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Chapter 13

Leadership: Power and Negotiation

True / False Questions

1. From time to time, leaders need to resist the influence of other leaders or higher-ups to do what's best for
their own unit.

True False

2. The three types of organizational power, that is, legitimate, reward, and coercive, are derived primarily from
a person's position within the organization.

True False

3. Legitimate power gives a person the right to ask employees to do something outside the scope of their jobs
or roles within the organization.

True False

4. Reward power and coercive power are somewhat intertwined with referent power.

True False

5. Referent power operates primarily on the principle of fear.

True False

6. It is impossible for a person to possess all of the forms of power at the same time.

True False

7. The personal forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance
than are the organizational forms.

True False

8. The ability to influence others is greatly reduced, if a person works alone and performs tasks that nobody
sees, even when he or she has high levels of expert and referent power.

True False
9. Substitutability represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to
accomplish their tasks.

True False

10. The absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" is as important as the disparity between them.

True False

11. Influence most frequently occurs downward in organizations.

True False

12. Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence.

True False

13. Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a

True False

14. Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a short-term strategy.

True False

15. Apprising requires that the requestor has something of value to offer.

True False

16. Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and collaboration take advantage of organizational
rather than personal forms of power.

True False

17. For a leader, compliance is the best response to influence tactics, because it results in employees putting
forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.

True False

18. For a leader, internalization is the best outcome of influence tactics.

True False

19. Social astuteness refers to an adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts.

True False
20. High levels of organizational politics have been shown to be beneficial to company performance as a

True False

21. Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase politics are those that raise the level of uncertainty
in the environment.

True False

22. As a conflict resolution style, accommodating occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

True False

23. Leaders will typically use an avoiding conflict resolution style when an issue is really not that important to
them but is very important to the other party.

True False

24. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution.

True False

25. Compromise is the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are offset by gains
and vice versa.

True False

26. Integrative bargaining is similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution.

True False

27. Distributive bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario.

True False

28. When a leader draws on coercive sources of power, a stronger emotional bond can be created with the
employee, boosting affective commitment.

True False

29. Repeated uses of coercive power or repeated reliance on hard influence tactics such as pressure or coalitions
could actually increase organizational commitment levels.

True False
30. Power and influence have a moderate negative effect on organizational commitment.

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

31. Which of the following refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward
goal achievement?

A. Pressure
B. Administration
C. Ingratiation
D. Leadership
E. Sustainability

32. _____ can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in

A. Pressure
B. Power
C. Ingratiation
D. Leadership
E. Force

33. Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions:

A. internal and external.

B. personal and social.
C. organizational and personal.
D. professional and organizational.
E. upward and downward.
34. Organizational power includes:

A. legitimate, expert, and referent power.

B. reward, expert, and referent power.
C. coercive, reward, and expert power.
D. reward, expert, and legitimate power.
E. coercive, legitimate, and reward power.

35. Personal power includes:

A. expert and referent power.

B. reward and expert power.
C. coercive and reward power.
D. reward and legitimate power.
E. coercive and legitimate power.

36. _____ power is derived from a position of authority inside the organization.

A. Legitimate
B. Structural
C. Personal
D. Expert
E. Referent

37. Which type of power is sometimes referred to as "formal authority"?

A. Structural
B. Personal
C. Legitimate
D. Referent
E. Expert

38. Martin George is the vice president (Finance) of Rutherford Inc. His position and title in the company gives
him _____ power.

A. collaborative
B. diplomatic
C. substitutable
D. referent
E. legitimate
39. Joanne is the store manager at Glitter, a jewelry store. New merchandise has arrived which needs to be
priced and displayed soon, before the festive season. She asks all the sales staff to stay back after work
hours to get this task done. Joanne is exercising her _____ power that she gets from her position of

A. reward
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

40. All the statements below are true about legitimate power EXCEPT:

A. people with legitimate power have an organizational title.

B. people with legitimate power have the right to ask others to do things that are within the scope of their
C. the higher up in an organization a person is, the more legitimate power he or she generally possesses.
D. people with legitimate power have a desire to identify and be associated with a specific individual.
E. it can be a very weak form of power if used ineffectively.

41. _____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants.

A. Reward
B. Personal
C. Coercive
D. Referent
E. Expert

42. Leah wants to upgrade her skills and approaches Timothy, the HR manager, to try and convince him to send
her for the Advanced Negotiation and Portfolio Management Training programme. Timothy has which of
the following powers?

A. Coercive
B. Personal
C. Reward
D. Referent
E. Expert
43. Which type of power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization?

A. Reward
B. Legitimate
C. Coercive
D. Referent
E. Expert

44. Which type of power operates primarily on the principle of fear?

A. Legitimate
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Referent
E. Coercive

45. _____ power is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly, because it tends to result in
negative feelings toward those that wield it.

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate

46. Which type of power is derived from a person's skill or knowledge on which others depend?

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate
47. Jake is well-known for his excellent diagnoses of skin-related problems. The other dermatologists in the
hospital where he works often consult him when dealing with difficult cases. This gives Jake _____ power
in the hospital.

A. coercive
B. structural
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

48. _____ power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person.

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate

49. Andrew, the Student Body President, is very popular in his college and is admired by both the professors
and students for his balanced approach to any task or issue. He is very creative and also a good sportsman.
He is a role model for all the students in the college and often leads by example. Andrew's popularity gives
him _____ power in his college.

A. coercive
B. collaborative
C. reward
D. referent
E. structural

50. Roger Federer is an icon in tennis. Many aspiring tennis players try to emulate him. Federer's iconic status
gives him _____ power.

A. coercive
B. structural
C. reward
D. referent
E. collaborative
51. Bill Gates commands the respect and admiration of people around the world for his achievements in
information technology as well as for his philanthropy. Many people who admire him try to emulate his
actions. He clearly wields _____ power.

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. structural

52. The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to:

A. centrality.
B. discretion.
C. substitutability.
D. ingratiation.
E. visibility

53. Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.
This is associated with which of the following contingency factors?

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

54. Richard is the head of the finance department at Sportz Inc., a company specializing in sports goods. He has
the sole authority to grant or deny the release of funds for any marketing strategy proposed by the marketing
team in the company. Which contingency factor gives Richard the power to influence the members of the
marketing team?

A. Persuasion
B. Internalization
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit
55. Discretion is defined as:

A. the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources.

B. the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own.
C. the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the influencer.
D. the degree of importance of a person's job and how many people depend on that person to accomplish
their tasks.
E. the level of awareness others have of a leader's power and position.

56. Rebecca is the head of the primary department at La Perouse High School. She believes that children will
absorb and retain more information if they are taken on educational tours and field trips. But the school's
rules and policies do not encourage such activities and Rebecca feels her endeavor to improve the children's
education is being stifled. This low degree of _____ is reducing Rebecca's ability to influence others.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

57. Nathan is the administrative manager at Woodlands, Inc. The organizational procedures and policies of the
company prevent Nathan from implementing many of his ideas to increase efficiency. This indicates a low
degree of _____, which reduces Nathan's ability to influence others.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

58. _____ represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish
their tasks.

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit
59. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their power
to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called _____.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

60. "Insisting on compliance if appropriate" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.

A. personal
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

61. "Avoid promising more than you can deliver" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.

A. coercive
B. personal
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

62. "Responding to infractions promptly and without favoritism" is a suggested guideline for using _____

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert
63. "Providing evidence that a proposal will be successful" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

64. "Using sincere forms of ingratiation" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

65. Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using coercive power?

A. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Provide ample warnings.
D. Listen seriously to a person's concerns and suggestions.
E. Act confidently and decisively in a crisis.

66. Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using expert power?

A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism.
D. Follow up to verify compliance.
E. Provide ample warnings.
67. Laura heads the administrative department in a hospital. Her job involves ensuring that work in the hospital
runs smoothly, managing the staff, inventory management, and maintaining the requisite standard in hospital
hygiene and patient care. As her work often involves situations that demand the use of coercive power,
which of the following guidelines must Laura follow?

A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Avoid using rewards in a manipulative fashion.
D. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent facts.
E. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful.

68. _____ is how aware others are of a leader's power and position.

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

69. Mathew is one of the top attorneys at his law firm. His brilliance in handling some of the most difficult and
high-profile cases has earned him fame far and wide and he wields considerable influence in the running of
the firm. Mathew's high degree of _____ ensures that he has considerable power to influence others.

A. internalization
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

70. In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases when:

A. there are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls.
B. the leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization.
C. the leader has the freedom to make decisions without being restrained by rules.
D. others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide.
E. rewards are used in a manipulative fashion.
71. _____ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others.

A. Influence
B. Discretion
C. Power
D. Internalization
E. Visibilit

72. _____ is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that a request is a worthwhile one.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Internalization
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

73. Just before the final football game of the season, the captain of the team made an emotional appeal to all his
teammates to win the last game for their coach, who passed away recently. Which of the following influence
tactics did the captain use?

A. Rational appeal
B. Inspirational appeal
C. Consultation
D. Collaboration
E. Coalition

74. To influence others using _____, leaders must have insight into the kinds of things are important to the

A. rational persuasion
B. inspirational appeals
C. consultation
D. internalization
E. pressure tactics
75. Which of the following influence tactics increases commitment from the target who has a stake in seeing
that his or her opinions were right?

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeals
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Exchange

76. _____ involves the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles
that make task completion difficult.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeal
C. Collaboration
D. Ingratiation
E. Internalization

77. The dean of a reputed B-school has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get the
faculty's buy-in and support, he has created a faculty-driven process whereby members of the faculty
participate and carry out the accreditation process under his guidance. This approach has increased the
commitment of the faculty, who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of
accreditation accomplished. Identify the influence tactic used by the dean.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeals
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Exchange

78. _____ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the

A. Centrality
B. Personal appeal
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Internalization
79. "Sucking up" refers to which of the following influence tactics?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeals
E. Exchange

80. Gregory is a manager in an insurance company and heads a team of 30 agents. In order to meet the
company's target, every agent needs to increase his or her target for the month by 15 percent. Gregory
promises his agents a bonus if the company's target is met. Which influence tactic is Gregory using?

A. Pressure
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Exchange

81. Which of the following occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the
target personally?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Exchange

82. Which of the following is the use of coercive power through threats and demands?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Centrality
E. Pressure
83. In order to bring Steven, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of introducing a line of new
products at Gold Coffee, Bree, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Natalie and Noah, the top two
salespeople at the company. Bree is using which of the following influence tactics?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Pressure

84. Which of the following occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the
influence request?

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Collaboration
E. Internalization

85. _____ reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees. For a leader, this is the best
outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they
are asked to do.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Collaboration
E. Internalization

86. _____ reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement
87. _____ reflects neither a shift in the employees' behaviors nor their attitudes.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement

88. _____ occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a
degree of ambivalence.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement

89. When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-
interests, it is termed as _____.

A. leadership
B. internalization
C. negotiation
D. organizational politics
E. substitutability

90. Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that
knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives?

A. Conceptual skill
B. Ingratiation
C. Political skill
D. Negotiation
E. Technical skill
91. The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is termed as _____.

A. social astuteness
B. networking ability
C. interpersonal influence
D. apparent sincerity
E. visibilit

92. Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics?

A. Need for power

B. Limited resources
C. Ambiguity in roles
D. High performance pressure
E. Unclear performance evaluations

93. Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following
tendencies do such employees have?

A. Ingratiating tendencies
B. Egoistic tendencies
C. Machiavellian tendencies
D. Central tendencies
E. Narcissistic tendencies

94. High assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating
95. Low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

96. Low assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

97. High assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

98. In a conflict situation, when John attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party, he is
utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

99. Which style of conflict resolution is considered as a win-lose approach?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating
100. Which conflict resolution style occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power
and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

101. Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a
quick decision needs to be made?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

102. Which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

103. Which of the following can never really resolve a conflict?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating
104. _____ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down.

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

105. Meredith and Sally had a major argument while designing the interiors of a restaurant. The conflict was
finally settled when Meredith gave in completely to Sally in an unselfish manner. In this situation, Meredith
used the _____ style of conflict resolution.

A. accommodating
B. compromise
C. collaborating
D. competing
E. avoiding

106. Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to
them but is very important to the other party?

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

107. Which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-win approach?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating
108. Which style of conflict resolution occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes?

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

109. Which style of conflict resolution is generally regarded as the most effective?

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

110. Which form of conflict resolution requires the complete sharing of information by both parties, a full
discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

111. Moderate assertiveness and moderate cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating
112. Which form of conflict resolution is the most common?

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

113. An accommodating conflict resolution style should be used:

A. when quick decisive action is vital.

B. on important issues for which unpopular actions need implementation.
C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right.
D. against people who take advantage of noncompetitive people.
E. to build social credits for later issues.

114. A competing style of conflict resolution should be used:

A. when an issue is trivial.

B. when potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution.
C. for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right.
D. to let people cool down and regain perspective.
E. when others can resolve the conflict more effectively.

115. A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used during which of the following situations?

A. When an issue is trivial

B. To merge insights from people with different perspectives
C. On issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right
D. When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption
E. When others can resolve the conflict more effectively

116. A process in which two or more independent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement about
their different preferences refers to:

A. ingratiation.
B. negotiation.
C. substitutability.
D. coalition.
E. internalization.
117. Which of the following involves a win-lose negotiation over a "fixed-pie" of resources?

A. Substitutability
B. Ingratiation
C. Distributive bargaining
D. Coalition building
E. Integrative bargaining

118. In distributive bargaining, when one person gains, the other person loses. This is also known as a:

A. total-sum condition.
B. partial-sum condition.
C. positive-sum condition.
D. zero-sum condition.
E. negative-sum condition.

119. Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Competing
D. Collaboration
E. Accommodating

120. _____ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario by using problem solving and mutual respect to
achieve an outcome that is satisfying to both parties.

A. Substitutability
B. Ingratiation
C. Distributive bargaining
D. Coalition building
E. Integrative bargaining

121. Power and influence have a _____ effect on job performance and organizational commitment.

A. moderate positive
B. strong negative
C. moderate negative
D. strong positive
E. weak positive
122. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her
employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH,
along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying
to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things
about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Given her position as the department manager, Lisa has _____ power.

A. personal
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

123. Scenario: Palliative Care Home

Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her
employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH,
along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying
to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things
about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Carl commands _____ power.

A. reward
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert
124. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her
employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH,
along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying
to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things
about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

When Lisa gives Andy his preferred shift, she is exhibiting _____ power.

A. reward
B. personal
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

125. Scenario: Palliative Care Home

Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her
employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH,
along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying
to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things
about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Lisa's freedom to make her own decisions is indicative of the _____ contingency factor of power.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit
126. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages her
employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH,
along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is simply trying
to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned several things
about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Ben is utilizing the _____ influence tactic on Lisa, to win the employee-of-the-month award for the
following month.

A. pressure
B. ingratiation
C. coalition
D. personal appeal
E. exchange

127. Scenario: City Place, Inc.

Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing
home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be
introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel,
who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments.
Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's
demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was
equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of
products in exchange for one of her choices.

Which influence tactic could Shirley, who is the most experienced in the team, have used to convince the
others of her choice?

A. Rational persuasion
B. Ingratiation
C. Personal appeals
D. Pressure
E. Exchange
128. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing
home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be
introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel,
who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments.
Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's
demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was
equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of
products in exchange for one of her choices.

Linda used the _____ style to resolve the conflict between Shirley and her.

A. competing
B. compromising
C. avoiding
D. accommodating
E. collaborating

129. Scenario: City Place, Inc.

Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing
home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be
introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel,
who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments.
Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's
demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was
equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of
products in exchange for one of her choices.

Samuel, who chose to remain neutral, adopted which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating
130. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company producing
home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to be
introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced. Samuel,
who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the arguments.
Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to Shirley's
demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her choice. Matt was
equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to one of Matt's choice of
products in exchange for one of her choices.

Which style did Shirley use to resolve her conflict with Matt?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Essay Questions

131. Define power. Compare and contrast organizational powers and personal powers.
132. Describe the guidelines for using different types of power.

133. Name the four contingencies of power and explain how they affect a leader's ability to influence others.

134. Differentiate between inspirational appeal and personal appeal.

135. Distinguish between internalization and compliance.

136. What is political skill? Explain the different aspects of political skill.

137. Distinguish between the accommodating and compromising styles of conflict resolution.
138. Distinguish between distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining.

139. Describe the various stages in the negotiation process.

140. Differentiate between mediation and arbitration.

Chapter 13 Leadership: Power and Negotiation Answer Key

True / False Questions

1. From time to time, leaders need to resist the influence of other leaders or higher-ups to do what's best for
(p. 419) their own unit.


In addition to influencing others, power can be seen as the ability to resist the influence attempts of
others. Sometimes leaders need to resist the influence of other leaders or higher-ups to do what's best for
their own unit.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-01 What is leadership; and what role does power play in leadership?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

2. The three types of organizational power, that is, legitimate, reward, and coercive, are derived primarily
(p. 420) from a person's position within the organization.


The three types of organizational power derive primarily from a person's position within the
organization. Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is
sometimes referred to as "formal authority." Reward power exists when someone has control over the
resources or rewards another person wants. Coercive power exists when a person has control over
punishments in an organization.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
3. Legitimate power gives a person the right to ask employees to do something outside the scope of their
(p. 420) jobs or roles within the organization.


Legitimate power doesn't generally give a person the right to ask employees to do something outside the
scope of their jobs or roles within the organization.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

4. Reward power and coercive power are somewhat intertwined with referent power.
(p. 421)

Reward power and coercive power are somewhat intertwined with legitimate power. Reward power
exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. Coercive power
exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

5. Referent power operates primarily on the principle of fear.

(p. 421)

Coercive power operates primarily on the principle of fear. It exists when one person believes that
another has the ability to punish him or her and is willing to use that power.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
6. It is impossible for a person to possess all of the forms of power at the same time.
(p. 421)

It's possible for a person to possess all of the forms of power at the same time. In fact, the most powerful
leaders have bases of power that include all five dimensions namely legitimate, reward, coercive, expert
and referent powers.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

7. The personal forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job
(p. 421) performance than are the organizational forms.


Generally speaking, the personal forms of power are more strongly related to organizational commitment
and job performance than are the organizational forms. If you think about the authorities for whom you
worked the hardest, they probably possessed some form of expertise and charisma, rather than just an
ability to reward and punish.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

8. The ability to influence others is greatly reduced, if a person works alone and performs tasks that nobody
(p. 422) sees, even when he or she has high levels of expert and referent power.


A person can have high levels of expert and referent power, but if he or she works alone and performs
tasks that nobody sees, the ability to influence others is greatly reduced.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
9. Substitutability represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person
(p. 422) to accomplish their tasks.


Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that
control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

10. The absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" is as important as the disparity between them.
(p. 424)

Influence is all relative. The absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" isn't as important as the
disparity between them.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

11. Influence most frequently occurs downward in organizations.

(p. 424)

Influence can be seen as directional. It most frequently occurs downward (managers influencing
employees) but can also be lateral (peers influencing peers) or upward (employees influencing

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
12. Rational persuasion is the only tactic that is consistently successful in the case of upward influence.
(p. 424)

Rational persuasion is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a
worthwhile one. It is particularly important because it's the only tactic that is consistently successful in
the case of upward influence.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

13. Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a
(p. 424) request.


Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a
request. This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her
opinions are valued.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

14. Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a short-term strategy.
(p. 424)

Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about
the influencer. Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a long-term strategy and
not nearly as effective when used immediately prior to making an influence attempt.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
15. Apprising requires that the requestor has something of value to offer.
(p. 425)

Apprising occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target
personally. It differs from rational persuasion in that it focuses solely on the benefit to the target as
opposed to simple logic or benefits to the group or organization. It differs from exchange, in that the
benefit is not necessarily something that the requestor gives to the target but rather something that results
from the action.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

16. Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and collaboration take advantage of
(p. 425) organizational rather than personal forms of power.


Rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, and collaboration take advantage of personal
rather than organizational forms of power. Leaders that are the most effective at influencing others will
generally rely on the softer tactics, make appropriate requests, and ensure the tactics they use match the
types of power they have.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

17. For a leader, compliance is the best response to influence tactics, because it results in employees putting
(p. 426) forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.


Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a
degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
18. For a leader, internalization is the best outcome of influence tactics.
(p. 426)

For a leader, internalization is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest
level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the
behaviors and the attitudes of employees.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

19. Social astuteness refers to an adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts.
(p. 427)

Networking ability refers to an adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

20. High levels of organizational politics have been shown to be beneficial to company performance as a
(p. 429) whole.


High levels of organizational politics have even been shown to be detrimental to company performance
as a whole. Environments that are perceived as extremely political have been shown to cause lower job
satisfaction, increased strain, lower job performance (both task and extra-role related), higher turnover
intentions, and lower organizational commitment among employees.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
21. Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase politics are those that raise the level of
(p. 429) uncertainty in the environment.


Organizational factors that are the most likely to increase politics are those that raise the level of
uncertainty in the environment. When people are uncertain about an outcome or event, they'll generally
act in ways that help reduce that uncertainty.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

22. As a conflict resolution style, accommodating occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
(p. 430) from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.


Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

23. Leaders will typically use an avoiding conflict resolution style when an issue is really not that important
(p. 430) to them but is very important to the other party.


Leaders will typically use an accommodating strategy when the issue is really not that important to them
but is very important to the other party. Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs
when one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
24. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution.
(p. 430)

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize
outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. It is generally regarded as the
most effective form of conflict resolution, especially in reference to task-oriented rather than personal

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

25. Compromise is the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are offset by
(p. 431) gains and vice versa.


Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution, whereby each party's losses are
offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution, maintains relations between
parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

26. Integrative bargaining is similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution.

(p. 433)

Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution. Some of the
most visible negotiations that have traditionally been approached with a distributive bargaining tactic are
union-management labor negotiations.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
27. Distributive bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario.
(p. 434)

Integrative bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

28. When a leader draws on coercive sources of power, a stronger emotional bond can be created with the
(p. 435) employee, boosting affective commitment.


When a leader draws on personal sources of power, such as expert power and referent power, a stronger
emotional bond can be created with the employee, boosting affective commitment. The effective use of
such power should increase job satisfaction and a sense of trust in the leader, all of which are associated
with increased commitment levels.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-07 How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Topic: How Important Are Power And Influence?

29. Repeated uses of coercive power or repeated reliance on hard influence tactics such as pressure or
(p. 435) coalitions could actually increase organizational commitment levels.


An ineffective use of power can also decrease commitment levels. In particular, repeated uses of
coercive power or repeated reliance on hard influence tactics such as pressure or coalitions could actually
decrease organizational commitment levels.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-07 How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Topic: How Important Are Power And Influence?
30. Power and influence have a moderate negative effect on organizational commitment.
(p. 437)

Power and influence can have a moderate positive effect on commitment. The use of personal forms of
power, such as expert and referent, is associated with increased affective commitment.

Refer To: Figure 13-7

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-07 How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Topic: How Important Are Power And Influence?

Multiple Choice Questions

31. Which of the following refers to the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers
(p. 418) toward goal achievement?

A. Pressure
B. Administration
C. Ingratiation
D. Leadership
E. Sustainability

Leadership can be defined as the use of power and influence to direct the activities of followers toward
goal achievement. That direction can affect followers' interpretation of events, the organization of their
work activities, their commitment to key goals, their relationships with other followers, and their access
to cooperation and support from other work units.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-01 What is leadership; and what role does power play in leadership?
Topic: Leadership: Power and Negotiation
32. _____ can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to resist unwanted influence in
(p. 419) return.

A. Pressure
B. Power
C. Ingratiation
D. Leadership
E. Force

Power can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in
return. Just because a person has the ability to influence others does not mean he or she will actually
choose to do so. In many organizations, the most powerful employees don't even realize how influential
they could be.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-01 What is leadership; and what role does power play in leadership?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

33. Major types of power can be grouped along two dimensions:

(p. 419)

A. internal and external.

B. personal and social.
C. organizational and personal.
D. professional and organizational.
E. upward and downward.

Power in organizations can come from a number of different sources. There are five major types of
power that can be grouped along two dimensions: organizational power and personal power.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
34. Organizational power includes:
(p. 419)

A. legitimate, expert, and referent power.

B. reward, expert, and referent power.
C. coercive, reward, and expert power.
D. reward, expert, and legitimate power.
E. coercive, legitimate, and reward power.

The three types of organizational power derive primarily from a person's position within the
organization. These types of power are considered more formal in nature. Legitimate power derives from
a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred to as "formal authority." Reward
power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. Coercive
power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization.

Refer To: Figure 13-1

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

35. Personal power includes:

(p. 419)

A. expert and referent power.

B. reward and expert power.
C. coercive and reward power.
D. reward and legitimate power.
E. coercive and legitimate power.

There's something else about people, which provides them additional capabilities to influence others.
Personal forms of power capture that "something else." Expert power derives from a person's expertise,
skill, or knowledge on which others depend. Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify
and be associated with a person. This desire is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty
toward a specific individual.

Refer To: Figure 13-1

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
36. _____ power is derived from a position of authority inside the organization.
(p. 420)

A. Legitimate
B. Structural
C. Personal
D. Expert
E. Referent

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred
to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational
chart or on their door.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

37. Which type of power is sometimes referred to as "formal authority"?

(p. 420)

A. Structural
B. Personal
C. Legitimate
D. Referent
E. Expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred
to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational
chart or on their door.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
38. Martin George is the vice president (Finance) of Rutherford Inc. His position and title in the company
(p. 420) gives him _____ power.

A. collaborative
B. diplomatic
C. substitutable
D. referent
E. legitimate

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred
to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational
chart or on their door.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

39. Joanne is the store manager at Glitter, a jewelry store. New merchandise has arrived which needs to be
(p. 420) priced and displayed soon, before the festive season. She asks all the sales staff to stay back after work
hours to get this task done. Joanne is exercising her _____ power that she gets from her position of

A. reward
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred
to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title—some term on an organizational
chart or on their door.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
40. All the statements below are true about legitimate power EXCEPT:
(p. 420)

A. people with legitimate power have an organizational title.

B. people with legitimate power have the right to ask others to do things that are within the scope of
their authority.
C. the higher up in an organization a person is, the more legitimate power he or she generally possesses.
D. people with legitimate power have a desire to identify and be associated with a specific individual.
E. it can be a very weak form of power if used ineffectively.

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

41. _____ power exists when someone has control over the resources another person wants.
(p. 421)

A. Reward
B. Personal
C. Coercive
D. Referent
E. Expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. For
example, managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, more desirable
job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
42. Leah wants to upgrade her skills and approaches Timothy, the HR manager, to try and convince him to
(p. 421) send her for the Advanced Negotiation and Portfolio Management Training programme. Timothy has
which of the following powers?

A. Coercive
B. Personal
C. Reward
D. Referent
E. Expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants. For
example, managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards, more desirable
job assignments, and the resources an employee might require to perform a job effectively.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

43. Which type of power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization?
(p. 421)

A. Reward
B. Legitimate
C. Coercive
D. Referent
E. Expert

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power
operates primarily on the principle of fear.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
44. Which type of power operates primarily on the principle of fear?
(p. 421)

A. Legitimate
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Referent
E. Coercive

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power
operates primarily on the principle of fear.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

45. _____ power is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use regularly, because it tends to result in
(p. 421) negative feelings toward those that wield it.

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate

Coercive power exists when a person has control over punishments in an organization. Coercive power
operates primarily on the principle of fear. It is generally regarded as a poor form of power to use
regularly, because it tends to result in negative feelings toward those that wield it.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
46. Which type of power is derived from a person's skill or knowledge on which others depend?
(p. 421)

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate

Expert power derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend. When
people have a track record of high performance, the ability to solve problems, or specific knowledge that
is necessary to accomplish tasks, they are more likely to be able to influence other people who need that

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

47. Jake is well-known for his excellent diagnoses of skin-related problems. The other dermatologists in the
(p. 421) hospital where he works often consult him when dealing with difficult cases. This gives Jake _____
power in the hospital.

A. coercive
B. structural
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

Expert power derives from a person's expertise, skill, or knowledge on which others depend. When
people have a track record of high performance, the ability to solve problems, or specific knowledge that
is necessary to accomplish tasks, they are more likely to be able to influence other people who need that

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
48. _____ power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person.
(p. 421)

A. Referent
B. Expert
C. Reward
D. Coercive
E. Legitimate

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

49. Andrew, the Student Body President, is very popular in his college and is admired by both the professors
(p. 421) and students for his balanced approach to any task or issue. He is very creative and also a good
sportsman. He is a role model for all the students in the college and often leads by example. Andrew's
popularity gives him _____ power in his college.

A. coercive
B. collaborative
C. reward
D. referent
E. structural

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
50. Roger Federer is an icon in tennis. Many aspiring tennis players try to emulate him. Federer's iconic
(p. 421) status gives him _____ power.

A. coercive
B. structural
C. reward
D. referent
E. collaborative

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

51. Bill Gates commands the respect and admiration of people around the world for his achievements in
(p. 421) information technology as well as for his philanthropy. Many people who admire him try to emulate his
actions. He clearly wields _____ power.

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. structural

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
52. The degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources refers to:
(p. 422)

A. centrality.
B. discretion.
C. substitutability.
D. ingratiation.
E. visibility

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that
control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

53. Leaders that control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater
(p. 422) influence. This is associated with which of the following contingency factors?

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that
control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
54. Richard is the head of the finance department at Sportz Inc., a company specializing in sports goods. He
(p. 422) has the sole authority to grant or deny the release of funds for any marketing strategy proposed by the
marketing team in the company. Which contingency factor gives Richard the power to influence the
members of the marketing team?

A. Persuasion
B. Internalization
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that
control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

55. Discretion is defined as:

(p. 422)

A. the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources.

B. the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own.
C. the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the
D. the degree of importance of a person's job and how many people depend on that person to
accomplish their tasks.
E. the level of awareness others have of a leader's power and position.

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers
are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
56. Rebecca is the head of the primary department at La Perouse High School. She believes that children
(p. 422) will absorb and retain more information if they are taken on educational tours and field trips. But the
school's rules and policies do not encourage such activities and Rebecca feels her endeavor to improve
the children's education is being stifled. This low degree of _____ is reducing Rebecca's ability to
influence others.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers
are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

57. Nathan is the administrative manager at Woodlands, Inc. The organizational procedures and policies of
(p. 422) the company prevent Nathan from implementing many of his ideas to increase efficiency. This indicates
a low degree of _____, which reduces Nathan's ability to influence others.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers
are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
58. _____ represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to
(p. 422) accomplish their tasks.

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

Centrality represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to
accomplish their tasks. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a
greater ability to use their power to influence others.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

59. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a greater ability to use their
(p. 422) power to influence others. These leaders are exhibiting the contingency factor called _____.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

Centrality represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to
accomplish their tasks. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a
greater ability to use their power to influence others.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
60. "Insisting on compliance if appropriate" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.
(p. 423)

A. personal
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

When using legitimate power, one should make polite, clear requests, explain the reason for the request,
not exceed one's scope of authority, follow up to verify compliance, and insist on compliance if

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

61. "Avoid promising more than you can deliver" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.
(p. 423)

A. coercive
B. personal
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

When using reward power, one should offer the types of rewards people desire, offer rewards that are
fair and ethical, and not promise more than one can deliver.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
62. "Responding to infractions promptly and without favoritism" is a suggested guideline for using _____
(p. 423) power.

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

When using coercive power, one should respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, and use
punishments that are legitimate, fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

63. "Providing evidence that a proposal will be successful" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.
(p. 423)

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

When using expert power, one should explain the reasons for a request and why it's important, provide
evidence that a proposal will be successful, and not make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
64. "Using sincere forms of ingratiation" is a suggested guideline for using _____ power.
(p. 423)

A. coercive
B. legitimate
C. reward
D. referent
E. expert

When using referent power, one should show acceptance and positive regard, act supportive and helpful,
use sincere forms of ingratiation, and defend and back up people when appropriate.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

65. Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using coercive power?
(p. 423)

A. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Provide ample warnings.
D. Listen seriously to a person's concerns and suggestions.
E. Act confidently and decisively in a crisis.

When using coercive power, one should ensure people understand the serious consequences of
violations, respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, investigate to get facts before
following through, provide ample warnings, and use punishments that are legitimate, fair, and
commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
66. Which of the following is a suggested guideline for using expert power?
(p. 423)

A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism.
D. Follow up to verify compliance.
E. Provide ample warnings.

When using expert power, one should explain the reasons for a request and why it's important, provide
evidence that a proposal will be successful, not make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements, not
exaggerate or misrepresent the facts, listen seriously to a person's concerns and suggestions, and act
confidently and decisively in a crisis.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

67. Laura heads the administrative department in a hospital. Her job involves ensuring that work in the
(p. 423) hospital runs smoothly, managing the staff, inventory management, and maintaining the requisite
standard in hospital hygiene and patient care. As her work often involves situations that demand the use
of coercive power, which of the following guidelines must Laura follow?

A. Ensure people understand the serious consequences of violations.

B. Avoid rash, careless, or inconsistent statements.
C. Avoid using rewards in a manipulative fashion.
D. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent facts.
E. Provide evidence that a proposal will be successful.

When using coercive power, one should explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the
serious consequences of violations, respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, investigate
to get facts before following through, provide ample warnings, and use punishments that are legitimate,
fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance.

Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
68. _____ is how aware others are of a leader's power and position.
(p. 423)

A. Centrality
B. Discretion
C. Substitutability
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a
certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

69. Mathew is one of the top attorneys at his law firm. His brilliance in handling some of the most difficult
(p. 423) and high-profile cases has earned him fame far and wide and he wields considerable influence in the
running of the firm. Mathew's high degree of _____ ensures that he has considerable power to influence

A. internalization
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a
certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
70. In the context of the contingency factor of visibility, a leader's ability to influence others increases
(p. 424) when:

A. there are no substitutes for the rewards or resources the leader controls.
B. the leader's role is important and interdependent with others in the organization.
C. the leader has the freedom to make decisions without being restrained by rules.
D. others know about the leader and the resources he or she can provide.
E. rewards are used in a manipulative fashion.

Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a
certain level of power, the ability to use that power to influence others is likely to be high.

Refer To: Table 13-3

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

71. _____ is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others.
(p. 424)

A. Influence
B. Discretion
C. Power
D. Internalization
E. Visibilit

Influence is the use of an actual behavior that causes behavioral or attitudinal changes in others.
Influence can be seen as directional. It most frequently occurs downward. Influence is all relative. The
absolute power of the "influencer" and "influencee" isn't as important as the disparity between them.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
72. _____ is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that a request is a worthwhile
(p. 424) one.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Internalization
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Visibilit

Rational persuasion is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a
worthwhile one.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

73. Just before the final football game of the season, the captain of the team made an emotional appeal to all
(p. 424) his teammates to win the last game for their coach, who passed away recently. Which of the following
influence tactics did the captain use?

A. Rational appeal
B. Inspirational appeal
C. Consultation
D. Collaboration
E. Coalition

Inspirational appeal is a tactic designed to appeal to a target's values and ideals, thereby creating an
emotional or attitudinal reaction. To use this tactic effectively, leaders must have insight into what kinds
of things are important to the target.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
74. To influence others using _____, leaders must have insight into the kinds of things are important to the
(p. 424) target.

A. rational persuasion
B. inspirational appeals
C. consultation
D. internalization
E. pressure tactics

Inspirational appeal is a tactic designed to appeal to the target's values and ideals, thereby creating an
emotional or attitudinal reaction. To use this tactic effectively, leaders must have insight into what kinds
of things are important to the target.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

75. Which of the following influence tactics increases commitment from the target who has a stake in seeing
(p. 424) that his or her opinions were right?

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeals
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Exchange

Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a
request. This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her
opinions were right.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
76. _____ involves the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or removing obstacles
(p. 424) that make task completion difficult.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeal
C. Collaboration
D. Ingratiation
E. Internalization

A leader uses collaboration by attempting to make it easier for the target to complete a request.
Collaboration could involve the leader helping complete the task, providing required resources, or
removing obstacles that make task completion difficult.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

77. The dean of a reputed B-school has decided to pursue a coveted accreditation for the college. To get the
(p. 424) faculty's buy-in and support, he has created a faculty-driven process whereby members of the faculty
participate and carry out the accreditation process under his guidance. This approach has increased the
commitment of the faculty, who now have a stake in seeing the process succeed and the goal of
accreditation accomplished. Identify the influence tactic used by the dean.

A. Rational persuasion
B. Personal appeals
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Exchange

Consultation occurs when the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a
request. This tactic increases commitment from the target, who now has a stake in seeing that his or her
opinions were right.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
78. _____ is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about the
(p. 424) influencer.

A. Centrality
B. Personal appeal
C. Consultation
D. Ingratiation
E. Internalization

Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about
the influencer. Ingratiation has been shown to be more effective when used as a long-term strategy and
not nearly as effective when used immediately prior to making an influence attempt.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

79. "Sucking up" refers to which of the following influence tactics?

(p. 424)

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeals
E. Exchange

Ingratiation is the use of favors, compliments, or friendly behavior to make the target feel better about
the influencer. You might more commonly hear this referred to as "sucking up," especially when used in
an upward influence sense.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
80. Gregory is a manager in an insurance company and heads a team of 30 agents. In order to meet the
(p. 425) company's target, every agent needs to increase his or her target for the month by 15 percent. Gregory
promises his agents a bonus if the company's target is met. Which influence tactic is Gregory using?

A. Pressure
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Exchange

An exchange tactic is used when the requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for
performing a request. This type of request requires that the requestor have something of value to offer.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

81. Which of the following occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit
(p. 425) the target personally?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Exchange

Apprising occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing a request will benefit the target
personally. It differs from rational persuasion in that it focuses solely on the benefit to the target as
opposed to simple logic or benefits to the group or organization.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
82. Which of the following is the use of coercive power through threats and demands?
(p. 425)

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Centrality
E. Pressure

Pressure is the use of coercive power through threats and demands. Such coercion is a poor way to
influence others and may only bring benefits over the short term.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

83. In order to bring Steven, the marketing manager, on board with the idea of introducing a line of new
(p. 425) products at Gold Coffee, Bree, the operations manager, enlisted the help of Natalie and Noah, the top
two salespeople at the company. Bree is using which of the following influence tactics?

A. Apprising
B. Ingratiation
C. Coalition
D. Personal appeal
E. Pressure

Coalitions occur when an influencer enlists other people to help influence the target. These people could
be peers, subordinates, or one of the target's superiors. Coalitions are generally used in combination with
one of the other tactics effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
84. Which of the following occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the
(p. 426) influence request?

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Collaboration
E. Internalization

Internalization occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence
request. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest
level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the
behaviors and the attitudes of employees.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

85. _____ reflects a shift in both the behaviors and the attitudes of employees. For a leader, this is the best
(p. 426) outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest level of effort in accomplishing what
they are asked to do.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Collaboration
E. Internalization

Internalization occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence
request. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest
level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the
behaviors and the attitudes of employees.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
86. _____ reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their attitudes.
(p. 426)

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement

Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do to what the leader asks, but they do it with
a degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

87. _____ reflects neither a shift in the employees' behaviors nor their attitudes.
(p. 426-

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement

Resistance occurs when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to
avoid having to do it. Employee resistance could come in the form of making excuses, trying to influence
the requestor in return, or simply refusing to carry out the request. Resistance is most likely when the
influencer's power is low relative to the target or when the request itself is inappropriate or unreasonable.

Refer To: Figure 13-3

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
88. _____ occurs when the targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a
(p. 426) degree of ambivalence.

A. Resistance
B. Ingratiation
C. Compliance
D. Internalization
E. Engagement

Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do to what the leader asks, but they do it with
a degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the behaviors of employees but not their

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

89. When actions by individuals in an organization are directed toward the goal of furthering their own self-
(p. 427) interests, it is termed as _____.

A. leadership
B. internalization
C. negotiation
D. organizational politics
E. substitutability

Organizational politics can be seen as actions by individuals that are directed toward the goal of
furthering their own self-interests. A leader needs to be able to push his or her ideas and influence others
through the use of organizational politics.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
90. Which of the following refers to the ability to effectively understand others at work and to use that
(p. 427) knowledge to influence others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives?

A. Conceptual skill
B. Ingratiation
C. Political skill
D. Negotiation
E. Technical skill

Political skill is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence
others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives. Two aspects of political skill are
networking ability, or an adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts, and social astuteness,
or the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

91. The tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior is termed as _____.
(p. 427)

A. social astuteness
B. networking ability
C. interpersonal influence
D. apparent sincerity
E. visibilit

Social astuteness is a characteristic of political skill, which is described as the tendency to observe others
and accurately interpret their behavior.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
92. Which of the following is a personal characteristic that fosters organizational politics?
(p. 429)

A. Need for power

B. Limited resources
C. Ambiguity in roles
D. High performance pressure
E. Unclear performance evaluations

Some employees have a strong need for power that provides them with an incentive to engage in political
behaviors. Still others have "Machiavellian" tendencies, meaning that they are willing to manipulate and
deceive others to acquire power.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

93. Some employees are willing to manipulate and deceive others to acquire power. Which of the following
(p. 429) tendencies do such employees have?

A. Ingratiating tendencies
B. Egoistic tendencies
C. Machiavellian tendencies
D. Central tendencies
E. Narcissistic tendencies

People with "Machiavellian" tendencies manipulate and deceive others to acquire power.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
94. High assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?
(p. 430)

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to
conflict management.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

95. Low assertiveness and low cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?
(p. 430)

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
96. Low assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?
(p. 430)

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

97. High assertiveness and high cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?
(p. 430)

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
98. In a conflict situation, when John attempts to get his own goals met without concern for the other party,
(p. 430) he is utilizing which of the following conflict resolution styles?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to
conflict management.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

99. Which style of conflict resolution is considered as a win-lose approach?

(p. 430)

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to
conflict management.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
100. Which conflict resolution style occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational power
(p. 430) and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to
conflict management. Competing occurs most often when one party has high levels of organizational
power and can use legitimate or coercive power to settle the conflict.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

101. Which conflict resolution style is best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and
(p. 430) a quick decision needs to be made?

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. It could be considered a win-lose approach to
conflict management. It's best used in situations in which the leader knows he or she is right and a quick
decision needs to be made.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
102. Which style of conflict resolution is considered a lose-lose approach?
(p. 430)

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down. Avoiding usually
results in an unfavorable result for everyone.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

103. Which of the following can never really resolve a conflict?

(p. 430)

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down. Most important,
avoiding never really resolves the conflict.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
104. _____ occurs when one party wants to remain neutral or stay away from conflict to let things cool down.
(p. 430)

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

105. Meredith and Sally had a major argument while designing the interiors of a restaurant. The conflict was
(p. 430) finally settled when Meredith gave in completely to Sally in an unselfish manner. In this situation,
Meredith used the _____ style of conflict resolution.

A. accommodating
B. compromise
C. collaborating
D. competing
E. avoiding

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
106. Which conflict resolution style is typically used by leaders when an issue is really not that important to
(p. 430) them but is very important to the other party?

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way. Leaders will typically use an accommodating strategy when the issue
is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party. It's also an important strategy
to think about when the leader has less power than the other party.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

107. Which style of conflict resolution is considered a win-win approach?

(p. 430)

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Accommodating

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize
outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
108. Which style of conflict resolution occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes?
(p. 430)

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize
outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

109. Which style of conflict resolution is generally regarded as the most effective?
(p. 430-

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize
outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. Collaboration is generally
regarded as the most effective form of conflict resolution, especially in reference to task-oriented rather
than personal conflicts.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
110. Which form of conflict resolution requires the complete sharing of information by both parties, a full
(p. 431) discussion of concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work together to maximize
outcomes. Collaboration is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution. However, it's also the most
difficult to come by because it requires full sharing of information by both parties, a full discussion of
concerns, relatively equal power between parties, and a lot of time investment to arrive at a resolution.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

111. Moderate assertiveness and moderate cooperation represent which style of conflict resolution?
(p. 431)

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through
give-and-take concessions.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
112. Which form of conflict resolution is the most common?
(p. 431)

A. Accommodating
B. Compromise
C. Collaboration
D. Competing
E. Avoiding

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through
give-and-take concessions. Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution,
whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution,
maintains relations between parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

113. An accommodating conflict resolution style should be used:

(p. 431)

A. when quick decisive action is vital.

B. on important issues for which unpopular actions need implementation.
C. on issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right.
D. against people who take advantage of noncompetitive people.
E. to build social credits for later issues.

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way. It should be used to build social credits for later issues.

Refer To: Table 13-4

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
114. A competing style of conflict resolution should be used:
(p. 431)

A. when an issue is trivial.

B. when potential disruption outweighs the benefits of resolution.
C. for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right.
D. to let people cool down and regain perspective.
E. when others can resolve the conflict more effectively.

Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party attempts to get his or her own
goals met without concern for the other party's results. A competing style of conflict resolution should be
used for issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right.

Refer To: Table 13-4

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

115. A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used during which of the following situations?
(p. 431)

A. When an issue is trivial

B. To merge insights from people with different perspectives
C. On issues vital to company welfare when you know you are right
D. When goals are important but not worth the effort of potential disruption
E. When others can resolve the conflict more effectively

A collaborative conflict resolution style should be used to merge insights from people with different
perspectives. Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when both parties work
together to maximize outcomes. It is seen as a win-win form of conflict resolution.

Refer To: Table 13-4

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
116. A process in which two or more independent individuals discuss and attempt to come to an agreement
(p. 432) about their different preferences refers to:

A. ingratiation.
B. negotiation.
C. substitutability.
D. coalition.
E. internalization.

Negotiation is a process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to come to
an agreement about their different preferences. Negotiations can take place inside the organization or
when dealing with organizational outsiders. Negotiations can involve settling a contract dispute between
labor and management.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

117. Which of the following involves a win-lose negotiation over a "fixed-pie" of resources?
(p. 433)

A. Substitutability
B. Ingratiation
C. Distributive bargaining
D. Coalition building
E. Integrative bargaining

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one
person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition).

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
118. In distributive bargaining, when one person gains, the other person loses. This is also known as a:
(p. 433)

A. total-sum condition.
B. partial-sum condition.
C. positive-sum condition.
D. zero-sum condition.
E. negative-sum condition.

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one
person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition).

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

119. Distributive bargaining is similar in nature to which of the following approaches to conflict resolution?
(p. 433)

A. Avoiding
B. Compromise
C. Competing
D. Collaboration
E. Accommodating

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one
person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition). Distributive bargaining is
similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
120. _____ is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario by using problem solving and mutual respect to
(p. 434) achieve an outcome that is satisfying to both parties.

A. Substitutability
B. Ingratiation
C. Distributive bargaining
D. Coalition building
E. Integrative bargaining

Integrative bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario. It involves the use of problem
solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that is satisfying for both parties.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

121. Power and influence have a _____ effect on job performance and organizational commitment.
(p. 437)

A. moderate positive
B. strong negative
C. moderate negative
D. strong positive
E. weak positive

Power and influence have a moderate positive effect on performance. When used effectively, they can
increase engagement and compliance, which facilitates task performance. Power and influence can have
a moderate positive effect on commitment. The use of personal forms of power, such as expert and
referent, is associated with increased affective commitment.

Refer To: Figure 13-7

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Learning Objective: 13-07 How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Topic: How Important Are Power And Influence?
122. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
(p. 420) Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages
her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at
PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is
simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned
several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other
employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Given her position as the department manager, Lisa has _____ power.

A. personal
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

Legitimate power derives from a position of authority inside the organization and is sometimes referred
to as "formal authority." People with legitimate power have some title. Lisa is the department manager
and this shows that she possesses legitimate powers.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
123. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
(p. 421) Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages
her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at
PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is
simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned
several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other
employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Carl commands _____ power.

A. reward
B. legitimate
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

Referent power exists when others have a desire to identify and be associated with a person. This desire
is generally derived from affection, admiration, or loyalty toward a specific individual. Andy indicates
that he is simply trying to emulate Carl who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and this
shows that Carl commands referent power.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
124. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
(p. 421) Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages
her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at
PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is
simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned
several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other
employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

When Lisa gives Andy his preferred shift, she is exhibiting _____ power.

A. reward
B. personal
C. coercive
D. referent
E. expert

Reward power exists when someone has control over the resources or rewards another person wants.
Lisa gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at PCH along with an
employee of the month award. This shows that Lisa possesses reward power.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
125. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
(p. 422) Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages
her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at
PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is
simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned
several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other
employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Lisa's freedom to make her own decisions is indicative of the _____ contingency factor of power.

A. centrality
B. discretion
C. substitutability
D. ingratiation
E. visibilit

Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers
are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced. Lisa is
given absolute freedom in running her department. This shows that Lisa has a high degree of discretion.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
126. Scenario: Palliative Care Home
(p. 425) Andy, Ben, and Carl are employees at Palliative Care Home (PCH). They report to Lisa who is the
department manager. Lisa has a tremendous amount of freedom to make decisions on how she manages
her employees. She recently gave Andy the preferred shift for his outstanding service to the patients at
PCH, along with an employee-of-the-month award. In his acceptance speech, Andy indicated he is
simply trying to emulate Carl, who is liked by all the patients at PCH. He admires Carl and has learned
several things about the job by just observing him. Ben, feeling left out, has started to enlist other
employees in the department to help influence Lisa for next month's award.

Ben is utilizing the _____ influence tactic on Lisa, to win the employee-of-the-month award for the
following month.

A. pressure
B. ingratiation
C. coalition
D. personal appeal
E. exchange

Coalitions occur when the influencer enlists other people to help influence the target. These people could
be peers, subordinates, or one of the target's superiors. Ben has started to enlist other employees in the
department to help influence Lisa for next month's award. This shows that Ben is utilizing coalition.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
127. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
(p. 424) Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company
producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to
be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced.
Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the
arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to
Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her
choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to
one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices.

Which influence tactic could Shirley, who is the most experienced in the team, have used to convince the
others of her choice?

A. Rational persuasion
B. Ingratiation
C. Personal appeals
D. Pressure
E. Exchange

Rational persuasion is the use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a
worthwhile one. Research shows that rational persuasion is most effective when it helps show that the
proposal is important and feasible. Shirley could have used her experience and knowledge to support her
choice and convince other members in the team.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
128. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
(p. 430) Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company
producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to
be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced.
Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the
arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to
Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her
choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to
one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices.

Linda used the _____ style to resolve the conflict between Shirley and her.

A. competing
B. compromising
C. avoiding
D. accommodating
E. collaborating

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way. It's also an important strategy to think about when the leader has less
power than the other party.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
129. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
(p. 430) Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company
producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to
be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced.
Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the
arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to
Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her
choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to
one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices.

Samuel, who chose to remain neutral, adopted which style of conflict resolution?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation) occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay away
from conflict, or postpone the conflict to gather information or let things cool down.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
130. Scenario: City Place, Inc.
(p. 431) Samuel, Linda, Shirley, and Matt are part of the project team at Ltronix International, a company
producing home appliances. They had been assigned the task of selecting two out of five new products to
be introduced in the next quarter. The team is at conflict over the choice of products to be introduced.
Samuel, who is uncomfortable with confrontations, chooses to remain neutral by staying away from the
arguments. Linda and Shirley had a few arguments which were finally resolved when Linda gave in to
Shirley's demands. Shirley who was the most experienced among the four continued to insist on her
choice. Matt was equally adamant about his choice. Finally, to resolve the situation, Shirley agreed to
one of Matt's choice of products in exchange for one of her choices.

Which style did Shirley use to resolve her conflict with Matt?

A. Competing
B. Avoiding
C. Collaboration
D. Compromise
E. Accommodating

Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through
give-and-take concessions. Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution,
whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution,
maintains relations between parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

Essay Questions
131. Define power. Compare and contrast organizational powers and personal powers.
(p. 419-

Power can be defined as the ability to influence the behavior of others and resist unwanted influence in
Organizational powers are legitimate, reward, and coercive powers. They are derived primarily from a
person's position. Personal power refers to expert and referent power. It is possible for a person to
possess all the forms of power at the same time; however; generally speaking, personal forms of power
are more strongly related to organizational commitment and job performance than are the organizational

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

132. Describe the guidelines for using different types of power.

(p. 423)

There are five major types of power, namely legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, and referent power.
When using legitimate power, one should make polite, clear requests, explain the reason for the request,
not exceed one's scope of authority, follow up to verify compliance, and insist on compliance if
To use reward power, one should offer the types of rewards people desire, offer rewards that are fair and
ethical, not promise more than one can deliver, explain the criteria for giving rewards and keep it simple,
provide rewards as promised if requirements are met, and not use rewards in a manipulative fashion.
When using coercive power, one should explain rules and requirements and ensure people understand the
serious consequences of violations, respond to infractions promptly and without favoritism, investigate
to get facts before following through, provide ample warnings, and use punishments that are legitimate,
fair, and commensurate with the seriousness of noncompliance.
While using expert power, one should explain the reasons for a request and why it's important, provide
evidence that a proposal will be successful, not make rash, careless, or inconsistent statements, not
exaggerate or misrepresent the facts, listen seriously to the person's concerns and suggestions, and act
confidently and decisively in a crisis.
To use referent power, one should show acceptance and positive regard, act supportive and helpful, use
sincere forms of ingratiation, defend and back up people when appropriate, perform unsolicited favors,
make self-sacrifices to show concern, and keep promises.

Feedback: Refer To: Table 13-2

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
133. Name the four contingencies of power and explain how they affect a leader's ability to influence others.
(p. 422-

The four contingencies of power are: substitutability, centrality, discretion, and visibility.
Substitutability is the degree to which people have alternatives in accessing resources. Leaders that
control resources to which no one else has access can use their power to gain greater influence.
Discretion is the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own. If managers
are forced to follow organizational policies and rules, their ability to influence others is reduced.
Centrality represents how important a person's job is and how many people depend on that person to
accomplish their tasks. Leaders who perform critical tasks and interact with others regularly have a
greater ability to use their power to influence others. Visibility is how aware others are of a leader's
power and position. If everyone knows that a leader has a certain level of power, the ability to use that
power to influence others is likely to be high.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-02 What are the different types of power that leaders possess; and when can they use those types most effectively?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

134. Differentiate between inspirational appeal and personal appeal.

(p. 424-

An inspirational appeal is a tactic designed to appeal to the target's values and ideals, thereby creating an
emotional or attitudinal reaction. To use this tactic effectively, leaders must have insight into what kinds
of things are important to the target.
Personal appeals occur when the requestor asks for something based on personal friendship or loyalty.
The stronger the friendship, the more successful the attempt is likely to be.
Inspirational appeals are considered more effective than personal appeals.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
135. Distinguish between internalization and compliance.
(p. 426)

Internalization occurs when the target of influence agrees with and becomes committed to the influence
request. For a leader, this is the best outcome, because it results in employees putting forth the greatest
level of effort in accomplishing what they are asked to do. Internalization reflects a shift in both the
behaviors and the attitudes of employees. Compliance occurs when targets of influence are willing to do
what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence. Compliance reflects a shift in the
behaviors of employees but not their attitudes. This behavior is the most common response to influence
attempts in organizations, because anyone with some degree of power who makes a reasonable request is
likely to achieve compliance. That response allows leaders to accomplish their purpose, but it doesn't
bring about the highest levels of employee effort and dedication.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-03 What behaviors do leaders exhibit when trying to influence others; and which of these is most effective?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

136. What is political skill? Explain the different aspects of political skill.
(p. 427-

Political skill is the ability to effectively understand others at work and use that knowledge to influence
others in ways that enhance personal and/or organizational objectives. There are four aspects of political

• Networking ability is the adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts.

• Social astuteness is the tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behavior.
• Interpersonal influence involves having an unassuming and convincing personal style that's flexible
enough to adapt to different situations.
• Apparent sincerity involves appearing to others to have high levels of honesty and genuineness.

Taken together, these four skills provide a distinct advantage when navigating the political environments
in organizations.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-04 What is organizational politics; and when is political behavior most likely to occur?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
137. Distinguish between the accommodating and compromising styles of conflict resolution.
(p. 430-

Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation) occurs when one party gives in to the other and
acts in a completely unselfish way. Leaders will typically use an accommodating strategy when the issue
is really not that important to them but is very important to the other party. It's also an important strategy
to think about when the leader has less power than the other party. If leaders know they are going to lose
the conflict due to their lack of power anyway, it might be a better long-term strategy to give in to the
demands from the other party.
Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation) occurs when conflict is resolved through
give-and-take concessions. Compromise is perhaps the most common form of conflict resolution,
whereby each party's losses are offset by gains and vice versa. It is seen as an easy form of resolution,
maintains relations between parties, and generally results in favorable evaluations for the leader.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Learning Objective: 13-05 How do leaders use their power and influence to resolve conflicts in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?

138. Distinguish between distributive bargaining and integrative bargaining.

(p. 433-

Distributive bargaining involves win-lose negotiating over a "fixed-pie" of resources. That is, when one
person gains, the other person loses (also known as a "zero-sum" condition). Distributive bargaining is
similar in nature to a competing approach to conflict resolution. Some of the most visible negotiations
that have traditionally been approached with a distributive bargaining tactic are union-management labor
Integrative bargaining is aimed at accomplishing a win-win scenario. It involves the use of problem
solving and mutual respect to achieve an outcome that's satisfying for both parties. Leaders who
thoroughly understand the conflict resolution style of collaboration are likely to thrive in these types of
negotiations. In general, integrative bargaining is a preferable strategy whenever possible, because it
allows a long-term relationship to form between the parties (because neither side feels like the loser). In
addition, integrative bargaining has a tendency to produce a higher level of outcome favorability when
both parties' views are considered, compared with distributive bargaining. Integrative bargaining is most
appropriate in situations in which multiple outcomes are possible, there is an adequate level of trust, and
parties are willing to be flexible.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
139. Describe the various stages in the negotiation process.
(p. 434)

The negotiating process typically goes through a series of stages namely, preparation, exchanging
information, bargaining, and closing and commitment.

• Preparation. Arguably the single most important stage of the negotiating process, during preparation
each party determines what its goals are for the negotiation and whether or not the other party has
anything to offer. Each party also should determine its best alternative to a negotiated agreement, or
BATNA. A BATNA describes each negotiator's bottom line. In other words, at what point are you
willing to walk away? At the BATNA point, a negotiator is actually better off not negotiating at all.
• Exchanging information. In this nonconfrontational process, each party makes a case for its position
and attempts to put all favorable information on the table. Each party also informs the other party how it
has arrived at the conclusions it has and which issues it believes are important. When the other party is
unfamiliar, this stage likely contains active listening and lots of questions. Studies show that successful
negotiators ask many questions and gather much information during this stage.
• Bargaining. This stage is the one most people imagine when they hear the term "negotiation." Success
at this stage depends mightily on how well the previous two stages have proceeded. The goal is for each
party to walk away feeling like it has gained something of value (regardless of the actual bargaining
strategy). During this stage, both parties likely must make concessions and give up something to get
something in return. To the degree that each party keeps the other party's concerns and motives in mind,
this stage will go much more smoothly.
• Closing and commitment. This stage entails the process of formalizing an agreement reached during the
previous stage. Ideally, there will be no issues or misconceptions about the agreement arrived at during
the bargaining stage. If they do exist, the negotiation process can regress back into the bargaining stage,
and the process starts all over again. The stage also might be simply a recognition that the parties ended
at an impasse with no agreement.

AACSB: Analytic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-06 What are the ways in which leaders negotiate in the workplace?
Topic: Why Are Some Leaders More Powerful Than Others?
140. Differentiate between mediation and arbitration.
(p. 437)

Mediation requires a third party to facilitate the dispute resolution process, though this third party has no
formal authority to dictate a solution. In essence, a mediator plays the role of a neutral, objective party
who listens to the arguments of each side and attempts to help two parties come to an agreement. In
serious, potentially litigious situations, trained mediators offer a relatively easy and quick way out of
difficult disputes.
Arbitration occurs when a third party determines a binding settlement to a dispute. The arbitrator can be
an individual or a group (board) whose job is to listen to the various arguments and then make a decision
about the solution to the conflict. In some ways, arbitration is much riskier for both parties, because the
outcome of the dispute rests solely in the arbitrator's hands. The arbitrator's role isn't to make everyone
happy but rather to arrive at the most equitable solution in his or her opinion.

AACSB: Reflective Thinking

Blooms: Analyze
Difficulty: 3 Hard
Learning Objective: 13-07 How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment?
Topic: Application: Alternative Dispute Resolution

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