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A library is a body of knowledge

Types of library

1. School library: It is found in the schools (primary and secondary school)

2. Academic library: It is found in higher institutions eg universities, polytechnic colleges

3. Special library: It is found in the organization

4. National Library: The headquarters is found in the Federal capital, Abuja

5. Public Library: It is found in the 36-state

6. Private library: It is found in our home

7. Electronic library: it is the use of a computer, or laptop to get information

Rules of the library

1. Do not talk

2. Do not eat or drink in the library

3. No running around in the library

4. Be respectful

5. Do not write, draw, tear, or fold the library book

6. Don't touch the walls, decorations, and the shelf

7. No shoes on the carpet

8. If the librarian is not in the office, don't enter

Care of a book

1. Handle all library's books with clean on my hands

2. When you are done reading, put the book in a safe place

3. No eating or drinking while reading.

4. Library's books should be clean and dried

5. Do not write, tear, draw, or fold the library book

6. Avoid direct sunlight because it can make them lose their colours.

7. Keep your books away from water

8. Keep our library's books away from your younger ones and pet

9. Handle each page with care

Checkout procedure

The checkout procedure is the process of borrowing a book from the library

1. Come in

2. Find the book

3. Take it to the librarian in charge

4. Fill in your details of the book, your name, class, and date

5. Be aware of the lending limits

6. Return the book

Fiction and non-fiction

Fiction: It is a story that is made up of the author's imagination. It's not real, like fairy tales,
superheroes, tales of talking animals

Non-fiction: these are stories that are real. It's all about real events or facts about something.
e.g dairy, history, biography e.t.c

Authors and illustration

An author is someone who writes stories. They can be fiction writers and non-fiction writers.

An Illustrator is a person who draws pictures to go along with stories in a book and it helps you
understand the story better with their drawings.

Part of a book

There are 3 parts of a book

1. Front matter: Title page, table of contents, copyright, forward, dedication,

acknowledgment, preface, introduction e.t.c

2. Body matter: chapters and the content in the book

3. End matter: Reference, glossary, index, e.t.c

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