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 Objectives:

o Matrix
o Rhetorical Analysis

 Language is divided into:

o Oral: reading, acquirement of knowledge, differentiate between what to read or not to
do so
o Written: production  creativity

 Rhetorical analysis:
o Analysis technique
o Purpose: acknowledgement
o It finds the methods used by the author to try to convince the reader
o Template:
 “Author X (last name)” begins their essay by --(general idea)-- The problem they
identify is --------- .“Author X” ensures that their readers are –(who are the
reader)-- .Their purpose in this piece of writing is to –(purpose/rationale)--. In
order to accomplish this, they resort to supporting the main argument by
appealing to –(proof/examples)-- .Furthermore more support is rendered by
appealing to –(proof/examples)-- .In addition, the author argues that –(other
point)-- by using support through–(proof/examples)-- the author also addresses
a main argument against their thesis; namely the idea that –(counter-
argument)-- .They then refute the argument by saying –(proof/examples)--
.Finally, they conclude by making the point that –(conclusion)-- .Overall, the
argument that “Author X” makes is effective/ineffective because –(own words)--.
 The author usually uses these methods to appeal/persuade:
 Logos: logical approach
 Ethos: ethical approach
 Pathos: emotional approach
o A strong thesis statement:
 Avoids using the first person
 Serves as a guide to your essay for your reader
 Asserts your conclusion and takes a stand on the author’s rhetorical strategies
 States what techniques you will be analyzing and the impact of these techniques
on the effectiveness of the text
 Is not a simple statement of your topic, is sophisticated
 Is not a broad statement
 Is not a statement of facts and statistics
 Is not a summary of the author’s essay you are analyzing
 Is not a statement of what you’re going to do in the essay
 Matrix:
o Is used to compare and evaluate different sources:
 Similarity
 Difference
 Limitations
 Strengths
 Knowledge gap
 Advice, recommendations
o Uses APA guidelines:
 Name/s of author/s
 Title and subtitles
 Publish house
 Publication date

 Informative Presentation:
o Descriptive
o Clear
o Direct to the point
o Precise
o Concise
o Video:
 Intro
 Have enough info to cover all points
 Conclusion and use a connector like “in conclusion” to indicate it
 Transitional sentences between each point
 Eye contact and body language
 Prepare and practice
o Tips:
 Definition
 Describe: use vivid language and if possible, images
 Explain
 Demonstrate
 Be objective
 Credibility : competence and character
 Relevance
 Engage the audience
 If possible, have visuals/power point
o Example:

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