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Question No: 1
Two insulated metal spheres of adii 10 cm and 15 cm charged to a potential of 150V and 100 V
respectively are connected by means of a metallic wire. What is the charge on the first sphere?
a) 2 esu b) 4 esu c) 6 esu d) 8 esu
Question No: 2
A circular ring of radius is placed in a homogenous magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of
the ring. The field chnages with time according to the equation , where is a constant
and is the time. The electric field in the ring is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 3
Lines which represent places of constant angle of dip are called
a) Isobaric lines b) Isogonic lines c) Isoclinic lines d) Isodynamic lines
Question No: 4
Two forces act on a thin uniform elastic rod placed in space. Force acts at right end
of the rod and acts exactly at centre of rod as shown (both forces act parallel to length of the

(i) causes extension of rod while causes compression

(ii) and both cause extension of rod
(iii) causes extension of rod while does not change length of rod
The correct order of True (T) or False (F) statements is
a) TFF b) FTF c) FFT d) FFF
Question No: 5
One end of a glass capillary tube with a radius ‘r’ is immersed into water to a depth of ‘h’. The
surface tension of water is ‘s’ and atmospheric pressure is ‘ ’. What pressure is required to blow
and air bubble out of the lower end of the tube? Density of water is ‘ ’

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 6
The concentration of impurities in a transistor are
a) Equal for the emitter, base and collector regions
b) Least for the emitter region
c) Largest for the emitter region
d) Largest for the base region
Question No: 7 for best BITSAT resources

The half-life of a radioactive substance is 48 hours. How much time will it take to disintegrate to its

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 8
An electron of charge moves with a constant speed along a circle of radius , its magnetic
moment will be
a) b) c) d) 2
Question No: 9
The potential difference applied to an -ray tube is and the current through it is
Then the number of electrons striking the target per second is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 10
The electric and the magnetic field, associated with an .m. wave propagating along the -axis,
can be represented by
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 11
A medium is said to be dispersive, if
a) Light of different wavelengths propagate at different speeds
b) Light of different wavelengths propagate at same speed but has different frequencies
c) Light is gradually bent rather than sharply refracted at an interface between the medium and
d) Light is never totally internally reflected
Question No: 12
An ac circuit consists of an inductor of inductance and a capacitor of capacitance in
series. The current in the circuit is maximum when the angular frequency of ac source is
a) 500 b) c) 4000 d) 5000
Question No: 13
The magnitude of electric field at distance from an infinitely thin rod having a linear charge
density is(use Gauss’s law)

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 14
A positive charge is moving towards an observer. The direction of magnetic induction is
a) Clockwise b) Anticlockwise c) Right d) Left
Question No: 15
Figure shows a network of eight resistors, each equal to 2 , connected to a 3V battery of negligible
internal resistance. The current in the circuit is

a) 0.25A b) 0.50A c) 0.75A d) 1.0A for best BITSAT resources

Question No: 16
The equation of state of some gases can be expressed as . Here is the
pressure, is the volume, is the absolute temperature and are constants. The
dimensions of ‘ ’ are
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 17
The electric potential at a point in the - plane is given by

The electric field intensity at a distance from the origin varies as

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 18
In a stationary wave represented by y=2a cos kx sin t the intensity at a certain point is maximum
a) cos kx is maximum b) cos kx is minimum c) Sin t is maximum d) sin t is minimum
Question No: 19
A particle of amplitude is executing simple harmonic motion. When the potential energy of
particle is half of its maximum potential energy, then displacement from its equilibrium position is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 20
The kinetic energy of a particle executing S.H.M. is when it is at its mean position. If the mass
of the particle is then what is the maximum velocity of the particle
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 21
The kinetic energy of one g-mole of a gas at normal temperature and pressure is (
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 22
The adiabatic elasticity of hydrogen gas at NTP is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 23
A geostationary satellite is revolving around the earth. To make it escape from gravitational field of
earth, its velocity must be increased
a) 100% b) 41.4% c) 50% d) 59.6%
Question No: 24
A spherical hollow is made in a lead sphere of radius such that its surface touches the outside
surface of lead sphere and passes through the centre. What is the shift in the centre of lead sphere
as a result of this hollowing?

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 25
A bomb of mass explodes in air into two pieces of masses and . The smaller
mass goes at a speed of . The total energy imparted to the two fragments is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 26
A 60 kg man stands on a spring scale in a lift. At some instant he finds that the scale reading has
changed from 60 kg to 50 kg for a while and then comes again to 60 kg mark. What should he
a) The lift was in constant motion upwards b) The lift was in constant motion downwards
c) The lift while in motion suddenly stopped d) The lift while in motion upwards suddenly
Question No: 27
A uniform thin rod of length is suspended from one of its ends and is rotated at f rotations per
second. The rotational kinetic energy of the rod will be
d) Zero
a) b) c)

Question No: 28
A car is moving along a circular road at a speed of 20 m/s. The radius of circular road is 10 m. If the
speed is increased at the rate of , what is the resultant acceleration at that moment?
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 29
After one second the velocity of a projectile makes an angle of with the horizontal. After
another one second it is travelling horizontally. The magnitude of its initial velocity and angle of
projection are
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 30
Two balls of same size but the density of one is greater than that of the other are dropped from the
same height, then which ball will reach the earth first (air resistance is negligible)?
a) Heavy ball b) Light ball
c) Both simultaneously d) Will depend upon the density of the balls for best BITSAT resources


Question No: 1
For the reaction under certain condition of temperature and partial
pressure of the reactants, the rate of formation of is The rate of conversion of
under same condition is:
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 2
The best explanations for not placing hydrogen with the group of alkali metals or halogens is:
a) Hydrogen can form compounds with all other elements
b) Hydrogen is much lighter element than the alkali metals or the halogens
c) The ionization energy of hydrogen is too high for group of alkali metals but too low for halogen
d) None of the above
Question No: 3
Which of the following halogen oxides is ionic?
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 4
Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in heavy water to form a compound X. The hydridisation of sulphur in X
a) sp2 b) sp3 c) sp d) dsp2
Question No: 5
Amongst the following hydroxides, the one which has the lowest value of is:
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 6
Which statement is wrong about chloroform?
a) Chloroform is used as anaesthetic
b) Chloroform has distorted tetrahedral shape
c) Chloroform is used as a solvent
d) Chloroform has -hybridised carbon atom
Question No: 7

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 8
What type of a propellant was used in rocket SLV-3 which was fired by India? for best BITSAT resources

a) Solid propellant
b) Monomethyl hydrazine + Liquid
c) Unsymmetrical dimethyl hydrazine + Liquid
d) Liquid oxygen
Question No: 9
Which one of the following is not present in RNA?
a) Uracil b) Thymine c) Ribose d) Phosphate
Question No: 10
Natural silk and artificial silk differ in one respect that one of them contains:
a) N b) S c) P d) None of these
Question No: 11
Potassium has a bcc structure with nearest neighbour distance 4.52 . Its atomic weight is 39. Its
density will be :
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 12
The most acidic of the following is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 13
Which among the following compounds will give a secondary alcohol on reacting with Grignard
reagent followed by acid hydrolysis?
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
a) II only b) III only c) I and IV d) II and IV
Question No: 14
In the modern blast furnaces, the charge consists of a mixture of
a) Iron pyrites + bituminous coal b) Hydrated iron oxides +dolomite + coke
c) Calcined iron oxides + limestone + coke d) Calcined iron oxides + lime + anthracite coal
Question No: 15
Which of the following is a lyophobic colloidal solution?
a) Aqueous starch solution b) Aqueous protein solution
c) Gold sol d) Polymer solutions in some organic solvents
Question No: 16
The isotopic abundance of C-12 and C-14 is 98% and 2% respectively. What would be the number of
C-14 isotope in 12 g carbon sample?
a) 1.032 b) c) d)
Question No: 17
For a cell reaction involving a two electron change, the standard emf of the cell is found to be 0.295
V at The equilibrium constant of the reaction, at will be
a) 10 b) c) d)
Question No: 18
A 5.2 molal aqueous solution of methyl alcohol, , is supplied. What is the mole fraction of
methyl alcohol in the solution?
a) 1.100 b) 0.190 c) 0.086 d) 0.050
Question No: 19 for best BITSAT resources

Which of the following may be used as food preservative?
a) Benzene
b) Ethylene
c) Sodium benzoate
d) Sodium metaaluminate
Question No: 20
Among the following-phenol, benzoic acid, nitrobenzene and toluene, the compound that undergoes
nitration readily is:
a) Benzoic acid b) Toluene c) Phenol d) Nitrobenzene
Question No: 21
Which one of the following gives, on ozonolysis, both aldehydes and ketones?
a) b)
c) d)
Question No: 22
Isomerism among compounds due to the migration of a proton is known as :
a) Geometrical b) Optical c) Tautomerism d) Position
Question No: 23
The number of types of bonds between two carbon atoms in calcium carbide is
a) One sigma, two pi b) One sigma, one pi c) Two sigma, one pi d) Two sigma, two pi
Question No: 24
Number of non-bonding electron pair on Xe in and respectively will be
a) 6, 4, 2 b) 1, 2, 3 c) 3, 2, 1 d) 0, 3, 2
Question No: 25
The halogen that most easily reduced is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 26
The oxidation number of sulphur in respectively are :
a) 0, +1 and −2 b) +2, +1 and −2 c) 0, +1 and +2 d) −2, +1 and −2
Question No: 27
For the reaction,
, the value of at 800 is 0.1. When the equilibrium concentration
of both the reactants is 0.5 mole, what is the value of at the same temperature?
a) 0.5 b) 0.1 c) 0.01 d) 0.025
Question No: 28
The correct thermochemical equation is :
Question No: 29
Doping of silicon (Si) with boron (B) leads to
a) -type semiconductor b) -type semiconductor
c) Metal d) Insulator
Question No: 30
Which of the following statements is incorrect? for best BITSAT resources

Extra stability of half filled and completely filled orbitals among and block elements is
reflected in trends of IE across a period
Extra stability of half-filled and completely filled orbitals among and block elements is
reflected in EA trends across a period
Aufbau principle is incorrect for cases where energy difference between and
sub-shell us larger
d) Extra stability to half filled sub-shell is due to higher exchange energies for best BITSAT resources


OBJECTIVE TYPE [ Marks:0X0 = 0]

Question No: 1
In the following question, figures are given with question mark (?). complete the figure replacing
question mark (?) with suitable number logically.

(a) 27 (b) 37 (c) 25 (d) 9

Question No: 2
Given below are Eight items. Each item describes a situation and is followed by your possible
responses. Indicate the response you find most appropriate. Choose only one response for each
item. The responses will be evaluated based on the level of appropriates for the given situation.
You have been asked to give an explanation for not attending an important official meeting. Your
immediate boss who has not informed you about the meeting is now putting pressure on you not to
place an allegation against him/her. You would−
(a) send as written reply explaining the fact. (b) seek an appointment with the top boss to
explain the situation.
(c) admit your fault to save the situation. (d) put the responsibility on the co-ordinator
of the meeting for not informing.
Question No: 3
Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
(i) P Q means Q is to right of the P at a distance of one meter.
(ii) P Q means Q is to the North of P at a distance of one meter.
(iii) P Q means Q is to the left of P at a distance of one meter.
(iv) P Q means Q is to the South of P at a distance of one meter
(v) In each of the following questions all persons face South.
If A B L K, then K is in which direction with respect to A ?
(a) South (b) East
(c) North (d) West
Question No: 4
If January 1st is a Friday. What is the first day of the month of March. In a leap year?
(a) Thursday (b) Friday
(c) Tuesday (d) Wednesday
Question No: 5
At what time between 9 and 10 O’clock will the hands of a watch be together?
(a) 45 min past 9 (b) 50 min past 9
(c) 49 min past 9 (d) 48 min past 9
Question No: 6 for best BITSAT resources

Pointing towards a woman, Suresh said, “she is the daughter of my father’s sister”. How is the woman
related to Suresh?
(a) Brother (b) Cousin
(c) Uncle (d) Sister
Question No: 7
Study the following diagram and answer the question.

Which section does number 3 represents?

(a) Uneducated poor boys who do not help in family business
(b) Educated poor boys employed in service
(c) Uneducated boys who help in family business
(d) Educated poor boys who help in family business
Question No: 8
In the following question below contains three groups of items. Find out the correct relationship among the
three groups of items in the following question.
Year, Month, Day
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Question No: 9
The equation have become wrong because of the wrong order of signs. Choose the correct order of
signs from the four options given below so as to make the equations right.
11 + 2 = 1 −10
(a) −+= (b) = + − (c) −=+ (d) +−=
Question No: 10
Find the missing number from the given responses :
18 11 19
12 13 16
36 4 ?
(a) 36 (b) 9
(c) 35 (d) 7
Question No: 11
Choose a number which bears the same relationship with third/fourth number as the first two bear.
7544 : 5322 :: 4673 : ?
(a) 2367 (b) 2451
(c) 2531 (d) 4472
Question No: 12
What comes in the place of question mark (?) in the series given below?
88, 64, 24, ?
(a) 8 (b) 6
(c) 2 (d) 5 for best BITSAT resources

Question No: 13
Find the missing term of the series.
(a) DDA (b) DDB
(c) DDC (d) DDD
Question No: 14
If MATHEMATICS=12345123678, then MAHATHMA=?
(a) 12423412 (b) 12345123
(c) 12345678 (d) 12425341
Question No: 15
If in a certain code language, ‘493’ means ‘friendship big challenge’, ‘961’ means ‘struggle big exam’ and
‘178’ means ‘exam confidential’. What does ‘confidential’ stand for?
(a) 7 or 8 (b) 7 or 9
(c) 8 (d) 8 or 1
Question No: 16
How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘STREAMING’ each of which has as many letters
between them as in the English alphabet?
(a) Nil (b) One
(c) Two (d) Three
Question No: 17
Arrange the following words as per order in the dictionary:
(i) Ambitious (ii) Ambiguous (iii) Ambiguity (iv) Animation (v) Animals
(a) (iii), (ii), (i), (v), (iv) (b) (iii), (ii), (iv), (v), (i)
(c) (iii), (ii), (iv), (i), (v) (d) (iii), (ii), (v), (iv), (i)
Question No: 18
In each of these questions four words are given. Of these, which three are alike and the fourth one
is different. Choose the odd one.
(a) Debit (b) Deposit
(c) Deduction (d) Withdrawal
Question No: 19
Find the odd one out.
(a) Cathedral (b) Mosque
(c) Monastery (d) Temple
Question No: 20
There is a question mark in the blank space and it is only one of the four alternatives given under
the question which satisfies the same relation as is found between the two patterns to the left of the
sign : : given in the question. Find the correct alternative.
Earth : Sun : : Moon : ?
(a) Orbit (b) Sky (c) Star (d) Earth for best BITSAT resources


Question No: 1
Find out which part of a sentence has an error. If a sentence is free from error, your answer is No
(a) I had not completed my English homework (b) so I thought I was done when the
(c) teacher asked me to hand it in (d) No error
Question No: 2
In the question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which will improve the bracketed
part of the sentence. In case No Improvement is needed, select “No Improvement”
Our company aims ‘on help’ students with disabilities to live and study independently.
(a) in help (b) at help
(c) to help (d) No Improvement
Question No: 3
In the following question, the sentences have been given in Active/Passive Voice. From the given
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active Voice
Has somebody broken the gate?
(a) Have the gate been broken? (b) Had the gate been broken by somebody?
(c) Has the gate been broken by somebody? (d) Has been the gate broken?
Question No: 4
Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives
I visit Shimla frequently; however, I have never ______ Kufri.
(a) went to (b) visited to
(c) been too (d) been to
Question No: 5
In the question, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the
given word.
(a) welcome (b) hostile
(c) unsociable (d) aloof
Question No: 6
Select the antonym of
(a) care (b) caution
(c) attention (d) neglect
Question No: 7
In the question, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given
One who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men.
(a) critic (b) connoisseur
(c) pedant (d) cynic
Question No: 8
Select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
The winning team decided to go for the jugular in the last quarter of the match.
(a) forfeit the match (b) give easy opportunities to the opposite team
(c) give reserve players a chance (d) attack all out for best BITSAT resources

Question No: 9
Find that mis-spelt/correctly spelt word.
(a) irresistable (b) irresistible
(c) iresistible (d) iresistable
Question No: 10
In the question, the 1st and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the
passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their
proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct.
1. Three painters competed for a prize.
P. Ram painted a curtain.
Q. A butterfly came and sat on the bunch of flowers-was painted by Shyam.
R. And an ox tried to eat from the basket of apples-was painted by sohan
S. And the judge himself tried to lift the curtain.
6. So Ram got the prize.
(a) PSQR (b) PQRS
(c) PSRQ (d) QRPS for best BITSAT resources


OBJECTIVE TYPE [ Marks:0X0 = 0]

Question No: 1
If the function does not
possess critical points, then
Question No: 2
is equal to
d) None of these
a) b) c)

Question No: 3
If the matrix is given by

then the value of det +det is

a) 2007 b) 2008 c) d)
Question No: 4

If , then is equal to

c) 0
a) b) d)

Question No: 5

The function is

a) Continuous everywhere
b) Discontinuous at only one point
c) Discontinuous at exactly two points
d) None of these
Question No: 6

Let ; and are integers, , and let be the left

hand derivative of at . If , then

a) b) c) d)
Question No: 7

equals for best BITSAT resources

d) 1
a) b) c)

Question No: 8
is equal to
a) 3 d) 2
b) c)

Question No: 9

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 10
If where and are positive integers, then
a) is a point of minimum
b) is a point of maximum
c) is not a point of maximum or minimum
d) None of these
Question No: 11
and are two square matrices of same order and denotes the transpose of then
c) or
d) or
Question No: 12
The parabola divide the square region bounded by the lines
and the coordinate axes. If are respectively the areas of these parts numbered from top to
bottom, then is
a) 1:1:1 b) 2:1:2 c) 1:2:3 d) 1:2:1
Question No: 13
If is the area lying between the curve and -axis between and . Area
of the region between the curve and -axis in the same interval is given by
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 14
The solution of the equation is

a) b)

c) d)

Question No: 15
The solution of the differential equation is given by

a) b) c) d) for best BITSAT resources

Question No: 16
A tower subtends angles respectively at points , all lying on a horizontal
line through the foot of the tower, then is equal to

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 17
If are respectively the magnitudes of the vectors
then the correct order of
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 18
Let be unit vectors inclined at an angle each other, then , if

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 19
Consider the following statements:
1. Line joining (1, 2, 5); (4, 3, 2) is parallel to the line joining (5, 1, ), (8, 2, )
2. Three concurrent lines with are

Coplanar, if

3. The plane and the line are parallel

Which of these is/are correct?
a) (1)and (2) b) (2) and (3) c) (3) and (1) d) (1), (2) and (3)
Question No: 20
If and are direction cosines of the two lines inclined to each other at an angle
then the direction cosines of the external bisector of the angle between the lines are





Question No: 21
If the ratio of the sum of term of two AP’s be then the ratio of their 11th
term will be
a) 2 : 3 b) 3 : 4 c) 4 : 3 d) 5 : 6
Question No: 22
If and , then domian of the function is

a) b) for best BITSAT resources

c) d)

Question No: 23
In any triangle is always greater than
a) 9 b) 3 c) 27 d) None of these
Question No: 24
If , the general value of is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 25
If and 2, 3 are roots of the equation , then the values of
and are
a) -5, -30 b) -5, 30 c) 5, 30 d) None of these
Question No: 26
If , then lies on
a) The real axis b) The imaginary axis c) A circle d) An ellipse
Question No: 27
The number of ways of distributing 8 identical balls in 3 distinct boxes, so that none of the boxes is
empty, is
a) 5 b) 21 c) d)
Question No: 28
The number of ways in which different things can be arranged in a row such
that no two of the things may be together is
d) None of these
a) b) c)

Question No: 29
Sum of the last 30 coefficients in the expansion of when expanded in ascending powers
of is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 30

The expansion of is ascending powers of is




d) None of these
Question No: 31
Let be the set of all students in a school. A relation is defined on as follows:
iff and have the same teacher”
a) Reflexive b) Symmetric c) Transitive d) Equivalence
Question No: 32 for best BITSAT resources

The lines and are concurrent for
a) All b) only c) d) only
Question No: 33
If and are common tangents to the circle, then radius of the
circle is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 34
The locus of the centre of a circle which cuts orthogonally the circle and
which touches , is
a) b) c) d)
Question No: 35
If , then equal to
a) 1 b) 0 c) d)
Question No: 36
If is false, then the truth values of are respectively
a) F, T, T b) T, T, F c) T, F, F d) F, F, F
Question No: 37
If a variable takes discrete values ,
then the median is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 38
An unbiased coin is tossed fixed number of times. If the probability of getting 4 heads equals the
probability of getting 7 heads, then the probability of getting 2 heads is
a) b) c) d) None of these
Question No: 39
Twelve tickets are numbered from 1 to 12. One ticket is drawn at random, then the probability of
the number to be divisible by 2 or 3, is

a) b) c) d)

Question No: 40


are two matrices such that the product is the null matrix, then is
a) 0
b) Multiple of
c) An odd multiple of
d) None of these for best BITSAT resources

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