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OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER ANDHRA PRADESH Ground Floor, 5" Building, A.P. Secretariat, Velagapudi-522238 ‘Memo No 1284/Elecs AIA1/2023-2 Dated:01.01.2024. ‘Sub: Elections - General Election to the House of People (..S) and State Legislative Assemblies of AP., Arunachal Pradesh, Odisha and Sikkim = Guidelines on transferiposting of Officers received from EC ~ ‘Communicated - Reg, Ref: 1.From the ECI, New Delhi Lr.No.437/6/1/INSTIECIFUNCT MCC! 2023, dt. 21.12.2023, 2.From the ECI, New Dethi Lr No.23/2023-ERS (Vol Il), 26.12.2023, "000. ‘The attention of all the Officers noted in the address enty is invited to the reference 1* cited (copy enclosed), 2. The Election Commission of India has communicated the following guidelines towards transferiposting of Officers who are directly connected vith conduct of ‘lection going State/UT as part of their consistent policy in view of upcoming General Election to the House of People (LS) and Siate Legislative Assemblies of AP., ‘Arunachal Pradesh, Oaisha and Sikkim and decided that No officer connected directly with elections shal be allowed to continue in the present District (Revenue District) of posting:- (if sheme is posted in herthis home District. if sheihe has completed three years in that District curing last four (4) years or would be completing 3 years on or before 30" Ju 2024. While calculating the poriod of three years, promotion to a post within the district is to be counted. 3. Many small stalelUT with a fow number of districts, face any dlficuity in Compliance of the above instruction, then itmay refer the specific case with reasons to the Commission through CEO for exemption and the Commission would issue directions, if considered necessary. 4. Applicability: 4.1. District Oficers:- These instructions shall cover not only officers appointed for’ specific election duties Ike DEOs, Dy.DEOs, RO/AROs, EROS/AEROs, Officers appointed as Nodal Officers of any specific election’ works. but also District Officers like ADMs, SDMs, Dy.Collectortloint Collector, Tehsildar, Block Development Officers or any other cfficer of equal rank directly deployed for election works. (Pro) 42. Officers other than District Offcers:- These instructions shall aso cover the officers deputed in Municipal Corporations and Development Authorities, ete 43. Police Officers:- These instructions shall be applicable to the police department officers such as Range ADGsiIGs, DIGs, Commandants of State Armed Police, SSPs, SPs, Addl. SPs, Sub-Divisional Head of Police, SHOs, Inspectors, ‘Sub-Inspector, Ris / Sergeant Majors or equivalent ranks, who are equivalent ranks, \who are responsible for security arrangement or deployment of police forces in the district at election time, The police officials who are posted in functional Departments Tike computerization, special branch, training, etc. are not covered under these instructions. Following shall be followed: () The Police Sub-Inspectors and above should not be posted in their home District (ii) fa Police Sub-inspector has completed or would be completing a tenure of 3 years out of four years on or before the cutoff date in a plice sub- division, then he should be transferred out to a police sub-division which does not fall in the same AC. If that is not possible due to small size of district, the he/she should be transferred out of the District 4a, Prohibition and excise Officers: Further, these instructions shall also be applicable to the officers of the Prohibition and Excise Depariment of the Stato of rank of Sub-Inspector and above, 5. Categories of Officer not covered under transfer policy: During an election, a large number of employees are drafted for different types of ‘lection duty and the Commission has no intention of massive dislocation of state machinery by large scale transfers, Hence, the aforesaid transfer policy is normally ‘ot applicable tothe categories of officers mentioned below. (0 Officers posted inthe State headquarters ofthe department concerned. (i) OfficersiOfficials who are not directly connected with elections like doctors, engineers, teachersiprincipals etc. However, i there are specific complaints of poltical bias or prejudice against any such Gout, officer, which en enquiry, are found to be substantiated, then CEO/EC! may order not only the transfer of Such oficial but also appropriate departmental action against the said officer. (ii) The officers appointed as Sector Oficer/Zonal Magistrate involved in election duties are_not covered under these instructions. However, He observers, (CEOIDEOs and ROs should keep a close watch on their conduct to ensure that they are fair and nonpartisan in the performance oftheir duties. * (Ww) is further directed thatthe officersofficials against whom the Commission had recommended disciplinary action in past and which is pending or which has resulted in a penalty or the officers who have been charged for any apse in any election or election related work inthe past, shall not be assigned any lection related duty. However, an officer who was transferred during any past election under the Commission's order without any recommendation of disciplinary actions wil not be, just on this ground, considered for transfer, Unless specially so directed by the Commission. A copy of the Commission's, instruction No.464/INST/2008-EPS, dt23.12.2008 regarding tracking of names of tainted officers is enclosed. CEOs must ensure its compliance. () The Commission further desires that no officer/official, against whom a criminal case related to official functioning is pending in any court of law, be associated withideployed on election related duly (wi) Any officer, who is due to retire within the coming six months vil be exempted from the purview of the Commission's directions mentioned in para-3. The six ‘months period shall be reckoned backwards from 30.06.2024. Further, officer faling in the category (nome DistricV’3 years+ criteria and due to retire within 66 months) if holding an election related post mentioned in para 6, shall be relioved ofthat charge and not be associated with any election related duty. It is however, reiterated that such retiring officer need not be trensferred out of the District (oi) All the officials of the State (except those posted in the office of the Chief Electoral Officer), who are on extension of service or re-employed in different ‘capacities, will not be associated with any election related work, 6. The transfer orders in respect of officersiofcials, who are engaged in the electoral ols revision work, f any, during an election year shall be implemented only ‘after final publication of the electoral rols, in consultation with the Chief Electoral Officer concerned. In case of any need for transfer due to any extra otinary reasons, prior approval ofthe Commission shall be taken, 7. The Chief Electoral Offcer of the State/UT shall invariably be consulted while posting the persons in place of present incumbents who stand transfered as per the ‘above policy of the Commission. A copy of each ofthe transfer orders issued under these directions shall be given to the Chief Electoral Officer without ia. 8, _Allelection related Officers willbe required to give a declaration in the format siven below to the DEO concerned, who shall inform to CEO accordingly. Contd, te DECLARATION : on fi (Name) pretenly posted from (Date) Do hereby make a solemn declaration, in conection withthe current GeneralBye election to Lok Sabha (Legislative Assembly that (@) Lam not a close relative of any of the contesting candidates inthe curent lection/eading politcal functionary ofthe sateldistrit atthe afresaid election, (6) No criminal cas is pending against me in any court of ta. [Note Ifanewer of (a) or (6) above is "YES" then give full details in a separate set. Dated (ame) Designation Note- Any false declaration made by any officer shall invite appropriate disciplinary actions. 09. All the Departments of the Secretariat are requested to communicate these instructions to all the Heads of Departments under their control with a direction to process the proposals and issue posting orders in the matter in consutation with the Chief Electoral Officer immediately as and when received from the District Election Offcers/Superintendents of Police or any other competent authority and also to ensure that al this exercise shall be completed as early as possible so as to furnish ‘a compliance report to the Commission by last week of January, 2024as desired by the Commission 10. This may be treated as, MOST URGENT. MUKESH KUMAR MEENA CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER & 0, PRL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To All the Departments of Secretariat. (we) ‘The Director General of Police, AP., (w.®) All the Heads of Departments in the State. (w.€.) Allthe Collectors & District election Officers inthe State. (w.e.) All the Superintendents of Police in the State. (w.e) All the Commissioners of Police in the State, (W.0), Copy to: Allthe officers and Sections in G.A. (Elections) Dept. (w.e.) P.S. to Chief Secretary, GoAP, AP. Secretariat P'S to CEO, AP. ‘The SENIOR Principal Secretary, ECI, New Det ‘The Project Manager, SLA O/o. CEO (with request to upload in the CEO website) Srise {FORWARDED :: BY ORDER thoes STON OFFICER x ySpeed Post/E-mall ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA. NIRVACHAN SADAN, ASHOKA ROAD, NEW DELMI-1 10001 ‘We BT FaPATSTTECUFONCTTMCCPIOS SSC at December 2008 to 1, The Ohi Secretaries allthe States and Union Terres 2. The Chit Electoral flees of alte States and Union Terrors Subject General Electons to House of the People (Lok Sabha}, 2024 and State Lepsative Assembles of Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, dsha and Sikkim Transor/Porting of ofcers regarding. Modems, 1am diected to state that the tem of exiting House of the people (Lok Sabha and Sate Lecislative Assembles of Andra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Odsha and Skim ae upto 16* June, 2024, 12° woe, 2024, 24 tue, 2024, 24sue, 2024 and 2 lune, 2024 respectively. 2. The Commission has been folowing 2 consistent policy that officers directly connected with ‘conduct of elections in an election going tate/UT are not posted in thelr home districts or places "where they have served for considera lang period 3. ence the Commision has decides hat ao officer connected directly with elections shall be allows to continue in the present istrict revenue dst] of posting: () she/he s posted in hers home ditt. c If she/he has completed tree yeats a tht ltt during las four (8) years or would be ‘completing 3 years on or before 30" June, 2028 iil ealulting the period of three years, promotion to post within the esti isto ‘be counted 4. Hany smal state/UT with a few numbers of dts, ace any difisy in compliance ofthe above instruction, then i may eer the spec case with reasons tothe Canmission through CEO for ‘exemption and the Commission would issue directions, f considered necessary, 5. Apeleabty 5. District ofc -Mese instruction shal cover not ony officers appointe fr saci election utes the DEDs, Dy. DEOs, RO/AROs, EROS/AEROs, officers appointed a nodal ffcers of any speci lection works but aso district officers tke ADM, SDMs, Dy. Coletr/Jin Clectr, Tesla, Block ‘evelopment ficers or any other affcerof equal rank deci deplove for eestion works 45.2 Officers ther than District Officers - These Instructions shall also cover he officers depute in Muncpal Corporations and Development Authorities, ee 53 ole Officers: These instructions shal be applabe tothe police department officers such as ‘ange ADGS/Gs, OKs, Commandants of State Armed Pobce, SPs, Ss, Adel. Ss, SubDivisional Heng ‘of Polke, SHOs, Inspectors, SubInspecor, Rls / Sergeant Majors or equislent rank, who are responsible for security arrangement or deployment of pois forces inthe ditrictat election time ‘he police officials who are poste in functional departments ike computeration, special branch, traning. etc. ae not covered under thes instroctions. Following shall be fllowe: (i) The Police Subinspectors and above shuld not be posted in their home dtr Ai) tf Police sub-nspecor has complete or would be completing tenure of 3 years out of four years on or before the cutoff date in a police sub-

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