Python For DS Unit4

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Data Wrangling

Data wrangling, also known as data munging or data preprocessing, refers to the
process of cleaning, structuring, and preparing raw or unorganized data for analysis
or further processing. It involves transforming and manipulating data in various
ways to make it suitable for analysis or modeling.

Here are the key steps involved in data wrangling:

1. Data collection: Gather the relevant data from different sources such as
databases, files, APIs, or web scraping.

2. Data inspection: Explore the data to understand its structure, size, and quality.
Identify any inconsistencies, missing values, outliers, or errors that need to be

3. Data cleaning: Handle missing data by either imputing values or removing rows
or columns. Correct any errors or inconsistencies in the data. This step ensures data
integrity and accuracy.

4. Data transformation: Convert data into a consistent format and structure, such as
converting categorical variables into numerical representations or normalizing
numerical data. This step may involve applying mathematical operations, feature
scaling, or encoding techniques.

5. Feature engineering: Create new features or derive meaningful insights from

existing variables to improve the predictive power of the data. This can include
creating interaction terms, aggregating data, or extracting useful information from
text or time series data.

6. Data integration: Merge or combine multiple datasets if necessary. This step

ensures that all relevant information is available for analysis.

7. Data formatting: Arrange the data in a standardized format suitable for analysis
or modeling. This may involve reshaping the data, rearranging columns, or
converting data types.
8. Data validation: Verify the accuracy and quality of the processed data by
conducting sanity checks or cross-validation with external sources.

9. Data documentation: Document the performed data wrangling steps, including

any assumptions made or transformations applied. This step helps maintain
transparency and reproducibility in the data preparation process.

Data wrangling is an iterative process that requires domain knowledge, analytical

skills, and the use of tools or programming languages like Python, R, or SQL. Its
goal is to transform raw data into a clean, structured, and usable format for
analysis, visualization, or machine learning tasks.

Hierarchical indexing, also known as multi-level indexing or hierarchical indexing,

is a feature in pandas, a popular data manipulation library in Python. It allows you
to have multiple levels of indexing on your DataFrame or Series, providing a way
to organize and access data in a hierarchical manner.

With hierarchical indexing, you can create a DataFrame or Series with multiple
index levels. Each index level represents a different category or dimension of the
data. For example, you might have a DataFrame with three levels of indexing
representing country, state, and city.

Hierarchical indexing

Hierarchical indexing enables efficient slicing, grouping, and aggregation

operations on data, allowing you to work with multi-dimensional datasets more
easily. It allows for complex data organization without the need for additional
columns, making it a powerful tool for managing and analyzing structured data.

Here's an example to demonstrate hierarchical indexing in pandas using a



import pandas as pd

# Create a DataFrame with hierarchical indexing

data = {
'A': [1, 2, 3, 4],

'B': [5, 6, 7, 8],

'C': [9, 10, 11, 12],

'D': [13, 14, 15, 16]

index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('Group 1', 'A'), ('Group 1', 'B'), ('Group 2',

'A'), ('Group 2', 'B')], names=['Group', 'Variable'])

df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=index)

# Accessing data using hierarchical indexing

print(df.loc['Group 1'])

print(df.loc[('Group 1', 'A')])

print(df.loc[('Group 1', 'A'), 'A'])

In this example, we created a DataFrame with two levels of indexing: "Group" and
"Variable". The data is accessed using the `.loc` property, which allows us to
specify the desired levels and values for indexing.

Hierarchical indexing provides a flexible and powerful way to organize and

analyze multi-dimensional data in pandas. It allows you to work with complex data
structures and perform operations on specific subsets of data based on different
levels of indexing.

Combining and merging data sets

Combining and merging data sets, as well as reshaping data, are essential
operations when working with tabular data. These operations allow you to
manipulate and transform data to gain insights or prepare it for further analysis. Let
me explain each process in detail:

1. Combining Data Sets:

- Concatenation: It is the process of combining multiple data sets along a
particular axis (rows or columns) using the `concat()` function. This is useful when
you have data sets with the same columns or index labels and you want to stack
them vertically or horizontally.

- Appending: It involves adding data from one data set to another using the
`append()` method or the `concat()` function. This is used when you have different
data sets with the same structure, and you want to merge them vertically.

- Joining: It is used to merge data sets on a common column or index. The

`merge()` function in pandas allows you to perform inner, outer, left, or right joins
based on the keys present in both data sets.

- Merging on Index: Sometimes, instead of merging on columns, you may want

to merge data sets based on their index labels. This can be achieved using the
`merge()` function with the `left_index=True` and `right_index=True` arguments.

2. Reshaping Data:

- Pivoting: It involves transforming data from a "long" format to a "wide" format

using the `pivot()` function. This is useful when you want to reorganize your data
and convert values from one column into multiple columns.

- Melting: It is the reverse operation of pivoting, where you convert data from a
"wide" format to a "long" format using the `melt()` function. This is helpful when
you want to turn multiple columns into a single column, making the data more

- Stack and Unstack: These operations reshape data by converting between

"wide" and "long" formats. The `stack()` method converts column names into a
hierarchical index, while the `unstack()` method does the opposite.

- Transposing: It involves flipping the rows and columns of a data set using the
`.T` property. This is useful when you want to change the orientation of your data.

These operations give you the flexibility to combine data from various sources,
merge them based on common identifiers, and reshape them to suit your analysis
requirements. They play a crucial role in data manipulation and preparation for
further analysis tasks.

Sure! Here's an example of combining data sets using the `concat()` function in



import pandas as pd

# Create two sample dataframes

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2, 3],

'B': ['a', 'b', 'c']})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [4, 5, 6],

'B': ['d', 'e', 'f']})

# Combine the dataframes vertically (concatenate along the rows)

combined_df = pd.concat([df1, df2])






0 1 a

1 2 b

2 3 c

0 4 d
1 5 e

2 6 f


In this example, we have two dataframes `df1` and `df2`. We use the `concat()`
function to combine them vertically, resulting in `combined_df`. The resulting
dataframe includes all the rows from `df1` followed by all the rows from `df2`,
maintaining the column structure.

You can also concatenate dataframes horizontally by setting the `axis` parameter to


combined_df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)


This will combine the dataframes side by side based on their row index.

Merging data set example

Merging data sets involves combining multiple data sets based on common
columns or keys. Here's an example of how you can merge two data sets using
Python's pandas library:

Certainly! Here's an example of merging data sets using the `merge()` function in


import pandas as pd

# Create two sample dataframes

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['A', 'B', 'C'],

'Value': [1, 2, 3]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['B', 'C', 'D'],

'Value': [4, 5, 6]})

# Merge the dataframes based on a common column

merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Key')





Key Value_x Value_y

0 B 2 4

1 C 3 5


In this example, we have two dataframes `df1` and `df2`. We use the `merge()`
function to merge them based on a common column, which is specified using the
`on` parameter. The resulting dataframe `merged_df` contains only the rows where
the values in the `Key` column match in both dataframes. The corresponding
values from both dataframes are included in the merged result, with a suffix `_x`
and `_y` to differentiate them.

You can also perform more advanced merges using the `how` parameter, which
specifies how to handle non-matching rows. For example:


merged_df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Key', how='outer')


This will perform an outer join, including all rows from both dataframes and filling
missing values with NaN.
Data Sets Reshaping and Pivoting

Reshaping and pivoting data are essential data manipulation techniques in data
analysis. These processes help in reorganizing data from one structure to another,
making it more suitable for analysis or visualization.

1. Reshaping Data: Reshaping data involves transforming a dataset from one

format (usually wide) to another (usually long). This is particularly useful when
you have multiple variables that you want to analyze together.

For example, consider a dataset with two columns: 'Date' and 'Sales'. If you want to
analyze sales data for each day of the week separately, the initial dataset might
look like this:

| Date | Sales |


| Monday | 100 |

| Tuesday | 150 |

| Wednesday | 200 |

| Thursday | 175 |

| Friday | 125 |

| Saturday | 75 |

| Sunday | 50 |

To analyze sales per day of the week, you would need to reshape the data into a
long format, like this:

| Date | Sales | Day_of_Week |


| Monday | 100 | Monday |

| Tuesday | 150 | Tuesday |

| Wednesday | 200 | Wednesday |

| Thursday | 175 | Thursday |

| Friday | 125 | Friday |

| Saturday | 75 | Saturday |

| Sunday | 50 | Sunday |

2. Pivoting Data: Pivoting is a technique used to transform data from a wide format
to a tall format or vice versa. It's particularly useful when you want to convert rows
into columns or columns into rows based on specific categorical variables.

For example, suppose you have a dataset with three columns: 'Product', 'Sales', and
'Month'. If you want to analyze the sales of each product for each month, you
would need to pivot the data:

| Product | Sales | Month |


|A | 100 | Jan |

|A | 120 | Feb |

|A | 150 | Mar |

|B | 80 | Jan |

|B | 100 | Feb |

|B | 120 | Mar |

After pivoting, the data would look like this:

| Month | Product_A | Product_B |


| Jan | 100 | 80 |

| Feb | 120 | 100 |

| Mar | 150 | 120 |

Reshaping and pivoting data can be done using various programming languages
and libraries, such as Python.

Examples in Python Data Sets reshaping and Pivoting

Reshaping and pivoting data in Python using the Pandas library involves
converting a dataset from one structure to another or rearranging the data to better
suit your analysis needs. This can be done using the `melt()` and `pivot()`

1. Melt function: The `melt()` function is used to transform a dataset from wide
format to long format. It is particularly useful when you have multiple columns
with similar names (e.g., 'Variable1', 'Variable2', etc.) and you want to consolidate
them into a single column while maintaining the corresponding values in another

Here's an example of how to use `melt()`:


import pandas as pd

# Create a sample wide format DataFrame

df_wide = pd.DataFrame({

'Variable1': [1, 2, 3],

'Value1': [4, 5, 6],

'Variable2': [7, 8, 9],

'Value2': [10, 11, 12]


# Melt the DataFrame

df_melted = df_wide.melt(id_vars='Variable', var_name='Variable_Name',



In this example, 'Variable1' and 'Variable2' are the variables to be melted, and
'Value1' and 'Value2' are the corresponding values. The resulting DataFrame will
have 'Variable_Name' and 'Value' columns.

2. Pivot function: The `pivot()` function is used to transform a dataset from long
format to wide format, which is helpful when you want to summarize your data
based on multiple indices and values.

Here's an example of how to use `pivot()`:


import pandas as pd

# Create a sample long format DataFrame

df_long = pd.DataFrame({

'Variable': ['Variable1', 'Variable1', 'Variable2', 'Variable2'],

'Value': [4, 5, 7, 8],

'Index': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B']


# Pivot the DataFrame

df_pivoted = df_long.pivot(index='Index', columns='Variable', values='Value')



In this example, 'Variable', 'Value', and 'Index' are the columns to be used for p

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