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During my second year at the Algorithm Lab in my undergrad, I couldn't help but be
captivated by the world of cybersecurity. It all started when I witnessed a senior
effortlessly exploit a vulnerability. Talk about a mind-blowing moment! So, naturally, I
decided to dive headfirst into the exciting world of DDOS prevention and detection
algorithms. Concurrently, my professional experience expanded my pragmatic
comprehension of security concerns. Throughout my professional journey, I've had the
opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of security issues through hands-on
experience. Later on, during my first pursuit of a Master's degree, I focused extensively
on web application security. This led me to do a study on the subject, namely on the
prevalent code errors that may be exploited to compromise security. This highlighted the
need of doing frequent intrusion detection, management, and vulnerability assessments.
Inspired by this, I decided to do more study in this field.
Being accepted into this MSc program will greatly enhance my knowledge and expertise
in the field of cybersecurity. This opportunity will allow me to gain the necessary
knowledge and skills to make a meaningful contribution as a researcher and engineer. I
am excited to begin this academic journey and create a significant impact in the field of
cyberspace security.

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