Research Proposal

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Research Proposal:

Title: Enhancing Social-Emotional

Learning in Middle School Special

A Collaborative Action Research


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Vision and Target:

This action research aims to investigate the effectiveness of incorporating social-emotional

learning (SEL) strategies into the curriculum for middle school special education students.

The vision is to enhance students' social-emotional skills, such as empathy and relationship-

building, to foster a supportive learning environment and improve overall well-being. The

target is to collaboratively develop and implement evidence-based SEL interventions,

reflecting on their impact through iterative cycles of observation, reflection, and adaptation.

Theory of Action:

It is hypothesized that integrating SEL into the curriculum through tailored instructional

strategies and collaborative practices will positively influence students' social-emotional

development, leading to improved interpersonal relationships, self-regulation, and academic


1. Study:

Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011).

The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-

based universal interventions. Child Development, 82(1), 405-432.

 Assumption of Limits: The meta-analysis focuses primarily on school-based

universal interventions, which might not fully capture the effectiveness of targeted

interventions for specific populations, such as middle school special education


 Type of Research: Quantitative meta-analysis.

 Methodology: The study analyzed 213 school-based SEL programs involving over

270,000 students. Instruments included standardized assessments of social-emotional

skills, behavior, and academic performance. The design involved comparing pre- and

post-intervention outcomes across diverse intervention programs.

 Results: Overall, SEL interventions significantly improved students' social-emotional

skills, attitudes, behavior, and academic performance.

 Gaps in Research: Limited focus on targeted interventions for special education

students. Variation in intervention components and implementation fidelity across

2. Study:

McKnight, C. G., Bassett, D. S., & Sengupta, I. (2020). Using action research to promote

social-emotional learning in high-needs schools. Educational Action Research, 28(4), 529-


 Assumption of Limits: The study focuses on high-needs schools, potentially limiting

generalizability to middle school special education settings.

 Type of Research: Qualitative action research.

 Methodology: Collaborative action research involving teachers, administrators, and

researchers was conducted to design and implement SEL interventions. Data

collection methods included observations, interviews, and document analysis. The

design emphasized iterative cycles of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

 Results: Action research led to improvements in teachers' SEL competencies, student

behavior, and school climate.

 Gaps in Research: Limited exploration of targeted interventions specifically tailored

for special education students. Potential variation in the effectiveness of action

research approaches across different educational contexts.

3. Study:

Jones, S. M., Bailey, R., & Brush, K. (2021). Building social and emotional skills in youth:

An innovative curriculum-based approach to SEL. Journal of Applied Developmental

Psychology, 75, 101287.

 Assumption of Limits: The study focuses on a specific curriculum-based approach to

SEL, potentially overlooking other intervention methods.

 Type of Research: Mixed methods, including qualitative case studies and

quantitative pre-post assessments.

 Methodology: Implemented a curriculum-based SEL program in middle schools,

assessing changes in students' social-emotional skills and academic outcomes.

Instruments included surveys and standardized assessments. Qualitative data were

collected through interviews and observations.

 Results: The curriculum-based SEL program resulted in significant improvements in

students' social-emotional skills and academic performance.

 Gaps in Research: Limited exploration of the long-term sustainability of curriculum-

based SEL interventions. Potential variations in effectiveness across different student

populations and educational contexts.

4. Study:

Brown, J. L., Jones, S. M., LaRusso, M. D., & Aber, J. L. (2010). Improving classroom

quality: Teacher influences and experimental impacts of the 4Rs program. Journal of

Educational Psychology, 102(1), 153-167.

 Assumption of Limits: The study focuses on the impacts of a specific SEL program

(the 4Rs program) on classroom quality, potentially overlooking other intervention


 Type of Research: Quantitative experimental study.

 Methodology: Conducted a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impacts of the

4Rs program on classroom quality, teacher practices, and student outcomes.

Participants included teachers and students from urban elementary schools.

Instruments included standardized assessments, surveys, and observations.

 Results: The 4Rs program led to improvements in classroom quality, including

increases in emotional support and decreases in negative climate.

 Gaps in Research: Limited exploration of the program's effects on special education

students. Potential variations in implementation fidelity across different educational

5. Study:

Wagner, L. (2019). Promoting social-emotional learning in students with disabilities through

integrated teaching practices. Teaching Exceptional Children, 51(1), 39-47.

 Assumption of Limits: The study focuses on students with disabilities in inclusive

classrooms, potentially overlooking the needs of students in specialized special

education settings.

 Type of Research: Qualitative case study.

 Methodology: Explored the implementation of integrated teaching practices to

promote SEL in inclusive classrooms. Data were collected through observations,

interviews, and document analysis. Participants included general and special

education teachers, as well as students with disabilities.

 Results: Integrated teaching practices effectively promoted SEL in students with

disabilities, fostering positive relationships and emotional regulation skills.

 Gaps in Research: Limited generalizability to specialized special education settings.

Potential variations in the effectiveness of integrated teaching practices across

different disability categories.

Research Questions:

1. How do targeted social-emotional learning interventions specifically tailored for

middle school special education students impact their social-emotional skills and

academic outcomes?

2. What are the perceptions of teachers, students, and parents regarding the effectiveness

and feasibility of implementing social-emotional learning interventions in middle

school special education settings?

3. What are the key facilitators and barriers to the successful implementation of social-

emotional learning interventions in middle school special education settings?

4. How do variations in implementation fidelity and contextual factors influence the

outcomes of social-emotional learning interventions for middle school special

education students?

5. What are the long-term effects of social-emotional learning interventions on the well-

being and post-school outcomes of middle school special education students?

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