Birdflu Final

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There is a constant risk of bird flu spreading to poultry flocks from

wild birds.This could be devastating to the NI poultry industry. Take
action to protect your birds from catching it.

9 WAYS to avoid
1. Avoid wild and domesticated birds, 6. Cook poultry food thoroughly until
especially birds that appear ill or the juice are clear with a minimum
dead. internal temperature of 74 degrees
2. Avoid small rural areas farms and (165 F). Heat kills avian viruses.
open-air market especially places 7. Wash your hands with alcohol-based
where live poultry are raised or sold. hand sanitizers containing at least
3. Get influenza vaccine where 60% alcohol especially after contact
available. A vaccine shot will help to with poultry foods.
reduce the risk of simultaneous 8. Steer clear of raw eggs, avoid food
infection with bird and human flu containing raw or under cooked eggs
viruses. because eggshells are often
4. Avoid cross-contamination of utensils contaminated with bird droppings
and surfaces which have come in 9. Avoid close contact with family
contact with raw poultry or poultry members diagnosed or who have
droppings. been or suspected to be exposed to
5. Report health related cases or any flu avain influenza viruses.
like symptoms.

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