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This meme is much more true than most truthers realise !.

Study to be “worthy” , to reveal the little g gods !.

“how can you command judgment , if you have no idea you can , or what names to use”?.
Indoctrination says ,”man must not command judgment”.
Why not ?.
Command the LAWd of spirit to judge , not us !
“It is mans GODS given dominion through the ether , LAWd of spirit”!!!!!!!
There is a reason , I ask people to study Enoch 1 research .
Because if you come with any indoctrination , you are going to have to throw it away !.
If you actually study real truth ?, you will willingly throw it away !.
That’s how the lies are designed across every culture and religion !.
“Jesus is total disempowering Jesuit invented bull shit”.
Cosmology and Enoch confirm beyond any doubt !.
Buddhist mantras are fallen angel names .
Hindu gave us Vedic circle bs .
Muslim was the same joo lie scribe invention 800ad !.
It amazes me !.
Just how scared man is to let go of their security “teddy bears” and grow the f##k up !.
Flat earth cosmology is in all the brain washing books , it has to be there , because it’s the truth !.
Liars needtruth to catch the true heart of man ..
“The creators ( plural ) is written on mans heart”.
Why all this effort of 5000+ years of total bs fakery ?.
Because man in its true spiritual dominion is much more powerful than the occult can defeat !.
Know ya enemy ...
man I get tired of brain washed stupidity ( from so called truth researchers )
The paid confusionists are in the millions on the internet and in your communities. Sold out for $$$$
before they knew what the cost was going to be !.

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