Ancero Melchizedek

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Melchizedek Ancero
Babag, Purok Thunder Lapu-Lapu City

Dear Mr/Ms Ancero,

Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted as a Results Associate of the Results
Manila, Inc. (RMI), effective 07/28/2022, subject to the following terms and conditions:


1. You agree to comply with the submission of the mandated government identification numbers and
documents but not limited to the following: Social Security System number, PhilHealth number, Tax
Identification Number, and Pag-IBIG (HDMF) Number or any acceptable alternative document prior your
start date. You also agree to complete and satisfactorily pass the prescribed background check and pre-
employment medical examination and drug screening, prior the start of your employment All these are
considered essential documents and requirements.

2. You further understand and agree that any misrepresentation of any kind in the information you provide
to the Company shall cause the Company to terminate your employment without prejudice to the
Company’s date of discovery of such misrepresentation. You likewise agree and consent to the Company
verifying the validity and truthfulness of all information stated in your application form and all other
relevant information you disclosed during the application process.

3. It is necessary that you submit yourself to a medical examination, as an integral part of your employment
requirement upon signing of this agreement. The medical examination shall be determined by the
Company and must be undertaken by an accredited and/or certified physician and dentist, who must
attest that you are in good physical and dental health. In the event that you are found suffering from
marked illness/es, you must initiate medical treatment at your own expense. Should you forego, fail or
neglect to submit yourself to the required medical examination, within three (3) days upon the issuance
of the referral letter, the Company shall initiate the cessation of your services for failure to pass the pre-
employment requirements.

4. All documents submitted to the Company shall be considered Company property and will be held in the
strictest confidence. You expressly understand and agree that such documents may be submitted by the
Company to third-party agencies that require these to process your compensation, benefits and other
legal requirements.

1. It is understood that upon signing of this agreement, you are hereby binding yourself to undergo a series
of training programs, including, but not limited to, Foundation Skills, Product and Graduate School
Trainings, all of which would develop and assist you in fulfilling your duties in the aforementioned
position. Training duration shall be dependent on the program or account you would be assigned in.

2. The training programs are essential for your continued employment with the Company. Should you not
meet the required performance or training standards during the course of the training programs, the
Company reserves the right to terminate your services due to failure to meet performance standard
during training and gross neglect or gross inefficiency.

3. In the event that you will be sent to attend trainings, meetings, immersions and the like outside the
country in line with the program you are assigned in, you agree to bind yourself to the Company’s travel

4. A Recruitment representative will contact you prior to your scheduled training date to communicate your
training details.


1. For and in consideration of your employment with the Company, you shall be compensated with a non-
taxable training allowance amounting to PHP 435 per day for the duration of your training. Only upon
your successful completion of the above-mentioned training shall your basic compensation take effect.

2. After successfully passing the Foundation Skills Training Program, you will receive a salary at the rate of
86.20 per hour based on actual hours worked per day, or a total maximum annual gross salary approximately
amounting to PhP 195000, depending on annual total hours worked.

3. You shall also receive a non-taxable allowance amounting to a maximum total of Two Thousand Two
Hundred Pesos (PhP 2,200.00) per month. Payment of allowance shall be pro-rated on the basis of actual
hours worked per cut-off with approved/ authorized leaves considered as worked hours.

4. Under the function of Results Associate, you shall be entitled to an additional Complexity Pay Premium of
PhP 3000.00 (taxable) per month. The payment of Complexity Pay Premium shall start on Day 1 in
Production after the necessary trainings. The Complexity Pay Premium shall be computed pro-rata on the
basis of actual hours worked per cut off. The Complexity Pay Premium are attached to the assigned
specific job description and job title/ description, and in the event that you are transferred to another line
of business (LOB) and/ or account, promoted and/ or changes are made in the job description/ title that
will not require the needed expertise, such premium pay will no longer be available to you.

5. You are entitled to a 20% night differential pay computed as a percentage of your hourly compensation
for work rendered from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00am.

6. You shall receive half of your pay net of mandatory deductions not later than the 7th day and the other
half not later than the 22nd day of each calendar month. The amount you shall receive per payout is
computed based on the hours you have worked and subject to deductions for unauthorized or unexcused

7. The Company will withhold from your salary and remit on your behalf any income taxes and contributions
to the government and all mandated deductions and/or contributions required by law.

1. Upon signing this agreement, you hereby acknowledge that you are under probationary status for the
prescribed period of not more than one hundred eighty (180) days effective from the date that you have
started your services with the Company. Within this period, you hereby submit yourself to undergo
performance evaluation with reference to your reliability, efficiency, initiative, attitude (with reference to
our clients/customers, the Company and its officers and your co-workers) cooperation, client feedback,
punctuality, quality and quantity of work, and professionalism.

2. You hereby understand that the Company can terminate your services during the probationary period for
failure to meet the prescribed performance and behavior standards or fail to pass the necessary training
program(s), required for your position. Accordingly, your failure to satisfy any or all of the required
Company standards and expectations would result in your disqualification for regular employment and
consequently, your services shall be automatically terminated at the end of the probationary period or the
completion of the performance evaluation, whichever comes first. On the other hand, you shall be
confirmed as a regular employee after favorable performance evaluation results, on or before the end of
your probationary period.


1. The Company shall discuss with you Company Policies and the Employee Code of Discipline. You hereby
agree to follow Company rules and regulations during the course of your employment. Further, you agree
to refrain from engaging in any activity which is prejudicial to the interests of the Company or that which
will interfere with your job performance, whether done within or outside Company hours, without the
prior written consent of the Company. Moreover, you agree to give immediate notice to the Company of
any possible conflict of interest situation, as described by Company policy that you find yourself in. Note
that conflict of interest may also arise from personal relationships in the workplace which should be
disclosed to HR immediately.

2. You agree to perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to you with utmost zeal and enthusiasm
lest you be cited for gross inefficiency, which includes, but not limited to, failure in attaining work goals
or set quotas and other deliverables within the allotted reasonable period, producing unsatisfactory
results, resulting in a performance rating of below average or its equivalent for the program/department
assigned to you under the Company’s performance appraisal system.

3. In order to successfully serve our clients, the Company must operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and
365 days a year. You understand that you will be scheduled to work on a shifting 40-hour workweek
schedule with 2 days off. Your schedule may change as the business demands require. At times, as
operation exigencies dictate, you may be requested to work overtime or report to work on legal holidays.
The Company will pay you an hourly premium for work you perform in excess of 8 hours or work done on
legal holidays, all in accordance with the provisions of existing laws.


1. It is understood that should you decide to cease or terminate your employment with the Company, you
are required to render to the Company at least thirty (30) day notice prior to your resignation effective
date. You agree that all Company records, documents, and properties in your custody or control shall be
immediately surrendered to the Company on or before your resignation date, whether or not requested
by the Company. Failure to effect turnover and render work for the required thirty (30) day period prior
to effective date of resignation will result in liability for breach of this contract. The Company may, at its
discretion, avail of legal remedies, including, but not limited to a civil action for damages.

1. You agree that as an employee of the Company, you may be asked to transfer from one location to
another, from any type of account or department to another, or from any subsidiary or affiliate of the
Company as business expediencies may require. Any change in your assignment will be communicated to

2. You agree, during the entire period of your employment, that you may be assigned to any team or
project, workplace or branch, subsidiary and affiliate of the Company for such periods as may be
determined by the Company as reasonable and necessary to its operations without diminution of salaries,
benefits and rank.

3. Further, you hereby agree, upon the signing of this contract, that your services are contingent to the
headcount requirement of the program, department and/or account in which you would be assigned. In
case of lack of headcount requirement in your current program/ department/ account assignment, you
agree to be transferred to another account where you qualify or to be placed on floating status and/or
other flexible working arrangements or alternative working arrangements as the need arises.

4. In cases when you may be required to undergo upskill, product and/or language training, specific to the
new program or line business you may be assigned in, you hereby understand and agree that failing these
training programs shall be treated as performance failure or gross inefficiency which are just causes that
may lead to sanctions up to termination.

5. Finally, you hereby expressly authorize the Company to deduct from any amount payable to you at the
time of the termination of this contract or expiration of your employment, any claim, which the Company
may have against you. If such amount due to you is not sufficient to satisfy the claims of the Company,
the Company may be constrained to take the necessary actions to ensure full payment of such claims.


1. Unless duly authorized by the Company, you are prohibited from disclosing any information about the
Company or its clients including, but not limited to, its operations, trainings, products, services,
customers and lists of customers that may come to your knowledge by reason of or in connection with
your employment with the Company. You are likewise prohibited from bringing out of the Company
premises or your assigned workstation any document, data or information related to or arising from the
performance of your work, duties and responsibilities with the Company. You agree that the Company
may take any measure, including random checks, to ensure that the aforesaid are strictly enforced. Any
breach of these undertakings shall be a ground for your immediate termination in addition to any other
remedies the Company may have against you.

2. You agree that for a period of Twelve (12) months after the cessation of your employment under this
Contract, you will not be employed directly or indirectly or in any manner be engaged in the commercial
venture of any person, firm, corporation or entity in the same or similar line of business as that of

3. You are hereby prohibited from poaching or inviting any ResultsCX employee to join you in your
engagement with your new company, lest legal action may be taken against you. In addition, any breach
of the above covenants will hold you liable for liquidated damages equivalent to one (1) year worth of
your basic pay, for any and all such breach of the confidentiality, non-competition and non-solicitation
clauses of this agreement without prejudice to other reliefs, penal or otherwise, available in accordance
with the law.

If the foregoing terms are acceptable to you, please indicate your conformity in the space provided below and
return the signed copy to us.
Very truly yours,

Human Resources
Results Manila, Inc. (RMI)

Signature over printed name

Date Signed

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