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Chapter 10

masculīnum masculīnum vel fēminīnum numerālis

fēminīnum adiectīvum coniūnctiō
neutrum verbum
Latin English Derivative
asinus, –ī (m.) donkey asinine
leō, leōnis (m.) lion leopard, Sierra Leone
bēstia, –ae (f.) beast bestial
homō, hominis (m.) man, human homō sapiens, homicide
fera, –ae (f.) wild animal feral
avis, avis (f.) bird rara avis, aviation, aviator
piscis, piscis (m.) fish porpoise
aquila, –ae (f.) eagle aquiline
āēr, āeris (m. or f.) air aerate, aerial, aeroplane
āla, –ae (f.) wing
pēs, pedis (m.) foot expedite, millipede, pedal
cauda, –ae (f.) tail caudal
petasus, –ī (m.) hat
deus, –ī (m.) god deist, deity, adieu, adios
mercātor, mercātōris (m.) merchant merchant
nūntius, –ī (m.) messenger renounce, denounce
mare, maris (n.) the sea marine, marinate
flūmen, flūminis (n.) river flume
anima, –ae (f.) soul, spirit animate
pulmō, pulmōnis (m.) lung pulmonary
animal, animālis (n.) animal
nīdus, –ī (m.) nest
rāmus, –ī (m.) branch ramify
folium, –ī (n.) leaf foliate, foliage, portfolio
ōvum, –ī (n.) egg oval
pullus, –ī (m.) young one, chicken pusillanimous
pila, –ae (f.) ball pellet
vōx, vōcis (f.) voice vocal, vociferous, provoke
lectus, –ī (m.) bed, couch litter
ferus, a, um wild fierce, ferocious
vīvus, a, um alive vivid, vivacious
mortuus, a, um dead mortal, immortal, mortgage
crassus, a, um thick grease, Mardi gras
tenuis, e thin tenuous, extenuate
perterritus, a, um terrified
capere to capture capacity, caption
volāre to fly volley, volatile
natāre to swim
movēre to move remove, movement
facere to make, to do benefactor, benefit
vīvere to live viva
spīrāre to breathe spiracle, conspire, expire
parere to bear, to give birth to parent
lūdere to play delude
canere to sing
audēre (n.b. NOT "audīre") to dare audacity, audacious
occultāre to hide occult
ascendere to climb ascent, ascend
sustinēre to hold up sustenance
cadere to fall cascade, deciduous, decay
potest he, she, or it is able
possunt they are able
vult he, she, or it wants
volunt they want volunteer
necesse est it is necessary necessary
nēmō, nēminis (m. or f.) no one nemo
cum when
quod because
enim for
ergō therefore ergo
īnfīnītīvus, a, um infinitive (no ending) infinitive

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