhanced technical skills in electrical engineering.

Observations revealed the importance of teamwork, safety, technical competence, compliance

with regulations, and innovation within the Electrical Department. Recommendations were
proposed to enhance operational efficiency, including continuous training and skills
development, preventive maintenance schedules, integration of smart monitoring systems, and
strengthening of partnerships with external stakeholders.

In conclusion, the industrial attachment at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County
served as a valuable learning opportunity, fostering an appreciation for the practical aspects of
electrical engineering and the complexities of public sector utilities. The experiences gained and
lessons learned are poised to contribute to future endeavors in the field, with a commitment to
professionalism, safety, and excellence.



The Industrial Attachment Program serves as an integral component of academic curricula,
bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in real-world settings.
This report encapsulates the experiences, observations, and insights gained during the attachment
period at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County.

The Electrical Department plays a pivotal role within the county's infrastructure, responsible for
the design, installation, maintenance, and management of electrical systems across various public
facilities. As a participant in the attachment program, the primary objective was to gain practical
exposure to the intricacies of electrical engineering practices within a governmental framework.

This introduction sets the stage for an in-depth exploration of the organizational structure,
functions, and operational dynamics of the Electrical Department. Furthermore, it outlines the
objectives of the attachment program and delineates the scope of activities undertaken to achieve
these goals.

Through this report, a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, innovations, and best
practices prevalent within the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County will be elucidated. It
is anticipated that the insights gleaned from this attachment experience will not only enrich
academic learning but also contribute to the continuous improvement and efficiency
enhancement of the department's operations.

With a commitment to professionalism, safety, and excellence, the journey embarked upon
during the industrial attachment program at the Electrical Department promises to be a fulfilling
and enlightening endeavor.


Host attachment department

The host attachment department for this report is the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu
County. This department is responsible for managing, maintaining, and ensuring the efficient
operation of electrical systems across various county facilities within Uasin Gishu County. It
comprises skilled technicians, engineers, and administrative staff who work collaboratively to
deliver high-quality electrical services to the county.


The department's main functions include:

1. Design and Installation: Planning and designing electrical systems for new county
projects and overseeing the installation process to ensure compliance with safety and
regulatory standards.

2. Maintenance and Repair: Conducting routine maintenance checks, troubleshooting

electrical faults, and performing necessary repairs to ensure the continuous and reliable
operation of electrical infrastructure.

3. Compliance: Ensuring adherence to national electrical regulations and standards in all

electrical installations and activities carried out by the department.

4. Energy Management: Implementing energy-efficient practices and initiatives to

optimize electricity usage, reduce operational costs, and promote sustainability within the

5. Safety: Prioritizing safety in all electrical operations by providing training, enforcing

safety protocols, and promoting the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) among

The attachment program provided an opportunity for participants to gain practical experience
and insights into the day-to-day operations of the Electrical Department, as well as to contribute
to enhancing its efficiency and effectiveness in delivering electrical services to the community.

Student Main objectives

As a student participating in the industrial attachment program at the Electrical Department of

Uasin Gishu County, the main objectives were as follows:

1. Gain Practical Experience: Acquire hands-on experience in the field of electrical

engineering by participating in various activities such as installations, maintenance tasks,
and troubleshooting electrical faults under the guidance of experienced technicians and

2. Understand Organizational Structure and Functions: Familiarize oneself with the

organizational structure, roles, and responsibilities within the Electrical Department,
gaining insight into how the department operates and how tasks are delegated and

3. Learn about Electrical Systems: Develop a comprehensive understanding of electrical

systems, including their design, operation, maintenance requirements, and safety
considerations, through practical exposure and observation.


4. Observe Safety Protocols: Understand and adhere to safety protocols and regulations in
electrical works, including the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe
handling of electrical equipment, and precautions to prevent accidents and injuries.

5. Contribute to Operational Efficiency: Identify opportunities to improve operational

efficiency within the Electrical Department through proactive participation, suggesting
innovative solutions, and contributing ideas to streamline processes and enhance

By achieving these objectives, I aimed to enhance their knowledge, skills, and competencies in
electrical engineering, while also making meaningful contributions to the operations and goals of
the Electrical Department.

Attachee assigned duties

During the industrial attachment at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County, I was
assigned various duties and responsibilities aimed at providing practical exposure and
contributing to the department's operations. Some of the key duties assigned included:

1. Shadowing Experienced Technicians and Engineers: I was assigned to shadow

experienced technicians and engineers during their daily tasks, including maintenance
routines, troubleshooting electrical faults, and conducting safety inspections. This
provided an opportunity to observe and learn from seasoned professionals in the field.

2. Participating in Installations: I assisted in the installation of electrical systems in new

county projects. This involved tasks such as wiring, cable laying, equipment setup, and
ensuring compliance with design specifications and safety standards.

3. Assisting in Maintenance Tasks: I participated in routine maintenance tasks, such as

testing electrical circuits, replacing faulty components, and conducting preventive
maintenance checks on electrical equipment and infrastructure.

4. Learning about Energy Management Practices: I was exposed to energy management

practices and initiatives implemented by the department to optimize electricity usage and
reduce operational costs. This included learning about energy-efficient technologies,
monitoring systems, and conservation strategies.

5. Engaging in Safety Training: I attended safety briefings and training sessions to

understand the importance of safety protocols and regulations in electrical works. This
included learning about proper insulation, grounding, use of personal protective
equipment (PPE), and emergency procedures.


6. Contributing Ideas for Operational Efficiency: I was encouraged to contribute ideas

and suggestions for improving operational efficiency within the department. This
involved identifying areas for process improvement, suggesting innovative solutions, and
participating in brainstorming sessions with team members.

By actively engaging in these assigned duties, the I gained valuable hands-on experience,
enhanced their technical skills, and contributed to the overall functioning and effectiveness of the
Electrical Department.


Evaluation of the attachment period

The evaluation of the attachment period at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County

encompasses several key aspects, including the achievements, challenges, learning outcomes,

and overall contributions made during the attachment. Here's an evaluation based on these


The main components of Electricity transmission lines and associated facilities

1) Transmission Poles (Towers)

2) Conductors (Transmission lines)

3) Right-of-Way (Way leaves)

Transmission poles

Transmission poles are the most visible component of the Electricity transmission system. Poles

support high-voltage conductors (cables that transmit the electricity, otherwise known as lines)

above the ground and separate them from other lines, buildings, and people. Poles vary in design

and dimensions. The transmission poles are lattice steel between 33.5 and 46 meters tall. A

minimum of 30-metre right-of-way is needed for the area around the poles and the spans

between the poles.


Conductors (Transmission lines)

Conductors are the cables on the transmission poles that carry the Electricity to substations. The

county have varying designs of poles and lines depending mainly on the voltage being carried.

Conductors are constructed primarily of twisted metal strands, but newer conductors may

incorporate ceramic fibers in a matrix of aluminum for added strength with lighter weight.

Right-of-way (Way Leaves)

The right-of-way for a transmission corridor includes the land set aside for the transmission line

and associated facilities, and land set aside for a safety margin between the line and nearby

structures and vegetation. Having the safety margin helps avoid the risk of fire and other

accidents. The right-of-way width needed for transmission lines ranges from 30 meters to 65

meters. The right-of-way is also used for access roads.

Vegetation that could pose a danger to a transmission line or tower is removed inside the right-

of-way and outside the right-of-way if it could come too close to lines and poles. On the right-of-

way, low-growing vegetation is allowed to grow after construction and subsequently maintained

at an optimum level.

Access Roads

Access is needed to the transmission tower sites for both line construction and maintenance. road

Grading and clearing vegetation may be required for access construction. Roads are usually

murram. Access roads can be permanent or temporary depending on the need during construction

and land use. On most rights-of-way, permanent access roads provide a way to repair and

maintain the poles and line and are available for emergencies.


In farmland and other areas where the existing land use is not compatible with a permanent

access road, The county uses temporary access roads during construction, then removes the roads

and replants or otherwise restores the original land use


Overhead power transmission lines/ Conductors are classified in the electrical power industry by

the range of voltages:

I. Low voltage – less than 1000 volts, used for connection between a residential or small

commercial customer and the utility.

II. Medium Voltage (Distribution) – between 1000 volts (1 kV) and to about 33 kV, used for

distribution in urban and rural areas.


AAC cable is widely used in overhead electric power transmission lines and distribution system

with various grade voltages in Kenya. It is one of the main products to form electrified wire

network. AAC - All Aluminum Conductor is made up of one or more strands of hard drawn 1350

Aluminum Alloy. Because of its relatively poor strength-to-weight ratio, AAC has had limited

use in transmission lines and rural distribution because of the long spans utilized. However, AAC

has seen extensive use in urban areas where spans are usually short but high conductivity is

required. The excellent corrosion resistance of aluminum has made AAC a conductor of choice

in coastal areas.

The following are images of AAC cable used


An overhead transmission line has groups of conductors running parallel to each other, carried

on line supports. An electric transmission line conductor has four parameters: which are series

combination of resistance, inductance, shunt combination of capacitance and conductance. The

parameters are symbolized as R, L, C, and G, respectively. These are uniformly distributed along

the whole length of the line and representation of these parameters at any point on the line is not

possible. These are usually expressed as resistance, inductance, capacitance and conductance per


The first three parameters depend upon material used and physical dimensions of the conductor.

Shunt conductance, which is mostly caused by leakage over the insulators, is always neglected in

a power transmission line. The leakage loss in a cable is uniformly distributed over the length of


the cable, whereas it is different in case of overhead lines. In overhead lines, it is limited only to

the insulators and is very small under normal operating conditions, hence, it is neglected.

1. Achievements:

 Successfully completed assigned tasks and responsibilities, including shadowing

experienced technicians, participating in installations, and assisting in

maintenance activities.

 Gained practical experience and hands-on skills in electrical engineering,

particularly in troubleshooting electrical faults, conducting safety inspections, and

performing maintenance tasks.

Safety gears

 Actively contributed to the operational efficiency of the department by providing

assistance, ideas, and suggestions for process improvement and innovation.


 Developed a comprehensive understanding of organizational structure, functions,

and operational dynamics within the Electrical Department.

2. Challenges:

 Encountered challenges related to the complexity of electrical systems and

equipment, requiring guidance and support from experienced professionals to

overcome technical hurdles.

 Adjusting to the fast-paced environment and adapting to new tasks and

responsibilities within a governmental framework presented initial challenges that

were gradually overcome through perseverance and dedication.

 Balancing theoretical knowledge with practical application posed challenges in

certain instances, highlighting the importance of continuous learning and skill


3. Learning Outcomes:

 Enhanced technical skills and competencies in electrical engineering, including

knowledge of electrical systems, safety protocols, and maintenance practices.

 Developed critical thinking and problem-solving abilities through hands-on

experience in troubleshooting electrical faults and proposing solutions to improve

operational efficiency.

 Improved communication and teamwork skills by collaborating with colleagues

and actively participating in departmental activities and projects.

 Acquired valuable insights into energy management practices, regulatory

compliance, and best practices prevalent within the electrical engineering



4. Contributions:

 Made tangible contributions to the operational efficiency of the Electrical

Department by actively participating in installations, maintenance tasks, and

safety inspections.

 Provided input and suggestions for process improvement, innovation, and

optimization of electrical systems and operations within the department.

 Demonstrated dedication, professionalism, and a willingness to learn and

contribute to the goals and objectives of the Electrical Department.

In conclusion, the attachment period at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County was a

valuable learning experience that provided practical exposure, enhanced skills, and contributed

to the operational effectiveness of the department. Despite challenges encountered, the

attachment was successful in achieving its objectives and preparing I for future endeavors in the

field of electrical engineering.


Based on the evaluation of the attachment period at the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu

County, the following recommendations are proposed to further enhance the effectiveness and

efficiency of future attachment programs and contribute to the continuous improvement of the


1. Structured Training Programs: Implement structured training programs for attachées

to ensure a comprehensive understanding of electrical engineering principles, safety

protocols, and departmental procedures. These programs should include both theoretical


instruction and hands-on practical exercises to bridge the gap between academic

knowledge and real-world applications.

2. Mentorship and Guidance: Assign experienced mentors to attachées to provide

guidance, support, and mentorship throughout the attachment period. Mentors can offer

valuable insights, share practical experiences, and facilitate the transfer of knowledge and

skills to enhance the learning experience of attachées.

3. Rotational Assignments: Introduce rotational assignments that allow attachées to gain

exposure to different areas within the Electrical Department, such as installations,

maintenance, compliance, and energy management. This will provide a broader

understanding of departmental functions and foster the development of versatile skills.

4. Feedback Mechanism: Establish a feedback mechanism to solicit input from attachées

regarding their experiences, challenges, and suggestions for improvement. Regular

feedback sessions can help identify areas of strength and areas for improvement in the

attachment program, allowing for adjustments to be made as needed.

5. Continued Professional Development: Encourage attachées to pursue continued

professional development opportunities, such as workshops, seminars, and certifications,

to further enhance their skills and stay abreast of emerging trends and technologies in the

field of electrical engineering.

6. Promotion of Innovation: Foster a culture of innovation within the Electrical

Department by encouraging attachées to contribute ideas and suggestions for process

improvement, efficiency enhancement, and technological innovation. Recognize and

reward innovative solutions that contribute to the department's goals and objectives.


7. Community Engagement: Engage attachées in community outreach and education

initiatives to raise awareness about electrical safety, energy conservation, and sustainable

practices. This not only benefits the community but also provides attachées with valuable

opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world context.

8. Collaboration with Educational Institutions: Strengthen partnerships with educational

institutions to facilitate collaboration, knowledge exchange, and internship opportunities

for students. This will help bridge the gap between academia and industry, foster talent

development, and promote the advancement of the electrical engineering profession.

By implementing these recommendations, the Electrical Department of Uasin Gishu County can

further enhance the effectiveness of its attachment program, empower attachées to develop into

skilled professionals, and contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the department's



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