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College of Business

Entrepreneurship (ENGR 300)

Business Idea Assignment
Fall 2023-2024
To Prof. Imran saleem
“iMart: Transforming Campus Shopping with a Smart

Hamed Khalifa Al Shaafari 1910535
Isehaq qasim Aldhahri 190174
Osama Ismail AlBaluchi 1910332

Title: "iMart: Transforming Campus Shopping with a Smart Supermarket"

iMart arises as a creative business idea in response to the changing requirements of

university students, intending to convert the conventional campus shopping experience into
a technologically savvy and easy affair. Our smart supermarket serves exclusively to the fast-
paced lifestyle of students and university employees, providing a seamless combination of
innovative technology, environmentally friendly practises, and an extensive product

iMart is driven by advanced technology, including a smart shopping app and an integrated
system powered by artificial intelligence. Students may use the application to make
personalised shopping lists, get real-time offers, and easily navigate the store. In addition,
the AI system records purchasing patterns, allowing the store to forecast demand while
maintaining ideal inventory levels. It doesn't only facilitates the shopping experience for
students, but also guarantees that the store is well-stocked with everything they want.

iMart differentiates itself by focusing on sustainability. The store implements

environmentally friendly practises like reusable packaging, an emphasis on locally produced
goods, and energy management systems that are efficient. A recycling station situated inside
the store that encourages students to take part in sustainability initiatives by disposing
packaging materials appropriately.

iMart has a smart checkout technology to improve the entire shopping experience. Students
may complete their shopping quickly and easily using a cashless and contactless payment
method, minimising waiting periods and increasing efficiency. The store also has self-
checkout stands, allowing students to have control over their purchasing experience.

Understanding the significance of student well-being, iMart provides a carefully curated

range of healthy and cheap food alternatives. The store partners with local vendors and food
suppliers to deliver a wide variety of fresh, organic, and locally sourced items. That is not
only benefits the local economy but it additionally fosters a lifestyle that is balanced and
healthy for students.

The ideal location of iMart on the University of Buraimi campus permits student accessibility,
providing them with a one-stop shop to purchase their everyday necessities. iMart alters the
campus shopping environment by integrating technology, sustainability, and student-centric
aspects to provide a modern and efficient solutions to satisfy the particular needs of
university life. This innovative store not only meets students' basic needs, but it also
promotes an understanding of community and environmental responsibility.

Customer Profile
iMart serves employees and students or even guests from the University of Buraimi of all
ages and genders, our customers tend to most likely have the following traits
1-Students and employees who are technologically savvy:
Students and employees who rely largely on smartphones and other electronic devices.
Those who are constantly on the lookout for applications and services that will make their
time at university more easy and efficient. The iMart smart shopping app fits their lifestyle
well, allowing users to build shopping lists, receive personalized deals, and easily navigate
the supermarket.
2-Students with a Busy Schedule:
Because students have a hectic schedule with courses, research assignments, and
extracurricular activities, they value time and seek a purchasing experience that is quick and
easy. iMart's AI-powered system predicts customer preferences and optimizes inventory to
guarantee that the items they want are always in stock, saving them significant time.
3-Environmentally Conscious Consumers:
Someone who is concerned about the environment and actively seeks out eco-friendly items
and practices. With features like reusable packaging, locally produced items, and a recycling
station, iMart's dedication to sustainability aligns with their principles. They would
appreciate the supermarket's attempts to mitigate its environmental effects and regard it as
a reinforcement of their environmental commitment.
4-People with a Healthy Lifestyle:
For some students and employees, having a healthy and balanced lifestyle is vital. iMart's
focus on providing a selected range of nutritious and cost-effective meal alternatives
resonates with their healthy choices. The variety of fresh, organic, and locally sourced items
within the store makes it a go-to location for their everyday nutritional needs.
5-Financially Responsible:
Students tend to be budget-conscious. Smart promos and discounts given via the app by
iMart appeal to their cost-conscious mentality. The cashless and contactless payment
alternatives, in addition to self-checkout kiosks, offer customers a seamless and speedy
shopping experience, enabling them to remain within their budget while still enjoying good
quality products.
Because they are away from home, students and foreign employees enjoy a sense of
community on campus. The strategic position of iMart on the university campus serves as a
vital centre for students. Students enjoy the supermarket's support for local vendors and
sustainability practices, which builds a sense of community.


1-Smart Shopping App:

Our smart app contains personalized shopping lists, real-time specials, and store navigation,
helping customers save time and effort, identify the greatest prices, and go through the
store effectively, improving the entire shopping experience for busy students and

2-AI-Powered Inventory Management:

Maintaining an AI-Powered Inventory Management System gives statistical analysis to

optimize inventory levels in accordance with purchasing patterns, ensuring that items are
always in stock and avoiding dissatisfaction for customers that depend on the store's
availability of certain products.

3-Initiatives for Environmental Sustainability:

Offering reusable packaging, locally produced items, and a recycling station that appeals to
environmentally conscious consumers, helping promote environmental responsibility and
establishing a mindful shopping atmosphere.

4-Smart Checkout System:

Having cashless and contactless payment alternatives, and self-checkout kiosks that
accelerate the purchasing process, eliminate wait times, and create a seamless, effortless
purchase experience for buyers that appreciate efficiency.

5-Customised Selection of Nutritious choices:

Providing fresh, organic, and locally produced items that are appealing to healthy
consumers, delivering easy and nutritious meal options that correspond with students'
lifestyle and dietary requirements.

6-Personalization with Technology:

Having an AI system that records customer needs and gives tailored promotions and
suggestions, increasing customer fulfilment and loyalty by giving a personalized buying
6-Strategic University location:

Accessible placement inside the University of Buraimi campus that enables easy accessibility
for busy students, acting as a focal centre for their everyday requirements as well as creating
an atmosphere of community on campus.

7-Financial Savvy Solutions:

Providing smart offers and discounts via the app that attracts financially mindful customers,
enabling them to keep within budget whilst enjoying great products.

8-Community Participation and Support for Local Retailers:

Collaboration with local businesses and supporting the local economy establish a community
sense and contribute to the university's local ecology, producing a socially responsible
shopping experience for customers.

9-Effective and Time-Saving Shopping Experience:

Incorporation of technology for rapid and effective operations that save time for busy
students, making the shopping experience more pleasant and consistent with the rapid
lifestyle of students and employees.

By emphasizing these aspects and highlighting the associated benefits, iMart can effectively
separate itself from competitors and respond to the particular needs and tastes of its
targeted customers.


iMart will first focus on developing a presence on the University of Buraimi campus, where it
will serve students during class hours and students who reside at the university hostel. By
focusing on particular university campus, iMart can cater specifically to the requirements of
students and staff members. The campus's lively and varied demography matches nicely
with the smart supermarket's items. Once installed on the University of Buraimi campus,
iMart may seek regional extension to other campuses or metropolitan regions in Oman
according to market demand and success.

4. Competitors of iMart and Their Price Analysis

1-Universityrsity of Buraimi Hostel Grocery Store:

Description: The University of Buraimi hostel has an established grocery store that caters to
the everyday requirements of students living in the hostel. These may sell everything from
snacks to basic goods. Their competitive advantage is closeness to the university and hostel,
however, they may be constrained in terms of technology integration and sustainability

Pricing: Prices can differ, with some things potentially being priced more because of

Selling points: Easy access for students on campus.

2-University of Buraimi Mart and vending machines:

Description: There is a small store and fewer vending machines distributed across the
University of Buraimi campus which provide quick snacks and beverages to students. Their
competitive advantage is closeness to campus, but they may be restricted in terms of
technology integration, sustainability practices, and product alternatives.

Pricing: Prices might differ, with some things potentially being priced higher.

Selling Points: On-campus students get immediate access.

3-Local Grocery stores:

Description: Competitors may include nearby grocery businesses. These businesses often
sell a wider selection of things, such as fresh vegetables and home essentials. Their
competitive advantage is accessibility for people living nearby, but they may lack the
specialized services and technology elements that iMart delivers.

Pricing: Typically, provide competitive rates on a wide choice of items.

Selling points: More product selection, but lacks the ease and technological aspects of

4-Online Grocery Platforms such as TM Done and Talabat:

Description: Online grocery delivery services have grown in popularity, particularly in urban
regions. People may use these platforms to buy goods online and have them delivered
straight to their homes. Their competitive advantage is speed and cost savings, but they may
lack the rapid access to items that a physical shop like iMart provides.

Pricing: Prices might include delivery costs; some things may be priced either higher or
cheaper than in real stores.

Selling Points: The comfort of internet ordering and delivery.

5-Specialty Health Food Retailers:

Description: Shops that specialize in organic, locally produced, and healthy items might
compete in the sector of nutritional and environmentally friendly options. Their competitive
edge is a specific concentration on healthy items, although they may lack iMart's
technology-driven offerings.

Pricing: Health-related items could be slightly more expensive.

Selling points: a focus on organic and healthy options

iMart's Pricing Strategy

iMart's pricing strategy should take into account a number of aspects, such as the
marketplace, the value offered to customers, and the smart supermarket's overall position.
The following are important factors we considered when developing our successful pricing

1-Value-Based Pricing:

iMart will emphasize the unique value it gives to customers via smart technology,
sustainable practices, and a selected variety of items. Pricing might reflect the improved
shopping experience and convenience provided.

2-Competitive Pricing:

While iMart provides distinctive services, it is essential to stay competitive with existing
campus supermarkets, local food stores, and other prospective rivals. Analyzing the prices
paid by competitors helps guarantee that iMart's pricing falls within the appropriate range.

3-Affordability for Students:

Given that its main customer base is university students, iMart will maintain inexpensive
prices. Offering promos, discounts, and budget-friendly alternatives for essentials via the app
will attract the intended demographic's financial concerns.

4-Evaluation of Operating Costs:

iMart will take into account operating costs such as technology maintenance, environmental
practices, and employee wages. Pricing should cover those costs while staying competitive in
the marketplace.
Category Product Price
Groceries Organic Eggs (Dozen) 1.500 OMR

Bread 0.300 OMR

Mixed Herbs 0.200 OMR

Snacks Pop Corn 0.500 OMR

Organic Potato Chips 0.300 OMR

Protein Bars 0.400 OMR

Beverages Water (500ml) 0.200 OMR

Fresh Orange Juice (450ml) 0.500 OMR

Iced Coffee 1.00 OMR

Ready-to-Eat Meals Greek Salad Bowl 1.700 OMR

Vegan Burrito Wrap 1.500 OMR

Fruit Salad 1.400 OMR

Tech Accessories USB 3.00 OMR

Headphones 5.00 OMR

Charging Cable 6.00 OMR

Household Essentials Toilet Paper (2 rolls) 0.700 OMR

Laundry detergent (700ml) 2.00 OMR

Dish Soap (450ml) 1.00 OMR

Speciality Items Homemade Jam 1.500 OMR

Local Honey (200g) 3.00 OMR

Gluten-Free Noodles (pack) 1.00 OMR


1. Determine Direct Competitors: To begin, conduct market research and find

businesses that provide comparable goods or services to the college shopping or
smart supermarket sectors. Seek out businesses or services that offer comparable
products or services or that serve the same target market.

2. Online Research: To learn more about possible rivals, use online resources including
search engines, business directories, and industry reports. Press releases, news
articles, and company websites can give information about their products, marketing
plans, and positioning in the market.

3. Industry Reports and Publications: Look through publications and industry reports
about retail technology, smart supermarkets, and college shopping. These resources
frequently offer lists of important industry participants, market analysis, and trends.

4. Networking:
Connect with industry professionals, suppliers, and other stakeholders who may have
insights into the competitive landscape. Networking can provide valuable firsthand
information and help us understand the dynamics of the market.


iMart, the Smart Supermarket dedicated to revolutionizing campus shopping, distinguishes
itself through Unique Selling Points (USPs) centered around advanced technology integration
and a dedication to elevating the overall shopping experience for the campus community.
The following are iMart's unique selling points:

1-Futuristic Shopping Experience:

iMart sets itself apart by providing a genuinely smart shopping experience. The
incorporation of technologies like automated checkout, intelligent shopping carts, and
personalized recommendations differentiates iMart from traditional supermarkets, offering
customers an efficient and futuristic shopping journey.

2-Cutting-Edge Technology:

iMart harnesses cutting-edge technology, including the Internet of Things (IoT), RFID, and
machine learning algorithms. These technologies enhance various aspects of the shopping
process, from navigation assistance to personalized promotions, establishing a unique and
technologically advanced retail environment.

3-Competitive and Transparent Pricing:

iMart's commitment to competitive and transparent pricing is a key USP. By delivering

affordability without compromising the benefits of smart shopping, iMart aims to meet the
diverse needs of the campus community while ensuring that the value provided aligns with
industry standards.

4-Strategic Promotions and Discounts:

iMart employs a dynamic pricing strategy, ensuring customers can benefit from strategic
promotions and discounts. This approach considers factors such as competitor pricing,
seasonal trends, and customer preferences, adding value to the campus community.

5-Membership and Loyalty Benefits:

iMart extends beyond transactions with its membership and loyalty programs, providing
additional discounts, exclusive offers, and rewards for frequent shoppers. These programs
foster a sense of loyalty and community engagement.

6-Environmental Sustainability:

iMart distinguishes itself through a commitment to environmental sustainability. The Smart

Supermarket aims to reduce waste through eco-friendly packaging, promote sustainable
choices, and optimize energy usage within the store, aligning with the values of
environmentally conscious customers.

7-Transparent Pricing Communication:

iMart places a high priority on transparency in its pricing communication. Real-time pricing
information is readily available through the mobile app and in-store displays, empowering
customers to make informed decisions and contributing to a trusting and open relationship.


1-Surge in Contactless Technologies:
The adoption of contactless payment methods and other touchless technologies is on the
upswing. Smart supermarkets might experience an increased demand for features that
minimize physical contact during the shopping and checkout process.

2-Emphasis on Sustainability:

The retail industry is witnessing a growing emphasis on sustainability. With consumers

becoming more environmentally conscious, smart supermarkets like iMart stand to benefit
by incorporating eco-friendly practices in packaging, waste reduction, and energy efficiency.

3-Heightened Data Security and Privacy Concerns:

As smart supermarkets collect and utilize customer data for personalized experiences, there
is a heightened awareness of data security and privacy. Ensuring robust security measures
and transparent data practices will be crucial for gaining and maintaining customer trust.

4-Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning:

The use of AI and machine learning for personalized recommendations, inventory

management, and customer service is a trend in the technology-driven retail sector. Smart
supermarkets may leverage these technologies to enhance the overall shopping experience.

5-Omnichannel Retailing:

Consumers increasingly expect a seamless shopping experience across various channels,

including online and offline. Smart supermarkets may explore omnichannel strategies to
provide customers with flexibility and convenience in their shopping journeys.

6-Health and Wellness Integration:

The focus on health and wellness is growing, and supermarkets may incorporate features
that cater to this trend. This could include offering healthier food options, providing
nutritional information, or even integrating health-related technologies within the store.

7-Customization and Personalization:

Consumers appreciate personalized experiences. Smart supermarkets may explore
customization options, such as personalized promotions, tailored shopping lists, and
recommendations based on individual preferences.


iMart's development prospects are promising, fuelled by a number of critical variables that
capitalize on the unique characteristics and benefits of the intelligent supermarket idea. The
following are important aspects that contribute to its development potential:
1-University Expansion

iMart has the ability to expand its presence to more campuses as colleges expand to
accommodate a growing number of students. This scalability allows for a greater reach
among the student group.

2-Technology Adoption:

With an increasing reliance on technology for daily life, especially among the younger age,
iMart is ideally positioned to capitalize on this trend. The smart shopping app, AI-powered
inventory management, and other technological elements are in sync with the desires of
tech-savvy customers.

3-Sustainability Trend:

Growing environmental consciousness and a trend toward sustainable practices present an

opportunity for iMart. The focus it places on recyclable packaging, locally sourced items, and
a recycling centre efficiently caters to the growing demand for environmentally friendly

4-Consumer Behaviour Evolution:

Consumer behaviour evolution, particularly towards online and quick purchasing

experiences, creates a favourable atmosphere for iMart. The introduction of a smart
checkout system, payments without cash, and personalized promos is in sync with
contemporary customer expectations.

5-Focus on Health and wellbeing:

The increased emphasis on health and wellbeing allows iMart to enhance its curated variety
of healthy and organic items. Meeting the need for nutritious food alternatives establishes
the smart supermarket as a favoured option among health-conscious shoppers.

6-Community participation:
iMart's focus on community participation, support for local suppliers, and strategic campus
sites all contribute considerably to its potential for expansion. Creating a sense of belonging
and loyalty among students can contribute to long-term success.

7-Partnerships and Collaborations:

Forming alliances with local suppliers, colleges, and technology companies opens doors to
new opportunities for growth. Collaborations that improve product offers, increase the
variety of services or allow opportunities in new markets help iMart's trajectory of growth

8-Adaptability and Innovation:

The ability of iMart to react to changing market trends and continually develop its offers will
be critical for long-term growth. Regular upgrades to technology, product offers, and
environmental practices will keep the smart supermarket competitive in a volatile market.

9-Word of Mouth and Customer Loyalty:

Positive customer experiences and a strong brand identity may lead to natural expansion by
word-of-mouth marketing and brand loyalty. Customers who are pleased with iMart are
more likely to promote it to their colleagues, resulting in additional growth.

10-Market Expansion Outside of Campuses:

Once well-established on university campuses, iMart may look at the potential to expand
outside educational institutions. Strategic sites in urban and suburban regions might be used
to reach a larger client base.

10. iMart’s Marketing Strategy

To ensure effective communication of its presence and value proposition to the target
customers, iMart, the Smart Supermarket, can implement a comprehensive marketing and
advertising strategy tailored to the unique needs and preferences of the campus community.
Here's a detailed plan for iMart:

1-Digital Presence:

a. Website: Develop an informative and user-friendly website showcasing iMart's features,

product offerings, and the benefits of the smart shopping experience.

b. Mobile App: Promote the iMart mobile app, highlighting its convenience, personalized
features, and exclusive discounts for app users.
2-Social Media Marketing:

a. Establish a robust presence on popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, and Snapchat.

b. Share engaging content, including promotions, smart shopping tips, and behind-the-
scenes glimpses of the iMart experience.

c. Run targeted ads to reach the campus community, focusing on features that resonate with
the tech-savvy demographic.

3-Influencer Collaborations:

a. Partner with influential campus figures, student leaders, or social media influencers to
build buzz and credibility.

b. Encourage influencers to share their experiences with iMart, showcasing the convenience
and benefits of smart shopping.

4-Campus Events and Activations:

a. Host launch events, smart shopping demonstrations, or themed promotions on campus to

attract attention.

b. Collaborate with campus organizations to organize activities promoting iMart's offerings.

5-Email Campaigns:

a. Implement targeted email campaigns to communicate promotions, discounts, and new


b. Encourage users to subscribe to iMart's newsletter through the app or website.

6-Traditional Advertising:

a. Utilize traditional advertising methods like posters, banners, and flyers strategically placed
around the campus.

b. Consider advertising in campus newspapers, magazines, and digital screens in common


7-Location-Based Marketing:

a. Emphasize iMart's convenient location on or near the campus in advertising materials.

b. Consider offering special promotions or discounts for students living in nearby residences.

8-Word of Mouth and Referral Programs:

a. Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences through word of mouth.

b. Implement a referral program offering incentives for existing customers who refer new
users to iMart.

9-Partnerships with Campus Organizations:

a. Collaborate with student organizations, clubs, and societies for joint promotions or
sponsorship opportunities.

b. Offer exclusive discounts or partnerships for members of these groups.

10-Interactive Displays and Signage:

a. Use interactive displays within the store to showcase the smart features and benefits of

b. Employ clear and attractive signage outside the store to attract foot traffic.

11-Community Engagement and Feedback:

a. Actively engage with the campus community through online forums, discussion groups,
and social media.

b. Respond promptly to customer feedback and reviews to demonstrate iMart's

commitment to customer satisfaction.

12-Launch Promotions:

Offer special launch promotions and discounts to incentivize initial visits and create a sense
of urgency.

11. Estimations of iMart’s First Year Sales

Sales Revenue Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Month Total
(Product/Service) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Sales
Groceries 900 1000 800 850 950 700 1100 1020 980 1000 920 880 11100
Snacks 620 750 800 700 850 780 820 700 800 880 790 800 9290
Beverages 8210
700 650 720 680 710 730 790 710 660 620 610 630
Ready-to-Eat Meals 800 840 900 930 920 940 950 990 1010 980 950 960 11170
Tech Accessories 400 340 410 440 490 390 380 410 400 450 420 490 5020
Household 700 720 730 790 810 830 850 820 770 760 780 800 9360
Speciality items 500 510 560 580 600 610 570 550 580 620 630 610 6920
Total Sales of The Year= 61070 OMR


The supermarket's commercial registration is a prerequisite that must be initiated through

the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in Oman. The initial step involves securing our trade
name, a process we'll undertake by reserving it through a legal firm, marking the initial
phase of the commercial registration procedure. Once the trade name receives approval, we
will proceed to the Sanad Services Centre, where it will be submitted along with the
commercial registration application. This application entails providing details such as our
location, nature of business, primary activities, business name, and more. Concurrently,
employee registration with the Ministry of Manpower and obtaining the necessary permits
for them will be essential. Additionally, obtaining a license from the Public Authority for Civil
Defence and Ambulance is imperative to ensure the supermarket's security and safety,
encompassing the installation of fire and alarm systems. Moreover, a safety and security
license from the Municipality is required to meet health and environmental standards. This
license serves to define the essential facilities within the supermarket, ensuring cleanliness,
and guaranteeing the overall safety of the premises.

At first, we will need capital from a SANAD fund to start and establish the smart
supermarket business. We will take from SANAD fund an amount of 5000 OMR and 9000
OMR from our own money that we collected, our capital will be the total of 14000 OMR.
Here are some other resources we are going to need

Item Description Cost

Smart Shopping Carts Smart shopping carts 1200 OMR
equipped with RFID
technology for automated
Technology and App Developing a user-friendly 50 OMR
Development and feature-rich smart
shopping app.
Marketing and Advertising Social Media advertising, 20 OMR
Tools Email marketing, and
graphic design.
Smart Shelves with RFID Smart shelves with RFID 1500 OMR
Tags tags to automate inventory
Smart Checkout System Smart checkout system with 2000 OMR
contactless payment
Security Cameras Security cameras for 300 OMR
surveillance and theft
Energy-efficient LED Lighting Energy-efficient LED lighting 500 OMR
to reduce electricity costs.
Smartphones/Tablets for For efficient communication 1000 OMR
Staff and inventory management.
Basic Office Equipment Office equipment like a 500 OMR
computer, printer, and office
Customer Information Kiosk Customer information kiosk 700 OMR
for product details and
Product Displays Appealing product displays 500 OMR
and signage for promotions.
Wireless Internet Router free Wi-Fi for customers 200 OMR
using a reliable wireless
internet router.
Dry Products Rice, pasta, flour, sugar, etc. 500 OMR
Canned Products Canned vegetables, fruits, 400 OMR
soups, and beans.
Dairy Products Milk, cheese, butter, and 500 OMR
Frozen Foods Frozen vegetables, fruits, 700 OMR
and ready-to-eat meals.
Fresh Produce Fruits and vegetables. 400 OMR
Meat and Chicken Chicken, beef, sausage, and 600 OMR
Bakery Items Bread and pastries. 400 OMR
Snacks Chips, nuts, chocolate, and 300 OMR
Beverages Water, soft drinks, and 350 OMR
Cleaning Supplies Cleaning detergent, soaps, 300 OMR
and paper products.
Personal Care Items Shampoo, soap, toothpaste, 500 OMR
and other essentials.
Household Essentials Oil, salt, and spices. 500 OMR

Total: 13920

14. iMart’s monthly cashflow forecast for the first year

Month Inflow (OMR) Outflow (OMR) Net Cash Flow (OMR)

January 2000 1500 500
February 2500 2000 500
March 1800 1600 200
April 2000 1800 200
May 2200 2000 200
June 2500 2200 300
July 1800 1500 300
August 2000 1800 200
September 2200 2000 200
October 1500 1300 200
November 2500 2200 300
December 2000 1800 200

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