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Health and Safety Assessment is an important consideration in an organization. The
need to maintain a proper and safe workplace gives surmount of understanding
about employers' responsibility and duty towards the employees and others related.
While promoting concern to the fact, this report has presented a critical assessment
with the relevance for health and safety measures in the work environment and also
discusses the laws reflecting the duties. The main focus is given on the provision of
information about health and safety to the employees and thus serves the purpose of
ensuring the key contribution of the law "Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974" for
different work premises in England and Wales. The findings give a clear view of the
importance of this law and certainly reiterate the integral aspects regarding the Act
and the exercising power involved.

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................. 4

Study Background....................................................................................................4

Aim and Objectives..................................................................................................4

Literature Review........................................................................................................ 5

Documentary Review...............................................................................................5

Critical Appraisal......................................................................................................6

Recommendation and Conclusion..............................................................................9

Reference list............................................................................................................ 11


Study Background
Health and protection are associated with any legislation and regulations and failing
to adhere to the laws make individuals and companies susceptible to prosecution.
The protection of the well-being of workers, visitors, and consumers, and safety and
health are crucial. Workplaces that overlook enforcement of safety risks might lose
personnel and profitability. Employees are entitled to a safe and healthy working
environment. At first sight, some professions may seem less risky than others;
however, in all jobs, there are health issues. More focus on security in most risky
jobs is taken frequently therefore accidents occur less often than one would think. It
is important to consider each task separately and to develop work procedures that
mitigate the risk of harm or accident. The busy working schedule of most employees
is harmful and unfit. Combining long hours, disagreements between employees, and
pressure at work sometimes leads to stress. Work-related stress not only affects the
working life but also the domestic life of the individual. Employees can prevent these
unpleasant consequences and manage stress more efficiently in their workplace
through the use of relevant legislation. Much British legislation, directives, and rules
affect employee morale. Some of these are highly specialized and but not carefully
investigated. Some laws will be studied in this study that employees and employers
must be conscious of.

Aim and Objectives

This task demands a critical examination and discussion of the health and safety
legislation relevant in England & Wales for providing safety and health information.
The conventional use of the information linked to safety and health management
operations entails recognizing numerous procedures which have been established to
reduce incidental or inadvertent occurrences, as well as associated injuries and
particular illnesses to the employee.
● To recognize English legislation and carefully explain safety issues. This
research is related to health & wellbeing management and the regulations that
have intervened to overcome the health issues. This report has been adopted

with the consideration of the rules created by Wales and England to address
health and safety issues.
● To evaluate the procedural actions necessary to promote health and safety.
The purpose of this study is to discuss the legislation as well as the rules that
trigger the collateral management of a company's safety and health concerns.
The management system's safety and health provisions, with appropriate
information for employees should be imparted.

Literature Review

Documentary Review
The review of documentation for effective laws in the UK has been manifested in this
section regarding proper maintenance of health and safety in the workplace. The
"Health and Safety Commission" or HSC has conducted a typical review on the
regulator re-process for health and safety in 1994. The reflection has been given on
the fact that people show confusion within the difference created between guidance,
the code of practice, and the regulation. This particular document has aimed to
explain the suitability of each factor and its best-fitting ability. It is mainly implicated
to employers as well as the same employed individual but also induces interest
relevant to any individual who shows eagerness about health and safety laws in the
The understanding of relevant laws for the Health and Safety System in the
workplace gives an insight into how the regulatory process that the employers and
the employees incorporated within are managed with prime responsibility (Almond
and Esbester, 2018). This section has discussed the relevance of these laws for
efficient management of the health of every employee and the interpretation of their
safety with work. The basis for British Health and Safety law mainly highlights the
"Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974". It has also has set out some general duties
that the employers must retain their employees and the community as well.
Accordingly, the rules stated by the Act also reflect the duties that the employers
must commit for themselves and to others in the same position. The duties that are
qualified within the act are based upon the principle detrimental to "so far as is
reasonably practicable". In a more specific term, the employer would not have misled
measures about reducing the risk when it is ascertained the technical impossibilities

or time-lapse trouble as well as cost redundancy (O'Neill, 2020). Reflecting on the
issues the measures are then implicated as gross disproportionate towards the risk.
The basis of the law in such cases must meet practical considerations with good
management as well as the common sense of the employees so that they can
identify the risk with sensible measures and prior recognition.
The health and safety at work act of 1974 and the legislation related to the law have
been primarily enforced by the HSC or the local authorities present in England.
Accordingly the activities being carried out by the individual workplace is determined
by this authority as well (Nurimbetov and Zikriyoev, 2019). Additionally the "Health
and Safety Regulation 1998" has the necessary enforcement regarding health and
safety legislation based on different work premises within the association of local
authorities as well as HSC. The local authorities that have been enforced with the
law mainly regulate the distributaries, retail, and leisure as well as catering sectors.
The HSC liaises in close association with local authorities with the enforcement
adheres to the matters regarded by the "HSC/local authority enforcement Liaison
Committee '' or HELA. The enforcement associated with liaison officers and the
network involved with the regional offices of HSC that are present across Britain
promotes necessary advice and support. According to the estimation, there are
approximately 380 local authorities present in England, Scotland as well as in Wales
that have the prime responsibility of enforcing the health and safety legislation
among various workplaces or premises available in Britain. It includes the offices,
stores, retail sector as well as wholesale distribution shop, hotel and the catering
sector, petrol pump, care homes and also the leisure industry.
The rising incidents prior to the enactment of HSW Act of 1974 can be critically
evidenced from various sources which mainly emphasizes on the lay downs based
on “British Health and Safety Legislation” as prescriptive that has detailed the
minimum standards that need to be followed under working circumstances. It
includes temperature, ventilator, and proper handling of dangerous machinery. Much
less priority was given to the social or organizational arrangements like safe
committee, which can essentially promote awareness against hazards and also
promote safety in general. In early times of 1960, the inspectors and the officials
present in British government has increasingly voiced out their thoughts to
implement the arrangements (Sirrs, 2016). At the time some evidences has revealed
obscene circumstances in factories and industries where accidents while using

dangerous machineries became a common cause. The inspectors present in the
factories have highlighted the incidents which rise due to lack of safety measures in
various firms and the need of the employers to take legal responsibilities.
The contemplation of employers certain lacking in responses about the incidents
take turn into legal steps where the organization and the employers were questioned
about not fulfilling their duties for their employees and also restricted their ongoing
profession (Sirrs, 2016). Between the years, 1958-1961, the report from British
authority has presented a number of accidents under the Factory Act that had been
increased approximately to 13 percent.

Critical Appraisal
The critical contribution for health and safety in workplaces is regulated in a similar
way across every premise in Britain. There are different secretaries present in the
state that are responsible for the parliamentary act at Westminster regarding the
activities related to health and safety in different areas (Swallow and Zulu, 2019).
The state secretary as stated in one of the research has explained about its
contribution its regulation of the work and the pensions are answerable to the
parliament for HSE staffing as well as resources and other matters that can affect
the workers and also include major factors related to the matter of HSE activities.
However, certain exceptions can come across with the activities where specific
responsibilities are necessary for relevance to the secretary of state.
While discussing the “health and safety act, 1974”, Almond and Esbester (2018)
expressed that the law brought the theory of criminal responsibility. Up to the year
1974, if an accident happened at work therefore the individual worker had to sue the
employer, at her or his own expense, and seek to collect compensation. If effective,
this would frequently result in job loss. As a consequence, few staff members ever
intended to find "compensation", especially when their employer decided to keep
them on full pay when they recovered. Some fatalities can now be classified as
criminal negligence under the 1974 Act, as well as the State, defined by the
executive of safety and health or the inspectorate of factories can bring criminal trials
in such cases. The burden of proof was modified. In general, any individual is
presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The legislation as well as
subsequent acts enacted the standard of care in several cases, in which the mere
occurrence of an accident implied that the burden of proof dropped on the employer

to validate that she or he had not been irresponsible. The mere occurrence of an
accident constitutes evidence of carelessness in the eyes of the law. Then it relies
on the company to demonstrate that reasonable precautions were taken to avoid the
accident. It will not be relied on by the injured party to prove innocence. The third
modification was giving the Inspectorate the authority to enter the place of business
without any time-bound to conduct assessments and, if necessary, issue notice that
activities are unsafe. Usually, the Inspectors review the workplace environment only
with safety officers at the workplace. With the focus on global business, it has been
underpinned that the destruction in workers biorhythms and other task
responsibilities have created a huge impact. If a solution cannot be found, the
Inspector will issue an "improvement notice" or even a "prohibition notice".
With the onset of 1960, the British regulatory body has induced their attention on
social conditions related to every workplace. It has underpinned the likelihood of
general safety performance that was necessarily done in the firms (Sirrs, 2016). With
the legislation being remain fixated on the physical conditions, the industrial
revolution became a mandatory factor to bear the responsibilities for self action apart
from relying on the statutory intervention in the name of legislation, inspection and
prosecution. The need to promote education to the workers about their own safety
and others was predominantly supported with the prevalence of “human factors” as
part of accidental causes which mainly emphasizes on both individual and
psychological dimensions adjourned to a particular accident.
The consultation process that is acknowledged by HSC members while considering
a particular proposal regarding health and safety certainly includes those individuals
that can be affected by the decision and necessary interpret before the formal stage.
This certain process generally includes the network of advisory committees however
it extends with a wide aspect (Yanar et al. 2019). Within the regulatory process of the
health and safety executive of HSC, the policy that the workers use introduces the
expertise norms for the inspectors, the scientist, and the technologists to integrate
the processes into a proposal and thus shaping it to a practical form while consulting
with the local authorities. While focusing on the responsibilities it is also necessary to
understand that there are certain areas where risk or harm can have a direct or
indirect impact on the work activities, however, no such legislation of HSC can cover
that. These particular areas can only be covered by legislation apart from the Health
and Safety at Work Act. In this case, the information incorporated from the "Guide to

Health and Safety Regulation in Great Britain" states that the HSE legislation can
only be regulated in Great Britain, England and Wales. The health and safety system
as well as the legislation present in whales explains the similar regulator norms as
being present in England. The inspection of arrangements and the accountability that
involves the HSC regulatory practices and the involvement of Welsh Local
Authorities is about the same as in England. The Government of Welsh has included
power in relevant fields such as health, education, the environment, the fire, and the
rescue service with the consequence related to different arrangements required. The
involvement of various ministers and the stakeholders present in Wales regarding
consultation, engagement as well as the implementation of the changes in legislation
involves priority-based inspection and adoption of programs for the proper
development process.
The beliefs that were imposed thereafter with the ongoing causation of accidents in
1962, as part of the inspectors’ historic interpretation they were significantly
reinforced over the issues of 1960s (Sirrs, 2016). The statistical trend has revealed
the rising fatalities due to safety negligence in workplace were encountered apart
from the growing masses of laws. From the year 1959, there is a recognizable
increase in factory incidents and has reported coercively under the Factory Act.
Further, there was a continuous spike in the number during the year 1962. The
turmoil has been raised with a total of 264,649 accidents has accounted with the
highest record since the ending of Second World War. While understanding the
cause of this turmoil to be unknown, the inspectors have raised their suspicions with
increased level of industrial production and also the cold winter effect.
The health and safety at work act are mainly based upon the principle that severely
implies justification for those who can unreasonably create risk for the employees as
well as for others while carrying out different courses of activities in the workplaces
and are responsible for the controlling process in adherence to the risk. the act
induces specific responsibilities for the employers the sample self-employed
individuals and the employees the designers, the manufacturers the importers, and
the suppliers to integrate the self-learning practices for risk controlling and assessing
before severe consequences (Kaassis and Badri, 2018). The relevance of the act
and the legislation associated with the incorporation of responsibilities and duties
under various circumstances for others as well which includes the landlords, the
licensee as well as others involved with the particular controlling of activities,

equipment, and the premises. The basis of the provision for the act in the workplace
mainly enhances the employers to introduce legal responsibilities related to the
health and safety status of the employees as well as other individuals involved
therein affect those who are undertaking and exposing to the risk as part of the
resultant state. The employees are the important assets of an organization (Ince,
2020). It is thereby necessary for them to induce reasonable care for their health and
promote safety for themselves in the workplace.
The primary legislation that has been introduced as part of British law in England and
Wales involves the health and safety at work act of 1974. File assimilating the
information about this law it is also knowledgeable about other legislations that are
involved and inclusive as the Nuclear Installation Act of 1965 which is one of the
relevant laws presented in England. The relevance to how the act is to deploy the
power towards the State Secretary to make the secondary legislation as part of the
regulation (Umeokafor et al. 2018). The act sets out typical subjective matters based
on which this particular regulation can be ascertained. Thus, the regulation that is
applicable to deliver the details includes the duties highlighted in the HSW act.
Certain duties are expressed as part of the goals or the targets that need to be met
and hence they are expressed as: "so far as is reasonably practicable" or particularly
with controlling of exercise related to "adequate control" or inducing "appropriate"
The main interpretation of the duties that are placed on the employers, as well as the
self-employed individuals, comes under sections 2 and 3 representing the HSW Act.
It can be illustrated with the example as are applicable with the phrase "so far as is
reasonably practicable". It means the proper balancing of the risk with prior
assessment and on-time controlling in association to money and trouble (Smallman
and John, 2001). The controlling measures need to be achieved at a primary level to
avoid gross disproportionate risk. This particular judgment is an important factor in
substantial risk assessment and deliberately informs about the approved code of
practices. Further, the size of a particular business and the financial strength that it
perceives cannot determine the standard relevant to health and safety that need to
be achieved. Thus, the effective employment of these laws can be recognized as
suitable incorporation in the workplace to eliminate unnecessary disturbances and
the work environment and also promote reliability with health and safety measures
for employees and others.

Recommendation and Conclusion
To identify the consequent issues and correlate the results, the necessary health and
safety precautions at the workplace are presented adequately. The distribution of
legislation in the prevailing field is the main contribution to which the general focus of
the study was condemned (Almond and Esbester, 2018). Typical results from the
research have proven considerably the relevance of the rules in UK firms' working
culture and are consciously predicting the role of both employees and employers in
keeping the organization consistent. Followed by a detailed review summary, the
primary priority of the critical assessment is the systematic analysis of prior research,
which simultaneously focuses on the relevance of laws and their applicable influence
on the protection of staff by the UK government. The establishment of the resultant
aspects and the correlation of findings are being engaged with the suitable
presentation of the relevant matters related to health and safety precaution in the
workplace. The distribution of laws in the prevalent matter is the key contribution
predominant to which the overall focus of the study has been condemned. The
typical findings from the study have significantly shown the relevance of the laws in
the work culture of the UK organizations and deliberately predict the role of
employers as well as employees in maintaining consistency within the organization.
Legislation procedures required for safety and health enhancement are evaluated.
The documented evaluation of the management operations that have been reviewed
positively has assisted in the understanding of the relevant objective. The general
comprehension of the legislation has been determined via the successful
engagement of both employee's and employers' perspectives. Relevant laws are
recognized with a conscious discussion of workplace safety issues. The critical
attention on the UK laws has often been acknowledged with its relevance; therefore
critical evaluation is conducted being aware of the safety and health statutory norms
with both demerits and merits.

Reference list
Almond, P. and Esbester, M., 2018. Regulatory inspection and the changing
legitimacy of health and safety. Regulation & Governance, 12(1), pp.46-63.
Almond, P. and Esbester, M., 2018. Regulatory inspection and the changing
legitimacy of health and safety. Regulation & Governance, 12(1), pp.46-63.
Ince, A., Globalisation, labour markets and community in contemporary Britain.
Kaassis, B. and Badri, A., 2018. Development of a preliminary model for evaluating
occupational health and safety risk management maturity in small and medium-sized
enterprises. Safety, 4(1), p.5.
Nurimbetov, R. and Zikriyoev, A., 2019. Modern challenges in health and safety at
construction industry. Бюллетень науки и практики, 5(3), pp.262-271.
O'Neill, M., 2020. The role of frontline managers in the management of workplace
health and safety (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Cross University).
Smallman, C. and John, G., 2001. British directors perspectives on the impact of
health and safety on corporate performance. Safety science, 38(3), pp.227-239.
Swallow, M. and Zulu, S., 2019. Benefits and barriers to the adoption of 4d modeling
for site health and safety management. Frontiers in Built Environment, 4, p.86.
Umeokafor, N.I., Windapo, A.O. and Manu, P., 2018. Country context-based
opportunities for improving health and safety.
Yanar, B., Lay, M. and Smith, P.M., 2019. The interplay between supervisor safety
support and occupational health and safety vulnerability on work injury. Safety and
health at work, 10(2), pp.172-179.
Sirrs, C., 2016. Risk, Responsibility and Robens: The Transformation of the British
System of Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, 1961–1974. Governing Risks
in Modern Britain: Danger, Safety and Accidents, c, 2000, pp.249-276.


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