Practice - Shifts - Modifiers

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Part 1: Identify and correct any problem with shifts.

1. A woman stepped forward, grabs the culprit by the collar, and demands him to apologize to the
2. Jane likes to cook, but house cleaning is not a pleasant occupation.
3. When she saw him in the room, she thinks that she is dreaming.
4. It is a book everyone should read, for you can derive good information from it.
5. Pick the roses in the morning, and then they should be placed in water.
6. Vacation is enjoyed by all because it refreshes the mind and the body.
7. He told his aunt that there is someone in the room.
8. Jim wondered whether Jack had left and did he say when he would return.

9. Standing before the house, he thought of the many happy years he had spent there and how
quickly they are passing.

Part 2: Revise the following paragraphs to avoid all needless shifts. If necessary, expand the
1. From behind the desk the shopkeeper emerged and comes toward me. He is a heavy-set man,
and his brown tweed coat was badly worn. An assistant gave me a chair and leaves the room, but
not before he had welcomed us and even told me where one might find lodging. ”First, look
around in this vicinity and then you should find a comfortable place in a nearby hotel,” he says. I
hurried out of the shop and soon the hotel comes into view. Be thankful for suggestions when
offered you. It usually helps one.

2. He was an artful old codger, it always had seemed to me. He has a deceptively open face and his
manner is that of a simple farmer. He tried to appear humble and said that “I am opposed to all
pretense.” Nevertheless, he will let it be known that he has great influence with important people.
Take these impressions for what they are worth; it may help one in your dealings with this reptile.

Part 3: Correct any misplaced modifiers in the sentences below.

1. I nearly made fifty dollars today.

2. When we opened the leather woman's purse, we found the missing keys.
3. The job scarcely took an hour to complete.

4. I only have five minutes to talk with you.

5. The fans stood in line to buy tickets to the show for twenty minutes.
6. Marian read a chilling article in The New York Times about the effects of mercury poisoning.
7. Michelle whistled to the dog on the way to the movies.
8. My friend uses a pen to write his essays with a gold cap.
9. The governor made some remarks about inflation during her news conference.
10. Farmers in Ohio were spraying their crops wearing protective masks.
11. Ted could see the airplane using binoculars.

Part 4: Correct any dangling modifiers in the sentences below.

1. To please the neighbors, some fireworks were set off a day early.
2. Though only sixteen years old, the college accepted Martha's application.
3. Climbing up the ladder carefully, the frightened cat was brought down from the tree.

4. Before replacing any wall outlet, the electricity should be turned off.

5. Vegetables are an important part of your culinary repertoire. To be cooked well, you must
steam vegetables.

6. I have many fond memories of my Aunt Judy. While still a boy, my Aunt Judy and I went to the
Dallas Cup Rodeo. For something so rustic, the event was quite exciting.

7. Dentists provide many useful tips for your health. For instance, flossing your teeth daily, gum
disease can be prevented.

8. Before engaging in strenuous aerobic exercise, warm-up activities are necessary.


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