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Why You Should Have Sex In The Morning?

Starting your morning with activity in the bed has a host of benefits:

. Increased Bonding With Your Partner: Psychologists point to the fact that when you begin
your day making love to your partner, the feeling of bliss shared, remains with each one
throughout the day, providing reassurance and a secured feeling of ‘being there for each other’.
This helps each one to deal with the problems better and face challenges. Research proves, that
somewhere in the sub conscious mind, a feeling of oneness does exist when it has been sparked
off early morning. Having sex in the morning releases the feel-good chemical oxytocin, which
makes couples feel loving and bonded all day long.

. Improves Fertility in Men and Women: Frequent morning sex can also improve sperm
quality and even improve fertility in a woman. In a study conducted at the Sydney IVF Clinic in
Wollongong, AU, researchers studied 118 men who had higher than normal DNA sperm damage
accessed by the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI). The Australian scientists instructed the men to
ejaculate daily for a week to lessen their DNA sperm damage. The results of the study showed
that 96 of men experienced a 12 percent decrease in sperm damage. The less DNA damage a
sperm has the more likely a woman’s fertility increases.

. Contributes to Healthy Hair and Skin: An orgasm during morning sex releases chemicals
that can increase estrogen levels in the body and improve the tone and texture of your skin, and
hair. Blood circulation is improved during sex which helps get oxygen to the skin and provides a
natural glow to your face and possibly nourishes hair.

. Decreases Cardiovascular Risks: The act of having morning sex multiple times a week can
reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by half. In a study conducted at Queens
University in Belfast, researchers followed 1,000 middle-aged men over a period of 10 years.
Researchers in Belfast compared the participants of their study to the participants of a study
published in the British Medical Journal to study how having an orgasm can affect a man’s
health. As a follow-up, researchers focused on the cardiovascular health of the men and found
that a man can reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease by half if he has sex two to three times a

. Increases Immunity: The production of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) -an antibody that protects
against infection is increased during morning sex. During sexual activity, the production the IgA
antibody takes place in mucosal linings of the female genital tract that provides a barrier to
prevent transmission of infectious diseases.

. Better Performance: Men’s testosterone levels are highest in the morning after guys have
recharged with hours of sleep, which helps them perform better.

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