CE212-Part II - Hydraulic Machinery - Impulse Momentum

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Hydraulic Machinery

• Impulse Momentum Equation Chapter #6

• Forces on Moving Flat and Curved Vanes

• Impulse and Reaction Turbines

• Specific Speed
• Characteristics Curves Chapter #16
• Cavitation and Draft Tube
• Governing of Turbines, Turbine Efficiencies

• Centrifugal Pumps
• Classification, Specific Speed Chapter #15
• Characteristic Curves and Cavitation
Impulse Momentum Equation
• Consider the general flow, may be compressible or incompressible,
real (with friction) or ideal (friction-less), steady or unsteady.

d (m V ) S
• IME is derived from Newton’s Second Law.
F 

“The sum of the external forces F on a body of fluid system S is equal

to rate of change of linear momentum mV of that body or system.”

Impulse Equals change of Momentum  F dt  d (m V) S

Out In
d XS d X CV d X CV d X CV
RTT for the general property X   
dt dt dt dt
RTT for the linear momentum is
d (m V ) S d (m V)CV d (m V)Out d ( m V ) In
  CV
 CV
dt dt dt dt
Using Newton’s Law for Unsteady Flow, the previous equation IME
d (m V)CV d (m V)Out d ( m V ) In

F 


On the RHS, the 1st term represents the rate of change of momentum or
accumulation of momentum within the fixed control volume, whereas the
2nd and 3rd terms respectively represent the rates at which momentum enters
and leaves the control volume.

“The resultant force acting on a fluid mass is equal to the rate of

change of momentum of the fluid mass.”
In case of Steady Flow, condition within the control volume do not
change, so d(mV)cv/dt = 0, the equation becomes
d (m V)Out d ( m V ) In

F  dt

For steady flow, the net force on the fluid mass is equal to the net
rate of outflow momentum across the control surface.
Sine, the previous equations are in vector form, we can also express
them as scalar quantities in terms of forces and velocities in the x, y
and z directions, respectively.

Consider a control volume section where the control surface is

normal to the velocity where it cuts the flow.

d (m V)1 d m1
 V1  m 1 V1  1 Q1 V1
dt dt
Similarly for section 2.
We can rite Equation #2 as:

F   2 V2  m
m  1 V1 F  2 Q2 V2  1 Q1 V1

From Steady Continuity 1  m

m   1 Q1  2 Q2   Q
2  m

Last Equation becomes

F   (V)   Q (V)   Q (V2  V41 )
F   (V)   Q (V)   Q (V2  V1 ) 3
The ΣF represents the vectorial summation of all forces acting on the fluid
mass in the CV, including gravity forces, shear forces and pressure forces
including those exerted by fluid surrounding the fluid mass under
consideration as well as the pressure forces exerted by the solid boundaries
in contact with the fluid mass.
Since Equation #3 is vectorial, we can express it by the following scalar
(components) equations:

F x   (Vx )   Q (Vx )   Q (V2 x  V1x )


F y   (Vy )   Q (Vy )   Q (V2 y  V1 y )


F z   (Vz )   Q (Vz )   Q (V2 z  V1z )


The great advantage of the Momentum Principle is that we need not

know the details of what is occurring within the flow’ only the
conditions at the end sections of the CV govern the analysis. 5
Problem #6.2
Water flows through the double nozzle as shown in Figure. Determine the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force the water exerts on the
nozzle. The velocity of both nozzle jets is 12 m/s. The axes of the pipe and
both nozzles lie in a horizontal plane. Neglect friction. γ = 9.81 kN/m3.

d1 = 15 cm V1 = ?
d2 = 10 cm V2 = 12 m/s
d3 = 7.5 cm V3 = 12 m/s
Continuity: A1 V1 = A2 V2 + A3 V3
V1 = 8.33 m/s
Q1 = 0.1473 m3/s
Q2 = 0.0942 m3/s
Q3 = 0.0530 m3/s
Jets 2 and 3 are free in the atmosphere,
so p2 = p3 = 0, p1 = ? 6
Writing Energy Equation along a stream line for Section #1 and #2

p1/γ = 3.8 m p1 = 37.3 kN/m2 p1 A1 = 0.659 kN

Applying Impulse Momentum Equation
F x  p1 A1  Fx  (  Q2 V2 x   Q3V3 x )   Q1V1x

p1 A1  Fx  (  Q2 V2 Cos15o   Q3V3 Cos30o )   Q1V1

Fx = 0.242 kN ←

F y  0  0  Fy  (  Q2 V2 y   Q3V3 y )   Q1V1 y
Fy  (  Q2 V2 Sin 15o   Q3V3 Sin 30o )   Q1V1

Fy = 0.027 kN ↓
Equal and Opposite to Fx and Fy are:
(FL/N)x = 0.242 kN →
FL/N = 0.243 kN at 5.90o CCW7
(FL/N)y = 0.027 kN ↑
Pressure due to Jet of Water on Fixed Flat Inclined Plate

Pressure due to Jet of Water on Moving Flat Plates
• Consider a jet of water impinging normally on a plate and as a result of the
impact of jet the plate move in the direction of the jet as shown in Figure.
Let, V = velocity of jet
a = cross-sectional area of the jet
v = velocity of the plate as a result of the impact of jet
• The relative velocity of the jet with respect to the
plate is (V – v) i.e. the velocity at which the jet strikes the plate.
• Let us assume that the plate is fixed and the jet is moving with a velocity of
(V – v), therefore, force exerted by the jet,
F =  a(V – v)/g x [(V – v) – 0)]
F =  a(V – v)2/g
• This would not be possible in practice as there would be continually
lengthening jet.
• Now, consider a continuous series of plates at a fixed distance apart
radially around the circumference of a large wheel and all moving in the
same direction as the jet with a velocity of v as shown above, the force of
jet on the moving plates is,
F =  aV/g x (V – v)
Force Exerted on a Stationary Vane or Blade
• To start the analysis force on stationary vane is considered.
• Here the direction of the velocity is changed.
• There is negligible change in the magnitude.
• Pressure forces are equal both at inlet and outlet.
• The flow is assumed to occur in the horizontal plane.

Force along x direction by the blade on fluid, with the assumed direction :
Assuming V2 = V1 as no other energy transfer occurs,

 Fx   Q (V2 Cos  V1 ) Fy   Q (V2 Sin  V1 )

Pressure on Fixed Curved Plates
• Consider a jet of water entering and leaving a fixed
unsymmetrical curved vane tangentially as shown. Vsinβ
Let V = Velocity of the jet in m/s, and
a = Cross-sectional area of the jet in m2
α = inlet angle of the jet Vcosα
β = outlet angle of the jet
ab = normal at the center of the vane
• It is clear that the vane deflects the jet through an angle 180 – (α + β).
• The velocity of jet is not changed in magnitude while flowing over the vane
(if plate is smooth, no energy loss) but only the direction is changed.
• This force may be determined by finding out the components of the force
along and perpendicular to ab (normal to the vane).
• We know that the force of the jet along ab (i.e. normal force),
Fn = Mass of water flowing per second x Change of velocity along normal
to the vane
Fn =  aV / g [V cosα – (-V cosβ)] =  aV/g (V cosα + V cosβ)
• Similarly, force of the jet perpendicular to ab (i.e. tangential force)
Ft =  aV/g (V sinα - V sinβ)

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